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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Same writer?

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As I think as Madeline has found, there is a difference between what the investigators said they had as evidence, and what they could prove was evidence. When the R's lawyer asked to see the report on the fibres, they could not/would not produce it. So if there were any fibres found that in any way resembled anything belonging to either parent is pure speculation.

Prosecutors NEVER would provide that information to defense lawyers unless their clients were arrested/indicted. THEN they have to show the defense what they have. But not before that. The Rs and their defense were given far too much information already. They were allowed access to previous testimonies, which is NEVER done (except in Boulder).
Sure, LE can say things that are not accurate. Done all the time (not sure I agree with it) but as far as anyone providing official proof of the results of any tests done on evidence in this case, NONE of us will se that. All we have are the words of LE as far as what they have in evidence, and the autopsy report (which we are led to believe is complete but which may actually have notations or parts which were not released to the public).
Prosecutors NEVER would provide that information to defense lawyers unless their clients were arrested/indicted. THEN they have to show the defense what they have. But not before that.

It's not just that. LW's not even a defense lawyer. He's a litigation attorney. He's even farther down the ladder.

The Rs and their defense were given far too much information already. They were allowed access to previous testimonies, which is NEVER done (except in Boulder).

That's probably what the interviewers were thinking, DD.
Pretty close, anyway.
Fang, even if that did happen--and I have no reason to believe that it did--it just doesn't hack it. That story might explain fibers that were ON the cord, but not tied INTO the knots along with JB's hair.

They came from her hair which was covered with fibers from Patsy? Not so tough.

So how did the fibers work their way in? Moreover, it wouldn't explain how her fibers got onto the duct tape, the white blanket JB was wrapped in and in the paint tray--all of which remained downstairs in the basement, where PR claimed she had not been. They'd have to float down the stairs, down a hallway and around several corners.

It would require magic.

Have you ever swept a given space and realized it wasn't necessary. The area was pretty clean it seemed, only to have a shaft of light cross the room from a new angle? The amount of debris floating through the air is astounding from this vantage point. Do you think the fibers could have been airborne throughout the house and landed on and mixed with these items?
They came from her hair which was covered with fibers from Patsy? Not so tough.

EXCEPT that I've never heard of any fibers being IN JB's hair. Moreover, if that were the case, don't you think the Rs would have SAID that?

Do you think the fibers could have been airborne throughout the house and landed on and mixed with these items?

Quite frankly, no I do not, for the very reasons I gave you. Look, it's one thing for ME to say it. It's another thing for an experienced prosecutor to use the words "flat-out magic."
EXCEPT that I've never heard of any fibers being IN JB's hair. Moreover, if that were the case, don't you think the Rs would have SAID that?

Quite frankly, no I do not, for the very reasons I gave you. Look, it's one thing for ME to say it. It's another thing for an experienced prosecutor to use the words "flat-out magic."

Hi SD.

At that point in time, when your perspective was IDI, how did you consider the fiber evidence? as innocent transfer, did your interpretation of the term "consistent with" allow for other considerations?
Hi SD.

At that point in time, when your perspective was IDI, how did you consider the fiber evidence? as innocent transfer, did your interpretation of the term "consistent with" allow for other considerations?

It's not really a fair comparison, Tadpole. I didn't know as much then as I do now. So, with that qualifier in mind, yes, I'd have to say that I didn't put much stock in it.

I will say this: even if there are any number of clothing items that could be called "consistent with," there's only ONE that we know was there that night and the owner can't account for them without digger herself deeper.
There were some green artificial "needles" (from Christmas decorations) that were found in JB's hair. The Rs had artificial trees in almost every room (the house had been featured on a Holiday House Tour that month). There were also artificial garlands wrapped around the bannisters, including the spiral stairs leading to the basement. The wineceller was used to store the artificial trees, so that room had been filled with fake pine greenery before December.
Forensic analysis, similar to what was done with the tape and Sharpie ink, could have been done on the needles to see which tree or garland they matched. Then we'd at least know if she was carried down the stairs to the basement, or if they got in her hair from being on the floor in the basement or wineceller. But I doubt that was done. Yet another investigative blunder.
There were some green artificial "needles" (from Christmas decorations) that were found in JB's hair. The Rs had artificial trees in almost every room (the house had been featured on a Holiday House Tour that month). There were also artificial garlands wrapped around the bannisters, including the spiral stairs leading to the basement. The wineceller was used to store the artificial trees, so that room had been filled with fake pine greenery before December.
Forensic analysis, similar to what was done with the tape and Sharpie ink, could have been done on the needles to see which tree or garland they matched. Then we'd at least know if she was carried down the stairs to the basement, or if they got in her hair from being on the floor in the basement or wineceller. But I doubt that was done. Yet another investigative blunder.

True, but I'm not sure what the source of artificial Christmas tree needles would have added to this investigation? Unless of course, they weren't sourced to her home, any of the places visited, or any other children who came from other houses, that day.
Same writer?Don't analyse,what does your first instinct tell you?


Two different pens used thickness is different.

Square type writing however in thicker sample the squareness is more obvious.

The corners especially on the bottom left side are quite different. The loop is somewhat similar but still different.

With one letter to compare I say not enough similarities to rule in or out.
Same writer, IMO. The writing is very unique and unusual (just seeing the e and the q that looks like a little 8 that I have seen previously). I have never seen anyone write like that either... again very unique.
True, but I'm not sure what the source of artificial Christmas tree needles would have added to this investigation? Unless of course, they weren't sourced to her home, any of the places visited, or any other children who came from other houses, that day.

If the needles from her hair had been tested against the artificial greens on the wineceller floor that would add nothing because we KNOW she was in there on the floor.
But if it matched the garland wound around the rail on the staircase, it would give more credibility to the theory that she was carried (possibly unconscious or even dead) down those stairs.
So that would suggest that the events leading up to her death could have taken place in other areas of the home. As it is now, some theories place her not only alive, but standing in the basement before her death.
I personally believe she was killed in the basement, drawing her last breath on the basement carpet in the spot where the urine stains were found.
I can't say for sure that she was knocked out somewhere else, but she certainly could have been, and the artificial needles in her hair could have given that more weight.
But I feel the garrote was made on her neck in the basement and that is where she died.
Same writer, IMO. The writing is very unique and unusual (just seeing the e and the q that looks like a little 8 that I have seen previously). I have never seen anyone write like that either... again very unique.

I would call it almost block style lettering. The writer however does curve the loop where the other sample is very triangular in shape.

Block lettering would be the easiest style to copy as well that is why I can't conclude on this one sample.

All of her paintings are signed so there are many samples of the letters of her name.

If you can blow them up maybe? I don't know how to save it and make the resolution high enough to to see it. We would will have more samples of her writing. At a time when she is under no pressure and it is more natural.
I have read she was disguising her writing.
Pretty close, anyway.
Fang, even if that did happen--and I have no reason to believe that it did--it just doesn't hack it. That story might explain fibers that were ON the cord, but not tied INTO the knots along with JB's hair.

I have read that no fibers were found in the knot.

They came from her hair which was covered with fibers from Patsy? Not so tough.

So how did the fibers work their way in? Moreover, it wouldn't explain how her fibers got onto the duct tape, the white blanket JB was wrapped in and in the paint tray--all of which remained downstairs in the basement, where PR claimed she had not been. They'd have to float down the stairs, down a hallway and around several corners.

It would require magic.

Have you ever swept a given space and realized it wasn't necessary. The area was pretty clean it seemed, only to have a shaft of light cross the room from a new angle? The amount of debris floating through the air is astounding from this vantage point. Do you think the fibers could have been airborne throughout the house and landed on and mixed with these items?

Your A/C unit has a filter on it for a reason, to catch all those fibers and dust that is sucked in through the return air. The hi-tech HEPA with UV combined systems were not in use and depending on how often they changed their filters most fibers from clothes you have on are going to stick to the areas you visited. Even with a hi tech unit I have dog hair and dust bunnies. They are heavier than dust and tend to settle on surfaces instead of getting sucked up and airborne.

The simplest answer is the blanket, Patsy said it was her favorite and on her bed. I heard it had recently been dried as static cling was still on it. Patsy certainly dressed JB for the party and may have even had it on in her bedroom while doing so. Patsy could have removed the blanket from the dyer while wearing the sweater and you have another possibility of transfer. If Patsy checked on her and covered her up while wearing the jacket she would transfer fibers. If an IDI picks up JB and the blanket he gets Patsy's fibers on himself. He carries her fibers to the basement on the blanket. He transfers them to tray when he gets paint brush. He transfers them to duct tape when he is pulling off a piece. If wearing gloves he picked up fibers more readily than his bare hands would have.

I have asked but no one has answered as to why all the fibers supposedly found belonging to Patsy are red. Her jacket was black, gray ,and red. Did she shed only red fibers? Are all three colors found in the paint tray. Blanket?


Your A/C unit has a filter on it for a reason, to catch all those fibers and dust that is sucked in through the return air. The hi-tech HEPA with UV combined systems were not in use and depending on how often they changed their filters most fibers from clothes you have on are going to stick to the areas you visited. Even with a hi tech unit I have dog hair and dust bunnies. They are heavier than dust and tend to settle on surfaces instead of getting sucked up and airborne.

The simplest answer is the blanket, Patsy said it was her favorite and on her bed. I heard it had recently been dried as static cling was still on it. Patsy certainly dressed JB for the party and may have even had it on in her bedroom while doing so. Patsy could have removed the blanket from the dyer while wearing the sweater and you have another possibility of transfer. If Patsy checked on her and covered her up while wearing the jacket she would transfer fibers. If an IDI picks up JB and the blanket he gets Patsy's fibers on himself. He carries her fibers to the basement on the blanket. He transfers them to tray when he gets paint brush. He transfers them to duct tape when he is pulling off a piece. If wearing gloves he picked up fibers more readily than his bare hands would have.

I have asked but no one has answered as to why all the fibers supposedly found belonging to Patsy are red. Her jacket was black, gray ,and red. Did she shed only red fibers? Are all three colors found in the paint tray. Blanket?


Your question has been answered repeatedly, by myself and others. Maybe you aren't satisfied with the answer. Patsy was wearing on Christmas Day (and the next day) a solid RED sweater under a jacket that was red/black/gray. If the fibers were from the red sweater, that is the answer because that sweater is ONLY red. If the fibers are from the jacket, that fabric is woven of red, black, and gray yarns. Different color fibers may shed at different rates, just as dye lots are variable.
Thats not a heart in JBR hand! Am I the only one that didn't know this? I was googling various things and found myself in FFJ, they had photo's I had never seen. For those that have never seen them either I'll include the link.

The hand photo.. [ame=""]Autopsy photos: CAUTION GRAPHIC - Forums For Justice[/ame]

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Its not a heart and it does not look like its drawn. It looks like its scratched on or burned on.

Sorry to open an old thread, but I didn't know where to put this and here seemed right.
Thats not a heart in JBR hand! Am I the only one that didn't know this? I was googling various things and found myself in FFJ, they had photo's I had never seen. For those that have never seen them either I'll include the link.

The hand photo.. Autopsy photos: CAUTION GRAPHIC - Forums For Justice

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Its not a heart and it does not look like its drawn. It looks like its scratched on or burned on.

Sorry to open an old thread, but I didn't know where to put this and here seemed right.

I certainly hope that the coroner would know the difference between a scratch or burn mark and ink. But, then again...we are talking about someone that didn't even use different clippers to clip JB's fingernails. I always thought that it look like a smiley face...and not a heart. I do believe that it is ink though.
Your probably right, but isnt that a blister on the pad of her thumb?

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