Skinner - Verified Friend of Mark Sievers - Q & A thread

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What you seem not to grasp is I own this forum and I make the rules.

No More Mention of Religion unless it has to do with the case. Accusing someone of committing a "Sin" is a religious reference. Not allowed unless directly connected to the case.

If you continue to argue with the mods or me (also against the rules) you will leave me no choice but to ban you.

I have bent over backwards for you and you have been rude and difficult. All you need to do is follow the rules.

For the record, it's not a religious discussion to use words which have meaning.

Sin - noun

1.transgression of divine law:the sin of Adam.

2.any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willful ordeliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.

3.any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, etc.; greatfault or offense:It's a sin to waste time.

verb (used without object), sinned, commit a sinful act. offend against a principle, standard, etc.

So, Tricia, while you for some reason do not like the word, it's an appropriate word, with meaning, that has merit in the activities/behaviors of people (we do qualify as people on this website) in their writings about others.

The word has meaning and I used it in its rightful sense.
Of course I am sure. It was my invention.

And I do not remember if it was you, or someone else, who was so sure that anybody working on a patent would have their name associated with the documentation. Well, you (or the other) were wrong.

I was, am, the sole owner of the invention.

An application was filed but then what? No followthrough?
I hope Skinner continues to post as he has information that is interesting.
I hope Skinner continues to post as he has information that is interesting.

If he posts interesting information I think things will be just fine.
An application was filed but then what? No follow through?

This site and topic is not, nor should be, about me. But to answer your question, after 8 long years (patent decisions are supposed to be made in roughly 14 months), my application was denied a second time on a likewise bogus reason by the examiner.

The first denial, almost 4 years after application, was denied on faulty grounds due to the examiner relying on another patent application which was filed several months AFTER mine. So my law firm filed an appeal on that ground and the usual course of action is for the examiner to say, "Ooops. You're right. Sorry. My mistake. Here is your patent and certification thereof."

Not so in my case. She went on a witch hunt, taking another 4 years, to find a buzz word (i.e. language) in which the patent she now brought up, had absolutely nothing to do with my invention, in any way shape or form. But by uniting a different patent concept using a buzz word from that application, she said that you could take two different existing patent ideas and come up with my idea, and so REJECTED again.

I kid you not. I tell people, it would be like inventing an actual teletransporter like used in Star Trek, and the examiner rejecting the invention because the concept had been shown in movies and TV series.

Can you imagine such a thing? You actually invent something that can teletransport an object from one location to another, but the patent is rejected because it was referred to in a book or movie.

Except my Star Trek example is not even as egregious as what happened in my case. The buzz word from the 2nd patent, was not related in any way to my invention. It just used a common word, that I was using to describe my invention.

= = = =

I had my idea in the mid-1980's, prior to the advent of the world wide web (www) protocol. The www protocol came about in 1990. I continued to develop my idea on paper and add flow charts and blueprints. By the late 1990's, nobody on the web was doing what my invention was to do.

I had basic computer programming skills, but not the type of skill necessary to bring my application to life on the internet. Few did, nor do.

When Wayne saw my flow charts and blueprint for the idea, he said "Wow. I think you're really onto something here." And he loved the challenge of bringing it to life. Even to this day, my invention remains state-of-the-art, and is not being done properly by companies, who still do not understand the proper ideas, nor the technology that should be in place to give them great profits and super customer service.

So I contracted with Wayne and his partner's company to bring my invention to life, but in the contract I was sole owner with all rights. That is why Wayne's name does not show up in the Patent search, and why the idea that somebody working on a patent will have their name on the application process, is simply not true.
Skinner, I'm interested in Ronnie Bolin's disappearance. He was about your age, if I calculated correctly, and I wonder if you knew him at church as WW and MS did. If not, were you aware of his disappearance at the time because MS knew him? What stories did you hear about WW's possible involvement and what did you think? I realize the only thing in common with the Siever murder may be WW, but that is significant to me. Thanks.
Skinner, I'm interested in Ronnie Bolin's disappearance. He was about your age, if I calculated correctly, and I wonder if you knew him at church as WW and MS did. If not, were you aware of his disappearance at the time because MS knew him? What stories did you hear about WW's possible involvement and what did you think? I realize the only thing in common with the Siever murder may be WW, but that is significant to me. Thanks.

I never heard of him until Naples News reporter brought it to light. That reporter is quite a sharp gal and is to be credited with lighting a fire under the St. Louis Post Dispatch newspaper, which does NOT have world-class reporting and journalism. But this gal from Naples News, is a good writer and researcher.

'Not sure if she would want to be getting Email requests about this case, without knowing you personally, but she might give you something. It never hurts to ask, right? :)
This site and topic is not, nor should be, about me. But to answer your question, after 8 long years (patent decisions are supposed to be made in roughly 14 months), my application was denied a second time on a likewise bogus reason by the examiner.

The first denial, almost 4 years after application, was denied on faulty grounds due to the examiner relying on another patent application which was filed several months AFTER mine. So my law firm filed an appeal on that ground and the usual course of action is for the examiner to say, "Ooops. You're right. Sorry. My mistake. Here is your patent and certification thereof."

Not so in my case. She went on a witch hunt, taking another 4 years, to find a buzz word (i.e. language) in which the patent she now brought up, had absolutely nothing to do with my invention, in any way shape or form. But by uniting a different patent concept using a buzz word from that application, she said that you could take two different existing patent ideas and come up with my idea, and so REJECTED again.

I kid you not. I tell people, it would be like inventing an actual teletransporter like used in Star Trek, and the examiner rejecting the invention because the concept had been shown in movies and TV series.

Can you imagine such a thing? You actually invent something that can teletransport an object from one location to another, but the patent is rejected because it was referred to in a book or movie.

Except my Star Trek example is not even as egregious as what happened in my case. The buzz word from the 2nd patent, was not related in any way to my invention. It just used a common word, that I was using to describe my invention.

= = = =

I had my idea in the mid-1980's, prior to the advent of the world wide web (www) protocol. The www protocol came about in 1990. I continued to develop my idea on paper and add flow charts and blueprints. By the late 1990's, nobody on the web was doing what my invention was to do.

I had basic computer programming skills, but not the type of skill necessary to bring my application to life on the internet. Few did, nor do.

When Wayne saw my flow charts and blueprint for the idea, he said "Wow. I think you're really onto something here." And he loved the challenge of bringing it to life. Even to this day, my invention remains state-of-the-art, and is not being done properly by companies, who still do not understand the proper ideas, nor the technology that should be in place to give them great profits and super customer service.
So I contracted with Wayne and his partner's company to bring my invention to life, but in the contract I was sole owner with all rights. That is why Wayne's name does not show up in the Patent search, and why the idea that somebody working on a patent will have their name on the application process, is simply not true.

Well, did CWW 'bring it to life' using it on Dr. Sievers computers to create 'super customer service and great profits'? This is your intellectual property, isn't it? Could it be used without your knowledge? Also, did it have anything to do with the sale of vitamins and/or treatments or just sales of generally anything?

ETA: With CWW's name not being on your invention and you owning sole rights, what was in it for him? Flat fee?

You can see from both those photos, that Mark is taller than JR.

People seemed to doubt what I said in a different thread about Mark being taller than Wayne. See the height of Wayne in his mug shot is 5'7".

Here, JR is just shy of 6' tall. In the photo of the two of them by the tree, you can see that Mark is taller than JR.

Are you confirming that this is indeed JR?
I tried the patent number. Did not work for me, but I don't know what I am doing.

Anyone else have luck?

Skinner, thanks for supplying the patent application number. My search returned the following:

Searching PGPUB Full-Text Database...
Results of Search in PGPUB Full-Text Database db for:
APN/09794289: 0 applications.

No application publications have matched your query
Refine Search


Perhaps there is another identifying number you can provide as I am thinking it may be related to the date. The particular search field says it only goes back to 2001.
Skinner, thanks for supplying the patent application number. My search returned the following:

Searching PGPUB Full-Text Database...
Results of Search in PGPUB Full-Text Database db for:
APN/09794289: 0 applications.

No application publications have matched your query
Refine Search


Perhaps there is another identifying number you can provide as I am thinking it may be related to the date. The particular search field says it only goes back to 2001.

ETA: On second thought, maybe you should not provide the information as it would reveal your identity.
This site and topic is not, nor should be, about me. But to answer your question, after 8 long years (patent decisions are supposed to be made in roughly 14 months), my application was denied a second time on a likewise bogus reason by the examiner.

The first denial, almost 4 years after application, was denied on faulty grounds due to the examiner relying on another patent application which was filed several months AFTER mine. So my law firm filed an appeal on that ground and the usual course of action is for the examiner to say, "Ooops. You're right. Sorry. My mistake. Here is your patent and certification thereof."

Not so in my case. She went on a witch hunt, taking another 4 years, to find a buzz word (i.e. language) in which the patent she now brought up, had absolutely nothing to do with my invention, in any way shape or form. But by uniting a different patent concept using a buzz word from that application, she said that you could take two different existing patent ideas and come up with my idea, and so REJECTED again.

I kid you not. I tell people, it would be like inventing an actual teletransporter like used in Star Trek, and the examiner rejecting the invention because the concept had been shown in movies and TV series.

Can you imagine such a thing? You actually invent something that can teletransport an object from one location to another, but the patent is rejected because it was referred to in a book or movie.

Except my Star Trek example is not even as egregious as what happened in my case. The buzz word from the 2nd patent, was not related in any way to my invention. It just used a common word, that I was using to describe my invention.

= = = =

I had my idea in the mid-1980's, prior to the advent of the world wide web (www) protocol. The www protocol came about in 1990. I continued to develop my idea on paper and add flow charts and blueprints. By the late 1990's, nobody on the web was doing what my invention was to do.

I had basic computer programming skills, but not the type of skill necessary to bring my application to life on the internet. Few did, nor do.

When Wayne saw my flow charts and blueprint for the idea, he said "Wow. I think you're really onto something here." And he loved the challenge of bringing it to life. Even to this day, my invention remains state-of-the-art, and is not being done properly by companies, who still do not understand the proper ideas, nor the technology that should be in place to give them great profits and super customer service.

So I contracted with Wayne and his partner's company to bring my invention to life, but in the contract I was sole owner with all rights. That is why Wayne's name does not show up in the Patent search, and why the idea that somebody working on a patent will have their name on the application process, is simply not true.


Thank you for explaining what happened, and I hope you are still trying to pursue your invention. And, thank you for posting your point of view on things. I have suspected strongly that MS is behind the murder of his wife, but hearing all points of view is very helpful :).
From the Skinner thread, Post #61:

And MS father had been a veterinarian (pet doctor) and in his late 50's decided to go back to Med School and get his M.D., and in his 3rd year of internship at a hospital, just before being released to become a legal practicing doctor, got pancreas cancer (like the actor Michael Landon got) and there is zero cure for that. Tragic. He died in his late 50's, about 1991, and MS was so proud of his dad. And MS inherited a bunch, many, guns and gun safes from his dad.

MS's father was successful, so obviously, MS did not grow up poor. In Skinner's words, MS inherited a bunch. To me this means that at some point he had a lot of his own money. This makes it even more confusing to me why he would continue to maintain a friendship with CWW. I can understand a childhood friendship, but after adulthood, I can't see how they would have anything in common. As an adult CWW started practicing criminal behavior (drugs, stealing computers etc...). As an adult MS married a successful doctor, inherited a lot of money, and managed a very successful practice. I've often wondered what bonded these total opposites together after their life paths took such different directions. This relationship must have served both in some huge way. I think if we could ever figure out that bond, we would know why TS was murdered.
From the Skinner thread, Post #61:

And MS father had been a veterinarian (pet doctor) and in his late 50's decided to go back to Med School and get his M.D., and in his 3rd year of internship at a hospital, just before being released to become a legal practicing doctor, got pancreas cancer (like the actor Michael Landon got) and there is zero cure for that. Tragic. He died in his late 50's, about 1991, and MS was so proud of his dad. And MS inherited a bunch, many, guns and gun safes from his dad.

MS's father was successful, so obviously, MS did not grow up poor. In Skinner's words, MS inherited a bunch. To me this means that at some point he had a lot of his own money. This makes it even more confusing to me why he would continue to maintain a friendship with CWW. I can understand a childhood friendship, but after adulthood, I can't see how they would have anything in common. As an adult CWW started practicing criminal behavior (drugs, stealing computers etc...). As an adult MS married a successful doctor, inherited a lot of money, and managed a very successful practice. I've often wondered what bonded these total opposites together after their life paths took such different directions. This relationship must have served both in some huge way. I think if we could ever figure out that bond, we would know why TS was murdered.

Interesting. .. I had interpreted that as "ms inherited a bunch of guns," not money.

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Interesting. .. I had interpreted that as "ms inherited a bunch of guns," not money.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

As did I. Are we sure that MS inherited money as well? Or is this speculation or the telephone game at work, I wonder?
It is interesting that CWW is defended so intensely.

MS loves him like a bro.

Skinner is very impressed with him.

I wonder what he has that is so attractive in that he is a POI in one murder, wouldn't pay back money on a car to RB, was into meth and has lots of other charges,and is arrested for a brutal murder.

I don't understand the charm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the theory now is that CWW might have killed RB because he didn't pay back CWW. CWW loaned money to RB, and expected to get paid back. When that didn't happen, RB disappeared.

I interpreted it to mean he inherited a bunch of money, many guns and gun safes. Maybe Skinner can clarify.

To Skinner: Did MS inherit a lot of money, in addition to the guns and safes, when his father died?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the theory now is that CWW might have killed RB because he didn't pay back CWW. CWW loaned money to RB, and expected to get paid back. When that didn't happen, RB disappeared.


CWW owed RB money, if I'm not mistaken. RB loaned him money to buy a car. He threatened to "spill the beans" if he wasn't repaid.
As did I. Are we sure that MS inherited money as well? Or is this speculation or the telephone game at work, I wonder?

It may be. Also a "bunch" is relative. To some a "bunch" may be $25,000. To others, a "bunch" could mean $250,000 or $2.5 million.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the theory now is that CWW might have killed RB because he didn't pay back CWW. CWW loaned money to RB, and expected to get paid back. When that didn't happen, RB disappeared.


I thought there was also spec that RB was about to expose something that CWW was doing (I think having to do with stealing computers or something like that--it was in one of the articles posted here).

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