Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #14

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Not sure if we have this info here.. I found It searching the good-ole-web so It is public information. I f you think it should be removed let me know & I'll delete it.....

Role Number Info
Click here: role number info
2007hello my name is Linda Placker and I was trying to find out if you can tell me if this my families role number when i lived in oklahoma city oklahoma my indian advicer gave this number to my mom and told her it was our role number so can you see if you can help me out some the role number is xxxxx
it should belong to Nora Lee Moore or Amos Elick Drennan or Lucinda Morgan .. and my mothers names is Vicky Ann Paschal--Placker.. thank you very much ..
We believe the number is more likely Nora Lee Moore ..
my great grandmother Nora Lee Moore was cherokee and and my great grandfather was creek and irish.. My mother rembers her grandmother Nora Lee Moore getting her commoties when she was a child and her mother as well .. how else can we find out role numer if this is not it.... Or is it possible that the role number may be long to my other grandmother or grandfather sarah louida clanton or carl lee paschal .. Sarah was cherokee and carl was part comanchee.. thank you for your time and help my family and I realy do appreciate it alot ...
Linda Kaye Placker & Vicky Ann Paschal PLacker

I find this clue viable as well. Did Jessica Brown look into this?
They said the POI had a ponytail stretching to the small of his back. Now, this is one long ponytail and would probably go below his waist if not tied back. There can't be that many male Indians around the area with hair that long. It would take years to get it to that length. Maybe they should concentrate on looking for someone with hair that length instead of relying on the drawing exclusively.
LOL Let me see...I have dated about four NA males with hair down to or passed the small of their back. Now, all the NA males that I know with hair that long...I would have to say that I cannot count them easily. It doesn't take as long as you would think actually, but most of them have kept their hair this long for many, many years. This is one reason I do not believe the man in the sketch has cut his hair.

I would love to take you to a Pow Wow sometime so you could see for yourself. We could even go to the 86 afterwards. LMAO Good times! << For those of you who do not know what a Pow Wow is.
KR2..Absolutely spot on. Thanks for bringing this forward. We were speculating based on facts regarding the Banditos. Easy for a broke convict to be hired to pay some dues for the Banditos.

Sad to say, but makes the most sense to me.

I feel like a broken record I keep bringing this up because in mind it is the only thing that clicks..but that is because we all are not psycho
LOL Let me see...I have dated about four NA males with hair down to or passed the small of their back. Now, all the NA males that I know with hair that long...I would have to say that I cannot count them easily. It doesn't take as long as you would think actually, but most of them have kept their hair this long for many, many years. This is one reason I do not believe the man in the sketch has cut his hair.

I would love to take you to a Pow Wow sometime so you could see for yourself. We could even go to the 86 afterwards. LMAO Good times! << For those of you who do not know what a Pow Wow is.

Hey, I grew up in Comanche County and as teens, we used to go to the pow wows at Anadarko and stomp around in circles with the Indians. I don't know whether they appreciated us or not, but they at least tolerated us. Most of the Indians lived on the reservation but came into town on the weekends. Some of the older Indian men kept their hair in long braids, but most of the younger ones kept their hair cut. They had their own schools and medical facilities but some of them lived in town and went to the city schools.

What is the 86? Local joint?
KR2..Absolutely spot on. Thanks for bringing this forward. We were speculating based on facts regarding the Banditos. Easy for a broke convict to be hired to pay some dues for the Banditos.

Sad to say, but makes the most sense to me.

I feel like a broken record I keep bringing this up because in mind it is the only thing that clicks..but that is because we all are not psycho

I agree! And I don't think it would necessarily be a broke convict. Based on what I've read about the Bandidos, it could very well be a full-fledged member whose job it is to protect the business interests (such as they are) of the gang.
YD, I lean towards this as well. Pay back, is what these murders read to me.
I think so too, KR. It was like an execution. Multiple shots into both victims. They wanted to make SURE those children were dead. I also think someone in one of the families may know who and why it was done........just my opinion.
MANY MANY Native American men in OK with hair that long, 10,000 would not be an excessive estimate - ALL "traditional" men wear their hair this way and they do not cut it - that would include Harvey Pratt, the OSBI sketch artist. It has become even MORE popular in recent years among NA men, now that they are allowed to keep their hair long (for religious and cultural reasons) in most jobs, including LE.

SS, I think almost every woman who grew up in OK has dated at least one or two NA men with long hair ... they are so gorgeous ;) Think cover of a romance novel stuff, LOL

I grew up going to Pow Wows (they used to call them "stomp dances" when I was a kid). I love Pow Wows and Festivals and Ceremonies and I LOVE the music and singing and drums. Small or large (like Red Earth) everyone should experience the Native American Culture and music and dancing at a Pow Wow - nothing like it.

So unfortunately, the POI wouldn't stand out anywhere in Oklahoma - particularly anywhere near tribal lands (including casinos) or Tribal HQ's or Indian Medical facilities. I can go to Claremore Ok and see 25 men with waist length hair in less than an hour without even trying.

My Opinion
So unfortunately, the POI wouldn't stand out anywhere in Oklahoma - particularly anywhere near tribal lands (including casinos) or Tribal HQ's or Indian Medical facilities. I can go to Claremore Ok and see 25 men with waist length hair in less than an hour without even trying.

My Opinion
Or would he out here! :)

California as of July 1, 2004, the highest total of any state in the nation. California was followed by Oklahoma
I don't know so much about that composite picture. But being so rural, If the picture is correct, I'm with those in the "random" abduction-gone wrong/ or attempted burglary of the out-of-the way house thinkers. IIRC, wasn't there a case somewhere on here, that an abductor actually took a little girl, and she escaped from his trunk, and they never found the ? Maybe this time, he wasn't going to get caught, no matter what? Does anyone know real quickly which case on here I am referring to? I think she was even taken across state lines, and ran into a convenience store or something?:waitasec:
Or would he out here! :)

California as of July 1, 2004, the highest total of any state in the nation. California was followed by Oklahoma
This doesn't surprise me at all. People are wondering why this sketch is so hard to track down and they don't understand.
I don't know so much about that composite picture. But being so rural, If the picture is correct, I'm with those in the "random" abduction-gone wrong/ or attempted burglary of the out-of-the way house thinkers. IIRC, wasn't there a case somewhere on here, that an abductor actually took a little girl, and she escaped from his trunk, and they never found the ? Maybe this time, he wasn't going to get caught, no matter what? Does anyone know real quickly which case on here I am referring to? I think she was even taken across state lines, and ran into a convenience store or something?:waitasec:
There was a case of a little girl that was abducted and taken into New Mexico. Is that what you are talking about? She was abducted by a white male off her bicycle and got away eventually. He was not found that I know of. Shame on me, I can't think of her name...but I can still see her face.
I still feel it is payback of some kind, too. That is what I picked up, and it seems correct to me. Though, why there is payback is still elusive to me, whether it is assassins from a motorcycle gang, revenge for someone ratting on them, or by someone local.

Revenge, even for something imagined by a sick mind, is one of the strongest motives for a crime.
At 8 am pdt the forum will go down, moving to new server...

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Originally Posted by animal04216
The chat room is open if anyone is interested in chatting about this case! Come in anytime you all want to talk real time! Open even if a mod is not present--just behave ok?

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I have been thinking that the rumors of a parent covering for their child may be accurate. This 911 call would stir the emotions of a parent most of all, and may persuade them to change their mind..
Can someone tell me if we know how long the Plackers have been married?
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