Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #16

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While Skyla was shot more times, I feel that Taylor was the main focus of the anger here - she was shot 3 times in the FACE, that says anger or vindication to me, almost like the killer was trying to destroy her essence, who she was, her face, her eyes, etc. I also think she must have been right in the killers face..up close. Skyla was further away, behind Taylor - like Taylor was the one who knew this person (or the killer knew HER and called her over?)

This was no accidental shooting or a thrill kill, this was focused and the killer was right there - couldn't have been more than a few feet away - Skyla had residue on her from the neck shot and when Taylor's autopsy is released, I betcha she had residue all over her. And there were at least two guns and one held 6+ bullets because there were at least 13 shots - unless one passed thru Taylor and hit Skyla 2nd - that isn't clear although most of the shots were through and through. Just another indication that this was an ATTACK and the killer wanted the girls both dead - two guns were emptied - complete overkill. Skyla was already dead when the last shot was made into her neck - it barely bled. Obviously the killer stepped closer for that shot, residue on Skyla says so.

One thing we can assume based on Skyla's autopsy is that the killer was shooting from a vehicle or was taller than the girls - the body shots went rather downward from the entrance wounds. The other thing is that I think this was one killer (not two) since Skyla was initially shot from further away than Taylor.

The final thing is that the killer must have had blood on him - those face shots would have been messy and at least his hand and arm would have gotten blow-back on them. If the killer shot from a vehicle, then the vehicle had blood on it.

The killer(s) looked two girls in the face and killed them - that's one cold and dead inside killer when you could look into two sets of innocent eyes and then shoot them like they were nothing and then calmly walk/drive away and disappear. Somebody is walking around with a lot of evil and hate inside him - nothing inside this killer worth saving, he's a rabid dog who should be put down when they find him.

My Opinion
Again, we are all feeling impatient. We are not only interested in this crime, but our hearts are in it.

I know that some LOCAL reporters are VERY interested! Interested enough that they come here to try to find something, anything, that can help them write a story, or to dig a story. That is how tight lipped it is with LE. No reporter can get information!

I would like to add that I feel like the local newspaper in Henryetta has enough integrity NOT to be writing things every day that is mere speculation. They simply do not have info for a story. Just like we do not have info. And I cant imagine them writing a story from forum speculation. Trust me, they care. They are just as disappointed about it all as we are. And when they hear things like this, it is upsetting to them as reporters, to know that people think they dont care. They care ALOT!!!
I know reporters from there. I speak with them on occasion. Their hearts are broken too! To say shattered probably wouldnt be exaggerating. And no, they are not withholding any information. Apparently LE isnt letting out what they dont want printed or on any media. We saw that in the last presser from the Okfuskee Co courthouse, dont ya think?

Thank you for hearing me out. I say these things with a soft voice.

No, I don't think they will get anything from the LE. No one is getting any information from them.

I meant do some delving on their own through interviews with locals, etc.
At this point, small as it might be would be better than nothing every day and they might stumble onto a clue.

What are they trying to prove by releasing nothing? They say they have no suspects so why wouldn't a little help from the public be welcome at this point?

I'm just confused as to how they think this will ever help solve the case.

When this case first broke, I felt like it would be solved within days.....broad daylight.......people in the vicinity......a person of interest. Now, two months later, we're all still in the dark.
Yes, they were found not that far from our home. just a couple of miles. Broken Arrow area.
So many murders up here it would blow your mind!
We had 7 shootings one week. I try to stay detached, so I dont know how many survived and how many didn't, but I recall hearing that on the news a couple of weeks ago.
2 years ago, there was a bad shooting where someone shot someone point blank in the head for cutting in line at a portable taco stand. Sad

Frogjustfrog!!! We are neighbors. I live in BA near 71st and 193rd. I often take 41st when I go to east Tulsa to avoid the traffic. It is mostly fields. There are a lot of Oklahomans here. We should fly an Oklahoma flag. :D Maggie
Wow..all those shots, yet only a couple were fatal. Could this be someone driving by and only slowed down? Or a person not experienced in killing others..why so many shots in so many areas? Were the girls moving so that they wouldn't get a clear shot? This puzzles experienced shooter would have only needed one shot each.....hmmm
I think the killer(s) wanted Taylor - Skyla was collateral damage. Taylor was shot 3 times in THE FACE, I am sure the killer was 1st focused on Taylor and THEN turned to Skyla - who didn't even have time to turn away. Those were very rapid shots - even if some were off-target. I think they were accurate enough - 13 shots and two dead girls in a period of probably 60 seconds tops.

Yes an experienced killer might only have needed one shot - but that wouldn't have satisfied this killer - this killer wanted to make a BIG bloody statement of hate and anger...and he did. This killer wanted the shock value and the overkill and to send a message of some kind. You don't do something like this unless you are making a point - either to yourself or others.

And I think this message was meant for Taylor or her family - 3 shots to the face says so.

My Opinion
Thank you for that information, TG. I'm sure alot of us are weeping after reading. I am. It brings the actuality brutality to life once more.
One thing I noted on the ME's report regarding Taylor page 4 & on the diagram
There is heart shape tattoo over the left breast region.
I just finished reading the autopsy reports. I had assumed the tattoo was not permanently inked. But, it said nothing about it being a temporary tattoo. Wow. Also, what was w/ all the writing on the abdomens? Any ideas?

I just finished reading the autopsy reports. I had assumed the tattoo was not permanently inked. But, it said nothing about it being a temporary tattoo. Wow. Also, what was w/ all the writing on the abdomens? Any ideas?

It was a permanent tattoo or they would have stipulated it otherwise like they did with the other markings on her.

No ideas on the other markings except that maybe they wrote on each other fun fun???
I agree about the markings. I think the girls did it to have fun and be 'kids'. And, you are right, the tattoo had to be permanent or it would have been noted differently. I just never assumed a child that age would have a perm. tattoo.
I agree about the markings. I think the girls did it to have fun and be 'kids'. And, you are right, the tattoo had to be permanent or it would have been noted differently. I just never assumed a child that age would have a perm. tattoo.
Yep, makes me wonder who did the 'tat' on her, and when?
LOL, Im reading your posts here, and over at 'T"

I thought I was more clever than that!!! LOL.
I am leaving for dinner. I'll probably be back later. Can't seem to get away from this case.

It was a permanent tattoo or they would have stipulated it otherwise like they did with the other markings on her.

No ideas on the other markings except that maybe they wrote on each other fun fun???

Just my opinion, but I would think that is kinda young to have a tattoo over her newly developing breast.
At first I wondered if someone could have wrote on them after the killings. I guess now, but the closeness to the bodies like that could have left other DNA.
My comments in red
I thought I had seen it done that way before, with the remark at the bottom which described that it was MY comment. sorry. Like I said, I am new to this, and will probably fade away after this is over. I Hope it will be over and someone HUNG!
Just my opinion, but I would think that is kinda young to have a tattoo over her newly developing breast.
At first I wondered if someone could have wrote on them after the killings. I guess now, but the closeness to the bodies like that could have left other DNA.
My comments in red
If Taylor hadn't been the country girl tomboy type, but rather an overly mature child for her age I wouldn't have thought it strange about the 'tat', or the location.

Grandma/mom had to have known about it :(
Both girls had abrasions on them and several of the bullets were not recovered. I think there is a possibility the girls were originally shot somewhere else and placed at that spot and maybe shot again. I have mentioned this before and I know some of you don't agree with me. I think the odd angle of the truck may have been to dump the girls bodies. It makes me so sad to think how scared these children were. How could anyone inflict such pain on children? I hope they find the person or persons soon.
I think the killer(s) wanted Taylor - Skyla was collateral damage. Taylor was shot 3 times in THE FACE, I am sure the killer was 1st focused on Taylor and THEN turned to Skyla - who didn't even have time to turn away. Those were very rapid shots - even if some were off-target. I think they were accurate enough - 13 shots and two dead girls in a period of probably 60 seconds tops.

Yes an experienced killer might only have needed one shot - but that wouldn't have satisfied this killer - this killer wanted to make a BIG bloody statement of hate and anger...and he did. This killer wanted the shock value and the overkill and to send a message of some kind. You don't do something like this unless you are making a point - either to yourself or others.

And I think this message was meant for Taylor or her family - 3 shots to the face says so.

My Opinion

I totally agree FlowerChild!
Well I have been gone all day & come home to this...
When I read about Taylor's gunshot to the hand I could see her throwing her hand up to her face. Those poor babies. I wish I had not read the report. What do you think the "Z" was about? They both had a Z
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