Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #16

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I at first thought that Taylor was the target being shot in the face. But it almost seems to me that the shooter wanted to torture Skyla, to cause her pain, to make her suffer. I wonder if the "Z" painted on their bodies stood for Zac. And I wonder if Zac was a boy they knew from the area or Zac Effron that plays Troy on High School Musical.

I remember when I was a kid, my first love, (if you call it that at that age) was Davy Jones of the Monkees. I wrote his name everywhere. Even inside the shower, really high to the top where it might not be seen easily by anyone but me. I wrote Davy on absolutely everything.

My granddaughter had alot of Zoey Beth clothing she bought at the dollar store. It is a very inexpensive but cute brand.
I'm sure bething meant bathing suit top.
I think there are two shooters too.

My mind is actually going back to those kids, in the truck, like I pictured in the very first place.

Statements keep going back to the POI, hiding the bodies with his truck, but iIF it was reported correctly, either by the one who saw the poi on that road, or by the OSBI, the person who saw the poi said the girls were alive at that time.

I dont have any idea what to believe at this point. I have cried all evening!
In Taylors clothing, what is a "Bething Top"?

And what is "Zoey Beth, M" on the shorts? Is that a brand name?

So one shot per girl has powder burns. That is interesting.

I don't think there is any question, Taylor was the reason for the rage. So was it a personal rage at Taylor or someone in the family? My first impression is that it was Taylor.

Did you notice though Taylor had more of the small bullets and Skyla had more from the larger gun.
I at first thought that Taylor was the target being shot in the face. But it almost seems to me that the shooter wanted to torture Skyla, to cause her pain, to make her suffer. I wonder if the "Z" painted on their bodies stood for Zac. And I wonder if Zac was a boy they knew from the area or Zac Effron that plays Troy on High School Musical.

I am thinking the Z most likely is in reference to Zac Effron from High School Musical - based on what young teens like these days - I'm sure when LE searched their rooms they would have determined whether or not that was something the girls were interested in - usually many posters, pics, dvd's, cd's, etc. The students I know personally have every line of the whole musical memorized. Students that age also write on themselves with waterproof markers - that is pretty common. What is not common at that age is a permenant tatoo - that stands out to me as very odd. And now we know how many shots were fired in to these precious girls - we still don't know why nobody HEARD THEM ????? jmo
I totally agree FlowerChild!

Yes, they were found not that far from our home. just a couple of miles. Broken Arrow area.
So many murders up here it would blow your mind!
We had 7 shootings one week. I try to stay detached, so I dont know how many survived and how many didn't, but I recall hearing that on the news a couple of weeks ago.
2 years ago, there was a bad shooting where someone shot someone point blank in the head for cutting in line at a portable taco stand. Sad

I am not too far from you either frog - just a town or two (and a football rivalry away) small world.
In Taylors clothing, what is a "Bething Top"?

And what is "Zoey Beth, M" on the shorts? Is that a brand name?

So one shot per girl has powder burns. That is interesting.

I don't think there is any question, Taylor was the reason for the rage. So was it a personal rage at Taylor or someone in the family? My first impression is

It's a brand. Size Medium

~snip~ quote; SS

"I realize that whole Zannessa thing is about High School Musical with the paints so the girls probably did write it, but I find it odd that Taylor's name was mispelled."

SS Maybe it's not TAYLOR PLACKER but a different Talor (sp)?
Did you notice though Taylor had more of the small bullets and Skyla had more from the larger gun.

I haven't read Taylors report, only Skylas but if that is the case, that's verrrrry interesting. Gonna go read Taylors now....
AzGiGi~ Since Skyla had her name on Taylor, I would have to assume it was Taylor who wrote her name, but it is just odd. Maybe it is how Taylor would have liked her name to be spelled to be different tho.

The tattoo of the heart is curious. I would like to know more about who did that and if the grandparents allowed it.

It doesn't seem to me the shots were fired from a vehicle at all with the angles. Also, the abrasions on the girls I haven't figured out yet either. Lower back, thighs, shins, and top of left foot just doesn't jive for me.
I think there are two shooters too.
I tend to agree with this theory more now.

Another thing that stood out to me is that Skyla's grandmother did in fact describe accurately where the bullet wounds were on her which tells me she wasn't lying about seeing them. The only question remaining on that issue is when she saw them.
AzGiGi~ Since Skyla had her name on Taylor, I would have to assume it was Taylor who wrote her name, but it is just odd. Maybe it is how Taylor would have liked her name to be spelled to be different tho.

The tattoo of the heart is curious. I would like to know more about who did that and if the grandparents allowed it.

It doesn't seem to me the shots were fired from a vehicle at all with the angles. Also, the abrasions on the girls I haven't figured out yet either. Lower back, thighs, shins, and top of left foot just doesn't jive for me.

I haven't read Taylors report yet - didn't know Skyla's name was on Taylor. So that was probably Taylors name just misspelled. And the heart tatoo is very odd to me. On a 13 yr old! Like you I want to know more about that. Who did it and did the Gparents know about it. gonna go read Taylors report now

Ok back from reading Taylors report. WOW. 3 shots to the face speaks volumes. And the large bag she was carrying. It would be easy for LE to to tell if she carried her little dog in it or had been carrying something else in it.
And it's odd to me that they hadn't eaten anything. Nothing. So late in the day.
I had to smile when I was reading the part about the markers. Little girls acting like little girls. I'm glad to think about the fun they had together that weekend doing silly girl stuff.
Taylor also had a flower tatoo on her hip, or am I reading that wrong?
Here's how the scenario appears to me based on the autopsy.
Taylor was shot 1st - 1x in the face - then Skyla 4X in the neck and chest (same gun) and then the killer turned back and shot Taylor a second time in the body. Then 1st gun is empty - bring out the 2nd smaller gun - Taylor shot 2 X in the face that gun, she was already gone (1st shots killed her) - the other 4 shots went into Skyla including the neck shot who because she was further away and did not die as fast.

I think most of the abrasions were on the girls already - typical play scrapes, not as a result of the murderes. They didn't have time to get banged or scraped up - it happened too fast - they would have just fallen where they were shot.

I don't think the killer was torturing Skyla - she was just the secondary target and further away - the killer shot her 1st from where he was standing in front of Taylor so he wasn't as accurate - he kinda had to shoot around Taylor at first. He still managed to drop Skyla with the 1st shot - maybe not kill her, but she went down. She was also a smaller target. The last shots on both girls was from point blank to make sure they were dead.

Three face shots and only one body shot on Taylor - there is NOTHING could make it more clear to me that it was one shooter, he was shooting from a standing position (not in a car) and he went to kill Taylor - erase Taylor, destroy Taylor, shut Taylor up, hurt Taylor. 4 shots - one from maybe a foot or two away while Skyla was shot mostly from a distance because she was behind Taylor who was standing facing the killer - maybe 5 feet (at most) away when he started shooting. This killer went to kill Taylor - she was not afraid of him - he either surprised her or she knew him or she was approaching him or talking to him when he shot her. I personally think the overkill was to MAKE SURE Taylor was dead because SHE could ID him. One killer because the shots were heard, fast and furious - not at the same time (as in two shooters) but consecutivly (one shooter) and because two shooters would have meant BOTH girls would have fallen before they had time to step back - Skyla did have time and she was obviously FUTHER from the shooter - meaning one shooter from one position, at least initially. This was one guy and he went ready to shoot multiple people - like maybe he was going to shoot MORE victims in the house but saw the easy target of the girls and went for that. This guy came to KILL PEOPLE.

Skyla's autopsy says she was found supine (face up) - Taylors indicates she was on her back OR her right side. We do not know for sure they actually fell this way - the killer may have turned them over or GPa MIGHT have turned them over when he found would be a natural instinct to do so - to see if they were alive. They hadn't been dead more than 20 minutes when they were found - the blood on the back of their clothing could have gotten there AFTER they were turned face up - they would still be bleeding out. Skyla's head was southwesterly - she was turning to run for safety (The Placker house) when she fell. She did have time to step back and start to turn away - again showing that Taylor was the 1st/main target.

So, I say one shooter and he came to kill somebody inside, at or at or from the Placker house. And he knew Taylor - she was the primary target. Skyla was just the collateral damage - she was killed becuase she was WITH Taylor when the killer found her. It seems this killer was prepared to kill everyone he encountered - only two girls so he emptied 2 guns into them - and took the time to step in close to make sure they were dead before he left. He would have been blood spattered too, if the POI was seen AFTER the shots were heard, he didn't kill the girls, because he wasn't bloody. Whoever did this definitely got Taylor's blood on him and MAYBE her blood on the outside of the vehicle (if there was one) depending on how close it was parked to Taylor.

Wonder who came home and burned a shirt and pants that day, or disposed of a set of clothing and a pair of shoes ??? If the killer left in a car - there would be blood inside it too, mostly Taylors but traces of Skyla's blood too. This guy got CLOSE to both girls and may even have touched their bodies - OH PLEASE LET THERE BE DNA!!! Please let this killer be chased down and eliminated (because he was shooting at the cops) like a rabid dog, I don't even want to waste the time or money on a DP trial - we all know he will end up on death row - no need to wait.

And after all we know about Taylor's family it does NOT surprise me she had a tattoo, it may even have been a crude "jail-house" home-made tattoo - self-done - did anyone else notice the heart was upside down from a viewers perspective? Like maybe Taylor did it on herself?

My Opinion
I tend to agree with this theory more now.

Another thing that stood out to me is that Skyla's grandmother did in fact describe accurately where the bullet wounds were on her which tells me she wasn't lying about seeing them. The only question remaining on that issue is when she saw them.

I noticed that too.
Yep, makes me wonder who did the 'tat' on her, and when?

Exactly. I found this odd. I have teens and live in Dallas and see all sorts of things, but I wouldn't let my 13 yo get a perm tattoo. I know my ex did a lot of tats while in prison and did some/plans on doing some when he gets out. Maybe one of the jailhouse relatives did it?? If a shop did it permission slips and parent to be there to sign, which is no big deal, but who knows.

The autopsies made me sad. Taylor was carrying a purse and Skyla had on slippers. ?? Probably nothing but makes me wonder more about what they did prior to this day.
(OT - and probably no one is reading here but me right now, but read on fox news that Bernie Macs publicist is saying he is other story)
Those autopsies had me crying my heart out!!!! How very sad to imagine what these little girls felt and went thru and the SOB that did this, I just want to wrap my hands around his neck and choke the life out of him. :furious:
Where are you guys getting all this info about the autopsies? I can't find anything except the news article about how many times they were shot??? What am I doing wrong here....somebody help me.....pweeze?
Nevermind...sowwy....I'm an idiot and apparently I can't read english today. My bad.
Those autopsies had me crying my heart out!!!! How very sad to imagine what these little girls felt and went thru and the SOB that did this, I just want to wrap my hands around his neck and choke the life out of him. :furious:

I feel the same way!
Here's how the scenario appears to me based on the autopsy.
Taylor was shot 1st - 1x in the face - then Skyla 4X in the neck and chest (same gun) and then the killer turned back and shot Taylor a second time in the body. Then 1st gun is empty - bring out the 2nd smaller gun - Taylor shot 2 X in the face that gun, she was already gone (1st shots killed her) - the other 4 shots went into Skyla including the neck shot who because she was further away and did not die as fast.

I think most of the abrasions were on the girls already - typical play scrapes, not as a result of the murderes. They didn't have time to get banged or scraped up - it happened too fast - they would have just fallen where they were shot.

I don't think the killer was torturing Skyla - she was just the secondary target and further away - the killer shot her 1st from where he was standing in front of Taylor so he wasn't as accurate - he kinda had to shoot around Taylor at first. He still managed to drop Skyla with the 1st shot - maybe not kill her, but she went down. She was also a smaller target. The last shots on both girls was from point blank to make sure they were dead.

Three face shots and only one body shot on Taylor - there is NOTHING could make it more clear to me that it was one shooter, he was shooting from a standing position (not in a car) and he went to kill Taylor - erase Taylor, destroy Taylor, shut Taylor up, hurt Taylor. 4 shots - one from maybe a foot or two away while Skyla was shot mostly from a distance because she was behind Taylor who was standing facing the killer - maybe 5 feet (at most) away when he started shooting. This killer went to kill Taylor - she was not afraid of him - he either surprised her or she knew him or she was approaching him or talking to him when he shot her. I personally think the overkill was to MAKE SURE Taylor was dead because SHE could ID him. One killer because the shots were heard, fast and furious - not at the same time (as in two shooters) but consecutivly (one shooter) and because two shooters would have meant BOTH girls would have fallen before they had time to step back - Skyla did have time and she was obviously FUTHER from the shooter - meaning one shooter from one position, at least initially. This was one guy and he went ready to shoot multiple people - like maybe he was going to shoot MORE victims in the house but saw the easy target of the girls and went for that. This guy came to KILL PEOPLE.

Skyla's autopsy says she was found supine (face up) - Taylors indicates she was on her back OR her right side. We do not know for sure they actually fell this way - the killer may have turned them over or GPa MIGHT have turned them over when he found would be a natural instinct to do so - to see if they were alive. They hadn't been dead more than 20 minutes when they were found - the blood on the back of their clothing could have gotten there AFTER they were turned face up - they would still be bleeding out. Skyla's head was southwesterly - she was turning to run for safety (The Placker house) when she fell. She did have time to step back and start to turn away - again showing that Taylor was the 1st/main target.

So, I say one shooter and he came to kill somebody inside, at or at or from the Placker house. And he knew Taylor - she was the primary target. Skyla was just the collateral damage - she was killed becuase she was WITH Taylor when the killer found her. It seems this killer was prepared to kill everyone he encountered - only two girls so he emptied 2 guns into them - and took the time to step in close to make sure they were dead before he left. He would have been blood spattered too, if the POI was seen AFTER the shots were heard, he didn't kill the girls, because he wasn't bloody. Whoever did this definitely got Taylor's blood on him and MAYBE her blood on the outside of the vehicle (if there was one) depending on how close it was parked to Taylor.

Wonder who came home and burned a shirt and pants that day, or disposed of a set of clothing and a pair of shoes ??? If the killer left in a car - there would be blood inside it too, mostly Taylors but traces of Skyla's blood too. This guy got CLOSE to both girls and may even have touched their bodies - OH PLEASE LET THERE BE DNA!!! Please let this killer be chased down and eliminated (because he was shooting at the cops) like a rabid dog, I don't even want to waste the time or money on a DP trial - we all know he will end up on death row - no need to wait.

And after all we know about Taylor's family it does NOT surprise me she had a tattoo, it may even have been a crude "jail-house" home-made tattoo - self-done - did anyone else notice the heart was upside down from a viewers perspective? Like maybe Taylor did it on herself?

My Opinion

Oh, I knew this would happen, attacking the familes again. Judging, Judging...I won't be back to this forum, you people have no feelings, just pointing fingers.Bye, and when one of your family members are murdered, the same might come back to you.
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