Sniff tests, hair decomp, really so conclusive? Fence sitters thread

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I know that's not what she told LE, and she also told her family adamantly in the jailhouse phone call that Tony had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance....but still...
why wouldn't LE do forensics at those apartments, I'm just surprised.

what does ETA: or Tony mean?

Sure Tony wants NOTHING to do with her now so she needs to worry about herself, to the general public he appears WAY more credible. BTW, working for him, thinking she wormed her way to that job along with the cooking and cleaning..

From a person to not have ONE single friend or family (well except her gang) standing up, speaks VOLUMNS!
I believe that Ann has stated that she doesn't write a book about a case until it has been completely resolved in a court of law. I agree this would be a great case for her.

Waz up, Ladytazz?!

Yes, Ann attends trials, investigates family history and any mental illness (Cindy's father and mother; George's father and mother), talks with friends, LE, etc. and then writes. I guess that's why her books are so good!
Several experts have come forward today to emphatically state that the chloroform vapors that the FBI detected in the trunk could only come from manufactured pure comercially available chloroform. The vapors could not come from an accidental mixing such as you describe. (I believe an accidental mixing would also release chlorine gas, which would be detectable. (and which was not detected) For the ammount of chloroform vapor they detected, there would have been enough chlorine released to in all liklihood kill the cars driver as well).

And lets be frank here. If it was possible for a pee soaked diaper to react with chlorinated pool water to create a substantial amount of chloroform vapor, then we would be seeing cases of it at every pool and waterpark across the world. A very nice shot at misdirection however. (hmmm now where have I heard dirty diaper theories before, or who keeps repeating them insesantly despite overwelming evidence to the contrary)

As far as test contamination at the FBI lab. 2 things work against that theory. The FBI lab uses chloroform in DNA labs. They detected chloroform vapors in the trunk of the car. Chances are the samples would never be in the same room as Chloroform in the FBI. But even given the extremely remote possibility of lab contamination, it still doesn't explain the computer searches and documents. Someone used Casey's computer to look up chloroform.

Once again we have various pieces of evidence coroborating and reinforcing each other. This greatly limits the possible and reasonable conclusions that can be derived from the evidence.

Thanks Faefrost... great post I don't have the patience!

Remember the Scott Peterson trial? The law students on the various forums? Nuff said...
According to Nancy Grace, LE DID say "substantial amounts".

But Nancy has been saying the child has to be dead from the first days of the investigation, before any leaks about evidence. For Nancy, Casey's inability to give a coherent story was already cased-closed evidence that she murdered the child. Nancy has been reporting all the evidence news in way stronger terms than the official statements.
Are you sure LE said there were substantial amounts of chloroform, and that there is definitely no possible innocent explanation? Or was it the media who misconstrued that or are just hyping it up a bit? I'm pretty sure the LE have only couched their statements in very conservative terms so far.

Not this time, they didn't. These results were confirmed by the FBI who have one of the most trusted labs in the world.
I don't think Nancy Grace stated the child was possibly deceased until the air test results came back. Then when some of the FBI lab results came in, she stated she thinks this poor child is "probably" dead.
I definitely do remember talk of that early on on some of the threads. I don't remember ever actually seeing a picture that showed it though. So far, all the pictures I've seen just show a healthy, happy looking child. Sometimes when people are going on about, she looks nervous in the video where she's looking at her book, she looks disturbed, her speech in the video is underdeveloped for her age, her speech is too sophisticated for her age, she looks tired, she looks abused, she looks this and that, I just have to laugh because she honestly looks perfectly normal and healthy to me. She looks healthier than a lot of toddlers you see nowadays, so many are too thin nowadays. And she is always dressed fine, clean, nicely groomed hair, etc. She looks well cared for in all the pictures.

I'd love to see a single posted fact on this thread regarding that same child's health today. A detailed list of supporting evidence would be nice. Validated, credible sightings? Leads pointing towards a living, breathing child, that actually can be investigated in an unimpeded manner? Facts supporting that Caylee is still dressed fine, is clean, well-groomed and is still being well-cared for?
I think this myth was pretty much cleared up on Nancy Grace tonight. This was not a trace amount found in the car.

If anyone has a link to any authority clearing this up in definitive terms, please post it here. Nancy Grace does not count as an authority! That show is pure hype and sensationalism.
You know one of the things that bother me most? The fact that I have never known of anyone who has lost a child, as I and many other posters here have (whether in death or kidnapping) who was not absolutly devastated. I realize that people react differently, but hearing that one phone call where Casey said she had to keep her composure to talk to investigators does not make sense. I ask anyone posting here with children or granchildren: Would It Even Be Possible For You To Stay Composed? For me, my world turned upside down and I wasn't composed, couldn't have been if my very life depended on it. I just wanted to die. Anybody relate?
I've posted this very same sentiment on other threads. Even the fact that your child is missing (and you can't find them for 31 days) would render you immobile. You couldn't go out shopping at Target IMO...let's not forget that one of the checks she stole was used on July 15th (IIRC)...the very day she was picking her girlfriend up at the airport...I'd entertain other theories that are more plausible...but would really appreciate the truth from Miss C.
But Nancy has been saying the child has to be dead from the first days of the investigation, before any leaks about evidence. For Nancy, Casey's inability to give a coherent story was already cased-closed evidence that she murdered the child. Nancy has been reporting all the evidence news in way stronger terms than the official statements.

Don't you mean Casey's pack of lies. She wasn't incoherent by any means. She was perfectly calm and composed. Even when her mother showed up to fetch her, she was sticking to the lie that Caylee was fine and with the fake nanny.
Yes Pondering Mind, would never be able to maintain composure and if Casey was my child, she would be talking or else.. I would MAKE sure no one posted bond.
I'd love to see a single posted fact on this thread regarding that same child's health today. A detailed list of supporting evidence would be nice. Validated, credible sightings? Leads pointing towards a living, breathing child, that actually can be investigated in an unimpeded manner? Facts supporting that Caylee is still dressed fine, is clean, well-groomed and is still being well-cared for?

I know it's so important to you that she be dead, PotatoHead. Heaven forbid anyone should keep hope until evidence to the contrary is presented officially.
Don't you mean Casey's pack of lies. She wasn't incoherent by any means. She was perfectly calm and composed. Even when her mother showed up to fetch her, she was sticking to the lie that Caylee was fine and with the fake nanny.

incoherent means not making sense, it doesn't mean upset.
But Nancy has been saying the child has to be dead from the first days of the investigation, before any leaks about evidence. For Nancy, Casey's inability to give a coherent story was already cased-closed evidence that she murdered the child. Nancy has been reporting all the evidence news in way stronger terms than the official statements.
She first thought it to be "trace amounts" then researched and found LE said "substantial".
I know it's so important to you that she be dead, PotatoHead. Heaven forbid anyone should keep hope until evidence to the contrary is presented officially.

That is really unfair..I guess PotatoHead is going to be the one to put Caylee in a coffin.
I know it's so important to you that she be dead, PotatoHead. Heaven forbid anyone should keep hope until evidence to the contrary is presented officially.
Casey could always talk (coherently). That would work.
You know one of the things that bother me most? The fact that I have never known of anyone who has lost a child, as I and many other posters here have (whether in death or kidnapping) who was not absolutly devastated. I realize that people react differently, but hearing that one phone call where Casey said she had to keep her composure to talk to investigators does not make sense. I ask anyone posting here with children or granchildren: Would It Even Be Possible For You To Stay Composed? For me, my world turned upside down and I wasn't composed, couldn't have been if my very life depended on it. I just wanted to die. Anybody relate?

I am sorry for your loss. I can only imagine and NO I could not be composed.
You are right that it doesn't make sense (unless she really thought, whether correctly or not, that her child was safe or with a known person or was thinking the child would be returned.) Or, if she suffers from mental illness, (purely speculation, I'm not saying she does), or if she's addled from drugs, or if she's in shock, or has a cognitive problem that this is not even registering, etc etc.

I guess I am getting off topic and should move on, but I guess I just feel after 31 days she would not know that Caylee was ok, how could she? Wouldn't the GP have some clue about any mental illness/drugs etc. If it was that bad, she couldn't hide it, I've been around enough to know that. And as far as shock, I was 16, my ex husband 20 when my son died of SIDS and I found him in his crib. We were in SHOCK but still managed to call 911. It just was something even at that young age that we didn't give a secong thought to not doing. Sorry, I'll move along now. JMHO
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