So... where is Lee?

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hmmm CA said something in one of here rantings this week.. that lee was gonna be with them.. either at the meet and greet or one of the interviews..
I thought it was odd just how she brought him up..
If i can find the link i will post it.. but Im not sure where i saw it.

Don't have the link, but CA said LA would be at the presser. It was in one of the early articles about the presser.
This has probably already been discussed early in the case but I hadn't "bumped" into it until now. Reading over KC's Interview with LE when she is at Universal, she mentions that one of the places that Zenaida lived was at the Alafaya Club Apartments. Apparently, Lee used to live there. At the Alafaya Woods Apartments. This is in Oveido.

At some point, this appartment was empty for a while. Lee left a myspace message to someone as follows:

Dec 20, 2006:

"so listen to this 3hit. it's midnight and i promised brian i'd finish putting the kitchen 3hit away. well i go through all the bags and boxes and am thinking...hmmm, where's my crock pot? my tupperware, paper towels, etc? %*&&. So I drive back to the apt in alafaya, thank goodness the code still works. but even better, thank goodness i left the bedroom window open from when i worried they were gonna lock me out a while back. So, I snuck into the arctic temperatures of the old apartmenet and sure enough, two cabinets of $hit that we missed last night. Boy, I feel like such a dumbazz!"

(I have the myspace image but didn't post it because of the bad language - wasn't sure it was ok here.)

Obviously, this doesn't tell us much but I had missed this and thought that I would share. Like others, I've often wondered if KC hadn't been leaving Caylee to sleep in various abandoned/empty locations for a while before she disapeared. Maybe someone else can add to this "connection"...

ETA - In the same interview, she also states that Zenaida at some point lived at Andover Lakes (out toward Waterford, off of Dean and Curry Ford Road). So maybe, she's just mentioning lots of places that she is familiar with? (Dean and Curry Ford Road seem to come up as often as Blanchard Park.)
hmmm CA said something in one of here rantings this week.. that lee was gonna be with them.. either at the meet and greet or one of the interviews..
I thought it was odd just how she brought him up..
If i can find the link i will post it.. but Im not sure where i saw it.

She was reading our thread and wanted to let us know he is okay. How thoughtful.

she said he would be at the presser that was supposed to be today....but since it didn't happen....:detective: probably off doing some more "investigative" work....jmo :rolleyes:
hmmm CA said something in one of here rantings this week.. that lee was gonna be with them.. either at the meet and greet or one of the interviews..
I thought it was odd just how she brought him up..
If i can find the link i will post it.. but Im not sure where i saw it.

I heard the same. Lee was specifically named, he was to join them when they held the News Conferance.
No other names were mentioned like Mr NeJame..but today Ms Bart did mention NeJame is to be part of that conferance, whenever it is.
This has probably already been discussed early in the case but I hadn't "bumped" into it until now. Reading over KC's Interview with LE when she is at Universal, she mentions that one of the places that Zenaida lived was at the Alafaya Club Apartments. Apparently, Lee used to live there. At the Alafaya Woods Apartments. This is in Oveido.

At some point, this appartment was empty for a while. Lee left a myspace message to someone as follows:

Dec 20, 2006:

"so listen to this 3hit. it's midnight and i promised brian i'd finish putting the kitchen 3hit away. well i go through all the bags and boxes and am thinking...hmmm, where's my crock pot? my tupperware, paper towels, etc? %*&&. So I drive back to the apt in alafaya, thank goodness the code still works. but even better, thank goodness i left the bedroom window open from when i worried they were gonna lock me out a while back. So, I snuck into the arctic temperatures of the old apartmenet and sure enough, two cabinets of $hit that we missed last night. Boy, I feel like such a dumbazz!"

(I have the myspace image but didn't post it because of the bad language - wasn't sure it was ok here.)

Obviously, this doesn't tell us much but I had missed this and thought that I would share. Like others, I've often wondered if KC hadn't been leaving Caylee to sleep in various abandoned/empty locations for a while before she disapeared. Maybe someone else can add to this "connection"...

ETA - In the same interview, she also states that Zenaida at some point lived at Andover Lakes (out toward Waterford, off of Dean and Curry Ford Road). So maybe, she's just mentioning lots of places that she is familiar with? (Dean and Curry Ford Road seem to come up as often as Blanchard Park.)

Didn't Casey mention in one of her taped calls to Lee somehting about insurance (?) or getting something at the Oviedo house? Could she have meant the place where Lee lived instead of the house in Oviedo where some friends had lived in temporarily? I was curious when she mentioned to Lee about the Oviedo house, was she leading him to something?
Didn't Casey mention in one of her taped calls to Lee somehting about insurance (?) or getting something at the Oviedo house? Could she have meant the place where Lee lived instead of the house in Oviedo where some friends had lived in temporarily? I was curious when she mentioned to Lee about the Oviedo house, was she leading him to something?


Just thought I would help you out with your question about the insurance papers. That was Amy not Casey.

But interesting enought there is a comment on the Instant messages between Casey and Anthony R. [now ex-cop] about Zanny the nanny not being able to babysit because she was on her way to Oviedo to pick up her dog.

RA: Where is the nanny at?
CA: Picking up her dog in Oviedo
CA: I forgot she dropped her off Saturday with her old roommates
Anthony R. Instant Message transcript page 604 about 7:09 PM
This was on May 4th
I copied the paragraph from the article about the Meet & Greet from this link and saved it at the time because it mentioned LA. I quote the paragraph from the article below the link as the link was working back then.…Y&pageId=1.1.1

“Bart says she and the Anthony’s will be on both CNN and Nancy Grace Friday night. Saturday morning at the Anthony “Help Find Caylee” command center on Goldenrod Road between Colonial and the 408 at the Old National Guard Armory, Kid Finder’s will hold its first ever “Meet and Greet” from 9am to 12. They invite people to come out and meet the Anthony’s, and get familiar with all the other missing children. And then on Monday, Bart says they will hold a press conference where they will share with the public some information they have not yet shared about why they believe Caylee is still alive. According to Bart, Lee Anthony will be there. They have no time slated yet
Bolded by me: I took that to mean that LA would make an appearance sometime during the 9 to noon event. But then, when I could find no reports concerning LA's actual appearance, I went back to the original link and the link changed to:

Hmmmmm . . . why would that be?

Just thought I would help you out with your question about the insurance papers. That was Amy not Casey.

But interesting enought there is a comment on the Instant messages between Casey and Anthony R. [now ex-cop] about Zanny the nanny not being able to babysit because she was on her way to Oviedo to pick up her dog.

RA: Where is the nanny at?
CA: Picking up her dog in Oviedo
CA: I forgot she dropped her off Saturday with her old roommates
Anthony R. Instant Message transcript page 604 about 7:09 PM
This was on May 4th

Thanks, so much info to keep straight LOL:confused:
I keep going back to the docs to find stuff, even after I've read them a few times.
I copied the paragraph from the article about the Meet & Greet from this link and saved it at the time because it mentioned LA. I quote the paragraph from the article below the link as the link was working back then.…Y&pageId=1.1.1

“Bart says she and the Anthony’s will be on both CNN and Nancy Grace Friday night. Saturday morning at the Anthony “Help Find Caylee” command center on Goldenrod Road between Colonial and the 408 at the Old National Guard Armory, Kid Finder’s will hold its first ever “Meet and Greet” from 9am to 12. They invite people to come out and meet the Anthony’s, and get familiar with all the other missing children. And then on Monday, Bart says they will hold a press conference where they will share with the public some information they have not yet shared about why they believe Caylee is still alive. According to Bart, Lee Anthony will be there. They have no time slated yet
Bolded by me: I took that to mean that LA would make an appearance sometime during the 9 to noon event. But then, when I could find no reports concerning LA's actual appearance, I went back to the original link and the link changed to:

Hmmmmm . . . why would that be?

Well so far, the new spokesperson hasn't come through with a single thing she's said. No NG, no CNN, no "new" information regarding Caylee and why the A's think she's alive, and no Lee.

Guys, I think I figured out where Lee has been. He is busy trying to find those Universal paystubs that KC couldn't locate after her DCF interview. In his downtime he sends surly emails to destress.
This has probably already been discussed early in the case but I hadn't "bumped" into it until now. Reading over KC's Interview with LE when she is at Universal, she mentions that one of the places that Zenaida lived was at the Alafaya Club Apartments. Apparently, Lee used to live there. At the Alafaya Woods Apartments. This is in Oveido.

At some point, this appartment was empty for a while. Lee left a myspace message to someone as follows:

Dec 20, 2006:

"so listen to this 3hit. it's midnight and i promised brian i'd finish putting the kitchen 3hit away. well i go through all the bags and boxes and am thinking...hmmm, where's my crock pot? my tupperware, paper towels, etc? %*&&. So I drive back to the apt in alafaya, thank goodness the code still works. but even better, thank goodness i left the bedroom window open from when i worried they were gonna lock me out a while back. So, I snuck into the arctic temperatures of the old apartmenet and sure enough, two cabinets of $hit that we missed last night. Boy, I feel like such a dumbazz!"

Interesting... it sounds like Lee was about to be evicted from his old apt.

Breaking & entering..... nice.

Curry Ford Rd.... I remember Goggling about that the other day but I can't remember why..... I did notice there was a storage unit on that street & was wondering if Casey might have stashed a sleeping (or dead) Caylee in a storage unit.
I think Lee lawyer up and the lawyer told him to lay low. Lee does have to answer some questions. Why would he destory a key that belong to AH? (the total car)
I also think that Lee knows what KA knows . IMO
i wonder if the cops ever searched his yard or house ..
On NG tonight some one said that LA is working in downtown Orlando as an accountant?????
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