Software designer says Casey Anthony prosecution data was wrong

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Dd LDB mention 84 searches in her closing arguments?
I don't mean to sound cynical, but c'mon really would anything surprise you regarding the DT??? I mean what have we seen from them time and time and yet time again the last 3+ years. I wouldn't trust JB for as far as I could throw the man, and that isn't far.

there is absolutely no reason/evidence to believe that is true. absolutely no reason whatsoever. imo
Ok let's do this again. It was not up to the state to "MAKE A CORRECTION". The state provided the defense with a report indicating the error. It was up to the JUDGE to give the instruction.

There was misinformation/misinterpretation made by the defense witnesses as well in this case. In order to rectified that it's the job of the opposing party to point it out such inconsistencies on cross or re-cross.

If anything this witnesses should have been called back again and the testimony should have been corrected. But to say it was prosecutorial misconduct is completely out of line.

Ok, I'll say this again....the state did not provide anyone with a corrected report. If they had the court would have AUTOMATICALLY taken corrective measures to ensure that Casey's constitutional rights were protected. There were no measures taken therefore there was no effort by the state to provide a corrected report. This is a matter of LAW.
But her lies about Gentiva were to cover up the fact that she was work since she was claiming to be home making these searches. I have no idea why they decided not to go after her and I thought that they should have, because I do not agree with ANYONE lying under oath. I am just saying that if they had gone after her on this, it would not have looked good that they were not 100% truthful about the searches/visits and that may have played a part.

Honestly, I feel like I am going to throw up. I really am on Team Caylee. When the verdict was read I could feel the life draining right out of me and my knees buckled. I ended up going outside and sitting for over an hour in the rain and I remember thinking that it was Caylee's tears falling from the sky. I really wish they would just hold a press conference and respond to this so I can stop thinking about it. It makes me sick to think that they did anything that wasn't on the up and up and the last thing that I want to see is Casey being played as the victim in anything. And that is exactly what will happen if this turns out to be true. :sick:

lol CA certainly thought the 84/2/1 searches for "chlor_____" were the real deal. Sort of funny in a way--CA willing to commit high mistruthiness for something as insubstantial as a whiff of chloroform on the computer HD. Can you imagine what the perjury trial would have been like?

LDB: CA, you willfully lied to the court.

CA: But there were no chlor_____ searches. Well, ok, maybe 1 or 2. Anyway, I did not lie since lying about something that barely exists means there was no lie. I may have mistruthed about using the home desktop computer during my work hours, being concerned about chlorphyll-induced lethargy in my dogs, and making multiple telephone calls to my husband about the pool ladder. So what? A person who mistruths is not a perjurer. *snarl*

And yes, do know what you mean.... ((hugs))
Ok, I'll say this again....the state did not provide anyone with a corrected report. If they had the court would have AUTOMATICALLY taken corrective measures to ensure that Casey's constitutional rights were protected. There were no measures taken therefore there was no effort by the state to provide a corrected report. This is a matter of LAW.

You do know JSR is a lawyer, right? I think JSR knows what the law is.
Dd LDB mention 84 searches in her closing arguments?

No, she did not. You can read for yourself in the trial archives. No 84. No searches. No chloroform. Correction: the only searches she referred to were regarding the search for a missing Caylee and Equusearch.
There WAS a google search and a human being typed in the words "HOW TO MAKE CHLOROFORM" Please double check wherever you're getting your information that nobody typed that in. It's not true. Someone google searched how to make chloroform. The end.


Great post. Thought it should be bumped again. Also important to note the search was used with the only password protected user name. And the only one who knew any password was Casey. She had to be asked in Jail during one of her visits with Lee what the password was, she of course gave him a wrong password (she neglected to give him the FULL password).

And since GA and CA's work records show that they were at work during both big searches the only person who made them was FCA.

The end.

This is not even including the searches about the 100th episode of One Tree Hill. There was a lot of damaging evidence the SA left out.
The State is held to a very high standard, while the defense only has to deflect what the state says or offer alternative theories, etc...whether we like that system or not.

They did try to capitalize on the the number 84-it doesn't matter what the jury did or did not believe or what the outcome was. It is scary to me because if true (that they knew) they were willing to go ahead and shout it out anyway, just in case they needed that extra punch to get the conviction and hopefully the death penalty. Doesn't that scare everyone a little bit, no matter what you feel about Casey?

The State is smart enough, professional enough, and experienced enough to know that every claim they make can be checked and that they are constantly in the public eye, ESPECIALLY in a DP case. They are not deliberately going to make up or exaggerate evidence.

Additionally, expecting a conviction, they know that DP cases are automatically appealed. Knowing this--yet not knowing exactly which points will come up on appeal--they are very careful to present only what they know to be factual and to document everything.
Ok, I'll say this again....the state did not provide anyone with a corrected report. If they had the court would have AUTOMATICALLY taken corrective measures to ensure that Casey's constitutional rights were protected. There were no measures taken therefore there was no effort by the state to provide a corrected report. This is a matter of LAW.

Please go back and watch the trial video. Seriously. LDB did let the defense know of the error and mentioned it in open Court.
I don't think this is a big deal either, but the DT/Casey/CA/GA have nothing to do with this story. This is the computer expert who came forward with this. I think we should stop spreading misinformation.

BBM Pardon me, but what are you referring to when quoting my post that suggests I am 'spreading misinformation?' I said MOO, - it is my opinion and I am entitled to it, as much as anyone else.

This 'story' has everything to do with Casey, as this is a forum about her case and trial. JMO
there is absolutely no reason/evidence to believe that is true. absolutely no reason whatsoever. imo

Not only that but how is throwing baseless accusations against the DT different from someone accusing the State of willfully withholding this stuff without anything to back it up other than what this guy is saying?
so what you are saying is, you think the defense team conspired with this cacheback dude to improve caseys image?

Not even close. And respectfully, I don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth.
there is absolutely no reason/evidence to believe that is true. absolutely no reason whatsoever. imo

I never said it was true. My post never said that at all.

I said that NOTHING absolutely nothing would surprise me in terms of what the Defense would do to make sure FCA can become marketable again.

If it was thought that the SA were trying to frame FCA that would surely make FCA more marketable.
Not only that but how is throwing baseless accusations against the DT different from someone accusing the State of willfully withholding this stuff without anything to back it up other than what this guy is saying?

Exactly pot meet kettle.
Please go back and watch the trial video. Seriously. LDB did let the defense know of the error and mentioned it in open Court.

OK, I am not going to argue with you anymore. This will bear itself out and I imagine at some point the SA is going to have to comment on it.
I never said it was true. My post never said that at all.

I said that NOTHING absolutely nothing would surprise me in terms of what the Defense would do to make sure FCA can become marketable again.

If it was thought that the SA were trying to frame FCA that would surely make FCA more marketable.

i didn't mean to imply that you meant that was true. i was just stating my opinion in response to yours. :)
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