Found Deceased Spain - Esther Dingley, from UK, missing in the Pyrenees, November 2020 #5

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It has have been posted twice before in Esther's threads that suggesting her disappearance is a hoax is not allowed. It is not victim friendly, and such posts will be removed along with all responses.

ZERO TOLERANCE. Any future posts of this nature will absolutely result in a loss of posting privileges.
Missing Brit hiker Esther Dingley 'was last seen by woman who gave her food'

As this has now been reported on MSM (even if it is The Sun), I guess it means we are allowed to discuss this sighting of Esther mentioned on Esther & Dan's facebook by French woman MB. I think the Sun have got it wrong by saying it was hours before she was last seen though, as MB had said it was October 31st when she saw Esther.

Members may discuss the MSM article but are still not allowed to sleuth MB's social media.

Also, a reminder to use initials for individuals who are neither victim or a POI/suspect.

This post lands at random.

There is an ongoing cleanup of this thread. In the meantime, stop with the judgmental posts and the trashing of the victims. It is no way productive in trying to find out what has happened to Esther.

ETA: Be careful what you wish for ;) ... when someone says Goodbye, we are very polite and say Goodbye in return.

This post lands at random.

When a member comes on board and starts posting information that is not supported by links to MSM, LE, or other WS approved sources, please immediately Report such posts so we can remove them in a timely fashion. Don't bother politely asking for links and giving up when links are not provided. Report the post and let Moderators deal with it.

We now have a discussion sprinkled with unsupported, possible misinformation and members are discussing as if it is fact (i.e. search dogs stopped at a certain point ....). We only have X number of Moderators and it is impossible for us to go back through entire threads and remove all misinformation and all responses to that information. We rely on our members to let us know as soon as there is a problem when posts violate Websleuths Terms of Service. This is especially important when it is a matter of misinformation or info that is not supported by approved links. No member has special dispensation to state information as fact without backing it up with links to WS approved sources unless they are Verified by Websleuths.

Posts containing unsourced, unsupported information undermine the values and established standards that exist at Websleuths. If you see someone violating that TOS, please Report and we will deal with it as quickly as possible. Remember: NO LINK, NO POST !!

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Thank you to all our valued members who follow TOS and who understand that it is those strict rules that keep this site credible.
Just to be completely accurate...I believe the only statement we have from LE is that Dan was “interviewed as a witness not a suspect.” Actually they have no suspects.But it is inaccurate for our discussion purposes to say “he was cleared.” Unless there’s a link to LE saying just that.

LE still does not know what happened. In the unlikely situation that she is found obviously murdered in some unlikely one has been “cleared”at this point.
We are guests of this site and there are site specific rules. It may be that LE (or even some of us) have another theory or two...but unless and until something like that is made public, we cannot broach those theories here."

Yes, stmarysmead, LE and some websleuths may well have theories we're not able to discuss on this thread.

This statement in the LBT dossier has me consider there's information about Esther's disappearance not available to the public:

"...As an active police investigation is ongoing, it is not the purpose of this document to comment on activities already undertaken or being undertaken by the police forces investigating Esther’s disappearance..."

IMO, DC has received information from LE which has spawned his theory that a third party caused this mystery. I don't believe it's simply from his hope that Esther could still be alive.

If searches for her resume on the Pyrenees when the snow melts, I think we can presume LE believes she met her fate, whatever it may have been, on the mountain.

If searches aren’t relaunched in the spring, IMO that would indicate LE believes she left the mountain, either voluntarily or by force.

snipped and BBM for focus

The information below is snipped from my post #657 in Thread #3 as it bears repeating here. I believe the WP article could apply to ED's situation, IMO....

"Thank you @10ofRods - you have brought some tremendous human biology information to this discussion. I want to share a Washington Post article about Jim Fixx as I was not aware of him and his story until your post. It is an incredibly insightful article and there is a section comparing anorexia to obligate running, which Jim Fixx did."
Yah. It was exactly Jim Fixx I was thinking about when I wrote my post upthread that included marathon runners and nutrition deficiencies. Thanks for expanding.
Dan Colegate was cleared of any involvement in Esther's disapperance, which would not have been the case if he had been around the van prior to reporting her missing.
Snipped for focus
IMO we can't make that assumption. DC could have been cleared AND he could have been at the van. There's no reason why LE would have to announce that publicly.
Did anyone figure out if you can see Benasque from the Pic? I tried to find some photos, but got every angle but.....

I can't recall.... did ED tell DC she was on the Pic in their last conversation? Or did that only show up a bit later in her public SM? Maybe actually didn't know she was on the Pic?
Did anyone figure out if you can see Benasque from the Pic? I tried to find some photos, but got every angle but.....

I can't recall.... did ED tell DC she was on the Pic in their last conversation? Or did that only show up a bit later in her public SM? Maybe actually didn't know she was on the Pic?

She texted...“I’m on a col/peak so can’t stop for too long but wanted you to know.”

Then sent two selfies some minutes later.
snipped and BBM for focus

The information below is snipped from my post #657 in Thread #3 as it bears repeating here. I believe the WP article could apply to ED's situation, IMO....

"Thank you @10ofRods - you have brought some tremendous human biology information to this discussion. I want to share a Washington Post article about Jim Fixx as I was not aware of him and his story until your post. It is an incredibly insightful article and there is a section comparing anorexia to obligate running, which Jim Fixx did."

Thank you for posting this. Back in the Dark Ages, I bought Jim Fixx's book and became convinced of his approach (since then, I'm not so sure that intense, long aerobic activity provides longevity or health - moderation in all things?)

At any rate, any number of health problems befall healthy-looking young people who over-exercise, attempt to fast (my students think it's amusing when someone faints from exercise or hunger...going over the physiology of how dangerous this is...well, that's part of my job).

AFAIK, Jim had heart issues that ran in his family and thought he could overcome them by over-exercising (he likely should have had more medical tests and been more moderate).

The thing is, a medical event of some kind (even without food issues) is still a possibility in this case. I find that possibility more likely than stranger abduction or murder on the trail.
She texted...“I’m on a col/peak so can’t stop for too long but wanted you to know.”

Then sent two selfies some minutes later.
She didn't tell him which one, it sounds like. Very interesting..... That configuration on top could be on many many different Pyrenees peaks.
.... Somehow I don’t think a terribly distraught and worried partner would stay away just to avoid suspicion...especially if an accident is the most likely cause. No one had any reason to believe this was anything criminal before that intensive search. Why would Dan avoid coming to the area himself? It’s Dan now who believes this is a crime not an accident.
snipped respectfully and bolded by me for focus

So, @stmarysmead, @patCee, @PeggyHenry, @Puzzles and @RickshawFan, dare I ask the questions begging to be asked?

Did DC consider heading to Banasque (via hitch, hike, bike, or some combo of transport) to find and help ED after their last chat on 22/11? Was he concerned about ED's mental state, like we are? And therefore, is it possible DC tried to locate ED on his own for a couple days before reporting her missing on 25/11?

I have been unable to find any information confirming whether or not DC stayed at the farmhouse 22/11 - 25/11. I have just presumed he did. But maybe he hightailed it to Banasque very worried about ED's welfare, perhaps on 23/11. I am not saying anything is wrong with that. It's what I would have done based on the information I had.

And I am not implying any wrongdoing by DC at all. The LE may be fully aware of those movements by DC without any alarm. It could be just a big puzzle piece the public doesn’t know about, and isn't supposed to know. For some good reason it might be being withheld. IMO, that is one option that could explain this lingering mystery.

But perhaps others have information I am missing, about DC's whereabouts 22/11 - 25/11.
snipped respectfully and bolded by me for focus

So, @stmarysmead, @patCee, @PeggyHenry, @Puzzles and @RickshawFan, dare I ask the questions begging to be asked?

Did DC consider heading to Banasque (via hitch, hike, bike, or some combo of transport) to find and help ED after their last chat on 22/11? Was he concerned about ED's mental state, like we are? And therefore, is it possible DC tried to locate ED on his own for a couple days before reporting her missing on 25/11?

I have been unable to find any information confirming whether or not DC stayed at the farmhouse 22/11 - 25/11. I have just presumed he did. But maybe he hightailed it to Banasque very worried about ED's welfare, perhaps on 23/11. I am not saying anything is wrong with that. It's what I would have done based on the information I had.

And I am not implying any wrongdoing by DC at all. The LE may be fully aware of those movements by DC without any alarm. It could be just a big puzzle piece the public doesn’t know about, and isn't supposed to know. For some good reason it might be being withheld. IMO, that is one option that could explain this lingering mystery.

But perhaps others have information I am missing, about DC's whereabouts 22/11 - 25/11.
I'm thinking DC could have got to Benasque on the morning of the 22nd?

It's interesting that on the afternoon of the 22nd—late afternoon—ED didn't tell DC exactly where she was when she was on the Pic. Why? Perhaps she knew he might be on the way and she wanted to continue on with her "time out" and not be pressured into a whole lot of anything.
snipped respectfully and bolded by me for focus

So, @stmarysmead, @patCee, @PeggyHenry, @Puzzles and @RickshawFan, dare I ask the questions begging to be asked?

Did DC consider heading to Banasque (via hitch, hike, bike, or some combo of transport) to find and help ED after their last chat on 22/11? Was he concerned about ED's mental state, like we are? And therefore, is it possible DC tried to locate ED on his own for a couple days before reporting her missing on 25/11?

Snipped and BBM.

Ah, @RedHaus, IMO, this is a salient question and thank you for asking it. I answer yes.

I can easily imagine Dan travelling to speak to Esther, in person. In his shoes, I would have been distraught following her strange messages and apparent confusion.

Long ago, I drove almost three hours, in a blizzard, after receiving an atypical and inexplicable phone call from my partner. I didn't know he was delirious from high fever.

Today, I'd know to ask police to conduct a welfare check – not an option for Dan.
snipped respectfully and bolded by me for focus

So, @stmarysmead, @patCee, @PeggyHenry, @Puzzles and @RickshawFan, dare I ask the questions begging to be asked?

Did DC consider heading to Banasque (via hitch, hike, bike, or some combo of transport) to find and help ED after their last chat on 22/11? Was he concerned about ED's mental state, like we are? And therefore, is it possible DC tried to locate ED on his own for a couple days before reporting her missing on 25/11?

I have been unable to find any information confirming whether or not DC stayed at the farmhouse 22/11 - 25/11. I have just presumed he did. But maybe he hightailed it to Banasque very worried about ED's welfare, perhaps on 23/11. I am not saying anything is wrong with that. It's what I would have done based on the information I had.

And I am not implying any wrongdoing by DC at all. The LE may be fully aware of those movements by DC without any alarm. It could be just a big puzzle piece the public doesn’t know about, and isn't supposed to know. For some good reason it might be being withheld. IMO, that is one option that could explain this lingering mystery.

But perhaps others have information I am missing, about DC's whereabouts 22/11 - 25/11.
There has to be a significant piece of the jigsaw puzzle missing that when appears, will show a much clearer picture.

It sounds very logical that DC might set off for that purpose. It is difficult to discuss as DC can be thought of as a victim. There is no pointing the finger at DC .. but when trying to find scenarios that fit the many disparate things we know - I could suggest taking that one step further and say he set off before that, when he wasn’t getting satisfying responses from Esther. He may have even hinted at this in messsges to Esther and hence her ‘ I think I can see you’ messages. This may have led to panic .. in them both. Of course this is just exploring options which might make sense of what we know. It doesn’t mean they happened JMO in trying to find scenarios which bring everything else together.
I can imagine myself doing similar actions .. we panic, get anxious, emotional and we do what we feel we have to. Running on adrenaline.
Is there anyone who knows how strict the lockdown in France was in late November? Would people accept hitch-hikers? Would police stop people and ask why they were travelling? Did DC had access to a car? How did he get to the search area after ED was reported missing, and he went there to look for her?
snipped respectfully and bolded by me for focus

So, @stmarysmead, @patCee, @PeggyHenry, @Puzzles and @RickshawFan, dare I ask the questions begging to be asked?

Did DC consider heading to Banasque (via hitch, hike, bike, or some combo of transport) to find and help ED after their last chat on 22/11? Was he concerned about ED's mental state, like we are? And therefore, is it possible DC tried to locate ED on his own for a couple days before reporting her missing on 25/11?

I have been unable to find any information confirming whether or not DC stayed at the farmhouse 22/11 - 25/11. I have just presumed he did. But maybe he hightailed it to Banasque very worried about ED's welfare, perhaps on 23/11. I am not saying anything is wrong with that. It's what I would have done based on the information I had.

And I am not implying any wrongdoing by DC at all. The LE may be fully aware of those movements by DC without any alarm. It could be just a big puzzle piece the public doesn’t know about, and isn't supposed to know. For some good reason it might be being withheld. IMO, that is one option that could explain this lingering mystery.

But perhaps others have information I am missing, about DC's whereabouts 22/11 - 25/11.

Thanks so much for this post.

Dan...Mr he describes himself...just does not seem the type to sit, wringing his hands, waiting for a phone call.

I’m not sure he’d immediately think she had had an accident...because of her constant “extensions.” This time apart started out to be just for a few days, according to him...but every time she said she was coming home, she stayed up in the mountains. Dan, the practical one, had to be thinking about the time of year and the weather changing. It just seems in character to me that, if he sensed m0re hesitation, he’d head out to take charge of the situation.

Although Dan tells us she promised to be home on the 25th and was anxious to return, he quotes no text that confirms that in the dossier. Maybe he has such texts but, IMO, texts where she definitely sets out a return date would be more important to disclose than the “Love you so much” texts.

I do agree with others who think she is purposely vague.

“Still in the same area. Tomorrow heading for Port de le Glere or something spelt like that. Might dip into France. Hoping Refuge Venasque has a winter room. Keep you posted when can xx”
“Love you *advertiser censored*

I think Dan thought so too...hence, the immediate video call right after....which is very short. She doesn’t even actually say she’s heading to the Refuge, does she? It’s the logical assumption but...

But FrostOwl makes a good point...about the means of travel.

Actually the video of their return from their long trek in the Alps last summer, has them both exulting over the hundreds of miles traveled in one day...hitchhiking during the pandemic with so many kind strangers!

But I also wonder, since the place they are house sitting has been described as isolated and I think, a “farmhouse” ...if there isn’t a truck or work vehicle on the property that he could use.

No accusations here, at all. I see a lot of myself in Dan. In fact, many of my reactions to their language of their texts are based on my experiences with my darling daughters when they first started to spread their wings as adults. When they thought I was overstepping their new adult boundaries, they’d answer my direct questions with NO DIRECT answer...

‘Why are you in a park at 11pm at night? What park?”

“Love you! Best MOM ever! Call you if I can find my charger tomorrow.”

Or some similar..very loving...but definite evasion. Lol

I think Esther was trying to spread her wings in those weeks. Lovely, brilliant, but she seems much younger than her 37 years.

Just my opinions as always.
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