Spain, Françoise Dasnois (49) Colungo, Sierra de Guara, July 12 2009

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Françoise Dasnois (49) from Belgium went missing without a trace while on a day hike with her husband and children in the Pyrenees in Northern Spain on July 12, 2009


Francoise Dasnois was legally declared dead in December 2020.
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Missing since 12 July

Françoise Dasnois, who is a nurse, works at the Nivelles hospital. She lives in Fosses-la-Ville and is the mother of two children.

This is not the first time that Françoise has travelled to Spain to spend her holidays. This year she went with her husband and two children to Colungo in the Pyrenees in the north of Spain.

On Sunday 12 July at around 4.30 pm, the little family leaves for the mountains.
Françoise is an experienced hiker and the walk they have planned presents no particular difficulties. However, during the walk, Françoise decides to go back earlier, and leaves on her own, leaving the children, Simon (12 years old) and Julie (14 years old) with her partner, Hugues Legendre, a surgeon in Mont-Godinne, who carry on with the walk.

But to their great surprise, Françoise is not at their accommodation when they return. She has disappeared and there has been no news for more than a week.

And still the search continues in the Colungo region. Since the evening of Sunday 12th July, the Spanish police and local people have been searching in the mountains. "An impressive operation with volunteers has been set up," says Rachel. The search covers a radius of 40 km.

But in vain, Françoise is still nowhere to be found!
The FNIB joins in the distress of her family and expresses all its sympathy.


Françoise Dasnois and her family were hiking a trail called la ruta del Portal de la Cunarda, in the Sierra de Guara.

More info about this trail here:
Portal de La Cunarda | Excursiones por Huesca

From a certain point on, the trail is circular. Twice. It is not known at what point Françoise Dasnois either returned to the village, or waited for her family to hike the first or second circular part. The terrain starts very simple, with a road from the village and wide paths through the fields and low bushes. This changes further on, the canyon is very steep.

Cinco años tras la pista de la belga Françoise Dasnois
A judgment handed down on 20 May last by the 2nd chamber of the Family Court near the Court of First Instance of Namur records the absence of Françoise Dasnois, it being noted that it cannot be specified "the place, date and time of death or discovery of the lifeless body" of the latter. This decision takes the place of a civil status record of death since it was transcribed and given the force of res judicata, i.e. this Tuesday 8th December 2020...
After Françoise Dasnois was declared deceased legally, her husband Hugues Legendre told the press:

"All we hope is to have an explanation one day."


The rest of the interview is behind a paywall. This is the case with most interviews and reports, both in the Belgian and Spanish press. Also, many links from 2009 no longer work.
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Fosses-la-Ville: the mystery of Françoise Dasnois

On 12 July 2009, Françoise Dasnois, from Fosses-la-Ville, goes hiking with her husband and their two children in the Spanish Pyrenees. In the middle of the hike, tired, she decides to turn back, letting her family continue. Since then, she has been missing without a trace. We went to investigate in Spain.

Police, justice, mountain guides, journalists: we met all these people who investigated the mysterious disappearance of Françoise Dasnois. Six hours drive from Colungo, we also met Hugues Legendre. He left Fosses-la-Ville for Castres, a charming town in the Midi-Pyrénées. Its Jean Jaurès high school, of course, its shopping centre, its old town, but also its polyclinic. It is there, in Sidobre, that the former surgeon of the CHR de Namur now practises.

"The Midi-Pyrénées is an old dream, well before Françoise's disappearance," he says. "But obviously, when I arrived there, I had a little ulterior motive."

No body, no letter, no trace of struggle were ever found by the investigators. Disturbing, even worrying. What happened to this mother?


The report dates from 27 / 28 January 2013. It is hidden behind a paywall.
Strange case, with hardly any information. Anything could have happened to her including a voluntary disappearance. I read about it before and thought it was weird that she didn't properly tell them where she was going like "I am returning to the village" or "I am doing a different trail". She was an experienced hiker, but I'd be interested to know if she had ever went on her own route before. Was this completely out of character to bail? I wonder was she feeling unwell and collapsed somewhere out of sight. To me it's the most likely scenario but we know so little.
La soeur de Françoise, disparue en Espagne depuis 10 ans : “Vivre une telle épreuve à des milliers de kilomètres, c’est encore plus compliqué”

The sister of Françoise, who has been missing in Spain for 10 years: "To live such a difficult experience at thousands of kilometres, makes everything even more complicated."

Françoise Dasnois disappeared in Spain in 2009. Testimony of Rachel, her sister...

For some, the ordeal has been going on for years. This is the case of Rachel Dasnois, the sister of Françoise who disappeared in 2009 in Spain while she was hiking with her partner and children.

"She had stopped because she was tired. Her husband and children took a different direction. She was supposed to wait for them but when they came back, she was no longer there...."

When misfortune knocks at your door, it never warns. For Rachel Dasnois, from Tintigny, the nightmare began on 12 July 2009. On that day, her beloved sister, Françoise, mysteriously disappeared in Spain, where she was enjoying a holiday with her husband Hugues, a surgeon in Mont-Godinne, and her two children. She will never be seen again. Not a single trace of her body has ever been found.

Three possible hypotheses: that of a voluntary disappearance, that of an unfortunate accident, and that of a malicious disappearance.
But in the absence of a body or any news, the Court of First Instance of Namur decided to declare Françoise Dasnois as deceased.


Françoise, the sister of Rachel Dasnois, disappeared in the Spanish Pyrenees under mysterious circumstances in July 2009. Today, Rachel wants to relaunch the investigation, because she believes it was botched on the Spanish side.


Paywall after paywall.....

According to the sister, at least that is what we read here, Françoise was supposed to wait for her family to return from the next part of the hike.
If so, there is a specific spot where she was last seen.
IMO it made sense that she would wait, or at least take a rest, since she was tired.

Françoise was an experienced hiker, and the terrain was not difficult. What caused her to become tired? Perhaps a medical issue?

Also, this was the holiday season. The Portal de la Cunarda is an area of interest for tourists. There must have been other hikers in the area, on the same trail.

Would love to know why Rachel Dasnois is of the opinion that the Spanish Police botched the investigation...
Françoise Dasnois avait disparu lors de vacances en Espagne en 2009: elle a été déclarée morte par la justice belge

Françoise Dasnois disappeared during a holiday in Spain in 2009: she was declared dead by the Belgian justice system.

The date is July 12, 2009. Françoise, her partner and their two children are in Colungo, in the province of Huesca in the Spanish Pyrenees. Originally from Fosse-la-ville, the little family sets off on a hike towards the Portal De La Cunarda, an impressive and gigantic natural stone arch situated at the confluence of two gorges.

On this day, the thermometer reads over 30°C. The sky is clear and very sunny. Halfway through, Françoise Dasnois decides to turn back. Tired and probably worn out by the weather, the mother prefers to stop. Her husband and their two children continue their walk. "My sister was lagging behind, she decided to wait for them without knowing how long it would take," Rachel Dasnois reports.

But in the end Françoise never returned. Nearly 11 years later, the mother of the family remains untraceable. What happened on 12 July 2009? How do you explain the fact that Françoise Dasnois never found her way home? Did she get lost? Was she injured? Did she have a bad encounter? Was it a voluntary disappearance? So many questions that her sister Rachel asks herself.

"When her partner and children returned from their walk, Françoise was not at the meeting point. They continued on their way and when they arrived at the gîte, they couldn't find her either," Rachel tells us.

A major police deployment then followed, according to the Guardia Civil of the province of Huesca. "The Mountain Guardia Civil carried out a large deployment with several mountain teams. They were assisted by a tracking dog and two helicopters. Staff from the Sierra Natural Park and the Guara Gorge also carried out searches, as well as volunteers from the town of Colungo", the Spanish police explained. The itinerary followed by the family was traced by the gendarmerie, as were the nearby ravines. But nothing came of it, the Guardia Civil confirms.

The search lasted "exhaustively" for several weeks. In vain. The Guardia Civil explains that this type of disappearance is not rare in the region. Some people who are lost are found by the rescue teams, but this is not the case for all of them. "Some have not been been found," the police say.

Today, Rachel is still trying to find out what happened to her sister 11 years ago. "I've looked at the file several times. I don't understand what could have happened. If she had collapsed she would have been found. Could we have missed her body because of the vegetation? The investigation has remained at a standstill", she regrets.

What is the state of the investigation today? To find out, we turn to the Namur public prosecutor's office. As Françoise Dasnois comes from Fosses-la-ville, it is this public prosecutor's office that has been in charge of the case. We are told that in parallel with the investigations carried out by the Spaniards, a major investigation was carried out by the Belgian Federal Judicial Police, under the direction of an examining magistrate from Namur. Investigation duties were also carried out in Spain by means of an international rogatory commission, according to Etienne Gaublomme, press magistrate of the Namur public prosecutor's office.

Unfortunately, these investigations have not led to the return of Françoise Dasnois. There is no indication that this disappearance was a criminal act. On 25 January 2021, the Namur Council Chamber dismissed the investigating judge. In May 2020, the Namur Court of First Instance issued a decision declaring Françoise Dasnois missing. Legally, the Belgian woman is considered to be deceased. A shock for Rachel, who continues to fight for the truth. "I'd like to restart the investigation, get the Belgian police back to Spain," she explains.

On the civil level, if a person has not given any sign of life for more than three months and it is not known whether they are alive or dead, a judge can establish the presumption of absence, as Etienne Gaublomme explains. After a period of absence of several years, the civil court may declare a declaration of absence. The declaration of absence has the same administrative effects as a death. This allows a whole series of cases such as inheritance or remarriage to be unblocked, the magistrate explains. The latter points out that Rachel Dasnois, who had filed a civil claim in connection with her sister's disappearance, had access to the file and was entitled to take part in the proceedings.

"If new lines of enquiry emerge, this investigation can be relaunched," Etienne Gaublomme points out. The Spanish police assure us that "no case of disappearance disappears from the database". "It remains always active", they tell us.


This report is recent, it dates from February 5, 2021.
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La justice belge n'enquête plus sur la disparition de Françoise Dasnois en Espagne : "C’était un acte criminel"

In July 2009, Françoise Dasnois, 48 years old, from Fosses-la-Ville, went hiking in the Spanish Pyrenees, with her husband and their two children. On the way, tired, she stops. Her family continues the route. The plan was that Françoise would wait for them at an intersection point after the others had completed a loop.


Reposting the map of the trail. There are 2 loops:


IMO, the family would want to visit the Portal De La Cunarda, so after the first part of the first loop, they would not turn back but continue to the next part of the trail. Therefore, I think that Françoise disappeared between the two loops, after the first and before the second one near to the Portal de la Cunarda.
If she disappeared before the first loop, she would have been near the start of the trail, the easy part, and it would have made sense to walk home.

This report dates from February 6, 2021 and is subscription only. In the interview, Rachel Dasnois, the sister, refers once again to a criminal act, unclear from the snippet whay that is so.
How sad, and I feel for her family.

I assume she had a medical episode or became lost and then dehydrated or injured and just wasn't found in the terrain, but meeting up with the wrong person wouldn't be impossible.
When this thread came up, I hoped it was because of new developments. But it wasn't to be.

Tried to google for news, there is no news. I did find a few snarky remarks on FB of posters whom I suspect are related to Françoise Dasnois and her sister in some way, and who probably live in Belgium. They are of the opinion that the Spanish Guardia Civíl botched the investigation, that the disappearance of Françoise Dasnois was a criminal act, and that you usually only need to look for the perpetrator nearby. Perhaps with the distance these ideas flourish more and I guess it is always easier to say that something wasn't good enough if you weren't involved in the actual work.

In addition, I amused myself for a while with a video of a fortune-teller laying tarot cards about the disappearance. He remarked that Françoise was suffering from the sun and the heat and had therefore sought shade. While searching, she had taken a wrong turn into a dangerous path. He clearly had no intimate knowledge of the situation, nor did he seem to know that Françoise was a nurse and therefore knew how to care for an alleged wound.
I post no link, because this is obviously not an approved source. But it was entertaining.
Perhaps with the distance these ideas flourish more and I guess it is always easier to say that something wasn't good enough if you weren't involved in the actual work.

I think a lot of families left without answers would feel similarly, though.

Speaking generally, not about this case, sometimes LE dismisses or minimizes the perpetrator theory so they can move on. They used to call every missing teen a "run-away." Perps got away with a lot and still do.

I'm not sure what I think about this case. Misadventure seems likely, but you can't dismiss that maybe someone took advantage of her vulnerable state.

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