Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?

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Dec 19, 2008
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I know this subject exists in another thread..but the discussion is somewhat buried in the middle of a long thread and I was hoping that it could be open to further discussion and deserving of a thread of it's own (?)

Has something specific happened that Casey will not even nod at her parents in the courtroom? At the hearing before this she did turn around and smile at them. This time...nothing. Is that not REALLY odd? Does it make you think something very SPECIFIC is at the heart of the non-eye contact-no-acknowledgement?

what is it?
I bet it is so we don't over analyze and discuss the smiles on WBs - ha.
Keep in mind, the camera was not focused on KC the entire time. She could have looked back at them many times that we never saw because the cameras were following the lawyers.
Also, when she walked in, and again when she walked out, her head turned toward their direction briefly. I think she probably acknowledged them then too.
I think she knows, that they know that she is guilty,and if she avoids them and doesn't accept any visits from them, she doesn't have to face their hurt. She also doesn't have to answer any of their questions. It broke my heart to see the hurt on their faces yesterday. She caused that hurt and doesn't even have the compassion to look at them. Makes you want to just slap her. In her own way(backwards),I think she is feeling some kind of shame.
I know this subject exists in another thread..but the discussion is somewhat buried in the middle of a long thread and I was hoping that it could be open to further discussion and deserving of a thread of it's own (?)

Has something specific happened that Casey will not even nod at her parents in the courtroom? At the hearing before this she did turn around and smile at them. This time...nothing. Is that not REALLY odd? Does it make you think something very SPECIFIC is at the heart of the non-eye contact-no-acknowledgement?

what is it?

Yes, I think there is something specific behind KC not acknowledging her parents. I think KC knows they know she killed her daughter. She only smiled at them during the one court appearance because JB told her to and she quickly turned back around.

No jailhouse visits also speaks volumes. Come on, they don't have to talk about the case. KC's parents could just go to see her to tell her they love her. They could see her on Christmas Day at least, maybe say a prayer with her, anything to show their support. I don't care what the attorney says, I would see my child. What we don't know is whether the A's have even tried to see her and/or if KC would even see them if they did show up. I think a big reason for this behavior is shame on KC's part, if that is an emotion she can feel.

Besides, she is mad about the memorial. She's mad about a lot of things. I don't think she wants to see them and would have a difficult time facing them.

As always, JMO - Sue
Do you think Casey has been instructed not to acknowledge her parents in court (other than a brief glace/smile at them) as a matter of strategy? Possibly, an effort to distance her from the not so favorable public opinion of her family. She is likely communicating with them in other ways.
I'm sure they are writing letters to eachother and have perhaps discussed not showing emotion during hearings. Just my thoughts.
First, I don't think we really know if they have some sort of communication through JB. It could be some sort of ploy they have, who knows how the As think.

My thought is that KC is so use to bullying them into feeling guilty for anything that they may or may not do that leads to her satisfaction. I think she would yell, scream and threaten. If that did not work give them the silent treatment, if that did not work, and so on....

How else could anyone get away with stealing , cheating and lying the way that she did? I believe that in her heart she blames them as if it is THEIR fault she is behind bars and Caylee is gone. If CA did not call the cops there could have been a chance.
Do you think Casey has been instructed not to acknowledge her parents in court (other than a brief glace/smile at them) as a matter of strategy? Possibly, an effort to distance her from the not so favorable public opinion of her family. She is likely communicating with them in other ways.

that or perhaps when she throws someone under the bus.....:rolleyes:---I still think that there is more to it than what we know..I also think that in the mind control that the defense needs or wants they do this...also have noticed that with lkb there her postering was a bit more reserved...I think they are taking notice of how much others observe........
Maybe because its her parents fault she in jail-CA was the one who called police. If CA never made that call-no one would ever known who Caylee was-and Kc would just go on with her life of partying, without Caylee. And she has JB now--he's the only one trying to fix her mess now-because her mom didn't.
Keep in mind, the camera was not focused on KC the entire time. She could have looked back at them many times that we never saw because the cameras were following the lawyers.
Also, when she walked in, and again when she walked out, her head turned toward their direction briefly. I think she probably acknowledged them then too.

From reporters that were there in the courtroom watching the whole proceedings (and her reactions), she did not, other than that brief smile on her way out.
I heard on NG last night that she paid more attention to her new attorney. I think she gave ths A's a glance.
Hmmm - if there is a "rift" between Casey and her parents I would imagine the ones truly worried about the implications are Cindy and George Anthony but especially Cindy since it is CINDY and not Casey who was last seen with Caylee by someone other than a family member.
Cause she is a spiteful Itch, with a "B"
Because they have nothing to offer her now.

ITA. They can't get her out of jail or do anything constructive for her. Time to toss them aside just like she did Caylee. I believe it's the nature of psychopaths. If there is nothing in it for them, they don't have any use for it.
Yes, I think there is something specific behind KC not acknowledging her parents. I think KC knows they know she killed her daughter. She only smiled at them during the one court appearance because JB told her to and she quickly turned back around.

No jailhouse visits also speaks volumes. Come on, they don't have to talk about the case. KC's parents could just go to see her to tell her they love her. They could see her on Christmas Day at least, maybe say a prayer with her, anything to show their support. I don't care what the attorney says, I would see my child. What we don't know is whether the A's have even tried to see her and/or if KC would even see them if they did show up. I think a big reason for this behavior is shame on KC's part, if that is an emotion she can feel.

Besides, she is mad about the memorial. She's mad about a lot of things. I don't think she wants to see them and would have a difficult time facing them.

As always, JMO - Sue

I am not sure if anyone else recalls this but way back in the beginning of the case Cindy told LE she could care less about Casey, she just wanted Caylee back. That keeps playing over and over again on NG. Cindy also stated to the media that if she ever felt that he daughter ever hurt Caylee, she would be the first one to admit it. I am thinking the no visits are a way for the Anthony's to say...hey Casey, we cover for you over and over and now it's over. They may look like they are defending their daughter and that is just what a parent does. But in the end, it will be Georges statements that will help put Casey away for a long time. As for Cindy, I think she is embarrassed more than anything. This puts a big dent in her perfect picture family she was trying to portray..and still is. JMO
Even though I was loopy from medical test yesterday I was able to watch a bit of the courtroom antics displayed yesterday. I think my altered state caught CA( she looks like a "Channel Lady" these days compared to her look in the beginning of the case) stretching her neck forward with a "Please look at me KC" half smile that seemed so tortured and CA got nothing back. If the parents were going to be thrown under the bus at trial why would they be there? Maybe everyones right about them communicating with each other their stragies. If I was CA I would have broke out crying at the mention of the car their grandaughter Caylee Marie Anthony may have laid dead in. It must be torture for all involved to have to watch their everymove & gesture. Even if all the A family members feelings are discounted in the search for truth.
I posted this on another thread but I also but I noticed when KC came into the courtroom and sat down the camera focused on CA. The look on CA's face spoke volumes to the relationship between KC and her parents. CA had a look of confusion and hurt on her face. As if to say "Why aren't you turning around and acknowledging us? Why won't you look at us? We've given everything to you and supported you"

I do hope CA is hurt beyond belief. I hope she's hurt enough that she sees her daughter for who she really is. My hope is that she will come to her senses and do what is right to ensure that there is justice for Caylee.
They have not had a jailhouse visit since last fall, even with the finding of Caylee's remains, the holidays etc. Sure feels like some type of rift between them. I would imagine the A's handling of Caylee's Memorial Service and the fact that they cremated her against KC's wishes might have something to add to an already apparent rift. JMHO

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