Spicher was gone 3+ hours on day Kyron vanished

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So the prosecutor has this case before a Grand Jury and LE is still trying to figure out where Terri and Dede were that day?

This tells me LE has no smoking gun. There are no witnesses who saw Kyron leave with Terri, IMHO. They have no idea what happened, or at least, they can't prove it.

LE is hoping a questionnaire, distributed over two months after the fact, is going to bring them a smoking gun? Houze will eat a two-month-after-the-fact-witness as a snack and barely have to swallow.


Perhaps the prosecutor has determined, based on the questions being asked by the jurors, that the GJ isn't getting enough info from those subpoenaed to return an indictment, and so has directed LE to get out there and get evidence, hence the intense searches, the neighborhood canvassing, the questionnaire, etc.

That wasn't my longest run on sentence ever, but it ain't bad. :)
Now I'm wondering where in Washington or Canada could Kyron be???Would that be long enough to take him out of Oregon to one of those places?

Three hours can get you from Portland to Seattle, give or take a traffic jam or 2....
I think DD is very much involved in this whole thing and if she was with TH for three hours on June 4, why didn't TH mention DD in her emails? Was DD the other adult person in the white pick-up truck seen by two witnesses in the school parking lot? OR, is there a third person, an unknown adult in the truck, and we have a total of three people involved?

I hope that tomorrow's presser is going to answer some of these questions.

As for DD...........I can't see a friend willingly helping someone murder a child. I suspect that DD's involvement is the result of some crazy lie she was told by TH to get her cooperation. Just speculation, but maybe DD thought she was helping TH save Kyron from an abusive father. Maybe TH told her that Kaine abused her 16-year-old son and he had to leave and was abusing Kyron too. Maybe DD thought she was helping send Kyron to a safe house (like a battered woman's shelter). This might be why KH and DY feel Kyron is being stashed somewhere.
9 weeks and they're throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

So Terri was alone on the morning of the 4th, until two months later, when she wasn't and someone was sitting in her truck.

And on that same morning DS left at 11:15 or 11:30 except she left at 9:45. How could she have left abruptly or otherwise at 11:15 or 11:30 if she wasn't there until 1:00?

Who's on first!?!?

I hate this case.

Terri isn't the only one who can't get a story straight. LE is running a close second, IMHO. The eventual outcome may be Terri's proven guilt, but this reeks of desperation, IMHO.


Well....I think we all "hate" this case. I don't think any one of us "love" this case. No one wants a little boy to be missing :(

As far as the spaghetti comment, I think that a better analogy might be unraveling a huge knot. LE isn't telling us any stories, "Reliable Sources" are the ones talking here. Look, LE is trying to solve this case. They obviously aren't running to the public and telling us all that they know, giving us each detail as it comes along. Things are coming out about this case and just because these details aren't coming out in perfect order with every last piece in perfect place doesn't mean that they are lies or that LE doesn't know what they are doing..."Reliable Sources" just aren't privy to all the details. LE just isn't telling us the inside info on this ongoing criminal investigation, and frankly, they don't have to.
So the prosecutor has this case before a Grand Jury and LE is still trying to figure out where Terri and Dede were that day?

This tells me LE has no smoking gun. There are no witnesses who saw Kyron leave with Terri, IMHO. They have no idea what happened, or at least, they can't prove it.

LE is hoping a questionnaire, distributed over two months after the fact, is going to bring them a smoking gun? Houze will eat a two-month-after-the-fact-witness as a snack and barely have to swallow.


To me, the smoking gun is that TH and DS cannot account for their whereabouts during the same time on the day that Kyron went missing.
Perhaps the prosecutor has determined, based on the questions being asked by the jurors, that the GJ isn't getting enough info from those subpoenaed to return an indictment, and so has directed LE to get out there and get evidence, hence the intense searches, the neighborhood canvassing, the questionnaire, etc.

That wasn't my longest run on sentence ever, but it ain't bad. :)

DS and TH look similar enough, that if it was DS in the truck, it's going to be difficult to prove it wasn't Terri, if that makes sense.

Also, if someone mistakenly assumed Terri was in the truck, but then saw her in the school, wouldn't they be like, "Oh, I thought I just saw you outside!" or something along those lines. Ya know? It would be memorable.

I don't think DS and TH look very much alike when you really look at them, but at a passing glance, or through tinted windows, one might mistakenly assume DS for TH. Terri was known in the school, she volunteered, if someone thought they saw her in the truck and then went into the school and saw her there, wouldn't they mention it? I'm not being clear, because I hate this case, but the inference is that DS was in the truck. How can the witnesses be sure Terri wasn't in the truck. What makes them so sure? And if the inference is that DS was in the truck, or LE assumes that to be the case, why can't the witnesses confirm?
I really want to know how 'abruptly left at 11:15' changed into 9:45.

"Initially, sources told KGW that Spicher left the location where she was working at 11:15 a.m. on June 4 and returned around 1 p.m. But Tuesday, those reliable sources said the window of time was even bigger and that Spicher was actually gone from 9:45 a.m. until 1 p.m."

ETA2: So the same reliable sources told then one thing and then changed it to something else?

It may be a matter of several members of a household. Maybe one person thought DD was working with so-and-so somewhere on the property early that morning, but has since learned that DD was working with so-and-so only for a short period of time and so-and-so said the last time he/she saw DD was at 9:45am.
Why is DeDe even working in the garden when it rained all night and most of the morning? I guess she could be trimming roses?
Wow DD is up to her eyeballs in this mess. I'm afraid that Kyron is definately no longer with us. If this was simply KH and DD stashing Kyron they ESP DD would have talked by now. If they killed him it will no them absolutely nothing for them to truthfully talk.
Someone mentioned this in a previous post and I am inclined to agree with the possibility that someone did indeed try to contact DDS around lunch time (11:15-ish) and was unsuccessful. When that person realized that tidbit of info might be useful to the Kyron effort, they notified LE (insert media leak, interview with reporter, etc here). LE then starts asking other people associated with/at the residence, farm, garden (insert more media leaks/interviews with reporters) and start realizing that DDS was not seen there after 9:45-ish creating a zig zag effect of a timeline. :waitasec:
Like another poster said, I hope LE is using Terri and Dede as a red herring while they search for the true felon. Keep the true felon feeling confident hoping they slip up.

I wonder what the FBI thinks of all this. :crazy:

Lol..somehow i really dont think thats the case here. It seems to me more that if anyone is slipping up its Terri..over and over and over again...
So the prosecutor has this case before a Grand Jury and LE is still trying to figure out where Terri and Dede were that day?

This tells me LE has no smoking gun. There are no witnesses who saw Kyron leave with Terri, IMHO. They have no idea what happened, or at least, they can't prove it.

LE is hoping a questionnaire, distributed over two months after the fact, is going to bring them a smoking gun? Houze will eat a two-month-after-the-fact-witness as a snack and barely have to swallow.


BBM-do we know that LE is still trying to figure out where they were that day? I think it's more that we are just learning these details, LE has known for awhile. I really think that GJ testimony is being leaked in little bits and pieces and that's where all these new details are coming from. I think the purpose of the flyer is to corroborate what they already know, to give them more witnesses. IMO only, of course.
It may just be that the source told kgw that DS left at 11:15 and the reporter added "abruptly".
Someone mentioned this in a previous post and I am inclined to agree with the possibility that someone did indeed try to contact DDS around lunch time (11:15-ish) and was unsuccessful. When that person realized that tidbit of info might be useful to the Kyron effort, they notified LE (insert media leak, interview with reporter, etc here). LE then starts asking other people associated with/at the residence, farm, garden (insert more media leaks/interviews with reporters) and start realizing that DDS was not seen there after 9:45-ish creating a zig zag effect of a timeline. :waitasec:

EXACTLY! unraveling the knot :)
So here's one way it could have gone down that day...

TH picks up DDS at work, then takes Kyron to school around 8.
DDS waits in truck 8-845.
TH drives DDS back to work at 9 and she works for 45 mins. - but where is Kyron during this time?
TH drives to FM #1 and gets receipt at 9:12.
TH drives back to DDS work and picks her up again and they do something until possibly 11:20. But doesn't DDS leave again abruptly at 11:15?
11:20 - 12:20 gym
12:45 TH back home
1:00 DDS back to work

Ya know what - we just don't know. We can look at different scenarios until our head pops off (which mine feels like its going to do) - but we just don't know. Maybe LE doesn't either. Nothing makes sense.
BBM-do we know that LE is still trying to figure out where they were that day? I think it's more that we are just learning these details, LE has known for awhile. I really think that GJ testimony is being leaked in little bits and pieces and that's where all these new details are coming from. I think the purpose of the flyer is to corroborate what they already know, to give them more witnesses. IMO only, of course.


Well, LE just sent out a questionnaire asking if anyone saw the two women that day, so IMHO, yes, LE are still trying to figure out where TH and DS were that day.
So here's one way it could have gone down that day...

TH picks up DDS at work, then takes Kyron to school around 8.
DDS waits in truck 8-845.
TH drives DDS back to work at 9 and she works for 45 mins. - but where is Kyron during this time?
TH drives to FM #1 and gets receipt at 9:12.
TH drives back to DDS work at picks her up again and they do something until possibly 11:20. But doesn't DDS leave again abruptly at 11:15?
11:20 - 12:20 gym
12:45 TH back home
1:00 DDS back to work

Ya know what - we just don't know. We can look at different scenarios until our head pops off (which mine feels like its going to do) - but we just don't know. Maybe LE doesn't either. Nothing makes sense.

I had this same scenario in my head, as well! The only part I couldn't make sense of, is why would Terri take DDS to school with her, only to drop her back off at work immediately afterwards? What would the purpose be to have DDS in the truck at the school?

Well, LE just sent out a questionnaire asking if anyone saw the two women that day, so IMHO, yes, LE are still trying to figure out where TH and DS were that day.

Like I'd said in my last sentence of my post that you quoted, I think that flyer was to corroborate what they already know, to get more witnesses. I really dont think they'd have all these people in front of a GJ if they don't even have an idea of where TH was that morning. There is more than one possibility for the reason behind that questionnaire. Actually, now that I think about it, (IIRC, not sure here), they said that the flyer was for the public to help ID the second person in the truck, right? I'll have to look for a link in a bit.

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