Stacy Ann Peterson, Bolingbrook IL #13

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ibnora..I agree. The two little children think Mom is on vacation right? They think that because that is what Drew told them. So to see their Mom's face on a poster in Sharon's yard would only lead them to ask Drew where is Mommy, when is she coming home..I miss her. Drew needs to live with that pain he caused these small children. And actually they might like seeing Mommy's face when they go out, probably once a week that Drew takes them to the grocery store.

The other thing is I doubt seriously if Drew has allowed Cass or Sharon to see those kids. They probably wonder about that too because those two women were very much in their life as Stacy's sister and best friend. So I am sure Drew gets questions like can I go see Miss Sharon? When is Aunt Cass coming to see me? When is Mommy coming home? Can we call Mommy I want to talk to her?
I think a poster on their neighbors lawn is the least of their problems and Drew's right now.

If Stacy were just missing then there would be no reason for Drew to keep the children from seeing Stacy's family and friends.

But all the problems these 4 children face are caused by Drew..not by someone putting Stacy's Missing posters up in the neighborhood.
While you are right the problems are caused by DP, the children aren't old enough to comprehend such things. To confuse and frighten the children is simply wrong. Think about them laying in their beds at night with those lights shining on their mother's face in the yard staring at them and them crying themselves to sleep, helpless, frustrated, and scared. What is DP going to be able to do? Nothing. The children are going to suffer in their own hell while the battle rages on between Sharon and DP.

You will never make me believe that it is GOOD for the children to ask such questions of Drew because he will fill them with nonsense instead of the truth. They will believe she abandoned them and left them to live with Daddy. They will believe she doesn't love them anymore. They will believe she is punishing them. They will believe that people are cruel and their Daddy is the only one who loves them.

Is this really what anyone wants for them at this age?! This will scar them even further when her body is found and they come to know someday their father is responsible.
While you are right the problems are caused by DP, the children aren't old enough to comprehend such things. To confuse and frighten the children is simply wrong. Think about them laying in their beds at night with those lights shining on their mother's face in the yard staring at them and them crying themselves to sleep, helpless, frustrated, and scared. What is DP going to be able to do? Nothing. The children are going to suffer in their own hell while the battle rages on between Sharon and DP.

You will never make me believe that it is GOOD for the children to ask such questions of Drew because he will fill them with nonsense instead of the truth. They will believe she abandoned them and left them to live with Daddy. They will believe she doesn't love them anymore. They will believe she is punishing them. They will believe that people are cruel and their Daddy is the only one who loves them.

Is this really what anyone wants for them at this age?! This will scar them even further when her body is found and they come to know someday their father is responsible.

SS a poster in Sharon's yard is not going to stop or start Drew from telling his children what he wants them to hear about Stacy. He's prone to saying exactly what strikes him at the moment is best for him. So any damage done in that area has probably already done.

The way the sign seems to be positioned in the yard looks to me like it is slightly tilted away from Drew's house. Since Drew does not allow the children to play in the front yard the only time they will see it is when they go out in the car with Drew. Which my bet is maybe 1x per week if even that. In the tape Greta recently had on he seemed to hate taking them in the car because of putting them in their carseats and belting them in, he made some complaint about that is the worst part of trying to take the out with I doubt Drew lets the two little ones see the sign.

On one hand, I can see where a sign in Sharon's yard placed where the children could see it if they looked out their window would not be good. But, if the sign is pointed in a direction where it can only be seen from the street, it's no different than the signs the children are likely to see whenever DP takes them out on weekly errands. From what I understand, there are signs with Stacy's picture all over town. How does DP explain those signs the children see along the way when they go to the supermarket?
I just wanted to add that I have wondered all along exactly what Drew told the children about the news trucks outside for the first 2 months Stacy was gone. Then the interviews he does and reporters being in the house..I just wonder what he has said.

The two little ones being there when Greta's producer videotaped the show surprised me. It must have been hard to explain that all this is about Mommy if all you have told the two youngest is that Mom is on vacation.

Drew has brought as much if not more attention to this case with his constant antics then anyone else..even though he maintains she ran off. Even though he says the two youngest don't see it on TV and the older ones don't want to watch do you explain to them that all these people are interested in us because Mommy is on vacation. Does he always discuss things with the older boys out of hearing range of the younger two? I hope so but I sincerely doubt it.

Something I have wondered is if the two younger children were ever interviewed, in a play therapy session, by LE or the state. The reason I ask is that most 4 year olds will tell the truth, even if they have been threatened by someone else, if they feel they are in a private protected setting. And what I have found is that if you truly want to know the workings of a family ask a 4-5 year old.
This seems odd I know but has proven to be true in most dysfunctional families I have encountered through my work. The 4 to 5 year age set seems to know and be able to tell everything in the household because it is their whole world. They can tell you things you wouldn't believe. Usually when I came into the picture these were the first people I wanted to talk to in private with a play therapist there and the knowledge that no harm would come to them for whatever they said.
Just wanted to repeat again that Mark Jensen was found guilty of Julie's there is still hope that letters, etc can be used if and when they arrest Drew.
While you are right the problems are caused by DP, the children aren't old enough to comprehend such things. To confuse and frighten the children is simply wrong. Think about them laying in their beds at night with those lights shining on their mother's face in the yard staring at them and them crying themselves to sleep, helpless, frustrated, and scared. What is DP going to be able to do? Nothing. The children are going to suffer in their own hell while the battle rages on between Sharon and DP.

You will never make me believe that it is GOOD for the children to ask such questions of Drew because he will fill them with nonsense instead of the truth. They will believe she abandoned them and left them to live with Daddy. They will believe she doesn't love them anymore. They will believe she is punishing them. They will believe that people are cruel and their Daddy is the only one who loves them.

Is this really what anyone wants for them at this age?! This will scar them even further when her body is found and they come to know someday their father is responsible.

So you honestly think all photos of Stacy have been erased from the home? Do you really think they fall apart when seeing a photo of her on the mantle?

Re: Sharon's new yard sign
« Reply #78 on: March 07, 2008, 05:27:49 PM »

Here is the sign...


I edited out the comments from the posts, but it is Sharon's yard.

Good deal, Sharon! Let everyone see that you want answers!!
You go Sharon. I hope DP has to see the poster everyday until his arrest.
You know I was conflicted about the sign. But then I got to thinking. When a parent dies you really don't want the young children to forget their parent. A lot of parents will keep pictures of the other parent around, will talk to the children about the other parent and how much they loved the child. But I don't think that is going to happen with these younger kids. So if that is the only opportunity there is to remind these kids of how much their mother loved them, then it is a good thing. In the meantime, yes they will probably be asking DrewP about where Mommy is and reminding DrewP that what has happened affects more than him. Keep in mind that to the younger kids, this is a picture of their Mother- a person they felt love from, not a picture of a crime scene or some scary monster.

I think the picture would be more traumatic to the older kids. Whatever they may have heard, whatever they may have been told, whatever they have had to do to get along in that house, the picture will be a constant reminder. Still the older kids are likely seeing her picture on the TV and posters, hearing her name on radio, and just looking around her home and the memories. So I don't really think it will be anymore traumatic than what they are already going through. I think they will just choose not to look out that window.

DrewP's lack of sensitivity to the kids will have more of an impact on the kids trauma than the picture. (Mommy left on vacation and left you behind- now go play, tell this story to the court, etc) will cause the kids more trauma than the picture.
On the media thread there are a few articles about this whole issue with quotes from Brodsky, Drew and Sharon. IBNORA captured them for us. Thank you Nora.

I think that helps clarify the fact that missing posters for Stacy are up all over town. She wants the kids to know that Stacy has not been forgotten and other people are still looking for her.

And Brodsky sees this as a vendetta..and possibly tainting her testimony because she wants to help find Stacy. LOL

Brodsky also says that Drew will not be going to Tailgater's tavern anylonger. Drew has moved up in the world and will be seen from now on at Gibson's in Chicago..with a much better class of people. If I was paying $40 a pop for steak dinner I wouldn't want to look across the room and see Drew. Gibson's is said to be very upscale where people go to see and be seen. LOL

Go read those articles they are pricelss. Particularly where Drew calls Sharon's son "goofy Elroy".

I think the threat of a boycott was a good idea. And evidently it worked, as the owner has said that he did talk to DrewP. JAB says DrewP will be going to a higher class bar now? I thought DrewP was going broke paying attorney fees? So how does he have all this drinking money? His younger children have recently lost their mother and the older children have recently lost their 2nd mother.... so why isn't he spending time with them? Now is when they need a parent. I would bet that both Kathleen and Stacy would have loved to have had more time to spend with the kids.

A vendetta, lol. Why would they have a vendetta?? Don't you have to have a reason to have a vendetta? ROFL, why would they have a vendetta against a man who has led such an honorable life??? (sarcasm) Think they might have a vendetta against him for remarks like he made about Sharon's son?
Is the weather in Bollingbrook milder now? Has the ice on the rivers melted? Is most of the snow melted?

I am hoping that the $11,000 raised at the fundraiser for renewed searches could start being used along rivers and at the Dresdan locks. I think that if Stacy is in water that once the thaw comes her body and the container may start to float.

I also still think there is someone else out there besides Tom M that knows more about what happened that night. I think it is time to renew the search efforts. Maybe the renewed search efforts will puy more emotional pressure on that individual and they will come forward.

I read the articles Chico posted in the media thread and it appears the searches are ready to begin again per Roy Taylor..Sharon's son. And that he met with ISP and they are both cooperating together in the search efforts.

I think the threat of a boycott was a good idea. And evidently it worked, as the owner has said that he did talk to DrewP. JAB says DrewP will be going to a higher class bar now? I thought DrewP was going broke paying attorney fees? So how does he have all this drinking money? His younger children have recently lost their mother and the older children have recently lost their 2nd mother.... so why isn't he spending time with them? Now is when they need a parent. I would bet that both Kathleen and Stacy would have loved to have had more time to spend with the kids.

A vendetta, lol. Why would they have a vendetta?? Don't you have to have a reason to have a vendetta? ROFL, why would they have a vendetta against a man who has led such an honorable life??? (sarcasm) Think they might have a vendetta against him for remarks like he made about Sharon's son?

My god, can you even imagine the outcry there would be if the sexes were reversed and Drew were a female leaving her kids to go out drinking when their father was missing???? Arrrrrrrrrgh.
Is the weather in Bollingbrook milder now? Has the ice on the rivers melted? Is most of the snow melted?

I am hoping that the $11,000 raised at the fundraiser for renewed searches could start being used along rivers and at the Dresdan locks. I think that if Stacy is in water that once the thaw comes her body and the container may start to float.

I also still think there is someone else out there besides Tom M that knows more about what happened that night. I think it is time to renew the search efforts. Maybe the renewed search efforts will puy more emotional pressure on that individual and they will come forward.

I read the articles Chico posted in the media thread and it appears the searches are ready to begin again per Roy Taylor..Sharon's son. And that he met with ISP and they are both cooperating together in the search efforts.


It's mid-March and the snow should be melting. I know people in Iowa reporting that they had a lot of snow this past winter and now only have patches left. Illinois is right next door to Iowa so I'd imagine it would be similar. Having grown up in upstate New York, I know that by the end of March, first week of April, many spring bulbs like daffodil and tulips are up. By mid-April the weather should be nice. It takes a bit longer for rivers and other bodies of water to warm. By now, there probably isn't any ice on any of the lakes or streams, and they're gradually warming.

If Stacy's body is submerged in a lake or river, I would think that very soon it could surface due to the increasing warmth and currents. So the bodies of water would be a good place to start the searching.

The one thing that worries me about this case is DP's antics in the very beginning. His absence for a few days to "clear his head" is very concerning because no one knows where he went. I think he did something during that time to conceal the body where it might never be found. It was right after he came back from those few days that he was wearing that ridiculous disguise - the bandana over his nose/mouth, sunglasses, and a baseball hat. I've always felt there was a reason for that disguise. I think wherever DP was during those few days, he was seen somewhere, and the disguise was an effort to prevent whoever saw him from making the connection. He didn't want some guy to see his face on TV and say, "Hey, isn't that the guy we saw out on such and such road last weekend?" The guy that was acting sort of strange?"
It's mid-March and the snow should be melting. I know people in Iowa reporting that they had a lot of snow this past winter and now only have patches left. Illinois is right next door to Iowa so I'd imagine it would be similar. Having grown up in upstate New York, I know that by the end of March, first week of April, many spring bulbs like daffodil and tulips are up. By mid-April the weather should be nice. It takes a bit longer for rivers and other bodies of water to warm. By now, there probably isn't any ice on any of the lakes or streams, and they're gradually warming.

If Stacy's body is submerged in a lake or river, I would think that very soon it could surface due to the increasing warmth and currents. So the bodies of water would be a good place to start the searching.

The one thing that worries me about this case is DP's antics in the very beginning. His absence for a few days to "clear his head" is very concerning because no one knows where he went. I think he did something during that time to conceal the body where it might never be found. It was right after he came back from those few days that he was wearing that ridiculous disguise - the bandana over his nose/mouth, sunglasses, and a baseball hat. I've always felt there was a reason for that disguise. I think wherever DP was during those few days, he was seen somewhere, and the disguise was an effort to prevent whoever saw him from making the connection. He didn't want some guy to see his face on TV and say, "Hey, isn't that the guy we saw out on such and such road last weekend?" The guy that was acting sort of strange?"

I wonder sometimes if he temporarily stashed the body somewhere and during that time went to place it somewhere more permanent. But then I think wouldn't the ISP already have been putting a tail on him just to see what he was doing? I think if he got rid of anything during that time it might have been other evidence. But his get- up was something else. He certainly looked like he was trying to hide from the camera.
He did look like he was trying to hide from the camera. He wore the disquise until media got hold of some family pictures with DrewP in them, and publicized them. Then he did away with the disguise.

However, I have heard one other theory about the disguise. He allegedly went away and came back and started wearing the disguise. But was that really him or was it someone who was his size and body type? Did he really come back that soon? Or was the purpose of the disguise to shake surveillance? After all, the man wearing the disguise did go out in public, did watch part of the house search, was very public. Are we sure that was DrewP?
He did look like he was trying to hide from the camera. He wore the disquise until media got hold of some family pictures with DrewP in them, and publicized them. Then he did away with the disguise.

However, I have heard one other theory about the disguise. He allegedly went away and came back and started wearing the disguise. But was that really him or was it someone who was his size and body type? Did he really come back that soon? Or was the purpose of the disguise to shake surveillance? After all, the man wearing the disguise did go out in public, did watch part of the house search, was very public. Are we sure that was DrewP?

During that time frame wasn't Ric Mimms and Paul P eterson staying at the house. I think if Ric was still there then he would have said by now that was not Drew. Paul I know from the pics was there. So were others. I think that Ric has said what he knows...but I think Paul has alot to tell..but I think he hasn't been honest with himself, his Mom or LE yet.

When and if Paul talks..and we finally hear what Tom M has to say..then it will be all over for Drew. I personally don't think Paul will talk until Paul knows that Tom will be called as a witness. Which means Drew will have already been arrested. Then all hell is gonna break loose. Many people who have been afraid to talk will talk and talk and talk.

During that time frame wasn't Ric Mimms and Paul P eterson staying at the house. I think if Ric was still there then he would have said by now that was not Drew. Paul I know from the pics was there. So were others. I think that Ric has said what he knows...but I think Paul has alot to tell..but I think he hasn't been honest with himself, his Mom or LE yet.

When and if Paul talks..and we finally hear what Tom M has to say..then it will be all over for Drew. I personally don't think Paul will talk until Paul knows that Tom will be called as a witness. Which means Drew will have already been arrested. Then all hell is gonna break loose. Many people who have been afraid to talk will talk and talk and talk.


I agree...........I think Paul knows a lot. I think it's safe to say that TM is probably in some sort of police protection because of what he knows. I also think it's possible that TM and possibly Paul, know more about Kathleen Savio too.
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