Stacy Peterson TV Transcripts

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I thought we should have a thread for show transcripts. Lots of people are not able to watch Greta, Nancy, and the others that are covering this. It could be helpful to those to have the show transcripts all in one place. I have a DVR, so I can do some of these as they air, and if I am able to- I will. Otherwise, most of them post transcripts online by the next day. I know that sometimes I see something on tv, and think... "I saw that on Greta... what was it again?"

This should help. I have volunteered to do Greta tonight.
This is a transcript of the PC that the officials in the investigation gave. Here's a copy/paste of my LONG transcription......

11-09-2007, 06:23 PM
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I'm going to try to relay what was said at the presser today for the benefit of those who can't watch it.


Charles Pelke- Dir Public affairs for Will Co S.A. James Glasgow's office

There will be 2 speakers today: Glasgow and Cpt Carl Dobrich of ISP.

2 detectives are there with the S. A.'s office COMPUTER CRIMES unit. :confused:

James Glasgow:

The ISP and S.A.s office working around the clock to find SP. In missing persons case, they follow homicide protocol. You can't go back and reconstruct evidence. Using the highest level of investigative techniques in this investigation. ISP has done everything asked of them. They are formally reopening investigation into the death of Kathleen.

All resources have been going toward finding SP, so looking into Kathleen has taken longer than expected. Glasgow has been doing this since 1978 and has never been involved in an exhumation. They handed out petition for exhumation today. None of his colleagues have either. extraordinary measure. They've done the filings to do the exhumation. Petition is based on new evidence they have obtained in SP's investigation. Analysis of autopsy protocol, facts collected at time of investigation- gash to the back of her head not sufficient to render her unconscious. hopes the exhumation will help with that. Wound would have produced profuse bleeding. blood evidence in tub area not consistent with water leaking slowly out of the tub and leaving a residue. abrasions on her left buttock and elbow are not the type of injuries that would occur on a slick surface as those in the tub area. Hoping to find cause of unconsiousness, no one drowns in a tub unless they are unconsious. Looking for trace evidence and Xrays will be taken. Microscopic examination of tissue looking for evidence of choking and other injuries. Independent medical examiner will do the additional autopsy. The defendent cannot admit into evidence that the jury inquest had ruled it an accident. They were successful in bringing the peterson kids to the child advocacy center to be interviewed. they were able to get consent this week. they tried to minimize the trauma to the children. Neutral nonsuggestive atmosphere.

Now, Glasgow turns it over to Carl Dobridge, Commander of investigations of ISP.

Dobridge: Just wants to summarize from beginning to where they are at today. ISP received info from Cassandra cales and family who reported SP missing to ISP district 5 in lockport around 4 am on Oct 29th. Passed along to investigations that morning. Called BB PD that morning to inquire about progress, and offered their assitance. At that time, BBPD initially told ISP that they WOULD handle the investigation. A short time after that BBPD decided that they would turn it over to ISP. That afternoon a team of investigators went to BBPD and talked to BBPD investigators. THen to DP home and talked to him. AT THAT TIME, he was cooperative and allowed them to do a limited consentual search of residence, nothing was found. Both vehicles were there. they were allowed access to the denali, but not the pontiac grand prix. The ISP then left, put out informational bulletins- entered SP into missing persons database. Since that time, 15- 20 ISP officers (supported by BBPD officers) have conducted numerous interviews of family, friends, known associates, classmates, BBP officers, of both drew and stacy. they have also conducted quite detailed telephone analysis of calls of SP and DP cell phones. Those cell phone calls have been plotted on a map, and given the best estimates that we can, we have tried to superimpose them on a map of where searches should take place. Will county and Grunde (sp?) county have taken place for the last week.... based upon info learned from beginning to date. Lists search equipment, mentions equusearch. Searching waterways in the area.

The investigation this week, as you know, we conducted 2 separate search warrants. One on the home, vehicles and a trailer of the P residence on pheasant chase. Subsequent to that we went back and served another seach warrant based upon things we learned thru interviews after the first SW. We thought we might find evidence of a crime at the residence or vehicles and supportive evidence in computers that were taken from the residence.

We have deployed a huge amount of assets to search in this area.

During SP's investigation, they decided to reopen the Savio investigation. Ready for questions.

(Hard to hear the questions, I'll do my best to just give most vivid points of interest)

* DP was person of interest in the first 24 hours. Now has gone to Suspect.

*DP limited areas to search in consentual search.
*We are searching all the areas that we think we could find her.
*No comment on whether they think he had help disposing of SP's body.
*Wont comment on the phone call at 9 PM Sunday night.
*Any use of Credit cards? Not going to get into that.
*The case has shifted from Missing Person to potential homicide case.
*Last time he was cooperative? The last cooperation from DP was the night of the first search warrant.
*When will the exhumation happen? Can't answer that- still in discussion stages.
*"SUSPECT" only applies to SP case so far.
*Was grand Prix the vehicle they thought was the one used to move the body? No Comment.
*Do you believe that Savio was murdered? Strong indications that show it was a homicide. tests were not done during the first autopsy. Crime scene photos are not consistent with an accident.
*Is DP a suspect for Savio? My office does not declare people as suspects.
*Why are computer crimes detectives here? John Conner is head of computer crimes unit. Dave Margliano is highly skilled in computer forensics. Computers are now a real issue, everyone has them. There is always valuable info in computers. Can't comment on what evidence is on computers, but computer crimes detectives have been very busy in this case.
*Has DP being a police officer helped or hurt the investigation? In looking at the death of Savio, twice in 2002 she was charged with battery, and was found innocent at trial in both cases. WHen she sought to have DP charged with crimes against her, there was no report even taken. very unusual. WOn't comment on whether people covered things up for him.
*Wants to appeal to the public. If anyone in the public has info- call anonymously if you need to- but please keep calling in tips.
*BBPD Chief has been outstanding in the support of the ISP. "Super supportive" want a resolution, can't say enough about them.
*This S.A. said that he was not in office when Savio tried to get help from the ISP.
*The S.A.'s office did not want to interview the boys at the time of Savio's death as to "not put undue stress" on them."
*Do you have any reason to believe that SP might have had anything to do with the death of Kathleen Savio? I am not going to answer that.
*The inquest was held when the primary officer was on vacation.
*Has the media helped or hurt this investigation? The media has been a great asset to us as far as searching for stacy. Got the message out. Lots of people offering assistance. All searches are now being done by Equusearch.
*SA says, with 29 years of experience, there is no doubt in my mind that Savio's death was NOT an accident. Pat ONeil is an exemplary coroner, and SA doesn't know what happened here.

*****END OF PRESSER*****
Greta Van Susteren. Tuesday, Nov 12th 2007

Sgt Peterson's stepdaughter from wife #2 speaks:

In Silouhette, Identity hidden:

Her mother was married to DP from 1982-1992- she was 8 when they married. In her life from age 8 to 17. She lived in the house with mother and DP, not her father. DP was extremely strict, sometimes "not a very nice person". Did he ever strike her? "I was punished- yes maam". Punishment to the extreme, hit with a belt for 'many years'. DP was the disciplinarian in the home. Looking from the outside you would think they were happy, but she knows her mom wasn't. Was there violence in the marriage? He was abusive and controlling- watched every move she made. Mom wasn't allowed to have friends or talk with the family. He was the only person allowed to be in her life. She never saw him get physical, but she heard it. She thinks that he did his best to hide physical abuse, but was very mentally abusive. Her mom decided to end the marriage on the basis of infidelity, of many years. He was unfaithful to her mom with Kathleen. He was trying to hide the affair- the home was 'tapped' their business was 'tapped'.
Greta; How do you know?
Answer: I would get in trouble for things he couldn't have known I did, then we found out they had the phones tapped.

The last time she saw DP was 5 years ago at a funeral. Her mom talked to him a few months ago- seems like he's always 'there'. Her mother is still afraid of him. He's told her mom that he can hurt her, and she feels she has to be decent on that level, so he wont hurt her.

DP contacted wife #2 about Kathleens death. Said it was an accident with his wife, and somene might try to contact her regarding it. Wife #2 was up in the air about whether he may have done it..... She had all those thoughts in the back of her head. Daughter says she is the one who told her mother about SP being missing. Daughter has feared DP her whole life growing up. When mother divorced him, she stopped being afraid. She is not hiding from him. She just doesn't want her family to be thrust into the media. When her mom heard that her step brother's mother (Savio) passed away, she was extremely scared. Knowing that he is still walking out and possibly responsible for hurting these women, mom is very cautious and careful, and feels better with getting bits of info. Obviously he hurt her so badly all those years ago, she's still afraid. He used to tell her mother that he could kill her and make it look like an accident. He didn't go into detail, but that was something her mother had told her. Mom told her this recently.
Second Segment:

Talking about KS. Steve (neighbor) and Dr Baden are on.

Greta asks Dr Baden- is there some question you would like to pose to Steve?

Dr Baden: Yes, what is the position the body was in the tub, was the head bent forward, or backwards in the tub?

Steve: Head bent forward hair over her face. Sitting up on her side, hair over her face.

Dr Baden: Did you touch the body to do CPR? Steve: No
Dr Baden: Did anyone touch the body? Steve: No

Dr Baden: There is a purple discoloration that indicates that she was laying with her head and chest downward for a good 6 to 8 hours before she was found- did you notice any discoloration on the front part of the body?

Steve: Yes I saw blue discoloration
(Paraphrasing- can't catch it all)

Greta: What does that mean? Time of death for sure, but would it help decide if it was accident or murder?
Dr Baden- no- it would help determine TOD and Alibi

Greta- Steve, did you see anything like a bathrobe or clothes like someone got ready to take a bath?
Steve- I didn't notice anything. Finding a dead body was very disturbing.
Dr Baden- steve, was this an odd shaped bathtub? Sauna type that you had to sit up in?

Steve- it was oval shaped tub, that's the only time I saw it. Except for one time when a news crew had pictures on tv.
Dr Baden: Thank you.

Greta- thank you both.
3rd Segment: Topic: Stacey's mother.

Jennifer Goals of Naperville Sun is being interviewed. SHE TALKS SUPER FAST!

Stacy's parents were divorced before she disappeared. Dad had already remarried. They were living in florida. Mom was very intermittent in her life. At around age 17 she never came back to visit again. Dad is alive and mom's missing. Lots of leads that ended up as dead ends, family believes that mom may be dead as well. Family had tried to hire PI.

Cales family had a hard time. According to family friend, when cristy left it was after the death of a second daughter. Very hard to cope- it was her way of dealing with it. One daughter died in a house fire, one died of sids. Stacey's daughter is named after her sister (that died of SIDS) - Laci. Brother has been in trouble. Is serving a 54 month prison sentence for sexual assault. He was 23 and victim was 15. Police reports do not indicate whether the victim was known to him.

Stacy's father- Anthony Cales. Not a lot known about him. His ex wife is the one who talked to this reporter. Ex wife says Anthony had alcohol issues when the girls were growing up. Is stacy on good terms? Don't know. No one has seen him in this issue. Not at searches, etc.... Cassandra is Stacy's sister who she is very close to. Tina was stacy's half sister- shared same mother- different father. Tina died last year of cancer.

*WHEW* I did my best- I rewound, but this lady talks really, really fast.

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