State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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No it's a Monday to Friday thing .. they'll get the weekend off and start on Monday .. I doubt they'll need all week though :)

I think the jury will be out maybe a full day at the most. I can't see the need for any longer, this case is pretty clear, Premeditation was proved, the crime was heinous and overkill and she lied, lied and lied, then hid the weapons to cover her tracks.
Discussing "harvesting" organs is grotesque and contrary to every ethical standard of humane treatment I can think of.

Your hilarious but spot on.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I understand what you're saying, but would you seriously want any part of her? I know I wouldn't.

Totally agree! There is no part of JA worth anything for anyone.

From that link I posted earlier:

"The most stunning example of cellular memory was found in an eight year old girl who received the heart of a ten year old girl. The recipient was plagued after surgery with vivid nightmares about an attacker and a girl being murdered. After being brought to a psychiatrist her nightmares proved to be so vivid and real that the psychiatrist believed them to be genuine memories. As it turns out the ten year old whose heart she had just received was murdered and due to the recipients violent reoccurring dreams she was able to describe the events of that horrible encounter and the murderer so well that police soon apprehended, arrested, and convicted the killer."


If JA's organs are ever harvested, maybe the unlucky recipient(s) will then know the exact timeline of events when she slaughtered TA.:scared:
I think she's right hand dominant and that she learned to write with her left hand for fun.
Jodi certainly has had plenty of time to "train" herself to write with her left hand and we know from observing her in court that she has a thing for notebooks and pencils! Or, she could be ambidextrous like me. I use both hands equally well, though for different things--and I didn't have to teach myself, it just sort of emerged when I was a child. That said, I do have preferences. I hold a fork in my left hand (but could easily use my right) and I write (on paper) with my left hand. I use my right hand for almost everything else--tennis, golf, guitar, ironing, sewing, scissors, cleaning chores, etc. If I injured my left hand, I could write with my right hand (on paper) but it doesn't feel natural and I'd have to focus/concentrate to make my writing legible. The reverse is sometimes true for the activities where I'm naturally right-handed. The more "skilled" the activity (guitar, golf, tennis, etc.), the more difficult it is to use my left hand over my right. Using scissors or a knife with my left hand is nearly impossible. Handedness with household chores is less of an issue. Now for the really weird thing: When I write on a white board, flip charts, (or a blackboard when I was kid) I naturally use my right hand over the left, though I occasionally switch hands without thinking about it.
Wouldn't you all just LOVE to be in that jury room though? I wonder if there's snacks .. I guess it's a coffee, tea and biscuits of occasion .. I wonder if there'll be one juror the others have to convince constantly, or if they all walk in, look over the definitions and all agree from the get-go. If they all agree from the start do they just twiddle their thumbs until a decent amount of time has passed? To be a fly on the wall....

"To be a fly on the wall ..." isn't that the truth - would love to know how the jurors elect a foreperson and the results of the very first G-NG poll.
Wouldn't you all just LOVE to be in that jury room though? I wonder if there's snacks .. I guess it's a coffee, tea and biscuits kind of occasion .. I wonder if there'll be one juror the others have to convince constantly, or if they all walk in, look over the definitions and all agree from the get-go. If they all agree from the start do they just twiddle their thumbs until a decent amount of time has passed? To be a fly on the wall....

I guess depending on the 12 drawn, but I do believe there is currently a pro JA juror present now. Hopefully, they will miss the draw, and the foreman position. The one time I sat, the first thing we did after electing a foreperson was do a random vote, blindly, to see where we all stood. There has been such excellent thought put into most of their questions, I can't imagine they won't do some reviewing of testimony, wouldn't you all think? Then again- hey- if they are 1st degree with DP right out- let's not belabor things!:drumroll:
Is someone is toxic to a person, that toxicity will project on the non-toxic person.

That's all I meant. :seeya:

If Travis' behaviour towards JA was 'the worst in him' then I will aspire to be more like him! He dealt with this manipulative evil psychopath and all he could muster out were a few harsh words...

I agree with you that JA will be sentenced to death.
[Respectfully snipped for space] No, the heart wound could not have been inflicted while he was sitting in the shower. The autopsy report describes the deep chest wound as having an upward slant. Arias was either standing (because she's shorter than he is) or she was straddling him, sitting on his pelvis.

Apologies for correcting you but the autopsy report says no such thing, and the entire concept imo is merely a defense red herring. To quote from the autopsy report itself, which does not use the word upward or discuss what angle a knife may have entered the body, anywhere in the report:

"Examination of the torso reveals the following sharp force injuries:

● A 1 inch horizontal stab wound of the upper paramidline left chest, which terminates at the level of the sternum
● A 1 1/2 inch oblique stab wound of the paramidline right chest, with penetration / perforation of the costochondral junction near the sternum at the level of the 3rd and 4th right ribs; the wound extends to a maximal depth of approximately 3 1/2 inches with penetration of the superior vena cava near the base of the heart, with a small amount of surrounding hemorrhagic in the mediastinal soft tissues and the pericardial sac of the heart; a portion of the costochondral cartilage encompassing the stab wound is excised and retained at the FSC for potential further analysis.
● A deep transverse 2 inch incised wound across the lower right chest, belowo the nipple, with penetration of the lower portion of the right pectoralis muscle.
● A 1 3/4 inch obliique stab wound of the left upper absominal quadrant, with a near-tangential subcutaneous adipose tissue wound track (5 3/4 inches long), terminating in adipose tissue of the right lower abdominal quadrant; the abdominal cavity is not penetrated.
● Two (2) very shallow parallel oblique wounds of the anterior right shoulder, measuring up to 1 3/4 inch."

And to quote from JW's cross-examination of Dr. Horn:

2:24:00 ff in the video below:

JW asks can't you tell the direction of the stab wound?
Dr. Horn says "It's pretty much straight into his chest."

JW asks, "Doesn't it have an upward trajectory?"

Dr. Horn responds. "If it is it is very slight."

In fact, the prosecution's theory is that she stabbed him while he was seated. [I concur; it's no accident she got him into a 'sitting duck' position, imo.] JM asks Dr. Horn that very question at 1:11, whether TA could still get up from a seated position after being stabbed and attempt to defend himself. Dr. Horn answers in the affirmative. JM's exchange with Dr. Horn regarding that stab wound begins around the 1:06 mark and lasts for 4-5 minutes.

Jodi Arias Trial Day 3 (Full) - YouTube

TA left this blood streak on his way out of the shower. It could not have reached that point in back of his robe from anywhere in the bathroom itself.


As Dr. Horn testified, if that wound to the superior vena cava nicked the lung, it would cause coughing up of blood. Which we see evidence of on the sink. It is consistent with the first stab occurring in the shower.
What do you mean Schuby?

Mostly that it's macabre and suggests a permisiveness toward loss of human life that has more in common with the attitude of a certain defendant in AZ than what I'd expect to find here. But, secondarily, for organ donation programs to survive it is imperative that such donations be uncoerced in anyway. The idea of a state executing people and then happily harvesting their organs immediately thereafter has profound ethical implications.
Jodi Arias art is being listed on eBay again...

The piece I'm looking at was sold by Carlton Arias via PayPal to the Ebay seller who now has it listed on the site.
Totally agree! There is no part of JA worth anything for anyone.

From that link I posted earlier:

"The most stunning example of cellular memory was found in an eight year old girl who received the heart of a ten year old girl. The recipient was plagued after surgery with vivid nightmares about an attacker and a girl being murdered. After being brought to a psychiatrist her nightmares proved to be so vivid and real that the psychiatrist believed them to be genuine memories. As it turns out the ten year old whose heart she had just received was murdered and due to the recipients violent reoccurring dreams she was able to describe the events of that horrible encounter and the murderer so well that police soon apprehended, arrested, and convicted the killer."


If JA's organs are ever harvested, maybe the unlucky recipient(s) will then know the exact timeline of events when she slaughtered TA.:scared:

Just a heads up - that is no scientific journal article; not even written by a scientist.

Cute idea for a horror movie, tho.
Thankfully the harvesting of organs has to occur under specific conditions which will not be present when Jodi 'passes' so it is not an option ..
Well someone on this board very astutely observed JA during Juan's cross examination about having the knife in her hand ... that when she was testifying about grasping the knife, she used her right hand to (inadvertently) demonstrate holding a knife in her hand.

I think that spoke volumes ... JMO ... well it is (at least) interesting.
I don't know what the deal is with Jodi, but being able to use both hands with equal or somewhat equal facility isn't all the unusual. I write with my left hand (on paper), but if I were to stab someone, I'd NATURALLY use my right hand.
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