State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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Originally Posted by momtective
I believe that's exactly what she did...and washed all the blood from both hers and Travis' body down the drain. I also believe she slit his throat in the shower. The force with which the blood from the carotid artery would exit the body would make a huge mess. This is totally gross but there is a scene from Gray's Anatomy of a severed carotid artery.

I don't want to post the link because the thumbnail is just search youtube for "carotid artery bursts."


WOW- thank you for reminding me of this. You are completely right. One of my adult sons had a birth defect in his kidney and it was repaired by entering his femoral artery. After the surgery, they slowly walked him back to his bed and he was very, very thirsty--dry mouth from anesthetic. They told him he could only take small sips but he knew better, being the rebellious type. He grabbed a glass of ice water, drained it, wretched and his femoral artery burst its stitches.

I arrived a couple of hours later and there were streaks of blood on the walls, the curtains, the ceiling. It looked like a kid had taken a squirt gun of blood and did a number on the room.
Oh my! I go take a little nap and I come back to find you all parting JA out! Just kidding!!!
But it took me a few strange minutes to get caught up here!:floorlaugh:
Jodi Arias art is being listed on eBay again...

The piece I'm looking at was sold by Carlton Arias via PayPal to the Ebay seller who now has it listed on the site.
I think it's crass that Ebay allows the work of an admitted killer to be hawked on their site.
Arias' IQ is 119.

She scored 138 on the verbal portion of the IQ tests, but there are four portions. The 138 verbal score was combined with the three other scores, resulting in an IQ of 119.

If they had a portion on ability to successfully carry out a premeditated murder she would have scored below 70. :jail:
I'm also wondering: I can't fathom in any way that she killed before, BUT how many people know or could slice a throat like that and go for the heart, with such force and depth ?
They have to go with the gun shot first because if not, the throat slashing denotes such unspeakable cruelty to another human being, it would go beyond heineous.

Agree, Nurmi is thinking ahead to the aggravation phase, but fortunately for justice so is Juan .. and beyond the battle of the lawyers, it's simply the truth. Nobody has criticised Juan for embellishing or exaggerating the truth have they, not one talking head, we've seen criticism of style, but not facts, nuance, or interpretation. I think Juan is going to win both aggravation and mitigation rounds too.
I'm rewatching Jodi's testimony

Isn't it crazy to re-watch it now. I knew it was 'scripted and sickening' the first time around, but the second time watching, I really saw how EVERY WORD that came out of her mouth was such an obvious LIE to fit her story it made me sick to watch it. Actually, every word she said during her testimony makes me sick. Just the way she SAYS them makes me sick. The way she LOOKS makes me sick. This is when she became VERY UGLY to me.

How is it going for you? LOL.
Can't wait till next week.............HOPE it is a FAST Verdict!!

Eye for an Eye......Please!!


Can't wait to see Juan Der Full wrap it all up and bring it home for the close.
I think Jodi was stabbing Travis in the back and head/shoulders while he was trying to get away on his knees in the hallway and she was standing over top of him.
Her brother! I remember his name because she accused travis of making fun of Carl's name. He was named Carlton after his grandfather. I guess no matter how evil and wretched we think she is, her family loves her and remain loyal and possibly! Believe her twisted story.

OR don't care what she's done or hasn't done but are willing to capitalize on the celebrity she's acquired. Look at the mother trying to palm off the fake pedo letters.

It is part of their family culture, apparently.
Jodi certainly has had plenty of time to "train" herself to write with her left hand and we know from observing her in court that she has a thing for notebooks and pencils! Or, she could be ambidextrous like me. I use both hands equally well, though for different things--and I didn't have to teach myself, it just sort of emerged when I was a child. That said, I do have preferences. I hold a fork in my left hand (but could easily use my right) and I write (on paper) with my left hand. I use my right hand for almost everything else--tennis, golf, guitar, ironing, sewing, scissors, cleaning chores, etc. If I injured my left hand, I could write with my right hand (on paper) but it doesn't feel natural and I'd have to focus/concentrate to make my writing legible. The reverse is sometimes true for the activities where I'm naturally right-handed. The more "skilled" the activity (guitar, golf, tennis, etc.), the more difficult it is to use my left hand over my right. Using scissors or a knife with my left hand is nearly impossible. Handedness with household chores is less of an issue. Now for the really weird thing: When I write on a white board, flip charts, (or a blackboard when I was kid) I naturally use my right hand over the left, though I occasionally switch hands without thinking about it.

Slight change in topic, but did we ever hear if Travis was left or right handed? I ask because most of his defensive wounds were to his left hand. That might indicate he was left handed, or, maybe due to the stab wound to his right lower chest, he was clutching that wound with his right hand and only had his left hand free to ward off the knife as she continued to stab at him.
OR don't care what she's done or hasn't done but are willing to capitalize on the celebrity she's acquired. Look at the mother trying to palm off the fake pedo letters.

It is part of their family culture, apparently.

:truce:I don't think they are helping her, more like cashing in.
I think Jodi was stabbing Travis in the back and head/shoulders while he was trying to get away on his knees in the hallway and she was standing over top of him.

There and when he was hunched over the sink.

She is not only wholly evil, she is merciless.
I think Jodi was stabbing Travis in the back and head/shoulders while he was trying to get away on his knees in the hallway and she was standing over top of him.

I think she started stabbing him in the back at the sink as he was coughing up blood, I think some of his hand wounds occurred at the sink .. he put his hands behind him to protect his neck and back of his head .. and he pulled himself away and crawled down the hallway which is why the stab wounds go in at different angles, then she pulled his head back as he reached the end of the hall and inflicted the neck wound, dragged him back to the bathroom, shot him, and pulled him into the shower.

I also think at some stage she kicked him in the legs, perhaps that came first, there are bruises on the bottom of his legs and we know she was a kicker.
If they had a portion on ability to successfully carry out a premeditated murder she would have scored below 70. :jail:

I assume you would add the caveat of not getting caught. I think, unfortunately, she had a perfect score. :seeya:
Wilmott remembers the upward slant on that vena cava wound like I do. I remember hearing her (?) ask if an upward slant would be appropriate if the assailant were shorter than the victim, and he answered "yes."

An upward slant creates a dilemma because Travis would have to be standing when stabbed-- same thing for a stab straight into the heart. Arias had to have space to swing, which she would have had if the knife were in her left hand and Travis was standing.

The other shallower chest wounds suggest she was trying to hit a vital organ and didn't succeed with any but the one to the vena cava. Then she might have quit. I can't even imagine the pain.

DIdn't the ME suggest that it may have been as long as four minutes for the heart wound to cause death? That means he could have been stabbed in the heart before the shower, thought she left, and then she's back and brings out the knife again. And he knows his life is in danger.


We know Travis was alive in the shower, and 62 seconds later he may not have been dead, but he was totally incapacitated with his throat slashed. We've got the pictures to prove it.

Watching HLN, and just heard Jodi say Travis attacked her and said, "F'ing kill you B! Have we ever seen anything written where Travis used those words? I know we've heard the sex talk, but I don't believe I've ever read or heard of him saying those words. Even when he was so angry and called her out over "whatever it was she did" I heard no swear words.
I think she started stabbing him in the back at the sink as he was coughing up blood, I think some of his hand wounds occurred at the sink .. he put his hands behind him to protect his neck and back of his head .. and he pulled himself away and crawled down the hallway which is why the stab wounds go in at different angles, then she pulled his head back as he reached the end of the hall and inflicted the neck wound, dragged him back to the bathroom, shot him, and pulled him into the shower.

I also think at some stage she kicked him in the legs, perhaps that came first, there are bruises on the bottom of his legs and we know she was a kicker.


Have heard others surmise that the contusions were where she stomped his legs while he was down/crawling.
Court minutes entry from April 25th

Counsel present argument to the Court on Defendant’s Rule 20 Motion.
IT IS ORDERED denying Defendant’s Rule 20 Motion.

Rule 20. Judgment of Acquittal

a. Before Verdict. On motion of a defendant or on its own initiative, the court shall enter a judgment of acquittal of one or more offenses charged in an indictment, information or complaint after the evidence on either side is closed, if there is no substantial evidence to warrant a conviction. In an aggravation hearing, after the evidence on either side is closed, on a motion of a defendant or on its own initiative, the court shall enter a judgment that an aggravating circumstance was not proven if there is no substantial evidence to warrant the allegation. The court's decision on a defendant's motion shall not be reserved, but shall be made with all possible speed.

b. After Verdict. A motion for judgment of acquittal made before verdict may be renewed by a defendant within 10 days after the verdict was returned.

We know Travis was alive in the shower, and 62 seconds later he may not have been dead, but he was totally incapacitated with his throat slashed. We've got the pictures to prove it.

Watching HLN, and just heard Jodi say Travis attacked her and said, "F'ing kill you B! Have we ever seen anything written where Travis used those words? I know we've heard the sex talk, but I don't believe I've ever read or heard of him saying those words. Even when he was so angry and called her out over "whatever it was she did" I heard no swear words.

This was JA's language.

She journaled with pride that she was "dirtier" than Travis.
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