State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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I guess this case is getting to me, I just watched the Thursday episode of Dr. Drew and they were showing some of the graphic autopsy photos, that had me crying.
Then one of Travis' friends was on. Mark Eiglarsh was saying that he had never met or knew Travis, but since all this started he feels like he knows him and has learned to care about and miss him, and that he was even the kind of guy he would like to hang out with. :cry: By the end of hearing Travis' friend respond, they had me crying. Then Dr. Drews jurors were in tears, they had me crying.
Then I watched Linda Boss read the poem Travis wrote, that had me crying.

Then I watched this video dedicated to Travis, and it had me crying.

As I can't let myself sit around being sad and crying all day, I'm going to have to step away for a while and take a bit of a breather, maybe plant some daylilies and impatiens. My :heart: is with all of Travis' family, I can't begin to imagine how they hold up during all of this.
So you guys hold down the fort, and a great weekend to all my fellow :websleuther:'s
We all thought she was wearing shoes. I finally came to the conclusion she was wearing shoes after seeing all her shoeprints everywhere the crime scene--the bathroom, the hall, the bedroom carpet, by the bed, all with blood. One of her shoeprints was IN the big blob of blood by the linen closet. When I highlighted the photo her shoe imprint magically appeared in white! With squared toes, btw, just as she's wearing in that last photo.

Since I previously identified what looked like a shoelace hanging off the front of JA's shoe in the final photo, this struck me as that same shoelace in the prior photo:

If you look closely you'll see a hexagon (or two) and a circle with logo letters in it.

P.S. There's an autopsy photo that shows the pattern of her shoe sole almost perfectly! She stepped on his back about 5 times and left quite an impression. When the blood pooled around him in the shower, laying there for 5 days, it dried into the impressions in his back! Some of the blood flaked off or got distorted by the time the autopsy photos were taken, but that's proof she had shoes on.

With respect, the only place an actual shoe print definitively presents itself is on the 2nd last image (ie the still for the video).

Where you indicate a shoelace in the 2nd last photo taken of Travis, it's just the background blurring into the natural line of the tile join. Either there is a bit of blood creating a similar illusion, or it is the actual tile join. One or the other I would have thought. Jodi is wearing socks in this instance, as indicated by the photograph. And the photo subsequent to that image, you indicate that it's a shoelace. I would have to say, "Why not go with the prosecutions theory?". It seems clear to me that it's blood running down Travis' shoulder, I don't understand the need to question that.

I'm sorry, but I still can't envisage where you see a footprint on Travis' autopsy photo. I have a feeling you are confusing the dried blood which has the marginal resemblance to a foot print. But I would say, have a look at the comparative size of the fingers in-shot, and you can clearly see it's not of foot shape or size.

Also, and this is just an aside. No offense intended, but why the severely cut-off/squared-off outlines to the foot impressions on the carpet? What type of shoes are we thinking about here? I'm not sure I get it.
Only to throw it away in the desert? :floorlaugh:

More probable she gave it to DB as payment of a loan :floorlaugh: Oooooo maybe that forms part of his fear of testifying!

Perhaps, but I thought it was MM with the knife collection. :doorhide:
I sure hope Juan has time to do his homework on this guy!!!

Capital cases challenge psychologists Ban on executing mentally retarded fuels scrutiny of evaluations

By KAREN PATTERSON, The Dallas Morning News Oct. 2003
Along with psychologists Robert Geffner and Elizabeth Lim, Dr. Hart has compared neuropsychological functioning of death penalty offenders to people outside the criminal justice system who had either been exposed to a toxic substance or had suffered a so-called closed head injury, like a concussion. Depending on what measures were used, at least one-quarter, and up to two-thirds, of the 33 death penalty offenders showed signs of neuropsychological impairment, said Dr. Lim, of Eastern Correctional
Institution in Westover, Md.

Yet data on the 33 offenders indicated that perhaps only one would qualify as mentally retarded based on intelligence testing, or IQ, scores alone, said Dr. Geffner, founder and president of the Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute. A person could have a pretty severe neuropsychological impairment – from a car accident or fall, say – and still score above the cutoff for retardation. "We need to look at brain impairment and not just mental retardation," he said.

Even in looking just at mental retardation, intelligence testing is problematic. Traditionally, people with an IQ score below 70 – about 2.3 percent of the population – are considered mentally retarded, Dr. Price
said. But now, to account for measurement error, a cutoff of 70 to 75 is often used – a range that means twice as many people could be considered retarded.
Juan Der Full is always prepared , imo.:blushing:
Agree. Verdict on Monday. The only 'deliberation' that will take place is what to order for lunch! If they take a straw vote, it will be unanimous - Guilty - Premeditated Murder 1. Case closed!

I hope the remaining jurors aren't looking at each other in dismay now that CEO and Tricolor, the two note-taking champs, have departed.
Agree. Verdict on Monday. The only 'deliberation' that will take place is what to order for lunch! If they take a straw vote, it will be unanimous - Guilty - Premeditated Murder 1. Case closed!

How long will it take to slog through the encyclopedia of juror instructions alone?
I think I have finally watched all of the states rebuttal and got caught up. When will JM do his closing argument? Do they start on Monday? I have to take my son to get his blood counts checked on Mon.

wednesday - robert geffner for the defence
thursday - DT closing
friday - Juan bringing it home

no deliberations over the weekend as there is no security available

as far as im aware deliberations start monday
I think Wednesday is the 3rd DT shrink. *Correct me i'm wrong* and JSS said they would go all day until done.

Thursday- closing arguments
Friday- finish closing arguments, off go the jurors?

I was watching HLN early this morning to catch some news and they said closing arguments started on Thursday with no mention of the trial testimony on Wednesday or any coverage on Wednesday. Did something happen to the surrebuttal by the defense that everyone was expecting on Wednesday? Or is HLN just ignoring it and not covering it?
Perhaps, but I thought it was MM with the knife collection. :doorhide:

I seem to remember Jodi claiming DB had left behind kitchenware, including some knives, when he left the Palm Desert house, and she was returning it to him.
i cant see anything either? :waitasec:

Does this help?


That's his left shoulder.

Isn't that his right nipple as he's lying down? With his right arm at the top of the photo?


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wednesday - robert geffner for the defence
thursday - DT closing
friday - Juan bringing it home

no deliberations over the weekend as there is no security available

as far as im aware deliberations start monday
Since it's Juan - Defense - Juan, I think JM will go on thursday and then friday again.
I think I have finally watched all of the states rebuttal and got caught up. When will JM do his closing argument? Do they start on Monday? I have to take my son to get his blood counts checked on Mon.

Closing arguments on Thurs. and Fri. - Juan goes last. No court until
Wednesday. Defense will call Dr. Geffner (sp) to rebut Dr. D.
The shoeprints could be from when the roommates came in?

We all thought she was wearing shoes. I finally came to the conclusion she was wearing shoes after seeing all her shoeprints everywhere the crime scene--the bathroom, the hall, the bedroom carpet, by the bed, all with blood. One of her shoeprints was IN the big blob of blood by the linen closet. When I highlighted the photo her shoe imprint magically appeared in white! With squared toes, btw, just as she's wearing in that last photo.
wednesday - robert geffner for the defence
thursday - DT closing
friday - Juan bringing it home

no deliberations over the weekend as there is no security available

as far as im aware deliberations start monday

Juan goes first in closing arguments. Defense on Friday and after that, Juan gets a chance to rebutt their closing argument so he gets the last word, but goes first on Thursday.
Also, i'm too lazy to look up the autopsy report, but did Dr. Horn note the shoeprint marks?

IIRC in DF investigative report, they found bare feet, sock and shoe patterns in the blood. I think they matched the shoe patterns to either the guys who discovered him. I believe they determined the sock patterns to belong to JA, and the bare feet were maybe TA. She had to have taken off those socks at some point.

You bring up something I had not thought about. Of course she used her feet to get him in the shower. She did not put him in there gently. What you pointed out just shows how much rage and hatred she had for him. Of course, in addition to the wounds she inflicted.
I was watching Investigative Discovery. On the program, they featured a criminal psychologist, Dr. Elizabeth Warren. Do criminal psychologists testify in trials? Or just profile criminal behavior? TIA

Hello everyone new here ,just been reading for a while .Thought this would be really suitable , written many years ago by Omar Khayyam . The Moving Finger writes;and having writ, Moves on, nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.
I've always assumed that the prosecutor is holding some of this back for [death] penalty phase.

The cruelty case almost proves itself.

Being that she's a 'genius' and all, it seems odd that she didn't do much to destroy the evidence of her brutal torture-murder.

Of course, she did leave him nude, uncovered, with legs spread in that shower stall so that he would be completely exposed when found, just as she had planned it.

That and demolishing or simply burning down the house would have ensured that the scene, or what was left of it, was discovered before she could get out of Dodge. LE would have been on her trail much sooner than later, and if caught, she could kiss goodbye the Ryan Burns grinding alibi which she had also painstakingly staged.

Not sure what or how, but I think it somehow didn't all go according to plan. Could be it took her longer than expected to get him into the shower..could be she didn't anticipate him fighting back...that he didn't die fast enough...that she would make such a damn mess..and that b/c of one or all of the above she ran out of time.

I mean who the hell tries to clean up a bloody crime scene with cups of water from a bathroom sink??? That defies logic, or any sense that she thought it all out. But we know she did think it all out, but something went wrong and she panicked. It's always the little things that mess people up!
IMO, re: possible shoe print impressions... That is crime scene investigation 101 - Had ANY show print impressions been observed at the crime scene, they would have been noted and photographed by the CSI's. Had ANY shoe impressions been observed on the deceased's body during the medical autopsy procedure, again, they would have been noted and photographed. There would be no reason for this information to be left out if it was available. I have never heard of a case where, if shoe print evidence were available and could implicate the accused, it could be omitted for prejudiciary reasons. Perhaps one of our gifted lawyers could chime in...

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