State rests rebuttal case- thread #163

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I fully understand, and would gladly accompany you to start her death process. She is pure evil, and although lethal injection is NOT humane, she deserves it. It is by far more humane than she afforded Travis.

You spoke of being proud to have been those kids Mom, I would be proud to call them my siblings, as I wasn't blessed with any. They deserved so much more. My heart breaks for them. So, like it or not, that would make you my Momma too.

Cheer up, she will pay. Sweet dreams, and tomorrow will be brighter.

TY so much for that :) You made me cry with your post, and good tears at that :)
I know I get tired of hearing clichés whenever someone dies, or there is a tragedy, things such as 'God allows this all for a greater purpose..." and sometimes I shake my head at that stuff.
But today, it clearly dawned on me, that for the ultimate horror that Travis experienced, his gifts are far greater than even he could imagined.
I made the comment here before that I think some of us would have heard of Travis Alexander in our lifetimes even without his murder. He seemed to have such a gift, and I think great things were in store for him. We may have heard him as a motivational speaker or even more.
But in his horrific death, Travis has changed people. And in ways that will never leave them. Total strangers who may not have had the pleasure of ever meeting him are now purposely doing things and taking actions for good.
Travis has now reached thousands upon thousands of people, strangers. He introduced us to his brothers and sisters and we are inspired by them. We know how Travis felt about life, and some of us are actively remembering his words as we live our days, one at a time.
Travis has given us so much goodness. It's straightened out some thinking for some of us, made us see things in a different way, ferreting out what's important and what's not. Made some of us dig deeper into ourselves than we have before to stand up for what our soul knows is right.
I won't say that God allowed this to happen to Travis so that all of this could happen after his death, but God or the Universal Power or Higher Power has allowed Travis, the real Travis to put his mark on us. And I'm thankful for that.
We all watch the strength of the Alexander family deal with the unspeakable horror of the killing and the evil trashing that has gone on in the courtroom. To be like them is what I aspire to. Travis loved life and embraced it. They are dealing with this with such dignity and grace and respect.
Travis was just a young man. But he has certainly left his footprint in this world. Reaching far more people than he ever imagined he would. I'm sorry I never knew him. I really, really like the small part of him that I've been lucky enough to learn about.
They definitely have a lot of unwinding to do! Would love to be a fly on the wall. However, I still say they already have their minds made up. It's just going to be a case of 'arguing for the sake of argument'. And, as another poster said upthread - the jury instructions are going to be a slog!

The longer it takes, the more Jodi is going to sweat bullets. Who knows, she could go mad during the process, lol!

Jumping off your post here. I truly believe JA thinks she is going to be acquitted, and found not guilty of any wrong doing. If she is given the DP, she obviously knows that she has "another" chance to have the verdict tossed somehow. LWOP might be the best possible verdict as it would take away "hope". I am adding the caveat that the Alexander Family wants the death penalty verdict and I hope for their sake they get it.
Doesn't this kind of blow her fog theory right out the window? When KN asks her why she didn't call 911 she says (paraphrase) "I was afraid to call and say what I had just done; afraid of what would happen to me etc.". I watched the trial in real-time and believe I didn't realize she said this. Now I must go and re-watch this another time or two. Thank You !


(Bolding mine)

Yeah, and quickly (with her lightning-fast Einsteinian mind) "oh gosh, just by LUCK, there is not a shred of a trail of my being here in Mesa. Wow!"
Way O/T but I gotta say...I LOVE, LOVE the 1st spring day I can hang y sheets on the line!!

Just? It's criminal. Like Jodi.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

The "eye for an eye" quote doesn't mean anything to me, it's just emotional fluff. It's criminal to allow good life-saving organs go to waste. We require lots of things from convicted criminals - labor, imprisonment, etc all in the name of repaying a debt to society. This would truly be a way for an admitted murderer to repay a debt.
I seem to remember Jodi claiming DB had left behind kitchenware, including some knives, when he left the Palm Desert house, and she was returning it to him.

Honest Jodi = Honest Abe?

He walked miles to return a small amount of change.

She drove miles to return a small amount of cutlery. :liar:

Two differences:

  1. AFAWK, Abe didn't get a Brazilian wax before his trip, and
  2. His 'visitee' survived the encounter.
Doesn't this kind of blow her fog theory right out the window? When KN asks her why she didn't call 911 she says (paraphrase) "I was afraid to call and say what I had just done; afraid of what would happen to me etc.". I watched the trial in real-time and believe I didn't realize she said this. Now I must go and re-watch this another time or two. Thank You !


What about this revealing little nugget?

Juror question: were you angry at travis when you shot him?

JA: "I wasn't scared...uhm i mean I wasn't angry when I shot him."

/cue crickets!
I hope the remaining jurors aren't looking at each other in dismay now that CEO and Tricolor, the two note-taking champs, have departed.

If they need notes on this one, I'd like to know how they passed their driving exams. :drumroll:
The one thing I found curious is that the Autopsy Report we are privy to is Redacted. I have read many other autopsy reports and I never thought this one looked complete. Is this normal, when an autopsy report is released to the public, that is initially redacted? If so, why?

According to the following, "redact" in this context means editing out only specific information;

Under Arizona Rules...

Chapter 6 - Public Records

6.3 Types of Public Records:

13. Autopsy reports prepared by county medical examiners

6.5.3 Duty to Redact. When confidential and public information are commingled in a single document, a copy of the document may be made available for public inspection with the confidential material excised. Carlson, 141 Ariz. at 491, 687
6-9 Revised 2011
P.2d at 1246

Link for more information:
If they need notes on this one, I'd like to know how they passed their driving exams. :drumroll:

A caller to one of the shows yesterday asked what happens to a dismissed juror's notes, and the answer was that they are kept as part of the courts record.
Everyone that is posting autopsy pictures - can you please go back and edit to make them thumbnails? I cannot do this for you, so if I have to, I will have to remove the post.

If you find your post of the pics was removed, you may repost it USING thumbnails.

Thanks so much. I'll give everyone an hour or so to edit and then I'll remove them, if necessary.

Everyone that is posting autopsy pictures - can you please go back and edit to make them thumbnails? I cannot do this for you, so if I have to, I will have to remove the post.

If you find your post of the pics was removed, you may repost it USING thumbnails.

Thanks so much. I'll give everyone an hour or so to edit and then I'll remove them, if necessary.


Can you please give me the link to where I can find the photos?? THANKS
OMG at those graphic photos! Warning please! Or link to them. :(


I have deliberately tried to stay away from those photos, and to see them not only included in this thread but reposted several times is skeeving me out.
What about this revealing little nugget?

Juror question: were you angry at travis when you shot him?

JA: "I wasn't scared...uhm i mean I wasn't angry when I shot him."

/cue crickets!

That was a 'biggie'! Thank you, Dr. Freud!
Jumping off your post here. I truly believe JA thinks she is going to be acquitted, and found not guilty of any wrong doing. If she is given the DP, she obviously knows that she has "another" chance to have the verdict tossed somehow. LWOP might be the best possible verdict as it would take away "hope". I am adding the caveat that the Alexander Family wants the death penalty verdict and I hope for their sake they get it.

Judging by the way she lookedin court thelast two days I don't think she believes she has much of a chance of an acquittal.
Oh FFS! AYKM?? I will likely skip Wednesdays surrebuttal. I have reached and exceeded my BS tolerance level! But I will read the eggtreenews blog version of events!

I can't believe that the judge let a surrebuttal in. Her inexperience is showing for sure. The defense has been dragging out this case for far too long Had the DT been like Juan and Co this could have been wrapped up weeks ago.

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The one thing I found curious is that the Autopsy Report we are privy to is Redacted. I have read many other autopsy reports and I never thought this one looked complete. Is this normal, when an autopsy report is released to the public, that is initially redacted? If so, why?

While knowing I'm going to be attacked for writing, this, I need to unload about Dr Horn. First, i think the evidence clearly shows 1st degree premeditated murder. Unequivocally. And what I'm going to write doesn't change that. But...

I feel the ME was the weakest link in the prosecution's case. His testimony felt off to me. His written report contradicted part of his testimony, but more importantly, he contradicted Flores. They made Flores out to be the "weak link" by saying he was mistaken about hearing Dr Horn say that TA was shot first. But I don't believe that. I think Horn, for whatever reason (and I don't attribute it to any sort of dishonest intent), was wishy-washy and contradictory in his testimony report. I believe Flores and find it strange that he's made out to be the scapegoat here.

I think Horn is overly defensive. I wonder if there is a possibility that the gunshot came first, but that Horn dug in his heels, refusing to acknowledge this due to pride or ego. Something is just off with his part in this trial.

So the jury can argue about which method of attack occurred first if they picked up on the discrepancies. Or not. It shouldn't change the outcome. IMO, whichever way one concludes, it's first degree murder.
I think Wednesday is the 3rd DT shrink. *Correct me i'm wrong* and JSS said they would go all day until done.

Thursday- closing arguments
Friday- finish closing arguments, off go the jurors?

This was my understanding too. So I would guess that perhaps HLN isn't providing coverage? Weird
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