State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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Jodi totally took this "pedo" story about Travis from Josh.
I do not think this poor man was thinking clearly.
I do wonder if he ever confided in Jodi...
something about the wording of his suicide note.
It almost sounds like she wrote it!
Bless his heart, I wish he hadn't given up.

Yes, I definitely agree. She stole his "pedo" story. And she stole his suicide for her fake suicide story, the cover for her smirking, "No jury will convict me," boast. Both stories were sucked by JA from this family's tragedy.

Even the language used on Josh's page, "his passing away," seems to be stolen by JA. Who would ever refer to a brutally slaughtered person as "passing" as JA has done," as though he just "passed away" in his sleep?

I don't know if this story has been posted so I'll try pasting the link.
Well .. I hate to tell you fellow sleuthers, but all my defensive moves designed to keep my DH at bay in regards to trial watching have failed miserably .. he had the talk with me today. In the marriage stakes my slackness has not gone unnoticed. He does not believe I vacuum every second day (even though I've been leaving the machine out at least that often in an attempt to delude) nor does he think my 'online work' is really paying off (yes, I have been 'working online' albeit not effectively) so it looks like I'll be returning to the real world and real work soon :(

Interestingly enough he said he DIDN'T have a problem with me 'websleuthing' so clearly, instantly minimising the screen, and popping up a graphics project whenever he was behind me DID work!! He just can't understand why a logo takes three days ...
I think the one taken with her "dumb sister" was post murder. Therefore her hair already dark?

IDK, maybe someone can shed some light on the 2 pics you are referring to.

I don't know what to make of this, but I keep thinking about it: It's curious to me that JM started his cross of JA with the picture of her and her "dumb" sister. That picture seemed similar to a picture JM had in his hand, but didn't show to the jury (I think) when the phone detective returned to the stand last week to talk about the pictures he retrieved from the phone...

yes, i find it curious too,, I don't understand why he would start his cross with this, im confused, what point was he trying to make, and specifically, what is your theory or the possible motive to this strategy as for starting with this picture of her dumb sister???
Oh! I remember the dumb sister pic Juan used to depict the "busted finger" lie that Jodi's finger while in this pic with her sister.

The pic from Thursday was taken on Jun3 en route to Mesa.

2 separate photos and incidences. Juan will explain in closing.

yes, i find it curious too,, I don't understand why he would start his cross with this, im confused, what point was he trying to make, and specifically, what is your theory or the possible motive to this strategy as for starting with this picture of her dumb sister???
"Jodiannarias: I'm working on a little project that is going to help support domestic violence shelters.I'm hoping it'll be off the ground this coming week."

Aww, how sweet and delusional. She is working on an imaginary project to help an imaginary shelter for people who had imaginary abuse like her.
Something tells me, Albert Einstein, if he were still around, would not be too thrilled with that monster comparing herself to him. As Samuels would say "Just speculating. " I need to go look online for that funny "spoof" picture of Samuels's office, makes me laugh.

Here is the actual case.

The state trial court found that Dr. Geffner's affidavit lacked credibility for three reasons: (1) the evaluation, which makes conclusions as to Clark's conduct in 1987, was conducted five years later, in 1992; (2) Dr. Geffner did not review the court records or a transcript of the trial testimony; and (3) Dr. Geffner relied upon records from Clark's childhood in Pennsylvania, with no records since 1976, and upon hearsay information supplied by Clark's attorneys, with no independent verification of the information, and interviews with Clark. The state court further found that, even if credible, Dr. Geffner's affidavit does not support a conclusion that Clark was either incompetent or insane at the time of the murders, or that he did not act deliberately within the meaning of the first special issue. The state court noted that Clark testified that he had not taken any drugs on the day of the murders, and found that Clark's trial counsel had no indication that Clark was suffering from drug withdrawal at the time of the murders. Moreover, the state court pointed out that, in any event, evidence that Clark was acting under a drug-induced delusion when he committed the murders would have been immaterial to an insanity defense and "would not have conflicted with the overwhelming evidence of deliberateness."
DT must have called this witness at the last moment simply to keep Juan bogged down with time consuming preparation.
Look another man wants to Jodi some underwears!!!
It's so debasing...

"Jodiannarias: I'm working on a little project that is going to help support domestic violence shelters.I'm hoping it'll be off the ground this coming week."

Aww, how sweet and delusional. She is working on an imaginary project to help an imaginary shelter for people who had imaginary abuse like her.

I think someone responded to her tweet - the State of Arizona is working on a little project too - It's called the NEEDLE!! :floorlaugh:
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