State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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He was on one of the HLN shows talking about it. Either JVM, DD, or NG, or all of all them. I cannot remember. He did say she was FRANTIC and DESPERATE to get to Arizona. She told him that she would reimburse him. Yeah right, like that's gonna EVER HAPPEN. :giggle::giggle::giggle:

a quick google search brings up the name Paul Stern ;) .
BBM~ :floorlaugh:

Then what shall we call it? The pornographic recording? That's too much to type! lol

First, there is no "tape".

Yes, I know that JM and even computer forensic detectives keep referring to this file as a "tape", but it is no such thing. The recording is digital data stored in an audio file format.

When we look at our cell phones, we don't see a tape. There is no tape in there. Data are stored in directory/file structures written to the phone's on-board internal ROM (read-only memory) or removable memory; e.g., Helios used a data storage device called a MicroSD card. Many digital cameras also use that same storage medium.

Second, the recording was made of phone sex. She does not have to be physically present with him to engage in and record phone sex. In fact, if she were present with him in Mesa, they probably would have had other-than-phone sex. You know, the kind with Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops.

Or maybe I don't understand your point. :dunno:
Yes, I also counted three! I don't think she could have lost the Helio since it seems to be the one on the trip, if that is the one the photos are on. So, she must have hidden it after she got back to Yreka.

But, she claims to have made an insurance claim on or around May 18, right? I believe it was a fake claim, but what phone she get?

She easily could have had a prepaid "throw away" phone, but what phone did she have when arrested? Didn't a rep. from Sprint testify about her phone calls?

Surely it would be easy for LE to find out if the phone had been replaced in May, regardless of what she wrote in the liary.

The liary. LOVE IT! :floorlaugh:
Gotcha! But you want to uncover Jodi's mind and that would take ... well, nevermind. ;)

When she talked to Ryan upon leaving Pasadena, she said she was on her way. We know that's a fact.

imo, She did not take into account while creating her alibi about the time gap she would lose in between Pasadena-Utah.

She did not think that far in advance. Her ultimate goal was to get to Travis.

imo, All she knew in her head was she could not be tracked in Mesa, AZ if she doesn't buy gas, food, or have her cell phone on upon leaving Pasadena.

What did she say when Flores asked her about the time gap?

She's not that smart. If she was, she would've taken the camera with her. moo

I'm not trying to uncover her mind. I'm just trying to make sense of one action she took.

She told Flores that she'd gotten lost and was stranded on the roads at one point. She added that she'd slept, and Flores told her that she could have done all that and still not have lost that much time. Flores was counting from about 9pm June 3rd to about 10am June 5th.
Well, the expert to whom I believe you are referring was correct in the main, but remember the context.

He was testifying only about specific pictures recovered from a Helio phone.

EXIF data apply to digital images, and within his testimony the discussion was bounded by the JPEG compression image type.

EXIF data are embedded into captured images whose digital data are then written to files by devices such as scanners and digital cameras, including those contained within other devices; e.g., phones, laptops, tablet devices, etc.

See if you recall his testimony sounding a little like this:

"EXIF is short for Exchangeable Image File, a format that is a standard for storing interchange information in digital photography image files using JPEG compression. Almost all new digital cameras use the EXIF annotation, storing information on the image such as shutter speed, exposure compensation, F number, what metering system was used, if a flash was used, ISO number, date and time the image was taken, whitebalance, auxiliary lenses that were used and resolution. Some images may even store GPS information so you can easily see where the images were taken!"


What he stated about digital data being unalterable is, of course, not true.

Digital data may be altered by anyone who has the wherewithal.

On the link I posted, he clearly left no wiggle room in his testimony, the device EXIF information can't be altered.

So, even though what you're saying could be entirely accurate, he adamantly stated something completely different.
Usually the building still exists that she should be able to point out.

Nevermind, I'll just go back to my corner now and keep my bad ideas to myself.

Unless JM could prove where JA had been, he would have been foolish to attempt it for the first time in open court.

Remember Orenthal James Simpson.

I can just hear Nurmi now, in his best Johnnie Cochran voice,

"If Google can't find it, then the jury mustn't mind it!"
She flipped the AZ plate after the Hoover dam checkpoint with the CA plates.

I completely agree with you on the plate flip, Dani. There is no way in HE-double hockey sticks her plate was upside down when she went through the Hoover dam check point. I don't know if I'm the only one that researched that check point or who has crossed into US/Canada check points that is reading here, but you would never make it acrossed one of these successfully with an upside down plate.

So, she either flipped the plate once in Utah or she didn't go through the Hoover dam check point. Only two scenarios regarding the upside down plate in my opinion.
OMG this phone conspiracy convo is making me dizzy!!! :crazy:

at the end of the day, for me, all i care about is the fact that being her nacasistic self, jodi was compelled to take a pic of herself with her new brown hair, and was exposed in yet another lie ;)
He was already onto her at this point, and was trying to get her to confess.

I'm not trying to uncover her mind. I'm just trying to make sense of one action she took.

She told Flores that she'd gotten lost and was stranded on the roads at one point. She added that she'd slept, and Flores told her that she could have done all that and still not have lost that much time. Flores was counting from about 9pm June 3rd to about 10am June 5th.
Unless JM could prove where JA had been, he would have been foolish to attempt it for the first time in open court.

Remember Orenthal James Simpson.

I can just hear Nurmi now, in his best Johnnie Cochran voice,

"If Google can't find it, then the jury mustn't mind it!"

I've been thinking of Cochran quotes too, when the boards are slow - I completely crack myself up!


I have been looking for this information and re-listened to Melendez to try to understand this. I could not figure this out, or why some pics had no date and time stamps. Was it because they were thumbnails or was this caused by some anomaly. Why were some photos thumbnails and some not?

I wish we could read Melendez' report.
There's been some discussion as to why no one who participated in the June 4 conference call seemed to wonder why Travis missed it, or followed up to find out. After seeing Gus Searcy's calendar with that very call scheduled, does it require a huge leap to speculate that he could have told them that Travis wasn't going to be able to be there?.

For me, that's a huge leap because if the police interviewed anyone on that call, they'd say "gus told us he wouldn't be there." How would Gus know, less than two hours after the murder, that Travis wouldn't be there?

He'd be implicating himself completely with a statement like that. But the way he tried to insinuate himself into the case makes one wonder.
Thank Nhic, I have been asking about this for weeks, JA tells Det. Flores and testifies that they slept after she got there and awoke about 1:00 p.m., had sex, took pics, showered. Travis texted with Chris Hughes at 12:13 - lie exposed that they slept until 1:00, Travis never touched his phone after 12:13 even though lots of calls and messages were coming in.

I believe he was unable to use the phone after his noon-time text.

Does anyone know if EXIF data is found with thumbnail pictures? I believe Melendez said the nudie pics were all thumbnails and both Flores and the lady detective asked JA if she had taken all of the photos on the 4th, so obviously they were unsure of some of them.



I have been looking for this information and re-listened to Melendez to try to understand this. I could not figure this out, or why some pics had no date and time stamps. Was it because they were thumbnails or was this caused by some anomaly. Why were some photos thumbnails and some not?

Obviously, I didn't do the forensic exam or recovery of the deleted pics, but I did get a quick look at a photo Melendez was holding which was not shown to the jury.

I believe I saw "unallocated clusters" stamped on the image.

If so -- and this is not uncommon -- in recovering the deleted images, some of the date/timestamp data may not have been preserved.

Again, this happens frequently. I have seen it on a number of occasions.

Think about the implications it could have in this case.

Do folks really know the photographic sequence as they think they do, or are they taking someone else's (LE's computer forensic experts', for example) word for it?
She flipped the AZ plate after the Hoover dam checkpoint with the CA plates.

I hear ya loud and clear ElleElle...and no need to mess with the plates at all if you hadn't changde the CA plates with AZ plates.

She was doing everything in her power not to stick out to LE. She was in stealth mode. She was on a mission to kill Travis in my opinion. And while I'm at it, I wonder what Darryl B would have answered if he had been asked if he gave Jodi money for a stolen DVD player? That random remote she found in her "rental" car that she had to return to him is awfully suspect.
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