State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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Yes, Gus did not want to name his mistress on the stand.

Pleading the fifth would imply that you can implicate yourself of a crime whilst testifying.

What is he implicating himself with? Adultery? :floorlaugh:

I still wonder why he said on HLN that Jodi called him after the murder to say Travis is dead. :scared:

Thank you!
Yes that was her name...
I hate it when I can't back up what I KNOW I heard!!!

ok... I can sleep now.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

*it solves nothing, other than I heard it.
:seeya: Thank You too ElleElle! (for that Gus link)

Ya know as I get older sometimes I wonder if I dreamed stuff!
Deedee21, now that's some drama! No doubt this girlfriend didn't like him giving Jodi free phones, either. I was trying to figure out why Jodi had to pay him back for a free phone. Maybe he wanted sexual favors in return. who knows.

Her drama will come to an end when she sits alone in a cell.
I earlier I posted that Jodi had the plates from the BMW- CA plates and she she switched the back CA rental car with the BMW AZ plate. That was a mind bender...

This is what I always thought. I wanted a search for stolen plates along her route. No skaters at that Starbuck's I ever saw - been there lots. Hasting's Ranch, Arcadia.
Yes, Gus did not want to name his mistress on the stand.

Pleading the fifth would imply that you can implicate yourself of a crime whilst testifying.

What is he implicating himself murder? :floorlaugh:

I still wonder why he said on HLN that Jodi called him after the murder to Travis is dead. :scared:

Uhh... Cause she did?
On June 5th at 3:30am...
He knew if they found the call on her cell his number
would be associated with it.

They blew him off...
wonder if they should
have done some triangulation first???

No worries, he's an attention-seeker anyway.

Friend and supporter for Jodi (phone, RV Vegas trip)
"Mentoring" a woman to dinner, but didn't want to say her name bc of GF
And lets not forget his appearance on Judge Judy (transcript)

Partial youtube video here : Gus Searcy on Judge Judy - YouTube

Wicked stuff.

Quoted to update and add; It looks like his daughter posted on that link 4 days and made the statement that the divorce is still ongoing.

Didn't he recently get engaged??? LOL

Although, it may not really be his daughter - still good for a laugh.
Yup. He's the "Roy Kronk" of this trial.

Uhh... Cause she did?
On June 5th at 3:30am...
He knew if they found the call on her cell his number
would be associated with it.

They blew him off...
wonder if they should
have done some triangulation first???

In order for her to get in and out of Arizona without having to stop for gas somewhere in that state she calculated that she would need to fill the car tank and three 5-gallon gas cans. She premeditated the murder with the idea that her alibi would be she wasn't there and was never in Arizona at all but was on a road trip to Utah to see her new flame. She got in her head that she could fill the gas tank which would produce one receipt that showed a purchase of gas that filled a car tank and a separate purchase for only two of the gas cans which the receipt would show a purchase of 10 gallons of gas thereby proving in her mind that she could produce those two receipts as proof that it was all the gas she purchased and argue that she could not have made it in and out of Arizona without a third gas can.

On the stand she lied repeatedly insisting that she only used two gas cans that she had borrowed from Darryl. But the prosecution had a third receipt she didn't voluntarily produce that showed a third purchase of gas of 5 gallons at the same time and place OR they found the Walmart receipt where she purchased a third gas can (I can't remember which), but in any case, they knew she did indeed have a third gas can. They probably found that receipt in her grandparents' home where she was living at the time. So then she canged her story saying that for whatever reason she purchased a third gas can at Walmart but never used it and returned it to Walmart unused that same day. Except that a representative from Walmart that testified for the prosecution produced records showing that no gas can was returned on that day yet Jodi sat on the stand and insisted that she did return the third gas can at that Walmart and received a return of cash for it... and this after she already was caught out in the lie that she never had a theird gas can.

Her point in trying to hide the existence of the third gas can was so that she could "prove" she wasn't in Arizona that day at all since she purchased no gas in that state, and her gas purchases that she admitted to (filling the tank and filing TWO gas cans) would not have been enough gas to get in and out of ARizona.

Then of course, her "I wasn't even in Arizona that day" story fell apart when she was being interrogated by Flores at the police station because he had the photos to prove that she WAS there with Travis that day. That's when she came up with the "Ok, I was there, but it was two ninjas that did it" story.

So much for her being an Einstein. She never considered that the gas station would have their own records of her gas purchases and be able to prove that she bought gas in three transactions - one to fill the car tank, one to fill two of the gas cans, and one to fill the third gas can she prended at first never existed until she was caught in that fib. Nor did she consider that her own bank records would show the gas purchases because she used her creditcard to purchase all three gas transactions.

The gas cans and her attempt to hide the existence of the third one goes directly to premeditation along with other evidence - that she was going to go to Arizona on the way to Utah to kill Travis and try to make it appear that she wasn't even in the state that day and that she tried to use two of the gas purchase receipts (the one for filling the tank and the one for filling two of the gas cans) as a way to "prove" she wasn't in Arizona.

While I think what you're saying is well thought out and I agree with it in large part, the only thing I question is how does denying the 3rd gas can help her now?

You wonderfully illustrated how it would help her beforehand, because you're saying it would prove she didn't have enough gas to get out of AZ and that would prove she didn't plan to go to AZ, but the fact of the matter is, she DID make it out of AZ without filling up.

So why here in trial deny the third gas can, when it was required to get out of AZ without stopping at a gas station? Seems she would have been better off filling up in AZ on the way out at this point because it would have flown in the face of the third gas can. Oh, hindsight......

Your post opened my thinking about that time period, so thanks.
Training and proposal all in one is the name of one of Gus 11 uploaded videos on youtube. Can someone post his you tube video here? Chris is right. He likes attention.
Yes, Gus did not want to name his mistress on the stand.

Pleading the fifth would imply that you can implicate yourself of a crime whilst testifying.

What is he implicating himself with? Adultery? :floorlaugh:

I still wonder why he said on HLN that Jodi called him after the murder to say Travis is dead. :scared:

So I had to watch that now. He seemed to be lying. You could tell by the way he answered the questions about it. I'm a human lie detector after watching Jodi for all these years.
Im thinking along the lines of people demanding their money back. Donovan would probably caught in the middle of that.

Anyone stupid enough to pay for that murderers artwork deserves to lose money. I have no respect for someone that would in any way enrich her or her supporters. I'll bet their collective IQ's wouldn't equal the room temperature.
Could you imagine knowingly purchasing art from an admitted liar and then being upset because it was fake? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Yup. He's the "Roy Kronk" of this trial.

Gus Searcy is not Roy Kronk.

Roy Kronk found the body of little Caylee Anthony. He reported it to the police, and IMO, Roy got the shaft from the media, defense attorney's and the Anthony family. But for Roy Kronk, little Caylee would still be in that swamp. :cry:

Guy Searcy was a smart @ss on the stand, did the round of cable shows to put himself in the limelight. IMO - he is a creeper. His "story" was nothing worthwhile, yet the media made sure he was on every night with his creepy, smirky, smile. He made himself look like an absolute fool in court, which I throughly enjoyed, after his shenanigans. Gus Searcy threw Travis under the bus, the victim, for a murderer and his 15 minutes. :furious:

Not mad or attacking you ElleElle. :heart: I just do not the continual comparisons to the Anthony case. They have nothing in common, except two white, brunette, young, semi-pretty women..who had a total disregard for life. Killed and went about with their business, like nothing happened. The other similarity, is our courts allowing blatant lies being spewed in court, without one ounce of evidence. This.must.change.

PS. I'm still not over the Anthony verdict, as you clearly see. RIP Caylee. Justice for Travis!!
The whole PPL thing gives me a bad taste in my mouth .. it's just so much about get rich quickly BS .. :vomit:


Also few of the people involved seem to be making much money .. Doesn't Gus live in a trailer? Or is that wrong? But Travis himself was struggling financially. It seems to me that APPEARANCE of financial success was of primary concern, even if the reality was somewhat different.

These guys would have been so much better off getting good educations and working for good companies .. it's a bit sad.
BBM~ or Gus or MM.

While I think what you're saying is well thought out and I agree with it in large part, the only thing I question is how does denying the 3rd gas can help her now?

You wonderfully illustrated how it would help her beforehand, because you're saying it would prove she didn't have enough gas to get out of AZ and that would prove she didn't plan to go to AZ, but the fact of the matter is, she DID make it out of AZ without filling up.

So why here in trial deny the third gas can, when it was required to get out of AZ without stopping at a gas station? Seems she would have been better off filling up in AZ on the way out at this point because it would have flown in the face of the third gas can. Oh, hindsight......

Your post opened my thinking about that time period, so thanks.

Denying the third gas can would be denying premeditation as well as being able to say LE did a poor job searching for where else she gassed up on her trip (which she did not). She never expected LE to go to such lengths to have WM send an expert witness to debunk the returned can, nor did she think they would look for a third receipt at the two gas stops. JMHO
Gus testified twice. Once without the jury, once with. He testified for the defense in the hearing concerning prosecutorial misconduct where the judge did step in when he pleaded the fifth. I was amused that a guy that worked for company that dealt with lawyers didn't have a lawyer discussing this with him beforehand.

He then testified for the defense concerning overhearing a conversation with a phone call of Travis and Jodi while she visited him in his trailer. Again, I find it odd that they were just hanging out reading books in his trailer.
Sorry, I did not mean to hash-up your emotions, as I see you are passionate about Caylee. :blushing:

I just meant it in a simpler as in, he called the police and nobody cared?

Gus Searcy is not Roy Kronk.

Roy Kronk found the body of little Caylee Anthony. He reported it to the police, and IMO, Roy got the shaft from the media, defense attorney's and the Anthony family. But for Roy Kronk, little Caylee would still be in that swamp. :cry:

Guy Searcy was a smart @ss on the stand, did the round of cable shows to put himself in the limelight. IMO - he is a creeper. His "story" was nothing worthwhile, yet the media made sure he was on every night with his creepy, smirky, smile. He made himself look like an absolute fool in court, which I throughly enjoyed, after his shenanigans. Gus Searcy threw Travis under the bus, the victim, for a murderer and his 15 minutes. :furious:

Not mad or attacking you ElleElle. :heart: I just do not the continual comparisons to the Anthony case. They have nothing in common, except two white, brunette, young, semi-pretty women..who had a total disregard for life. Killed and went about with their business, like nothing happened. The other similarity, is our courts allowing blatant lies being spewed in court, without one ounce of evidence. This.must.change.

PS. I'm still not over the Anthony verdict, as you clearly see. RIP Caylee. Justice for Travis!!
Uhh... Cause she did?
On June 5th at 3:30am...
He knew if they found the call on her cell his number
would be associated with it.

They blew him off...
wonder if they should
have done some triangulation first???


I see on June 5th in the AM hours, no calls on her timeline (the HLN one I posted earlier). Unless she called him with a phone no one knows about, she didn't call him. He gave the impression that the pros. office wasn't interested in hearing what he had to say, but frankly, who is?
I'm concerned about something....How in the heck is the judge going to control the length of time that the DT takes questioning their rebuttal witness??? The other witnesses went on for days. They're supposed to have their turn and then give Juan a turn all in a day or two? Will they play some sort of BS game and use up all of Juan's time?? If they stretch out their time will the closing arguments go into Monday??
Can someone reassure me?
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