State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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I don't want to put anyone down. If it is real for you, I respect that. I'm just saying that I am upset by so many charlatans that prey on the bereaved through so-called psychic phenomenon that can be debunked. I wish with all my heart that I *could* find proof of an afterlife, angels etc. I believe I'd be a lot happier and more at peace. Sadly it is in my nature to question everything and desire scientific proof.

Oh yes. I would say 99% charlatans.

You know battered women's shelters are going to be lining up to change their name to "Jodi Arias House".


With the enticing slogan, Depressed? Suicide by Jodi offered here!
Thanks, but Katiecoolady does not inform my opinions or think for me.

Yes I do find adults believing in this stuff immature (not the entire person, just that part of their life) and the entire community of "ghost hunters" are a detestable bunch for increasing stigma against people with mental illness (oh no! A mental hospital...must be haunted because of all the evil psychos there lol), scamming people with pseudo science among other things. It just has no place in the 21st century.

I ask myself if it's more likely that the laws of physics and nature were suddenly suspended and supernatural occurrences were seen...or if the people (sincere as they may be) were under a misapprehension. I go with occam's razor and side with the likelihood of a misapprehension.

Horace, you're being a little harsh!

I can't wait for Wednesday. You know, the 'I don't like Jodi' days... ;)
Thanks, but Katiecoolady does not inform my opinions or think for me.

Yes I do find adults believing in this stuff immature (not the entire person, just that part of their life) and the entire community of "ghost hunters" are a detestable bunch for increasing stigma against people with mental illness (oh no! A mental hospital...must be haunted because of all the evil psychos there lol), scamming people with pseudo science among other things. It just has no place in the 21st century.

I ask myself if it's more likely that the laws of physics and nature were suddenly suspended and supernatural occurrences were seen...or if the people (sincere as they may be) were under a misapprehension. I go with occam's razor and side with the likelihood of a misapprehension.


That's very offensive! Why is that necessary may I ask?

If you don't agree with what someone else believes, what purpose does it serve to call them "immature"? To me it makes you sound defensive, and if that's the case, I have to ask why?

Some of the things you mention are fake, I agree. But I see no reason to denigrate those whose beliefs differ from your own.
Thanks, but Katiecoolady does not inform my opinions or think for me.

Yes I do find adults believing in this stuff immature (not the entire person, just that part of their life) and the entire community of "ghost hunters" are a detestable bunch for increasing stigma against people with mental illness (oh no! A mental hospital...must be haunted because of all the evil psychos there lol), scamming people with pseudo science among other things. It just has no place in the 21st century.

I ask myself if it's more likely that the laws of physics and nature were suddenly suspended and supernatural occurrences were seen...or if the people (sincere as they may be) were under a misapprehension. I go with occam's razor and side with the likelihood of a misapprehension.

Just wanted to add...
It's sad that people don't spend more time trying to understand the proven principles of science than pursuing unfounded beliefs in ghosts and BigFoot.
I would have to do some searching for the post but didn't KCL say that she met the current owner of the house and either she or her son felt Travis's presence? I don't buy the majority of those ghost hunter deals but I will admit that I had an experience once with a passed relative and it was like no other experience I have ever have. So, I do believe you can be "visited" if you know what I mean.

Katie Cool Lady's Thread
Page 15 - Post 342

"And guess who is in that blue van?

The MOTHER who now lives in Travis' house.

shivers...tears...remembering this.

She gets out and I'm telling you this was a moment that needed to happen on both ends.

Hugs, tears, good vibes.

She tells T's sister about how she's felt she's had "visitations" of Travis looking over her she once saw a shadow move up her stairs and in to each of their rooms and how her dog stood at attention when it happened.

Here, I'm passing the kleenex now."

That's very offensive! Why is that necessary may I ask?

If you don't agree with what someone else believes, what purpose does it serve to call them "immature"? To me it makes you sound defensive, and if that's the case, I have to ask why?

Some of the things you mention are fake, I agree. But I see no reason to denigrate those whose beliefs differ from your own.

I said I find that part of them immature, the belief, not the entire person. I don't think I denigrated anyone except the scammers calling themselves "ghost hunters". And someone claiming to have been "visited" by Travis is just cringe inducing. As I said it more likely that it's true, or that someone is under a misapprehension because they're fixated on the case like many of us are. I guess I don't see what is controversial about finding it silly for an adult to believe that stuff. I believe that scientific inquiry has brought humanity to where it concerns me when I see us potentially moving backward. There was a time we didn't know any better...but that time is past.
Katie Cool Lady's Thread
Page 15 - Post 342

"And guess who is in that blue van?

The MOTHER who now lives in Travis' house.

shivers...tears...remembering this.

She gets out and I'm telling you this was a moment that needed to happen on both ends.

Hugs, tears, good vibes.

She tells T's sister about how she's felt she's had "visitations" of Travis looking over her she once saw a shadow move up her stairs and in to each of their rooms and how her dog stood at attention when it happened.

Here, I'm passing the kleenex now."

Oh wow. Thanks for this. I forgot about this part.
Ugh. Given that Ghost Hunters and Taps would be specifically trying to contact Travis... they should have the express written consent of Travis' next of kin before doing this. It's not like they are going to any random house trying to contact any random spirit. They would be going to the scene of a gruesome murder and trying to contact a specific person that has been on international news due to the quest to bring him justice. I think doing this (tv shows) w/o the family's consent would be a terrible invasion of privacy for the Alexander family.

Edited to say that I don't believe in any of the ghost hunter type things... I just think it would be disrespectful to the family to drag them through this. They shouldn't use his likeness (if that's the proper term) or his story without the family's permission.

Just a FYI Ghost Hunters/TAPS team is a specific team based out of New England. They do not contact any ghosts but rather go in to disprove the theory that there is any paranormal activity. They use scientific methods and rarely go in to specifically contact a person. I am sure they would ask the next of kin as they recently did one on a house in LA about the supposed Black Dahlia murder's old house. They had his son come on and say it was okay along with the new homeowner.. just and FYI i love them because they do not go in and TRY to contact but rather are skeptical of anything being there. yes they do ask questions but that once they have had something happen normally and its mainly just general "hello." and try to determine if ANYone is there not a specific person..
I think she has made arrangements with the jail about Jodi being transferred back and/or her dinner. Otherwise she would have ended the day at "drop dead time". Nurmi coined that phrase months ago so he must know of arrangements being made already. She was adamant about staying until they finished on Wednesday and I have no doubt that's how it will be, unless Jodi has a "migraine". Personally, I think she didn't want to grant the surrebuttal, but was fearful of an appeal later. I also think she has limited them a great deal in what they may ask the witness. She's not gonna have them go back and forth or spend 3 hours on his CV and what experience he has.

We shall see.

I don't share your confidence in JSKS.

Perhaps she'll exceed my low expectations. If so, I'll be the first to heap on the praise.

If not, well, I told you so...
Whew happy to be back here! I was just in another thread that should be called "Time to Trash the Victim".


This isn't the first time I've read a post that shares that feeling. I am very confused. I thought one of the major rules here was that this is a 'victim friendly site'. You are referring to a thread HERE, correct? Not a different website?
I would hate to believe that is happening. Isn't Tulessa a TAPS family associate, maybe we can ask her? That's pretty awful, but you know that NBC owns the SCI FI network and who would put anything past a major network doing something for ratings. I've also read nice things about that family that lives there now, I'd hate to think they're capitalizing on this. :(

After reading the article posted earlier today (an interview with the current homeowner), I don't believe this at all. In the interview she states that she has allowed no one in the home with cameras. In fact, the first time she let anyone in the home (as far as media, etc) was for this interview and without cameras. They looked around the home and then went outside for the interview which was video taped. The reporter states the home is comfortable and homey. She states it is not eerie at all. The homeowner said she loves the home and will be happy to have the trial over so others will quit associating her home with JA. However, she states that she is happy for the association between Travis and her home and feels connected to him.
For those reasons I don't believe she would ever allow "ghost hunters" in her home or capitalize in any way from living in the home Travis used to live in.
Just wanted to add...
It's sad that people don't spend more time trying to understand the proven principles of science than pursuing unfounded beliefs in ghosts and BigFoot.

But, isn't that what people are trying to do? Prove or disprove the existence? You can't tell people to stop trying to do that. jmo
Mikee Daniels has a new video up! I love him!

[ame=""]Arias Video Comment Blog, 4,27,13 - YouTube[/ame]
I do think that the girl can draw and color on a HS level, that's about it. Let's talk about John Wayne Gacy's clowns. Now that is art, lol.

LOL! Professional clowns already have enough children (and adults) afraid of them! I am sure they did not appreciate JWG's choice of subject for his artwork :floorlaugh:
Gotta love my 14 year old son... I almost did not come back to this forum the other day, because I was embarrassed because I got a post deleted, cause apparently I must have said something I should not have. Donovan, my son said "You DO say cuss words a lot when you get mad Mom. Just tell them you are sorry and they will let you back." So cute, as much as my nerves have been frayed over this trial, he made me smile. Off topic, I know, I just thought it might improve someone else's day. He can be sweetheart, at times.
Just a FYI Ghost Hunters/TAPS team is a specific team based out of New England. They do not contact any ghosts but rather go in to disprove the theory that there is any paranormal activity. They use scientific methods and rarely go in to specifically contact a person. I am sure they would ask the next of kin as they recently did one on a house in LA about the supposed Black Dahlia murder's old house. They had his son come on and say it was okay along with the new homeowner.. just and FYI i love them because they do not go in and TRY to contact but rather are skeptical of anything being there. yes they do ask questions but that once they have had something happen normally and its mainly just general "hello." and try to determine if ANYone is there not a specific person..

From personal experience, the process that is followed for any site visit by TAPS is lengthy and quite involved, legally. That house is private property. Many legal steps are required for a site visit. If TAPS does visit the house, it will only be with the full cooperation of the current owners of the property.
I fully support the family that lives there, no matter what their choice is. I'm here to share about the trial, support the Alexander family and send out good energy wherever I can. I feel it's a bit intrusive and quite frankly, none of my business what those homeowners do with their property. Being involved in this trial does not give me the right to suddenly pass judgment on any of the innocent parties in this tragedy.
KCL's post about the current homeowner was wonderful. I love that she is putting this all in the most positive vein she can. I hope we don't start a debate over what the homeowners do or don't do. It's not our business. IMO
I hesitate to post this, so don't yell at me please. Remember reading KCL's account of the day she went with one of the Alexander girls and met the new homeowner? The homeowner told the Alexander sister after some unusual things going on in the home and a shadow she sees. Everyone feels differently about spirits and whether they exist or not. I personally do believe from firsthad experience that my husband, son and I have all experienced.

I believe too. You are not alone. There are signs in the universe all the time.
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