State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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I don't believe JA was humanized on the stand, nor by her behavior in the courtroom. I can't imagine the jury as seeing her as likeable or believable. Cruel and conniving is more in line with what I've seen, but I could definitely be wrong.

My husband isn't as invested in this trial as much as I am, but on one of his sick days he got to see her testimony (JA's) during the juror questions. He said, "What's up with that? She looks like an animatron at Disneyland, just more creepier than usual."
That juror said that Jodi wouldn't be given the death penalty because she took the stand and answered the jury's questions. During closing arguments, Juan needs to remind the jurors that when she answered their questions, she lied to their faces. He needs to mention all the lies she told. If this jury finds her guilty of manslaughter, I know a lot of people that need to go into the witness protection program. Put Juan at the top of that list. She WILL kill again!

BBM: "Juror" -- I'm confused -- Did I miss something ?

So, if both of those are from "Day 1", then Willmott made a wardrobe change between videos?

:waitasec: One is audio only. How could anyone tell what she was wearing?
I watched Jodi on the stand. When did that humanize her?

Apparently, I have no empathy or compassion for Jodi because what she did to Travis is not what I consider human.

She had no right to go see him. It was pretty clear he did not trust her or want to see her. Jodi went to his house anyways and ended up slaughtering him. If a man came busting into a woman's home, then he'd be a sick murderous stalker, and that's exactly what Jodi is.

As far as I'm concerned, Jodi tried to destroy Travis further in the courtroom by lying about Travis's character so she could get away with killing him as she planned. JMO
DT got her glasses to make her look dull and unattractive.

And why would he take photos in the shower how good he looked in the shower prior to Cancun if he was going to Cancun and he could do it later? I am watching opening statement

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No, it appears this was filed today. JSS will throw it out. :please:
JSS has given the Dt everything they wanted thus far so I can't see her denying them this. :truce:
What I understood under humanize is just seeing her as a human basically. It makes it even more real when you're deciding on whether or not to give that other human being the death penalty.

I'm not convinced it's ALV either but I'm also not convinced it isn't someone who knows her and ALV has given them permssion. Howver I can't see anywhere it promotes a specific Youtube user. Where are you seeing that? There's only 12 tweets so far...

"Promoting" was a poor choice of words. Constantly linking to the same obscure YouTube user is more accurate. Sorry to confuse!

And I could be wrong, but my internet troll senses are tingling, yanno?
I watched Jodi on the stand. When did that humanize her?

Apparently, I have no empathy or compassion for Jodi because what she did to Travis is not what I consider human.

She had no right to go see him. It was pretty clear he did not trust her or want to see her. Jodi went to his house anyways and ended up slaughtering him. If a man came busting into a woman's home, then he'd be a sick murderous stalker, and that's exactly what Jodi is.

As far as I'm concerned, Jodi tried to destroy Travis further in the courtroom by lying about Travis's character so she could get away with killing him as she planned. JMO

BBM: :banghead::banghead:

And what ticks me off is that Jodi said she would do this if she was not given her plea deal -- 2nd degree !

And what ticks me off even more is that the jury will NOT get to hear any of this about Jodi !

"Promoting" was a poor choice of words. Constantly linking to the same obscure YouTube user is more accurate. Sorry to confuse!

And I could be wrong, but my internet troll senses are tingling, yanno?

Well if that's not ALV herself, someone else out there has her speaking schedule to have posted it to her twitter account. I think it's her acct, verified or not.:fence:
eric soles ‏@ericsoles40 36s

i say the jury should come back in 62 sec with guilty #jodiarias
Wow, ALV using social media to express her disgust at something she feels is wrong?

The hypocrisy here is laughable!!

Didn't she testify that she doesn't use social media? Anyway, I checked out her twitter account, and I'm not quite sure she even runs it. She's being all drama queen about a video that's not nearly as horrific as her testiphony.


Willmott or Nurmi? It's a choice between leprosy or cancer, IMO.

Actually a VERY apt analogy: the etiological agent (cause of) leprosy is KNOWN (Mycobacterium leprae aka "Hansen's bacillus") and TREATABLE (it can be stopped!) like Willmott. Now is known to "spread" and go on & on & on & re-occur!:scared::scared:eek:r in Nurmi speak, "let me go back to......" :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

IS IT WEDNESDAY YET??????????:blushing::blushing::blushing:
She said on the tape, "that's so debasing"...pause..."I love it!"

RBBM: Another "Jodi word" ... omg ... can't remember how many times she used or misused that one, in addition to many other words ...



There is nothing incorrect with Jodi's use of the word "debasing" there (other than it's disgusting).

She's made a few other doozy vocabulary mistakes, however... :facepalm:
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