State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Why is she even watching "parody" videos on Youtube and commenting on them at all? I bet she wonders why people don't find her credible as a professional!

Very, very childish. Making threats like that is probably unethical for her profession. Amazing there are people who support Jodi like that. Many people thought she would see the light, instead she has doubled down.
More so than at any time in the trail, I thought reality hit Jodi like a ton of bricks at different points in the rebuttal case--especially during the testimonies of the Walmart and Tesero witnesses, Detective Flores about the closet shelves and Detective Brown re: the selfies (photos) she took of her newly dyed brown hair in the rental car on June 3. Willmott and Nurmi looked pretty defeated on those days too. The latest motions/filings make it clear they know the self-defense claim is an abject failure, IMO.

I have wondered if Jodi honestly believes her lies will be believed. She doesn't have contact with with what is really going on in social media or MSM. Are Jodi's attorneys telling her the truth or preparing her for the truth?
Donovan said in this clip they are preparing her for jail - the question is how long she'll be there. It's at 06:10. I think there's an element of what I think Janine calls Duper's Delight where she is just smiling and pretending everything is okay.

The one you "removed because you love WS"

Several posts here all mentioned they would not link it. The video linked is by the same user linked. Please stop being rude to me.

Removed by me
Nerdy I hope you didn't think that I was being rude. I respect you for not posting that garbage.
Oh man. My unpleasant feelings toward ALV have just multiplied.
She needs to stfu; how dare she is all I can say.
She is somehow qualified to say that someone who makes a dumb parody video "will burn".
Disgust has transformed into burning hatred.

So much for "anger management". Very scary person.
Very, very childish. Making threats like that is probably unethical for her profession. Amazing there are people who support Jodi like that. Many people thought she would see the light, instead she has doubled down.

Removed by me yuck
:lol: once again, i walk away for a bit, and you've all blown through another thread!

bringing this over...a reply to one of my posts ;)


Since you were listing things, there was also the flipped/removed license plates on the rental car.

someone was tallying her lies last night, and clearly things can be forgotten b/c, well there are so damn many!!! also, given what we were discussing, your sig couldn't be any more relevant :p

"Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!"
- Sir Walter Scott
ALV has made four posts in the last day or two to that clip. I see what you are trying to say now.

I have to agree with ALV. It is tasteless and certainly dishonors Travis for sure. I think whoever filmed Travis at that event should ask YouTube to take it down because they are using it without their permission. But that is JMO
i dont know who that woman is but i do not like her. something just annoying about her. doesn't seem like she even knows much about this trial

I am annoyed with that woman because has the same first name as my son, among other annoying traits she possesses.
I fervently hope Arias, questioned about weapons in the Mesa house, is quoted in closing arguments. She told Detective Flores that there were only Travis's fists. Any gun in the house? "Not that I know of", she answered. That is SO important. A pointed admission against interest. The gun was the one she stole from her grandfather.
I have to agree with ALV. It is tasteless and certainly dishonors Travis for sure. I think whoever filmed Travis at that event should ask YouTube to take it down because they are using it without their permission. But that is JMO

I have a horrible feeling part of that clip was from JA originally actually and she put the clip up after she was back in Yreka. I agree the clip is tasteless.
I would like someone to please tell me about the connection between elephants and Travis' family. I saw the thread about poems and such. But what part do they play? So sorry if I am missing it somewhere. Thanks!!
Very, very childish. Making threats like that is probably unethical for her profession. Amazing there are people who support Jodi like that. Many people thought she would see the light, instead she has doubled down.
There are two ALV twitter accounts--I don't believe either of them is really her. One is very clearly bogus (one tweet references Jodi's *advertiser censored*), while the other (the one with the link to the YouTube clip) is less obviously fake, but I'm skeptical nonetheless. ALV didn't strike me as a person who'd invoke God as often as the person writing the tweets has. It's fishy that she would link to the same video twice--if it's so offensive, why call attention to it, once, let alone twice? Also it's not as if a "hater" tweeted the video link to her and she responded that it was offensive. One of my lines of work is sports journalism and the number of fake/faux Twitter accounts is mind blowing.
Cannot wait for JM's closing.....ready to move thru the sur rebuttal. I think the DT is alienating the jury bringing on more testimony about stuff that has been covered. They are stalling the trial again and now want to rebut Dr. Horn....they are basically trying their case again. They had plenty of time to READ Dr. Ds report and bring in their witnesses to refute both her and the M.E. the Judge is bending over backwards and as long as the DT knows that they are going to push past the limit of what is reasonable. This trial needs to end!
Nurmi will keep mentioning one thing after another that happened between Jodi and Travis. After each one he will ask the jury, "And how do you THAT made Jodi feel?"

Nurmi will also go on for hours about the sex. He enjoys that topic. Boring!
I'd say her testimony de humanized her if I thought she was human in the first place. I think her testimony brought out some of her 'worst' which can only be a good thing in front of the jury.

I agree. If I was on that jury, it is her testimony that sunk her.
Donovan said in this clip they are preparing her for jail - the question is how long she'll be there. It's at 06:10. I think there's an element of what I think Janine calls Duper's Delight where she is just smiling and pretending everything is okay.

I personally don't believe a word that comes out of Donovan's mouth or Jodi's mouth.
I agree. If I was on that jury, it is her testimony that sunk her.

And I do think it was her testimony that sunk her. I think when she first got on the stand they were willing to open and listen and give her the benefit of the doubt. But the more she talked, the more disgusted with her they became. If I had to guess a moment, it would be the pedophile lie. But really, all of it together is what did it.
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