State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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I'm thinking JSS is more of a "3 strikes" your out type of gal.

Is Dr Geffner really able to be used to rebut Dr Horn's testimony AS WELL AS Dr DeMarte's .. how messed up is this, it's like a one witness fits all situation .. If Judge SS let's this happen we know we will not finish on Wednesday. Never seen this before, it's really like giving the DT one final bite of the apple.
I dunno, Arias has not yet been convicted. So, I think she should still have as many rights as possible until that point.
Far as I know, in most parts of Canada we say gren-itch.

Another possible reason for Jodi's (mis)pronunciation is that she's an autodidact. A person can be well-read, and articulate, but with little formal education or direct learning from a teacher, proper pronunciation can suffer. Just a thought.
Or that pronunciation was taught to her incorrectly. My MIL says "sim-U-lar" instead of "sim-i-lar" (drives me nuts...) and my father always said for rhinoceros, "rhin-ah-sker-us" instead of "rhin-ah-ser-us" (there is no additional "s" or "k" in there...). They both had teachers that mispronounced those words around third or fourth grade, it somehow stuck.
I dunno, Arias has not yet been convicted. So, I think she should still have as many rights as possible until that point.

Well then I suppose she better get that tendon injured finger to "tracing" pretty quickly, because in about a week, she WILL be convicted.
Or that pronunciation was taught to her incorrectly. My MIL says "sim-U-lar" instead of "sim-i-lar" (drives me nuts...) and my father always said for rhinoceros, "rhin-ah-sker-us" instead of "rhin-ah-ser-us" (there is no additional "s" or "k" in there...). They both had teachers that mispronounced those words around third or fourth grade, it somehow stuck.
Here's one.


I pronounce this - Na rra tor

I used to work with an American who said Na ra ra tor and all his family said the same.
I don't see how a Psychologist (neuropsychologist or not) would be qualified as an expert on brain trauma over an MD who is a pathologist. I cannot fathom it being allowed. Even if it is allowed, I can't imagine his testimony being given more weight than the ME who has performed more than 6,000 post-mortems.

Yes I agree. Say a big NO judge.
How in the world could this be an appeal issue. The defense uses the word as a scare tactic, in my opinion. Let the judge call their bluff. This is the judges first death penalty trial and I think the defense is taking advantage of it to get killer off. my opinion only. moo
After finally getting to watch Mimi Hall's testimony, along with Lisa Diadone's and then of course Deanna Reed's I am CONVINCED that Travis and JA did NOT have all the sex she claims they did, I also do NOT believe for ONE second that Travis had all those make believe fantasies she invented on the stand either. I think they are a figment of her imagination or they are the REAL fantasies of Arias herself and NOT Travis. From the testimony of others and the timeline, Arias and Travis were ONLY dating for a short period of time, the rest of friends with benefits.

I tend to agree with you. I have always believed (from the beginning) that there was really not a lot of this so-called kinky sex activity ... especially the anal sex part. I think she threw that in there to make him seem perverted and ... well ... maybe to relate to the pedophile accusation. JMO

Hope the b..otch goes down .. sooner than later. I predict the jury will be back with a verdict on Monday May 6th. Guilty pre-meditated murder. :rockon:
Nurmi and Willmott had the option to call an M.D. during their case. They chose to rely on their cross exam of Horn. That didn't turn out like they hoped so now they expect the Judge to help them out and allow additional testimony. The judge has already put a one day limit on surrebuttal and I hope she sticks to it.

Also, what did Dr. Horn testify to during rebuttal that he didn't testify to during the states case in chief... nothing different that I can recall.

He just reiterated that the gun shot wasn't first as the defendant testified to.

He stated that during the states case in chief, remember Willmott arguing with him about the bullet passing thru the brain and this look by Dr. Horn. ;)

Watching Opening Statements - JA is NOT wearing glasses! When did she 'develop' her vision problems???

If you look at the minute entries I believe on 4/22/2010 they actually took her out of jail to have a vision exam. hmmm right about the time, she had her aha I had to defend myself moment
I dunno, Arias has not yet been convicted. So, I think she should still have as many rights as possible until that point.

.....but she still IS IN Jail ???

I think the jury will deliberate for three days. They want to prove that they are taking this case seriously.

After a 17-week trial, the jury for Wendi Andriano deliberated for 2 1/2 hours before delivering a guilty plea and 8 hours to deliver a death sentence. Prosecutor was our dear Juan.

Maybe we should have the champagne chilled for Friday instead of Monday!
Keep the faith peeps!:seeya:
I was out in about today and stopped at a bookstore (on the other side of town) to browse and get a new journal to start of my 39th year.

In the 70% off section, they had these books.

Since i've being heavily involved, in this case, it has inspired me to start write. I've been told many times that journal writing is good for the heart & soul.

Anywho, I stopped at Starbucks and thought of Jodi. I thought on how "she was at the point of no return" and decided to go East instead of North to Utah.

I cannot wait until next Friday. I hope this jury has their mind made, because Jodi does not deserve to see the light of day.

And, imo Wednesday will be #3 epic failure for the DT.

Hang in there! Juan's got this! :angel:


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Or that pronunciation was taught to her incorrectly. My MIL says "sim-U-lar" instead of "sim-i-lar" (drives me nuts...) and my father always said for rhinoceros, "rhin-ah-sker-us" instead of "rhin-ah-ser-us" (there is no additional "s" or "k" in there...). They both had teachers that mispronounced those words around third or fourth grade, it somehow stuck.

My particular pet peeve is, supposedly. Pronounced by my entire family as 'supposebly'. Common mispronunciation in the culture of my family. We were very country-fied.
There is a post purportedly written by MM elsewhere where he says it wasn't the DT attorneys that asked him to lie, but a private investigator. In that post he seemed to be sympathetic to JA as well.

It was dated awhile ago IIRC, but maybe at the time he wanted to help her, now that the truth about her has come out maybe he's thanking his lucky stars that it wasn't him she slaughtered.

In the interrogation tape she told Flores she was on her way to MM house when they got her. Bet he was next!
Beth Karas said that the motion the DT filed this morning was to allow the psychologist to also include testimony rebutting Dr Horn. They claim the psychologist should be able to testify to this since he is a neuropsychologist. The judge better not let a Phd rebut an MD.

Heard Beth Karas say this earlier about the DT wanting Geffner to rebut Dr. Horn. It's not just up to JSS, JM is going to have to argue that this is outside of the scope of expertise for a nueropsychologist.

This little tidbit just adds to my disdain for the expert witness before I have even heard a peep out of his mouth...willing to get paid to say anything needed. I did some googling (granted, not an exhaustive search), but I can't find anything that says this would be within his realm of testimony.

One of the many things that bother me about Jodi's "tall tales" was the defense's point that Travis was always broke and bumming money from her and others. How does one go about borrowing money from someone who was out of work and so broke she had to move back in with her grandparents? On top of that, she testified that he gave her the money to move (get the heck out of my life) which she said she paid back.

He was so broke (according to her) that he didn't push for payments on the BMW she got from him. Also, according to her after a juror question "who paid for trips you both went on?" and she said it was mostly 50/50. Again, how is this possible? Its curious they made a big deal about his finances but fought so hard to keep hers out.

Sorry to ramble, just something that stuck in my mind.
I was out in about today and stopped at a bookstore (on the other side of town) to browse and get a new journal to start of my 39th year.

In the 70% off section, they had these books.

Since i've being heavily involved, in this case, it has inspired me to start write. I've been told many times that journal writing is good for the heart & soul.

Anywho, I stopped at Starbucks and thought of Jodi. I thought on how "she was at the point of no return" and decided to go East instead of North to Utah.

I cannot wait until next Friday. I hope this jury has their mind made, because Jodi does not deserve to see the light of day.

And, imo Wednesday will be #3 epic failure for the DT.

Hang in there! Juan's got this! :angel:

Jiminey Cricket! That's a little twilight zone! Both in one section ... Odd!
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