State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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BBM: I've been remembering my single days fondly while stressing over hiding slackness just quietly.

I noticed DH looking at the shelves in the lounge room last night, that's my next 'obvious' project ..

if i had a significant other my response to him not liking it would be "dont like it do something about it" :floorlaugh:

no idea why im single....HA :scared:
It was Detective Brown who said it, not Detective Melendez.
Yes, Nurmi really had no where to go with the cross so he asked about the time code on the phone vs. the digital camera within the phone--UT/Greenwich vs. time in location where the photo was taken. I thought the detective's explanation about "time" was a little clumsy/confusing, and surprised when Nurmi ended his cross by doing a darn good job of simplifying/clarifying Det. Brown's comments for the jury.
I am new here could someone point me in the right direction spent an hour on internet trying to find the connection. Only found one connection - picture that said Jodi's stuff looked like she did an elephant. I thought there was a connection between elephants and Travis's sister anyone please.

oops hope it was okay to say that . . .

Start at post 338 and bring your tissues:
I've thought all along that the reason he let her come was because of "that check".

me too! and, I also think she promised to destroythe blackmail stuff in his presence....and the big "I'm so sorry, let's make up blah blah blah"
I wonder if this new guy took any notes... Did Dr. D's notes get put into evidence? We know ALV didn't take any and RS well, his don't count.
I know right .. why not just cough it up and admit you did it during the killing? I think it's because she just can't help herself. Perhaps she thought it was important to stick to some lies she had told early on for consistency and didn't want to look like she had lied about everything even though she had? So lying to give impression of honesty .. somehow?

This detail has always fascinated me! Her fingers, both right and left, have been through so many mishaps, yet they were unscathed during the knife attack. She knows that everyone knows this is unlikely, so this is more than a lie, I think. As a part of the fog, it's a meta-lie: intended to convince herself as much as others. The fog makes the whole scene bloodless, and that's the point. This is why, in my opinion, she wears a look of true disgust when the crime photos are shown. She's not horrified, but, instead, peeved at how all that blood challenges her construct.
Putting this neuropsychologist on the stand tells me that the defense sees the writing on the wall and it reads... GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER.

This is their last-ditch effort to avert a 1st degree murder charge AND a sentence of death for their client. It's all they've got left.

Yes, Nurmi really had no where to go with the cross so he asked about the time code on the phone vs. the digital camera within the phone--UT/Greenwich vs. time in location where the photo was taken. I thought the detective's explanation about "time" was a little clumsy/confusing, and surprised when Nurmi ended his cross by doing a darn good job of simplifying/clarifying Det. Brown's comments for the jury.

I noticed that was a strange cross examination.
That finger is absolutely, positively the only evidence she has that Travis abused her! There is nothing else...nadda! She has to maintain Travis broke her finger.

Jodi disputed her own testimony with her statement to Flores that she cut her hand when she tried to grab the knife away from the ninjas. She even demonstrated it to Flores and showed him where it was cut (which indicates she cut the tendon). She cut the flexor tendon in the hand which if goes untreated will end up looking like her finger is today.

There is no proof he broker her finger. Nada. Her writing in her journal shows no change from days before and forward after this incident was suppose to happened. Nothing in her journal to indicate she was ever hurt.
This detail has always fascinated me! Her fingers, both right and left, have been through so many mishaps, yet they were unscathed during the knife attack. She knows that everyone knows this is unlikely, so this is more than a lie, I think. As a part of the fog, it's a meta-lie: intended to convince herself as much as others. The fog makes the whole scene bloodless, and that's the point. This is why, in my opinion, she wears a look of true disgust when the crime photos are shown. She's not horrified, but, instead, peeved at how all that blood challenges her construct.

I agree. The fog serves several purposes but certainly one of them is that she doesn't have to acknowledge the brutality of it all. Same with her "shot first" story. It allows her to put on a defense while not acknowledging the indefensible.
I was watching Jodi's parents' interrogation with EF, and her mom mentioned the amount of debt Jodi had incurred. What happens to the debt of someone sentenced if they are single? Does it all just get written off? Is Jodi hoping for a lesser sentence giving her not only fewer years to serve but also to free her from debt?
I was watching Jodi's parents' interrogation with EF, and her mom mentioned the amount of debt Jodi had incurred. What happens to the debt of someone sentenced if they are single? Does it all just get written off? Is Jodi hoping for a lesser sentence giving her not only fewer years to serve but also to free het from debt?

It doesn't go away but good luck collecting.
Let me guess......because it's the truth?

So far we have heard:

She cut it on a glass she broke while Travis was eating oatmeal (court);
She cut it when she tried to grab the knife from the ninjas (Flores;
She cut it on a piece of metal shelving while putting glasses away at work (Ryan);
She cut it while cutting an apple (ALV).

There may be more because I don't remember what she told Dr. Samuels.

I think it was an important part of her DV story that Travis broke her finger.l Justice for Travis!!!!
Why is so Jodi so adamant in denying the cuts to her finger took place during the killing? I just don't understand this.
Because the injury can't have occurred in June when she is insisting it happened in January as a result of an attack on her by Travis.
Dr Horn didn't say anything new did he? Perhaps he explained things a bit clearer??
Big fan of Dr. Horn's testimony during the case in chief; I thought he came across with less certitude/authority at certain times during his rebuttal testimony. Still, it didn't change the reality of the horror and pain that Jodi inflicted on Travis.
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