State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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For Travis being such a neat freak, I thought the office looked kinda messy, for him. I wonder if Jodi was looking for something, like in that closet. Maybe, she was looking and ran out of time when the room-mate was coming home at 6ish.
A LONG time ago I stumbled across this case on another site while looking for information about a reality show guy from LA who'd killed his gf, cut her up in little pieces and taken off. I think he ended up killing himself in a hotel in Canada, but I could be wrong about that. Seriously, I think it was a couple of years ago at least. I knew nothing about this case whatsoever and just watched part of an interview with the two of them. I also knew nothing about them at that time -- nothing about PPL, not that they were LDS, not that Sky lent Jodi the dress to wear in Vegas, nothing about the e-mails/journals. Nothing. I felt there was something way off with them right then and everything I've learned since then has reinforced my gut instinct about them. jmo

This is the story of the reality show contestant who murdered his wife.

I wasn't a follower of these sorts of cases back then, as I am now.
Please keep in mind when talking about Chris Hughes, think of what he does. He's trying to sell you something. That's what his job is. They never turn that switch off.

In a way, that's how Travis was. He was very charming and as a motivational speaker, a lot of people thought of him in that respect. He did his job in such a way, you came away from his speech and say "Wow, he really spoke to me". I'm not saying that's a bad thing and it reflects nothing of who was is personally. He seemed genuine in the way he treated people. I wonder if the way he spoke to others (both personally and in motivational talks) was what attracted JA to him. Not so much of who he was or what he represented, but this image in her head that he spoke to her in a way that she believed all his focus was on her and not it was just the way he treated everyone.

When he moved on with his life, she couldn't comprehend that his focus wasn't on her if it ever was at all. So don't judge Mr. Hughes too harshly, he's been waiting to speak out and defend his and his wife's actions for some time now.
Thank you I don't know why everyone being so hard on them. They know they took Jodie's bait lies but soon realized the evil one was trying to turn them against Travis. She didnt seem to have friends of her own. Don't take me wrong everyone I'm trying to understand this too.
A LONG time ago I stumbled across this case on another site while looking for information about a reality show guy from LA who'd killed his gf, cut her up in little pieces and taken off. I think he ended up killing himself in a hotel in Canada, but I could be wrong about that. Seriously, I think it was a couple of years ago at least. I knew nothing about this case whatsoever and just watched part of an interview with the two of them. I also knew nothing about them at that time -- nothing about PPL, not that they were LDS, not that Sky lent Jodi the dress to wear in Vegas, nothing about the e-mails/journals. Nothing. I felt there was something way off with them right then and everything I've learned since then has reinforced my gut instinct about them. jmo

Was that the one where he put all her body parts in the suitcase and walked out of the hotel with the suitcase?
Can you imagine dragging a bloody body of a man with slashed throat and a bullet to the head to a shower and washing away the evidence? What kind of evil cruel person would be capable of doing that!?

I have a difficult time imagining stabbing someone even one time, it would be horrifying. Such as in these scenarios:

-Stabbing someone in self-defense, just once, trying to disable them because your life is in danger. Because the act of stabbing into a living human being is so violent, so bloody so shocking, and because you actually are in fear for your life, you then drop the knife and run for dear life.

or this:

-Stabbing someone in a violent fit of uncontrolled anger, just once, because when seeing the blood you realize what you're doing, it brings you to your senses so you stop, step back, and are horrified and in shock at what you just did.

No one can ever, ever in a million years explain to me, much less try to justify, how anyone close to human could stab someone almost 30 times, then follow it with a very deliberate throat slashing and gun shot to the head. Then follow it up with dragging and stuffing their dead body into a shower, then turning on the shower and washing them off. I cannot comprehend it.

This case totally screams calculated planning and premeditation by someone who is cold-blooded, someone who is evil.

The more I think about it, I just don't believe that JA is fully human. She is missing something, some component that is required, something that makes us human. I just now realized, that is why I find her so repulsive.
I don't think anyone, in the beginning, knew how evil and manipulative Jodi was...I think she has done things the cops haven't even thought of...or knew they couldn't prove easily or probably knew the jury couldn't grasp easily. Narcissistic, BPD and a sociopath...even the experts are speaking out about her and seem obsessed a little with this case.
You know what's wrong with all this?....Flores gave Arias TOO much time to sort things out. In fact, he gave her the Intruder idea on July 15th. Don't get me wrong, I really like Flores but I think he botched things up a bit or at minimum, didn't zero in on her soon enough. Flores started talking with her June 10th. That's a LONG time to get rid of everything including the DVD player that Darryl received in lieu of the gas cans. Both Darryl and Matt knew about the burglary and/or were involved. So Arias probably told Darryl to ditch the remote as early as June 10th.

I mean, this chick had enough time to lie in her own journal so to have continuity in her alibi and innocence.

Then we have the State. The State in essence not only gave Arias 6 weeks to get rid of any incriminating evidence BUT gave Arias 2 years to perfect her new and improved story too. Her 'self defense' story didn't come up until 2010.

I don't know how but I think the State needs to address all this time in Closing, that is essential to all of Arias' stories!

But then on the other hand if they had "rushed her" the defense would be twisting that around now...saying they put pressure on her, her brain scrambled, she couldn't think straight, she felt scared that's why she came up with different stories and lies. I think it's better they did it this way.
I have a difficult time imagining stabbing someone even one time, it would be horrifying. Such as in these scenarios:

-Stabbing someone in self-defense, just once, trying to disable them because your life is in danger. Because the act of stabbing into a living human being is so violent, so bloody so shocking, and because you actually are in fear for your life, you then drop the knife and run for dear life.

or this:

-Stabbing someone in a violent fit of uncontrolled anger, just once, because when seeing the blood you realize what you're doing, it brings you to your senses so you stop, step back, and are horrified and in shock at what you just did.

No one can ever, ever in a million years explain to me, much less try to justify, how anyone close to human could stab someone almost 30 times, then follow it with a very deliberate throat slashing and gun shot to the head. Then follow it up with dragging and stuffing their dead body into a shower, then turning on the shower and washing them off. I cannot comprehend it.

This case totally screams calculated planning and premeditation by someone who is cold-blooded, someone who is evil.

The more I think about it, I just don't believe that JA is fully human. She is missing something, some component that is required, something that makes us human. I just now realized, that is why I find her so repulsive.

Agree. She isn't fully human. Shes missing a conscience. She's more like a shark. IMO

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When they recovered the deleted photos, the time stamp was not recoverable (word?) on all of them

So other than the pics related to the murder, the other pics could have been from another time?
I don't think anyone, in the beginning, knew how evil and manipulative Jodi was...I think she has done things the cops haven't even thought of...or knew they couldn't prove easily or probably knew the jury couldn't grasp easily. Narcissistic, BPD and a sociopath...even the experts are speaking out about her and seem obsessed a little with this case.

Psychopaths can leave the "inner demon/monster" hidden for quite awhile. I know this because I was with a psycho years and years ago.
Thank you I don't know why everyone being so hard on them. They know they took Jodie's bait lies but soon realized the evil one was trying to turn them against Travis. She didnt seem to have friends of her own. Don't take me wrong everyone I'm trying to understand this too.

Maybe it's because of the fact that Jodi tried to turn it around with the Hughes with that e-mail that they feel a little defensive or whatever, and we are picking up on it...idk..
I am by no means being hard on the Hughes and am listening more to what they have to say before I make any judgement on them.

Now... PPL.... that's another story...

If Chris Hughes is lucky Dr. Drew will give him that "eight hour special".

ETA: CH stated that he and SH took TA to their room and talked with him for hours. Then SH got her ESP on and sensed JA was listening. CH stated it was in the late hours of the night and JA was supposed to be sleeping. Knock knock. It's Jodi, with the most frightening evil OMG. Hey, if my boyfriend or boy friend went missing for a few hours and I found him in a couple's room, I would probably have a frightening evil look on my face. What are you all doing? Chris and Sky, IMO were so rude to talk to TA for hours while JA is downstairs. I am not even convinced he is telling the truth.
I have a difficult time imagining stabbing someone even one time, it would be horrifying. Such as in these scenarios:

-Stabbing someone in self-defense, just once, trying to disable them because your life is in danger. Because the act of stabbing into a living human being is so violent, so bloody so shocking, and because you actually are in fear for your life, you then drop the knife and run for dear life.

or this:

-Stabbing someone in a violent fit of uncontrolled anger, just once, because when seeing the blood you realize what you're doing, it brings you to your senses so you stop, step back, and are horrified and in shock at what you just did.

No one can ever, ever in a million years explain to me, much less try to justify, how anyone close to human could stab someone almost 30 times, then follow it with a very deliberate throat slashing and gun shot to the head. Then follow it up with dragging and stuffing their dead body into a shower, then turning on the shower and washing them off. I cannot comprehend it.

This case totally screams calculated planning and premeditation by someone who is cold-blooded, someone who is evil.

The more I think about it, I just don't believe that JA is fully human. She is missing something, some component that is required, something that makes us human. I just now realized, that is why I find her so repulsive.

Well said! :rockon:

There is no treatment that would cure JA IMO. If she is given LWOP, the lives of the other inmates and guards are at risk IMO.
Thank you I don't know why everyone being so hard on them. They know they took Jodie's bait lies but soon realized the evil one was trying to turn them against Travis. She didnt seem to have friends of her own. Don't take me wrong everyone I'm trying to understand this too.

It must be hard for them. They have to have many regrets. "If we had only......." Haven't we all been there at one time or another? I truly think they were duped by defense and they bought it until they started putting two and two together. We can see posters here who believed some of the things defense has said so it's not a stretch to think the Hughes were also taken in. Not once but three. Once when Nurmi lied to them about those letters and again when they had to testify in their hearings, then a third time when ALV interpreted them as saying Travis was abusive because he flirted with other women.
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