State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Yes Linda I thought the same thing when she referenced the closet!i thought about his coffin. She made her bed so now she has to live with it.
Does anyone here remember a guest on NG or DD or one of the HLN nightly shows, where a lady friend of Travis' said that someone kicked JA out of their house during some kind of get together, and JA left only to come back into the kitchen and stare down one of the guests (the guest she was staring down was the guest on the hln show that night)? Ring any bells? Was this at the Hugh's home the day Sky told her to leave maybe? Inquiring minds need to know. :blushing:

Yes, I remember it .. that was the day Jodi showed up unannounced to confront Sky about why she didn't like her .. Can't remember the name of the friend though
I would stand outside the closed door for a few seconds and listen, in the situation CH spoke about. I don't consider what JA did as spying as she knocked on the door, outed herself. CH never said how long Sky's sixth sense told her just how long JA was standing outside of the door. She probably heard her walk up to the door. I know I have much better hearing than my husband. CH and SH and TA probably freaked, not knowing how much JA had heard. And CH had a freaking list for TA?

It was bad all the way around imo. I'd never stand outside of a door listening, nor would I have a late nite pow wow, talking about someone staying over at my house.
BBM~ There are no traces of Jodi even being in Mesa, let alone trying to find a surveillance cam with her on it. She also darkened hair so no one would recognize her and all they would see would be a "brunette" at Travis', it could be anyone that Travis was dating in Jun/08. ie: Mimi

There are no known traces or Jodi in Mesa. I never said there was. I was replying to someone else about a theory they posed that Jodi had left, maybe gone to the store and returned. I'm simply giving my opinion of why I don't think she did that.

I completely disagree that people would only see a "burnette" at Travis' house. Ryan and the guy at the rental car place BOTH recognized Jodi, regardless of her hair color. Other people could do that, too. Just because she planned to dye her hair to be unrecognized, doesn't mean that her disguise would work--which is why I said she wouldn't risk going out in the daytime to a store or to her car--which couldn't possibly have been in Travis' driveway-- unless it was dark.
I agree, plus, I don't get what the motive would be to transfer the pictures to his camera only to delete them later.
Good point. Some people refuse/don't want to believe that Travis was a willing participant in the sexual activity/picture taking that occurred on June 4, so the "authenticity" of the photos is a frequent topic of conversation.
Yes, I remember it .. that was the day Jodi showed up unannounced to confront Sky about why she didn't like her .. Can't remember the name of the friend though
I've seen the Meffords (Jacob and Hollie) on HLN discussing a confrontation that Hollie witnessed at the Hughes' home.
This is my favorite PPL video, Chris Hughes Six-Figure Ring Speech. It is like an Academy Award mini-me. I posted this a week or so ago..but these threads move so fast so posting again in case new peeps have not seen it and are interested in PPL.

Chris Hughes Six-Figure Ring Speech - YouTube

My second favorite PPL video is with Gus Searcy and the Searcets.

Gus Searcy and the Searcets... - YouTube

Oh my. Oh my. flags are falling, hint words. I don't think PPL is on the stand.

Thanks though.
IMO, the argument that the time she was there before killing him negates premeditation is specious and shallow, and doesn't address the personality profile of a stalker. For one thing, she arrived loaded for bear, so I think we can all agree she had intent to kill.

Secondly, wasn't there a roommate there for part of the time? She had to wait for the next morning at least when they had the house to themselves (although she had to also clear out of there by late afternoon when the roommate was due back). Arriving at 4 a.m. or so, I imagine she was tired and more than willing to get some sleep. If they were both up that late, I'm sure her story that they slept until around 11 am makes sense. That only means they were awake together for about six hours or so (not including cleaning the crime scene).

I still think she brought a rope with her, originally hoping to use it to tie him up during sex and shoot him. According to her story, she was the one who got tied up, so I think that idea backfired (he may have been suspicious enough not to let her). I know people don't think there was a rope, but the detail she used in her testimony makes me think there was (like any liar, she is lazy enough to use real details to pad her story and I always look for the ones that are otherwise unnecessary because I think she emphasizes and embellishes what is true to cover for what is not). And the fact a rope was not found makes me think it was yet another incriminating thing she methodically removed from the crime scene).

We may never know exactly why it took her so long to actually kill him but I think she was looking for a physical advantage or waiting until he let down his guard. Offering him sex (which she could reasonably think he would not refuse) would mean he was naked and might feel more vulnerable. If she couldn't tie him up, then the next best thing would be to wait until he was in the shower - naked and perhaps easily blinded by water/soap in his eyes, or a flash from her camera.

I also think she may have waited until she knew for sure he would refuse to take her to Cancun for the final coup (literally). She enjoyed the sexual manipulation - killing him after he submitted to intimacy and right before she got ready to leave, would have been satisfying to someone like her, kind of a "see? I knew you couldn't resist me. Now die!" statement. I can see her savoring the whole experience, the same way she has that smug "duping delight" expression on her face when she listened to herself on those dorky sex tapes.

This was her moment - showing him he couldn't resist her is consistent with how she had to always get the last word up on that stand, and taking forever to do it too.

I think that judging premeditation based on some preconceived formula just doesn't factor in the complex emotional motive this woman had for slowly savoring her revenge as a woman scorned. She was like a cat playing with a mouse before she kills it, imo.

I get what you are saying, I think, and don't get me wrong, I do think it was premeditated, I just don't get what both DT and JM are buying anything she says, including the number of times they had sex, the kind of sex they had, or that she was in the house that long on the 4th. This whole TA was addicted to JA for sex all stems from JA's word, her journals, the manipulated emails. We all know JA hacked any acct she could of Travis. She has manipulated his phone IMHO (Travis asking in text if she used his phone, why?) we know she hacked his myspace page, we know she slashed his tires, violated LD's privacy by opening her front door one night when Travis was there. So, again I ask, other than her lies, what prrof of any of this is there?

The sex tape? They were 1,000 miles apart at the time, they were role playing, it doesn't mean TRavis ever did or wanted to do any of those things to JA. In fact, I don't think the entire conversation was taped was it. From what I've heard of it, there is no "Hello, this is Travis" or whatever salutation he may have used, so what was said before the "tape" (for lack of a better term) started rolling? Did JA say "Hey let's live out some wild fantasies, or talk dirty to me? Again, we rely on her lying lips to make sense of it.

I'm not sure my point is coming across as intended, so in a nut shell, everything we know about Travis and JA behind closed doors comes from a known liar.
Good night folks

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I agree with a post back a few pages where it was mentioned that someone seemed like a "mean girl." SH.
I believe even Jodie's parents thought she was evil.i also believe that her dad is seriously knowing his daughter is evil and a murderer. I thought the mom at the beginning and now she's drank that cool aid.

I agree az lawyer
Jodie's dad does not show any emotion towards Jodie! Just weird family dynamics. Wasn't that trip she made to mesa! Was when Jodie kicked her mom and refused to leave with her? Didnt she call Travis from the uhaul and say she was sleeping in it. So he lets her come to sleep for the night and she clung for four days longer. He should have. Seen the red flags all along. The incidents at the Hughes ( her listening ) at the door, with the evil glare! he should have taken her action serious. I don't know if he did but it cost him his life. The woman was not right in the head, her actions not normal.

He talks about Jodi in such a detached way, like he is referring to the fish in his aquarium at home. It seems to "off" to me. :fish::fish::fish:
Good point. Some people refuse/don't want to believe that Travis was a willing participant in the sexual activity/picture taking that occurred on June 4, so the "authenticity" of the photos is a frequent topic of conversation.

I don't have a problem with that, myself. He was a sexually active male in an environment without a lot of prospects, and after Jodi moved away, his sexual well had run dry. He was conflicted about being sexually active at that point, but Jodi still made herself available for it--even if only over the phone after the move. When the sex arrived on his doorstep, after not having it for a month or so, he was vulnerable to it.

I can believe that even though he'd been mad at her, he would have had sex with her. Their relationship was like that because they never let the bad things they did to each other having lasting consequences. Travis kept talking to her after she did bad things to him, and she kept talking to him after he'd done bad or mean things to her. What happened up till about 2pm might have been normal to their relationship to each other. I think Jodi was counting on that.
I'm sure this has been discussed many times over, but (lol) what's the deal with that guy Gus? I finally got to watch his testimony and couldn't for the life of me understand why he was being such an a$$ on the stand. Come to think of it...there hasn't been one respectful DT witness (that I've seen). Did the DT coach these people to be as antagonistic as possible?

PS- I'm so glad that NG aired the parents' interviews. Eye opening re: her stalking behavior. Dr. DM really has JA pegged
Hey have the cutesssst smilies, lov em.


Thanks ever so much

I'm sure this has been discussed many times over, but (lol) what's the deal with that guy Gus? I finally got to watch his testimony and couldn't for the life of me understand why he was being such an a$$ on the stand. Come to think of it...there hasn't been one respectful DT witness (that I've seen). Did the DT coach these people to be as antagonistic as possible?

PS- I'm so glad that NG aired the parents' interviews. Eye opening re: her stalking behavior. Dr. DM really has JA pegged

I think Gus escaped from the local insane asylum and got a job at PPL under an alias.
Originally Posted by GoAskAllie
It was clear to me from his first appearance on Dr. Drew that Abe would have slept with Jodi in a New York minute. He's toned down his "act" somewhat, but like others in this case, his 15 minutes are just about up.

He's better than Gus!
Glad Gus's 15 minutes lasted a whole 5 minutes:) lol

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I liked Gus. Don't know why. I think his 15 minutes are up because he does not crave media attention like others in the PPL/TA circle. I do think that JM should have returned his call.

I remember reading about Ann Rule telling LE that Ted Bundy fit the description of the suspect in Pacific Northwest murders. They did not think TB fit the profile. I have heard of other murders where police did not follow up on, what seemed to be, solid tips about the suspect. I just don't understand why the Prosecutor's office did not return Searcy's call.
What's interesting to me about her parents is that both of them refer frequently to Jodi "being hysterical" and "having mental issues" and the bi-polar stuff. Just out of curiosity I'd like to hear more about what her parents had to deal with and what it looked like to them. We've not really seen any of that on the stand from Jodi. Oh, she gets angry, but she pretty much keeps her cool.

We've seen the result of her last fit of rage/fury/evilness. I just wonder if she pulled anything similar to that with her family. Her parents seemed shocked when they spoke to Flores, but not surprised so I suspect they've seen her in action throughout her life. Too bad the jury didn't get to hear anything about her mental/emotional history. Although that would probably be too prejudicial to be let in.
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