State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Not sure if any of you out there saw the "HLN After Dark" show last night. The mock trial for the in-studio jury was "DID JODI ARIAS COMMIT 1st DEGREE MURDER?"

In summary 11 out of 12 jurors voted Guilty. 1 juror voted "not guilty", and as everybody knows, that's all it takes for Ms. Arias to walk...

The one juror that did not vote Guilty agreed with a premise that was created by the "dream team" of defense experts. Their assertion is that because Jodi spent 14 hours at Travis' house, even though she may have intended to murder him, this timeline shows that she had the opportunity to kill immediately, but changed her mind. Then...something happened that led to an argument, fight, his death, etc.... Based on this assertion, the defense argued that 1st Degree Murder can be taken out of consideration if there is evidence that the person changed their mind

Sadly, the HLN prosecution team had no answer for this.

I sure as hell hope the defense team in this case does not try to pull a stunt like this to confuse the jurors.

Let's please keep this in mind, and hope everyone in that courtroom does too, including Juan and the jurors - We all know that Jodi turned her phone off, used gas, cans flipped her license plate, etc. to avoid detection. What has been one of the most basic vital factors to avoiding detection when travelling "off the grid" since the inception of time??

For Jodi to arrive at Travis' house at 4:00 AM, she would have left the Pasadena, CA area at approximately 10:00 PM (shortly after nightfall). And anyone that has lived in Arizona in June knows, the sun rises by 5:00 AM. She used this small 7-8 hour window of darkness to make her murder trip to Travis' house.

If Travis was killed close to 6:00 PM on June 4th, this allowed Jodi just enough time to put his body back in the shower, clean herself up, change her clothes, collect the murder weapons, dispose the camera, try to clean the scene, etc. All of this would have taken approximately 2 hours IMO. Sunset on June 4th, 2008 in Mesa, AZ was approximately 7:34 PM. Perfect timing for Jodi's getaway.

The timing of this murder in no way shape or form should absolve Jodi of 1st degree murder charges. In fact, IMO it further goes to premeditation. I hope this hits home with the jury this weekend.

Arias also could not kill Travis while any of the roommates were home, narrowing her window from 4 PM to 6-6:30 PM on 6/4/08. Vinny did not point that out on HLN last night and of course, the HLN defense team ignored the roommate factor as well.
Exactly my point. Why argue shot first if the ME can not say with absolute certainty? Let's say shot first ... Premed by stealing the gun as opposed to borrowing it... she planned to shoot him ... So.. he survives the shot and B**** has to abandon the gun ...leave the area to get the knife ... she has to go PAST the GD exit sign .. and go BACK to where he was ALREADY BLEEDING to death to finish him off... Why get caught up in semantics .... ?

Didn't the judge rule that the sequence of injuries did not matter when it came to the charges? Or something to that effect? Will all this be in the jury instructions?
When it comes to AFTER the fire being shot, the question for me is:

'Was JA life threatened enough for her to then brutally stab him and slice his throat?'

Even if I felt he could move slightly, based on JA story, the next most likely 'step' was to cough in the sink. the facts appear to me he would have been in no condition to harm her, and IMO if JA really had not meant to shoot him, she would have been calling 911.

If this guy were to say yes, he could have moved around for a few minutes. JM could say 'So TA could move', 'Could he have strangled her?' Could he have stabbed her? Could he have shot her? Could he have stopped her from running away? then show a picture of JA. Whose autopsy were you referring to?

Not to mention that in weeks of testimony Jodie NEVER even said anything to the effect that she was sorry, felt horrible, apologized or anything els to signify she did not mean to hurt Travis.

Now if you had done something to someone you loved that ended their life wouldn't you be repeatedly apologizing for "having" to be put in a position of no other alternative. I know I would--almost not be able to live with myself, let alone turning and smirking at the family and anybody else who's grief got in her way.:stormingmad:
Thank you! That should be most helpful for those that believe its the same as an arrow ....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

OK, but it doesn't show going thru a skull first so...
Can anyone decipher this please? TIA!
(and what does the "LOW" signify?)

4/29/2013 LOW - List Of Witnesses/Exhibit/Evidence - Party (001) 4/30/2013

BBM - LOW = List of Witnesses ?????
What is he going to testify to? That, Travis being shot, could still function? Causing JA to be in fear and then completely went "Phsyco"?

:floorlaugh: IDK, probably?

I can hear it now, so she is not borderline, but suffers from DV and PTSD and because of this, once she shot him, he came after her and she had no choice but to stap him and kill him 2 more times? ( tho I think he was shot last)

The DT is trying to muddy the waters with psychobabble IMO. Doesn't matter what her psyche is/was the fact remains she brutally slaughtered a human being with premeditation.

The DT will consider it a win for them if the jury votes G and LWOP. If that happens it will be a loss for society.
Not to mention that in weeks of testimony Jodie NEVER even said anything to the effect that she was sorry, felt horrible, apologized or anything els to signify she did not mean to hurt Travis.

Now if you had done something to someone you loved that ended their life wouldn't you be repeatedly apologizing for "having" to be put in a position of no other alternative. I know I would--almost not be able to live with myself, let alone turning and smirking at the family and anybody else who's grief got in her way.:stormingmad:

She has never shed one tear either. Oh she's faked that she's crying, but that's just an act. I hope the jury has noticed her faking.
Sorry all, I was being a little facetious when I meant "she would walk". However, given the highly public nature of this trial, having a hung jury or mistrial would be disastrous. Getting an impartial jury smarter than a pack of orangutans for a retrial would be a tough undertaking at this point IMO.

She will walk if she is acquitted of all charges and the jury believes she killed TA in self defense. I am not a betting person, but in this case I will. Chances of this happening are zero, zilch, nada. IMO
She has never shed one tear either. Oh she's faked that she's crying, but that's just an act. I hope the jury has noticed her faking.

I think that if they noticed ALV smiling at Jodi from the stand, I think they know she was faking those tears when she was testifying.
Arias also could not kill Travis while any of the roommates were home, narrowing her window from 4 PM to 6-6:30 PM on 6/4/08. Vinny did not point that out on HLN last night and of course, the HLN defense team ignored the roommate factor as well.

Not to mention, its only Jodi's account she got there at 4AM. No one actually saw her or her car in the driveway like she claimed happened. The fact her presense was not known in this alleged time frame, is more suspect then not. I hate HLN's after dark. Its purely money driven, and I think to entice fear by having this mock juries always have a few not guilties to keep people obsessed.
What is he going to testify to? That, Travis being shot, could still function? Causing JA to be in fear and then completely went "Phsyco"?

I can hear it now, so she is not borderline, but suffers from DV and PTSD and because of this, once she shot him, he came after her and she had no choice but to stap him and kill him 2 more times? ( tho I think he was shot last)

Do not worry , just because the defense wants him to be able to testify on this subject is no indication the judge will allow it. Even if she does, Juan Martinez will chew him up and spit him out.
Linda7, understand if you don't feel comfortable answering this question. Do you happen to live in Maryland?

I am not Linda7, but I see you are from Texas and so am I. But, I have never heard of these chips. Do we have them here? tia
What is he going to testify to? That, Travis being shot, could still function? Causing JA to be in fear and then completely went "Phsyco"?

I can hear it now, so she is not borderline, but suffers from DV and PTSD and because of this, once she shot him, he came after her and she had no choice but to stap him and kill him 2 more times? ( tho I think he was shot last)
None of this explains why she didn't run out of the house after she shot him--which she had the presence of mind to do in the Ninjas story. Based on the crime scene, it sure looks like Travis tried to run for his life even after multiple stab wounds. Fight or flight. Commonsense.
Respectfully snipped by me. If you listen to Beth Kara's on Tricia's radio show this past Sunday, she speaks to the charges and what would happen if...

IIRC, in the scenario from HLN, JA would not walk, but would be guilty of the lesser charge. If not 100 % guilty of premeditated murder, it would go to 2nd degree.

And based on JJ last night on HLNs, if Jodi gets 2nd degree murder, with time served, she could be out in her mid-forties - that, IMO, would not be justice.


No, it takes one to hang the jury and retry her. She ain't walkin' IMO.

Don't worry about HLN and that stupid mock trial stuff.
You have to remember the juror's have seen the whole trial from day one.
How much have these people they get on HLN seen or know about what happened.
Some of them may be well informed but I'm sure a lot of them are not so they are just going by what these mock defense attorneys are saying and a lot of facts are skipped over.
I know if I was on their show there are a lot of questions I would ask them that they don't put out for their mock jury.
A lot of us web sleuths here have followed this trial from day one just as the jury has and our opinions are quite different than some on the mock jury.
Juan has still got to do his rebuttal and I really think he is saving something for last that can't be argued away by the defense team.
Lets have some faith in our man Juan to bring it home and nail Jodi's coffin shut so to speak.
I don't believe anything Jodi has said other than her name is Jodi Arias and for example if the gun was Travis's she would have remembered exactly where she disposed of it
She is guilty of premeditated murder and I believe Juan will prove this, he is not done yet so lets wait till the end before worrying what the jury will do.
Not to mention, its only Jodi's account she got there at 4AM. No one actually saw her or her car in the driveway like she claimed happened. The fact her presense was not known in this alleged time frame, is more suspect then not. I hate HLN's after dark. Its purely money driven, and I think to entice fear by having this mock juries always have a few not guilties to keep people obsessed.

Geez, I hope you're right because, up until last night, I was feeling pretty confident that Jodi would get 1st degree - not feeling so confident today... :please:

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