State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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I would love to see an MD expert who has extensive experience with amnesia - it's really all about the likelihood of this stupid fog. I'm willing to bet that there is not a single case history of a remotely similar "fog".
Janine Driver explains that the jury will be outraged about the false claim of domestic violence, it is insulting to anyone they may know in their lives that TRULY was a victim of domestic violence. I don't think it is going to matter what experts the defense tries to parade up on the stand, the jury is just not going to buy into Jodi's lies.

God bless her for speaking out about her own very personal story.
Once she's convicted of first-degree murder, the trial moves to the aggravation phase. The prosecution must prove the existence of the aggravating circumstances beyond a reasonable doubt. If the jury finds the state met its burden of proof in this phase, then we move on to the penalty phase, where they decide between LWOP or death. The additional witnesses are probably related to one or both of the aforementioned phases.

According to Beth Karas, Jill Hayes is a witness in the NEVERENDING guilt phase, and if Juan gets to, will use her to rebut the DT's final (yeah, right)witness for tomorrow.
Who was supposed to go to Cancun with Travis? I assume the woman had to take off work, meet or drive with Travis to the airport, etc. Wouldn't she have freaked out and called Police or family when she didn't hear from him the morning of their trip? It seems so odd to me that he wasn't discovered for days.

MiMi...first witness in this trial. That is how he was found. They were supposed to leave the following morning and he hadn't answered any of her calls.
Who was supposed to go to Cancun with Travis? I assume the woman had to take off work, meet or drive with Travis to the airport, etc. Wouldn't she have freaked out and called Police or family when she didn't hear from him the morning of their trip? It seems so odd to me that he wasn't discovered for days.

She was the one you heard in the 911 call.

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I have a feeling Dr. Geffner doesn't fully realize what he's about to step in. He's a last minute witness for the DT, has he even evaluated Jodi? Or is he there to give generalizations and opinions based on the facts he received from the DT, you know, the heavily cherry picked ones.
The show is a complete farce. Has there been a "jury" on that show that was in complete agreement? They only get 10 minutes to decide. All the prosecution had to say on that show was, "it only takes one minute to premeditate murder". The fact she waited hours to do it shows premeditation and cold calculation.

I guess you could say Jodi was being polite by not wanting the roommate that was in the house to hear Travis screaming or the sound of a gunshot inside the house.
She wanted to kill him earlier but thought it would be rude to wake the roommate out of his sleep.
Jodi is so kind-kind of nuts, kind of stupid, kind of ugly, and last but not least
kind of a liar.
Jodi should have made this her motto ( never miss the opportunity to keep your mouth shut ).
The only way Jodi could have made it more premeditated if she had sold tickets and invited the neighbors to come and watch.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I just pretend my house is spic and span.

If I am doing heavy cleaning such as spring cleaning I make a list. such as:
windows....list each window in house each
baseboards....list each
list each room and things to be dusted in it
floors.list each
etc cross each one off as you do... This way you can do a room at a time or choose whatever you may feel like doing that day...I have floors left to do today and dusting in a couple rooms that I will be able to do during commercial breaks on HLN. Doing it this way I completed in just about a week..... Also going to cook dinners for 3 days today that can be reheated easily for this week trials..... Just my method of madness when room at a time got some rooms getting the short end:cheers:
Sorry for the OT, it was discussed previously but I cant find where...

I was bored and looking through pictures and it just amazes me how "art" imitates life. Throughout her life, JA seems to have taken on the personality/thoughts/interests of whomever she was around indicating she had no sense of self. Nothing inside. Her drawings are the same, though I'd concede she has marginal talent (better than i could do even tracing) but from what I can see, again - nothing inside.

She didn't even attempt to change anything, however small, to make these drawings in any way 'her own'. Even the tiniest details are exact - hand placement, wrinkles in the clothing, shading, lighting, same...

I'd already seen these:

Natalie Portman Dior Ad
Pill drawing
Malboro Ad

and found these:

Frank Sinatra

Heart Hands

JA imitating Art that imitates the life she lived by imitating others. Creepy

Here is the Elizabeth Taylor that she most likely traced.

220px-Elizabeth_Taylor_portrait.jpg Jodi-Arias-original-artwork-Elizabeth-Taylor.jpg
So, does this mean the Judge will change the schedule once again? Please tell me 'NO!'
Oh wow, Jill Hayes is a very beautiful lady.

But I just want this trial to end already. The prosecution's case is so strong, I don't see how any witness the DT can dig up can change that.

JA will change her hair and smile accordingly during the lunch break. Mark my words...
I hope it's okay to comment on your post. What you just said is so real, so true. Do we even call males "womanizers" anymore? And what about young women who do the same thing? He was single! And men and women have been flirting and lying to one another since the beginning of time!

But remember Deanna's testimony? When she went on a missionary trip, Travis was considerate enough to write to her and tell her he wanted to date other women. I think Lisa D was the only one who thought he was seeing only her, and that was because he didn't want to lose her while he tried to break things off with Jodi, IMO. I also believe he and Jodi discussed this whole dating/sexual thing and she told him she was okay with it. She should have told him the truth and broken up with him. But this is Jodi we are talking about.

And you are correct, married men are the worst, which is very wrong. Again, Travis was single. I think the jury knows he was just normal.
Brittney Spears released a song titled "Womanizer" in 2008, so it's not close to being as old-fashioned/outdated as "courting"--another word we heard from time to time during the trial. Player is substituted for womanizer among some people in my age group. Neither word is anywhere near as derogatory as *advertiser censored*, which tends be the term used to describe women/young women who engage in similar behavior. Double standard.
I'm not sure if these are just rumours or what but according to the facebook page:

Dr. Geffner is a neuropsychologist and the def. want him to rebut Dr. Horn's testimony about the head wound. He will also rebut Dr. DeMarte's testimony about PTSD.

* There is a hearing Tues morning regarding a State motion [filed today]. I don't know if cameras will be rolling.
Unless this "doctor" has extensive experience with individuals in the immediate aftermath of being shot in the same way Travis Alexander was, it's very unlikely his testimony will be relevant. JSS should not permit it---but will.
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