State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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I ask before but I guess I missed reading it ? After Wednesday will the jury be in a room and not be able to leave until they have a dicison. ( Not Spelled Right but I know you know what I'm talking about I'm writing this fast so it will get in.
Ok, so Beth Karas said that now the prosecution wants to put on their own neuropsychologist on the stand. I'm not sure if that's possible but there it is. Jill Hayes.

Mis-read this; thought Jill Hayes was going to be another DEFENSE witness - OOPPS.
I ask before but I guess I missed reading it ? After Wednesday will the jury be in a room and not be able to leave until they have a dicison. ( Not Spelled Right but I know you know what I'm talking about I'm writing this fast so it will get in.

They don't get the case until Friday, so they will be able to go home.
I ask before but I guess I missed reading it ? After Wednesday will the jury be in a room and not be able to leave until they have a dicison. ( Not Spelled Right but I know you know what I'm talking about I'm writing this fast so it will get in.

No they will not be sequestered.
I had a really bad feeling that the DT would go this route when Dr. Horn completed his testimony last week, but if the judge allows it, it will be a travesty.

The DT has been on the case for four years and could have refuted the ME's claims during direct by putting on their own witness. Also, everyone talks about how the judge has to give major leeway to the defense because of appeal issues, but IMO, this motion is extremely prejudicial to the prosecution and could hurt THEIR case.

If I were JM, I'd be hitting the ceiling.

It is not a travesty to let someone defend themselves fully and vigorously from the death penalty. The thing is once convicted, IT sticks because the judge gave them almost everything they wanted.
You would think that his roomates would wonder about the dog penned downstairs, and pup probably got hungry and thirsty, and his family seems so close to him. I'm not suggesting anything but it's just very odd indeed.

One of the roommates' girlfriend was taking care of Travis' dog while he was going to be away.
mck,sorry about that :blushing:. Not that I have ever seen.

Oh my, do I feel stupid. I asked you if you were from Maryland without checking your location. Duh! This is an example as to why I do not post much. Also your ID, TXProfessional should have been a good clue, you think.
You would think that his roomates would wonder about the dog penned downstairs, and pup probably got hungry and thirsty, and his family seems so close to him. I'm not suggesting anything but it's just very odd indeed.
Zach's girlfriend often cared for Napoleon when Travis went out of town, and when they saw Napoleon downstairs and no sign of Travis, they assumed he left on his trip, so she fed him, etc. I don't know what was "normal" about the gate-did Travis put it up when he went out of town so Napoleon would stay on the main level, or did he have free reign over both levels of the house? I'm sure Napoleon had been fed and tended to before Jodi murdered Travis, so he may not have show visible signs of hunger or thirst when the roommates found him. We'll never know.
So, the only difference is the energy transfer to the bone, and the shape of the projectile in the gel. The bullet had a given energy when it met Mr. Alexander, and essentially all that energy was transferred to his head and brain. That energy was sufficient to penetrate the skull, pass through the brain with enough energy left to then penetrate the bone at the base of the skull, and eventually embed itself in the bone called the maxilla... I don't really want to give a physics lesson on WS, but perhaps someone else would. It passed through his brain with sufficient energy to cause cavitation, which is what the bullet tract in the video is showing, as well as cause the damaging 'movement waves' throughout his brain.
Thanks, won't be needing your physics lesson after all. Bullet had less velocity and energy after passing thru skull, obviously. Did slug pass thru maxilla and create exit wound? Ballistics gel with no bone barrier is a poor comparison.

Prosecutor insists on shot last scenario to defeat self defense claim. He had murder #1 with pre-med and cruelty. Shot first/shot later is not provable and I don't like the DP hanging on that point. If we get a less than DP unanimous penalty it will be because of that.IMnonHO.
Nixing the BPD diagnosis, even if the hired gun manages to do it, what? Maybe that'll just remove one potential mitigator, clearing the way for the DP.

Sounds like JM gets another go and another witness in any case.
Also it depends on a person's own perceptions of what's "right" and "wrong." There is no doubt he considered Travis a good friend, but you can be friends with someone and not agree with everything they do. Chris was already married with kids, I don't know he and Sky's history, but I'm assuming they got married young and didn't date a lot of people before. He was at one point in his life, and Travis was at a different point...he was married doing the married thing, Travis was single doing the single thing. Sometimes people in these two different statuses can't really understand the other. But obviously it wasn't a big deal to them, they were still very good friends.

I don't understand why people think it's so strange that a young, successful, outgoing man would flirt with women and flirt with as many women as will flirt back with them. I think this is just normal behavior. Even the sexual jokes on text message is normal for young single guys. There are married guys who do the same thing...which is worse? I can't believe the defense is trying to paint Travis in this light. He did nothing wrong...even if he had been having sex with a couple of the women at the same time (which he wasn't), there are many guys who do that, and he was not married so who is anyone to judge that that would be anything wrong?

I want to really scream at the defense when they bring up Travis flirting and how this went against his religion, etc...I just want to say, "it was HIS religion, it was HIS life." If it was going against his "moral code," then it's HIS OWN MORAL CODE, not anyone else's. What I'm saying is that if there was a conflict b/w what he believed and what he was doing, then it was HIS OWN INTERNAL CONFLICT. I don't see how that would affect anyone except him, so I'm not seeing the big deal in that. Hopefully the jury will see this.

A person's own moral code however is no excuse to Play women. There is a difference between seeing other people and playing them. Even Lisa had a problem with his inappropriate flirting and constant texting of other women when he was supposed to be in an exclusive relationship with her. Unfortunately for Travis, he played a psychopath and did not take the signs as a reason to stop. Being with a person in private and bad mouthing them to others as he did with Jodi was probably what broke the camel's back.
Janine Driver explains that the jury will be outraged about the false claim of domestic violence, it is insulting to anyone they may know in their lives that TRULY was a victim of domestic violence. I don't think it is going to matter what experts the defense tries to parade up on the stand, the jury is just not going to buy into Jodi's lies.

God bless her for speaking out about her own very personal story.

ALV was the single best witness for the prosecution. Even Dr. Samuels' testimony that Jodi's fog was the result of a "flooded hippocampus" was in the outer orbit of possibility. What ALV did was unconscionable. Without a shred of credible evidence, she concluded TA was an abuser and it was his fault Jodi had to kill him.

If this new Dr Geffner is brought in to shore up ALV testimony...WOE unto him. The jury did not like her or believe her and they will not like having to spend yet more time with him. imo.
I have a feeling Dr. Geffner doesn't fully realize what he's about to step in. He's a last minute witness for the DT, has he even evaluated Jodi? Or is he there to give generalizations and opinions based on the facts he received from the DT, you know, the heavily cherry picked ones.

OMG .... had a sudden vision of him approaching the stand wearing hip waders!!
How can this go to the jury if the DT expert is on Wednesday! And we all know nurmi doesn't move with alot of speed. How will this Jill be able to testify? Because closing arguments are for THURSDAY? Is it realistic to believe it will come together.?
O/t did y'all see the judge inn the Zimmerman case. She ain't no joke and works weekends.
I think JM made very DELIBERATE/PURPOSEFUL choices in selecting Drs. DeMarte and Hayes to counter the defense team's expert witnesses.

I suspect this is true, too, but I'd be interested to hear more about what you think he's trying to achieve with these purposeful choices.
Scarlet, my bad. I thought Jill Hayes was another defense witness. She's the state's sur-surrebuttal witness. Ignore original post.
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