State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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If JSS allows these witnesses, I wonder if JM will ask Dr. Hayes if it is within the scope of her expertise to opine as to whether or not a bullet to the brain could be immediately or rapidly incapacitating. All she has to do is say no, and there goes Dr. Geffner's testimony out the window.

It could be short and sweet indeed.

BTW, her CV is quite impressive.

It's hard to speculate without knowing them. But I gather that they both had messy boundaries. And she became, or was mentally ill.[/QUOTE]


After watching the extended videos of JA's parents and listening to some of Travis's friends, there is no doubt in my mind that JA is mentally ill. Paranoid schizophrenic comes to mind. I decided to look it up on the internet and one of the case histories really struck a chord. One of the schizoid patients drove her family crazy because she was constantly driving around aimlessly at all hours of the day or night. She was a married mother of two with suicidal tendancies. Her only escape was to get in the car and drive. She would disappear for hours, days at a time. One night she never returned home - her body was found in a nearby lake where she had committed suicide.

JA has the classic PS symptoms of paranoia/persecution and delusions of personal grandeur as evidenced by her family history and personal relationships. I wonder if she has auditory hallucinations. She was, after all, talking to herself in the interrogation room with Det. Flores. The only question is - was she hearing voices in her head.

I'm curious as to whether or not the evil that we witness everyday in that courtroom is originating from an undiagnosed, untreated personality disorder or is she just a 'bad seed'. What we do know, however, is that she is in no way whatsoever a battered woman or a victim of PTSD. Unfortunately, Travis did not recognize the signs and symptoms of this deranged sociopath - until it was too late. It's heartbreaking!
I agree, that was out of bounds. Here's where I and maybe others would differ. The look on my face would have been Mortified!! I would have been out of there never to return, they would not have had to ask me twice not to come back. I wouldn't want to.


I also have Jodi's back on being more that a little annoyed someone decided to go through her backpack and remove stuff! I'd be furious too! If there was any concern after he lifted it, I would expect him to voice his concerns, not to take it upon himself to go into my things.

I wouldn't have stomped off, but I would have nipped that crap right in the bud so quick his head would have spun!

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Don't forget she even lined up another plan B! The gun she exchanged numbers with on the plane on the way home from Travis's memorial! She called him too!

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I'm sure she had the wedding planned by the time she got home. Ask her and she'd say they were "official" when the plane was on short final.
Me too. To all of my fellow Texans who are Cowboy fans, please don't throw things at me--after all I was raised by a Washington Redskin mother who I liked to support so that I could be a little devil :blushing:

My family is serious Redskin die hards, I hate them. lol
I'm sure she had the wedding planned by the time she got home. Ask her and she'd say they were "official" when the plane was on short final.

I wonder if it was a direct flight or if there was a LAY over?


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sorry I am sooo behind. I know this whole Hughes convo was last night, but I felt so strongly I just had to chime in.

Honestly, if my boyfriend and his friends were talking in a room with the door closed I would listen in for a few seconds before interrupting. It would weird me out...
AND, if I heard them talking and it was ABOUT me and how EVIL I was, I wouldn't knock, I would linger and listen. And get upset. Maybe even upset enough to have an evil look on my face. I am not intrusive, nor evil nor violent. It would make me angry. I would expect my boyfriend not to be engaging in a conversation with his friends bashing me... if it really did happen the way it was described on DD, it was clearly wrong, and I do NOT FAULT JODI here. And yes, I think the Hughes are not respectable, in the least. And yes, I think Jodi is deserving of M1, and possibly the DP (though I don't support the DP). SO don't throw tomatoes at me, put yourself, a rational person, in her shoes that night, and think how you would feel in that scenario.

But you are looking at this as a (presumably ;)) normal person. The Hughes were concerned about JA because she was scary, abnormal, not right, they didn't know what she was capable of.

It's one thing for them to be talking badly about her behind her back if she's just a regular ole nice person. But she is a sociopath and they sensed that. So I think that makes the scenario a little different.
sorry I am sooo behind. I know this whole Hughes convo was last night, but I felt so strongly I just had to chime in.

Honestly, if my boyfriend and his friends were talking in a room with the door closed I would listen in for a few seconds before interrupting. It would weird me out...
AND, if I heard them talking and it was ABOUT me and how EVIL I was, I wouldn't knock, I would linger and listen. And get upset. Maybe even upset enough to have an evil look on my face. I am not intrusive, nor evil nor violent. It would make me angry. I would expect my boyfriend not to be engaging in a conversation with his friends bashing me... if it really did happen the way it was described on DD, it was clearly wrong, and I do NOT FAULT JODI here. And yes, I think the Hughes are not respectable, in the least. And yes, I think Jodi is deserving of M1, and possibly the DP (though I don't support the DP). SO don't throw tomatoes at me, put yourself, a rational person, in her shoes that night, and think how you would feel in that scenario.

She would have been lingering and spying regardless of the topic. It's not as if she respected boundaries in any way. Even a broken clock is right twice a day and it's not as if they were having that conversation without reason.
A person's own moral code however is no excuse to Play women. There is a difference between seeing other people and playing them. Even Lisa had a problem with his inappropriate flirting and constant texting of other women when he was supposed to be in an exclusive relationship with her. Unfortunately for Travis, he played a psychopath and did not take the signs as a reason to stop. Being with a person in private and bad mouthing them to others as he did with Jodi was probably what broke the camel's back.

All we know about the intricacies of Jodi's relationship with Travis is what Jodi has said and that's as reliable as me predicting next week's winning Poweball numbers.

I think she ran that let's be friends hustle on Travis: "oh, I'm not looking for anything serious right now either but let's just hang out and have fun! If it goes somewhere, fine but let's just enjoy this without analyzing it to death."

He fell for it and she turned that into a betrayal.

I don't believe it is immoral to have consensual sex with another adult. She has never claimed he made her any promises or led her to believe things were more serious than they were. She's been around the block and she knew exactly what she was doing.

I would have to look at the "inappropriate" and overly flirtatious texts and e-mails. Married vendors are in our offices weekly and they flirt outrageously. We know its all about us hiring them when we need something. They wine and dine us but its a part of the sales game. I'm not reading everlasting love and a chance to prance into the sunset with them. They know it. It's harmless.

Also, Lisa's interpretation of flirtatious and my interpretation are probably different even now. At the time she was dating Travis, she was upset with him because he had an erection while they were kissing and she thought he should have been able to control it. lol
Indicat, have you been there and are you telling me that you see shades of the personalities as seen in The Following? If so I find that DEEPLY disturbing, and what is even scarier about something of this nature is that the invention of something so great (i.e., internet) would connect and exponentially increase the numbers of like-minded (psychologically disturbed) individuals that would otherwise be isolated.

Yes, I've been there and The Following is exactly what I thought of. They fawn over everything she does and show no logic in veiwing the evidence. They attack Tanisha and make fun of the Alexander's. Now I can except some people believe what she is saying, I guess, but to be so heartless to attack and spread false rumor about the family is a whole other level to me. It is a scary bunch.
Just had a thought to add to Premeditated murder ...Jodi had the Brazilian wax so NONE of her pubic hair would be at the scene of the crime.

Had to post this because I have not seen this brought up Believe it or not!

Do you mean a cosmetic approach to her pelvic region?

I think the DT is wasting so much time on the Gun-came-first theory because they have to prove that SOMETHING their client said on the stand was true. :floorlaugh: Good luck with that. :floorlaugh:
I'm with you but it is actually disgusting that the Hughes didn't just tell Travis they would like to talk with him another time when he was alone. I wouldn't do that to a guest in my home. It was very rude on their part.

Yeah, that's true.

In the end:

Creepy, paranoid Jodi was right that they were talking about her...
Rude, paranoid C & S Hughes were right that Jodi was bad, bad news...
Her trip to Mesa when talking to Nurmi... so odd

Suppose to see Gus - didn't?
Suppose to see Darryls sister - didn't?
Suppose to go to San Diego - didn't

said she would get to TA after 8pm before 10 pm didn't get there until 4am

She does state she had her luggage, a backpack, and her COMPUTER
Don't forget she even lined up another plan B! The gun she exchanged numbers with on the plane on the way home from Travis's memorial! She called him too!

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Freudian slip there, Linda? ;)
Not only that, but Jodi doesn't seem like a naive girl. I'm pretty sure she understood what their relationship was. She obviously wanted more from it than he did but she knew what his intentions were. She might've thought she could change his mind again. But regarding TA playing JA, you can't "play" someone if you've made them aware of the fact that you're not looking to be in a committed relationship with them.

I agree. Of course she knew what their relationship was. They talked about it on the sex tape... She knew that he was looking for some one to marry, and it wasn't her. She knew that he liked sex with her and she used that excuse to remain in his life as long as she could. When sex was no longer enough and Travis didn't want to play HER game anymore, he ended it for real and she killed him.
IMO, it was Jodi who was playing the game here. Travis seemed like he was pretty open about not wanting to marry her, and about wanting to "court" other women... she acted like she was okay with that, but she wasn't.
I'm not what one would call pretty by any means, but evil? Really? Ugly people are evil?

Shallow doesn't even begin to describe that cruel, uninformed, mean, ugly "observation."

It certainly removes the need for thought. Just go by looks!
I just got info on the new doc that's testifying tomorrow--during follow-up on juror questions when Jodi was on the stand, Juan talks about a doctor out of San Diego Jodi talked to. This must be the hack that's coming to her rescue tomorrow--he's already interviewed her. The clip is Day 29 Part 3.
OMG that was the first time I have been to their Support Jodi Facebook Page. Those ppl are really mean over there. Talking about the looks, etc of his family. Wow...and they are really drinking the koolaid!

It's not uncommon for people with no good argument based on facts to turn to criticizing how someone looks or sounds or the clothes they wear. It just makes them feel better.
Thank you for this piece of rationality. My goodness--they called a secret meeting, in the dead of the night, to whisper about their guest as she was sleeping. Creepy, indeed.
Really? When my family goes to visit my mom, there are many times I sit on my Mom's bed in her bedroom while we chat. My husband is in a totally different bedroom, and I sometimes discuss our marriage with my mom.
Now, if my husband came in right away to join the conversation, I wouldn't think it was weird - but to stay at the door listening - I think THAT IS WIERD AND CREEPY. And, JA did it TWICE!!
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