State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Do we know who will be doing the Surrebuttal ?

and between the two which is worse to listen to..

the...long...slow... how did it make yooooou feeeel? .....lets take a step back to of Nurmi?

or the nails on a chalk board voice style of Wilmott?

I've got to give the edge to Wilmott, here, Nurmi would bore me to sleep

I'm just gonna leave WAT's Twitter feed up and turn the trial on when they say Juan is up. I won't be watching the DT at all.
I agree with you. I dont think there was anything wrong with talking to Travis while they thought she slept. I have a sister who managed to push every family member away. I was one of the first to cut her off. I understand whats its like to have someone who is evil around. You get rid of them as fast as you can. Remember the look in jodis eyes when JM was questioning jodi about the gas receipts? Thats the look I would see in my sisters eyes when she realizes I was onto her. My mother died in Feb 2012. We could not bury her until until Nov 2012. My sister even blocked my mothers burial. In other words, there are some things that just cant wait or be handled by phone.

I have a sister similar to yours. She gets the Jodi eyes too!
No fooling me when I see it! I will not be alone with her.
I can’t remember Your Honor: Offenders Who Claim Amnesia


"For the expert witness, it is very difficult to differentiate between dissociative, organic or feigned amnesia on the basis of interviews with the defendant. This has to do with the fact that simulators can give a compelling imitation of someone with a dissociative or organic amnesia. It is only on the basis of psychological tests and tasks, that an expert will be able to identify simu- lators. Nevertheless, our impression is that mental health professionals acting as experts in cases of amnesia often use interviews with the defendant as the sole source for making their diagnostic judgments.. This state of affairs is hardly surprising: the average mental health professional is not a memory specialist and has no specialized knowledge about tests that might be helpful in discriminating between dissociative, organic, and feigned amnesia."

"Although lay people find it very plausible that an emotional provocative event, like murder, can lead to memory loss (cf. supra), specialists have not yet reached a consensus about this."

"A defendant who knows that there is a vast amount of forensic evidence against him, may argue that he will make a more sympathetic impression on triers of fact if he simulates amnesia than if he provides them with a lucid description of the crime details. Thus, Sadoff (1974) argues that most cases of dissociative amnesia are actually feigned."

"Lynch and Bradford (1980) reported that claims of amnesia are often raised by defendants with an antisocial personality disorder. A hallmark feature of this disorder is, of course, manipulative behavior (Porter et al., 2001). Similarly, Cima, Merckelbach, Hollnack, and Knauer (2002a) noted that criminals who claimed amnesia had low intelligence and displayed antisocial personality features. The picture emerging from these studies is that defendants who claim dissociative amnesia often rely on a simple form of denial in an attempt to minimize their responsibility."

None of the testing suggestions were followed in JA's case to my knowledge.


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I'm not certain how I would react, but knowing myself - I might be angry but more than likely I would be hurt. I would probably cry and wouldn't listen for more than a few minutes before going back and pretending to be asleep.

But I'm not a cold-blooded, remorseless killer.

After hearing the story relayed about how Jodi confronted two of Travis' friends, then went to sit in the kitchen and stare at everyone after she was asked to leave, and after I have seen the vacant and evil stares on Jodi's face at various times during this trial, I can totally see why they would have been creeped out by her.

And I can understand why they were creeped out when they discovered her listening and I can also understand why they would want to confront Travis in private because they were freaked out by her already.

Maybe his friends handled this in the wrong way, but now we all know they had good reason to be worried.

I've known me long enough now to know exactly how I would have reacted if I would have overheard a private conversation about me that was less than nice...I would have let them know I heard what was said, gone back to my room and packed my things. I would have either called a cab or asked someone to take me home. And then I'd have been done with all of them. Period. No matter whether what they were saying was true, I would have had more self respect than to remain anywhere where I was being discussed behind my back. Poof! They would no longer be my friends or in my circle.
Please don't take this as support for JA. This circumstance was horribly unique. JA was a threat to Travis and his friends were sharing how they felt with him. My post is more to how she acted when she listened in twice. All it would have taken for me was the first time! You can't disrespect me without me allowing it.
I would have dusted it off my shoulder and left.
I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

Respectfully snipped for space.

Great post. Thank you so much for sharing. Please send my best wishes to the Hughes family. I think they are great people.
I wish any friends or family of Travis' would stay off the programs at HLN. Look at how the Hughes are being trashed!! It's a no win situation....

I didn't see them trashed. Their actions were discussed. And people had/have opines about the nature of the PPL business.
Verdict will be in 1 hour after jury instructions are given so take Friday off!!

you have no idea how much I hope this happens just as you stated.:rockon:
Nope. And last night Chris Hughes said it would take eight hours to tell all of the stories, so obviously a LOT had happened.
I have the feeling that Jodi is the type of 'guest' that would snoop through the medicine cabinet, jewellery boxes, file cabinets and other areas a homeowner would consider to be private. She had no qualms about snooping through the garbage can during her interrogation. Jodi doesn't give a crap about other people's boundaries. Watch out though if you ever have the misfortune to cross hers. :stormingmad:
I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

I have developed a relationship with Chris and he is one of the most caring, concerned, helpful and compassionate people I have ever had the fortune of getting to know.

To claim that the Hughes are somehow hungry for their own fame and glory in regards to this trial is blatantly false. Chris swore he would NOT speak to anyone until the trial was over. While I was surprised when he told me he was doing the Dr. Drew show, I was glad he was. Both Chris and Sky are in AZ now...they rented a house for a month so they could support Travis' family during these last few days of testimony and also to wait with them for a verdict. While Chris was NOT under subpoena, Sky was until just a couple of days ago. It took Wilmott two days to answer Sky's inquiry as to whether or not she could be released from her subpoena.

Chris was the executor of Travis' estate. Everyone knew how important the friendship was between the Hughes and Travis. They only did 48 Hours to talk about their friend.

Chris WAS scared for Travis...he DID try reaching him. He DID reach out to friends in the Phoenix area to do a safety check on Travis. For those on this forum who pretend to know HOW they'd react if they were in the same situation, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what you would actually do!

Chris, Sky and all other players in this nightmare are forever changed. When a few days passed between our communications, imagine my surprise when the local police showed up at my home to perform a welfare check on me! Yes, Chris had contacted them. Since Travis' death, they no longer can "wait" to find out why a person (like myself) may have gone off the grid.

The Hughes are wonderful people. There's nothing insincere or phony about either of them. People ridiculed Sky for "grinning" while she was both on 48 Hours and also on the witness stand. She was nervous! There are people whose mouths are always in an apparent frown....Sky's mouth always has a hint of a smile. It's her facial features, and NOT something sinister or manipulative!

While I understand we are all entitled to our opinions, I cannot stand judgement against people who others have never met, encountered, etc.

As for the Travis Alexander Legacy Fund, this is something very near and dear to NOT ONLY Chris, but also to Travis' family and friends. Having witnessed their most loved Travis being cast as a pedophilic sexual deviant domestic violence perpetrator has served as a motivation to bring Travis' reputation back to that of the honorable, decent, kind, generous, motivated man Travis actually was. Chris has asked me to be on the board...and I can assure all of you that Chris has no intention of taking ANY salary or monies from this fund for personal gain. It's offensive to claim otherwise.

Please be mindful as you trash Chris (and indubiably Sky after tonight's episode of Dr. Drew) that the Hughes have friends on this forum and your statements are highly offensive and hurtful to those of us who know, love and respect them.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you. thank you. God bless you all...
I'm just gonna leave WAT's Twitter feed up and turn the trial on when they say Juan is up. I won't be watching the DT at all.

Should of tried to come up with the Juan Alert App..i'd have many people very thankful for my creation :)
I've known me long enough now to know exactly how I would have reacted if I would have overheard a private conversation about me that was less than nice...I would have let them know I heard what was said, gone back to my room and packed my things. I would have either called a cab or asked someone to take me home. And then I'd have been done with all of them. Period. No matter whether what they were saying was true, I would have had more self respect than to remain anywhere where I was being discussed behind my back. Poof! They would no longer be my friends or in my circle.
Please don't take this as support for JA. This circumstance was horribly unique. JA was a threat to Travis and his friends were sharing how they felt with him. My post is more to how she acted when she listened in twice. All it would have taken for me was the first time! You can't disrespect me without me allowing it.
I would have dusted it off my shoulder and left.

You and me both. And I still say I would not have had a 45-60 minute pow wow about someone staying in my home. Not going to happen.
I didn't see them trashed. Their actions were discussed. And people had/have opines about the nature of the PPL business.

No, their character and intentions were trashed on here last night. They were called scammers and manipulators. This is about Jodi. She is the one on trial. People should stop talking about people they don't know. It's one thing to discuss their actions but if you don't know them then don't discuss their character. That's sort of the whole problem with this trial, isn't it?
Deedee, jumping off your post. I would have done so as well--except that I would not have waited until the following morning. What I took away from CH last night was that there were many things she had done prior to the incident in which she was listening at the door and it is quite possible that they had been either reluctant or unable ( for instance many people reported JA was clinging and possesive) to talk to TA until that night. IIRC, the Hughes' had children, and it is likely that after repeated offenses and introspection they felt compelled to express their concern as soon as an opportunity presented itself, moo.

I totally agree, throw her out the 1st time they caught her at the door listening. Who does that in someone's home? Chris Hughes said they were afraid as parents to have that nutjob in their house. He said they were worried about their children's safety that night and wondered if they should go get the children and bring them to bed with them, the parents. I would have either gone and brought my children to bed with me or thrown Jodi out into the night. She deserved no bed in their house that night and Travis would have just had to understand. The children's safety should have come first and always, and I believe Travis would have understood that conclusion.
I have the feeling that Jodi is the type of 'guest' that would snoop through the medicine cabinet, jewellery boxes, file cabinets and other areas a homeowner would consider to be private. She had no qualms about snooping through the garbage can during her interrogation. Jodi doesn't give a crap about other people's boundaries. Watch out though if you ever have the misfortune to cross hers. :stormingmad:

Scary to think of that. @ the first sign of that happening, if it were my house, she would have been gone, then and there, and no coming back. I bet there have been a lot of regrets , behind the scenes.
Just an FYI if you are interested. Travis' siblings: Birth Order:
Gary, Dennis, Travis, Michael, Tanisha, Samantha, Hillary, Steven, Allie

I also have Jodi's back on being more that a little annoyed someone decided to go through her backpack and remove stuff! I'd be furious too! If there was any concern after he lifted it, I would expect him to voice his concerns, not to take it upon himself to go into my things.

I wouldn't have stomped off, but I would have nipped that crap right in the bud so quick his head would have spun!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think, like most of Jodi's stories, there is much more to this one and no one remembers exactly how or why things happened the way they did.

Maybe Travis had already told her something about what she had packed and she balked at him being more knowledgable then she was about hiking. Then when Dan discovered the heavy pack, he and Travis decided to "lighten her load" on their own, and it pissed her off even more.

Who knows? Some arguments that seem important at the time, are forgotten rather quickly. I've had arguments with my husband and then later forgotten what made me mad in the first place.

That's one reason why Jodi's "perfect recall" makes me so angry. She can "remember" all these insignificant little details and events and actions that are denigrating to Travis, but anything related to her viciously murdering him, "Oh, I'm in a fauxg." It's ridiculous.

This is all JMHOO.
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