State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Legallee, I have never been to that site but by the way you and other WBs describe it, it sounds like the people in "The Following", which I for one find very disturbing and unrealistic (until now). Do they seem to you anything like those in the that show (Following)? TIA

The qualifications to sign up on that JII site is you have to be disturbed in more ways than one.
What these people are scared of is the two brain cells they have might collide.
They all sit around a big vat and throw magic mushrooms, a dash of insanity and pick straws on who gets the syringe first.
It is really hard for anyone who has an IQ higher than their show size to fathom how these nut bars think. I really wonder how they can actually dress
themselves in the mourning.
If Jodi is innocent who the H would you say is guilty.
Maybe they have coloring books like Jodi to keep themselves busy. I just hope they don't have kids they train to be like them.
One thing about them though is they can keep a few hundred shrinks busy for a lot of years to come.
I can just imagine trying to figure out how their minds work. Much easier to find a needle in a haystack.
Just an FYI if you are interested. Travis' siblings: Birth Order:
Gary, Dennis, Travis, Michael, Tanisha, Samantha, Hillary, Steven, Allie

I have only seen one brother, and thought there was only one, at the trial.
I'm with you but it is actually disgusting that the Hughes didn't just tell Travis they would like to talk with him another time when he was alone. I wouldn't do that to a guest in my home. It was very rude on their part.

I think that was the idea though - they were under the impression he was alone and took that opportunity to address their concerns with him. It was really late at night and JA had already gone to bed in a downstairs bedroom. They thought she was sleeping. It's not like they had a powwow at the kitchen table within earshot of her bedroom. They were in the Hughes' upstairs bedroom with the door shut. Under those circumstances, I don't think it was improper for them to take that opportunity to pull TA aside to talk.

Being the snoop that she is, JA crept upstairs for what reason I don't know. But when she heard them talking, she should have respected his privacy by going back downstairs, and she certainly shouldn't have been eavesdropping outside the door. That's really creepy and intrusive. It really fits her profile of a stalker as well. And after being busted once, you'd think she would have been embarrassed by her actions, but not JA - she is not the type who gets embarrassed (think sleeping under Christmas tree, etc.). So what does she do? She goes right back upstairs again and continues to invade his privacy, just like how she snooped in his cell phone / email accounts.

No wonder the Hughes' were freaked out. I really think I would have grabbed by kids and put them in my bed for the night. They probably didn't sleep too well. I don't blame Mrs. Hughes for kicking her butt out the door the next day and telling her not to come back. They had her pegged.
ITA- i'd be pizzed too if my "boyfriend" and his friends were talking badly about me behind closed doors, while I "was supposed to be sleeping".

Jodi may not have been wife material and up to the Hughes' standands, but she technically is still a human and the evil look was probaly a natural look she gave to anyone who pizzed her off.

Maybe, but its their house and they had an expectation of privacy. If they want to talk badly about her, that's their right. They don't expect weird women listening at their bedroom door (not once but twice). If that had happened to me, I would be out the door so fast but I would tell all three of them off before I left. Then again, I think its bizarre she was eavesdropping in the first place and then stuck around to get caught a second time.
thanks..great example...............I remember my Granny always said 'God don't like ugly' She sure wasn't talking about someone countenance...she meant ugly actions. When we kids were acting up or said something unkind, she would tell us not to be ugly. I am sorry that anyone misunderstood or read something other than that.

Yes, my great aunt would say it as well. She meant ugly words, ugly thoughts, ugly actions, ugly attitude, ugly soul.

She also said true beauty simmers deep within the soul and is emitted like steam.

Thanks for reminding me of her wise words. I miss her. :)
you have no idea how much I hope this happens just as you stated.:rockon:

Lets not forget they have to do all the stuff such as choose
A foreman and then there are all those juror forms to fill
Out as well....
But we can still wish for it. Jmo
Anyone who has ever truly experienced or been in the presence of "evil" knows exactly what Chris Hughes is talking's palpable!

It only takes one time seeing someone with BLACK, SOULLESS EYES and it's something you can and will never forget!!
No, their character and intentions were trashed on here last night. They were called scammers and manipulators. This is about Jodi. She is the one on trial. People should stop talking about people they don't know. It's one thing to discuss their actions but if you don't know them then don't discuss their character. That's sort of the whole problem with this trial, isn't it?

Well, this trial, has turned into lies, yes. It's ugly and I hope the jury, not one of them is persuaded by any of it.

I agree with discussing people's character. Actions/character sometimes the lines blur .

I've not said it, but for me, that multi level marketing would be a turn off. Especially after seeing Gus right there in court without access to a lawyer when he most needed it. And he was in the inner circle, supposedly.
I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

I have developed a relationship with Chris and he is one of the most caring, concerned, helpful and compassionate people I have ever had the fortune of getting to know.

To claim that the Hughes are somehow hungry for their own fame and glory in regards to this trial is blatantly false. Chris swore he would NOT speak to anyone until the trial was over. While I was surprised when he told me he was doing the Dr. Drew show, I was glad he was. Both Chris and Sky are in AZ now...they rented a house for a month so they could support Travis' family during these last few days of testimony and also to wait with them for a verdict. While Chris was NOT under subpoena, Sky was until just a couple of days ago. It took Wilmott two days to answer Sky's inquiry as to whether or not she could be released from her subpoena.

Chris was the executor of Travis' estate. Everyone knew how important the friendship was between the Hughes and Travis. They only did 48 Hours to talk about their friend.

Chris WAS scared for Travis...he DID try reaching him. He DID reach out to friends in the Phoenix area to do a safety check on Travis. For those on this forum who pretend to know HOW they'd react if they were in the same situation, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what you would actually do!

Chris, Sky and all other players in this nightmare are forever changed. When a few days passed between our communications, imagine my surprise when the local police showed up at my home to perform a welfare check on me! Yes, Chris had contacted them. Since Travis' death, they no longer can "wait" to find out why a person (like myself) may have gone off the grid.

The Hughes are wonderful people. There's nothing insincere or phony about either of them. People ridiculed Sky for "grinning" while she was both on 48 Hours and also on the witness stand. She was nervous! There are people whose mouths are always in an apparent frown....Sky's mouth always has a hint of a smile. It's her facial features, and NOT something sinister or manipulative!

While I understand we are all entitled to our opinions, I cannot stand judgement against people who others have never met, encountered, etc.

As for the Travis Alexander Legacy Fund, this is something very near and dear to NOT ONLY Chris, but also to Travis' family and friends. Having witnessed their most loved Travis being cast as a pedophilic sexual deviant domestic violence perpetrator has served as a motivation to bring Travis' reputation back to that of the honorable, decent, kind, generous, motivated man Travis actually was. Chris has asked me to be on the board...and I can assure all of you that Chris has no intention of taking ANY salary or monies from this fund for personal gain. It's offensive to claim otherwise.

Please be mindful as you trash Chris (and indubiably Sky after tonight's episode of Dr. Drew) that the Hughes have friends on this forum and your statements are highly offensive and hurtful to those of us who know, love and respect them.

Thank you.
Thank you for this post. It must be so frustrating for them to have to deal with this when they are doing their best to stand up for their friend after what the defense has done to assassinate Travis' character and reputation. This is just as hard on Travis' close friends as it is his own family. They are all Jodi's victims, imo.
I was surprised when JSS said jury instructions would take place before closing arguments. For some reason I thought ji's came after closing...

It makes sense, both sides will be talking about the instructions in their closing arguments.
I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

I have developed a relationship with Chris and he is one of the most caring, concerned, helpful and compassionate people I have ever had the fortune of getting to know.

To claim that the Hughes are somehow hungry for their own fame and glory in regards to this trial is blatantly false. Chris swore he would NOT speak to anyone until the trial was over. While I was surprised when he told me he was doing the Dr. Drew show, I was glad he was. Both Chris and Sky are in AZ now...they rented a house for a month so they could support Travis' family during these last few days of testimony and also to wait with them for a verdict. While Chris was NOT under subpoena, Sky was until just a couple of days ago. It took Wilmott two days to answer Sky's inquiry as to whether or not she could be released from her subpoena.

Chris was the executor of Travis' estate. Everyone knew how important the friendship was between the Hughes and Travis. They only did 48 Hours to talk about their friend.

Chris WAS scared for Travis...he DID try reaching him. He DID reach out to friends in the Phoenix area to do a safety check on Travis. For those on this forum who pretend to know HOW they'd react if they were in the same situation, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what you would actually do!

Chris, Sky and all other players in this nightmare are forever changed. When a few days passed between our communications, imagine my surprise when the local police showed up at my home to perform a welfare check on me! Yes, Chris had contacted them. Since Travis' death, they no longer can "wait" to find out why a person (like myself) may have gone off the grid.

The Hughes are wonderful people. There's nothing insincere or phony about either of them. People ridiculed Sky for "grinning" while she was both on 48 Hours and also on the witness stand. She was nervous! There are people whose mouths are always in an apparent frown....Sky's mouth always has a hint of a smile. It's her facial features, and NOT something sinister or manipulative!

While I understand we are all entitled to our opinions, I cannot stand judgement against people who others have never met, encountered, etc.

As for the Travis Alexander Legacy Fund, this is something very near and dear to NOT ONLY Chris, but also to Travis' family and friends. Having witnessed their most loved Travis being cast as a pedophilic sexual deviant domestic violence perpetrator has served as a motivation to bring Travis' reputation back to that of the honorable, decent, kind, generous, motivated man Travis actually was. Chris has asked me to be on the board...and I can assure all of you that Chris has no intention of taking ANY salary or monies from this fund for personal gain. It's offensive to claim otherwise.

Please be mindful as you trash Chris (and indubiably Sky after tonight's episode of Dr. Drew) that the Hughes have friends on this forum and your statements are highly offensive and hurtful to those of us who know, love and respect them.

Thank you.

May God Bless you. I saw Chris Hughes on Dr. Drew last night and I think he was very genuine in everything he said. I look forward to hearing what Skye has to say on Dr. Drew tonight. I support the Hughs couple even though I do not know them. They both seem to be honest people and only interested in seeing justice done for Travis and his family.
I think that was the idea though - they were under the impression he was alone and took that opportunity to address their concerns with him. It was really late at night and JA had already gone to bed in a downstairs bedroom. They thought she was sleeping. It's not like they had a powwow at the kitchen table within earshot of her bedroom. They were in the Hughes' upstairs bedroom with the door shut. Under those circumstances, I don't think it was improper for them to take that opportunity to pull TA aside to talk.

Being the snoop that she is, JA crept upstairs for what reason I don't know. But when she heard them talking, she should have respected his privacy by going back downstairs, and she certainly shouldn't have been eavesdropping outside the door. That's really creepy and intrusive. It really fits her profile of a stalker as well. And after being busted once, you'd think she would have been embarrassed by her actions, but not JA - she is not the type who gets embarrassed (think sleeping under Christmas tree, etc.). So what does she do? She goes right back upstairs again and continues to invade his privacy, just like how she snooped in his cell phone / email accounts.

No wonder the Hughes' were freaked out. I really think I would have grabbed by kids and put them in my bed for the night. They probably didn't sleep to well. I don't blame Mrs. Hughes for kicking her butt out the door the next day and telling her not to come back. They had her pegged.
On the second snoop, it was time to go, and to be told to go, especially if they were so scared.
Beth Karas InSession ·
about an hour ago ·

The sealed hearing in Arias is finished. Court resumes tomorrow at noon ET/9:00 am in Phoenix for the final testimony from psychologist Robert Geffner for the defense and, possibly, psychologist Jill Hayes for the State. Closing arguments are scheduled for Thursday and Friday. #JodiArias
I didn't see them trashed. Their actions were discussed. And people had/have opines about the nature of the PPL business.

I understand that it must be difficult for anyone related to or friends with anyone involved with a crime/trial that is discussed here, but I think there is an inherent risk when those so very closely involved read public forums. No matter who you believe there are going to be things posted that will strike a nerve to be sure.
No one here attacks or trashes. That is not permitted by the owner, admins or mods. If this forum seems harsh, I strongly recommend no one ever search out other sites. This is an open forum where we are allowed to share our feelings openly as long as we follow the rules. Unfortunately, there are going to be some posts that are not supportive of all sides.
When I post, I try very very hard to not respond to the poster, only the post. But I do appreciate that I am allowed to post my thoughts and feelings honestly. All are welcome here and that is incredible to me also.
I never intend to offend anyone. Well, TBO, I have posted some very strong digs at JA, and I'm not sorry. But I post honestly.
With that in mind, I never wish to feel censored other than by the rules of the forum.
Just like in local newspapers, some often wonder why families read the forums there, and then are very upset by some of the things they read there. It's not an easy thing to do.
I am so glad that the Hughes were spoken so highly of by someone who knows them personally.
We all have many questions and there won't be any answers to some of them.
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