State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Hello Websleuther's. Took a bit of a break but reading here.

Soooo...will it be sleepy Nurmi or peppy Wilmott tomorrow???

Glad to see Juan will have a sur-rebuttal witness to the defenses sur-rebuttal of the rebuttal...YES. this trial is ridiculous.

It does have to END as some point...doesn't it?? :waitasec::waitasec:

I would pick Willmot rather than Nurmi. I can't watch Nurmi's questioning longer than 20 minutes.

Who's the surrebuttal witness Juan bringing in?
I think people are just mostly angry that the Hughes' words have now been taken and used against Travis and are now blaming them for ever saying them. I see that. I still don't blame them though. I have known people, usually kind people, who take everyone's words at face value because they see the goodness in everyone and expect that people wouldn't lie to them just to lie. I don't think we can blame the Hughes for being led to believe those letters were authentic. It's not their fault they were lied to. They were probably devastated to hear such a thing about Travis but figured the DT was being truthful. Look how thoroughly and genuinely pissed Chris looks at that hearing where Nurmi is questioning him. I am sure they feel horrible for ever believing that.

As for the email, we need to see it for ourselves and keep an open mind. People have different definitions of "treating women bad" and for some dating around and flirting is treating people bad. You also have that whole believing what they're told thing and it seems they took Jodi at her word until they got to know her. The Hughes have said it was all taken out of context and I think we should trust them.

Again, they are not on trial here. It's not their fault the DT has used dirty tactics to get a murderer off.

Also, I think we all say things to or about our loved ones that we wish we could take back. I shudder to think the words that could be used against me if I were ever murdered or someone I loved was ever murdered and the DT decided to spin my words to incriminate them and there was nothing I could do about it except go on TV and try and make it right. I can see the Hughes' saw Travis as sort of a son and treated him as such and tried to teach him their way. Even if they were out of bounds, they loved him. I can see that too.
OT and I will PM the mods about it but has anyone else gotten antivirus notifications today that threats have been identified? I've only been here today and so far I've had two notices.... I am not very puter literate so disregard me if I sound totally confused about my being here and getting those virus notices.... Just wondering if its happened to anyone else today?


it's malware and it will take you a tech or a few hours with a second computer to get rid of it

run a virus check now and don't click on anything like that

signed, the voice of experience
Listening to her testimony, her story just continues to not work for me.

What happened after you grabbed the gun?

He was chasing me, I turned around in the bathroom, and pointed the gun at him with both hands, but he just kept RUNNING, and he was like a linebacker he got kind of low and grabbed my waist, but before he did that, as he was lunging at me the gun went off, I didn't mean to shoot, I didn't even think I was holding the trigger.

We fell really hard towards the scales, at this point I didn't even know if he had been shot, we were struggling and wrestling, and he's a wrestler, and he was getting on top of me, and I didn't want him to get on top of me b/c when he has done that in the past I can't get out of those holds (never mentioned being in any of his wrestle holds before), so he's grabbing at my clothes, and when I got up he's just SCREAMING ANGRY and after I broke away from him he said 'F'ING KILL YOU *****' and now tah dah fognesia so no memory of stabbing, no memory of dragging, yet somehow she remembers trying to get away from him? She remembers feeling mortal terror, she had pissed him off worse than she had ever seen him, he wasn't going to stop, WHAT?!?!

So according to her they struggled, and wrestled around on the floor, he grabbed at her clothes, she broke away, then screaming angry TA said f'ing kill you ***** all with a bullet in his brain. I really hope the jury reads back her testimony
Thank You Michael James. What you just said needed saying by someone close to the Hughes. Be honored it fell to you. I would be honored to take your place for sure.

The closest I can identify with regarding the feelings of 'EVIL' the Hughes felt about JA is -

Hubby and I were at 'RADIO SHACK' in our local mall (WI). During our shopping experience I experienced a feeling of foreboding, fear, uneasiness - call it what you will. At the check-out we were lucky to get the other (non-fearful) checker. The only way I could describe my feelings to hubby was "That man is one I would never want to meet in an alley, I fear I wouldn't come out the same way I was when I entered".

Of course I could have been way off the mark feeling like I did but I also may NOT have been. I'm guessing that the Hughes feeling about JA were as overwhelming as mine were that day many many years ago. We get these feelings for a reason and should heed them. I'm glad that the Hughes did just that. I also would guess that they are Blessed that they don't have to ask themselves "What If"?
All just my opinion

I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

I have developed a relationship with Chris and he is one of the most caring, concerned, helpful and compassionate people I have ever had the fortune of getting to know.

To claim that the Hughes are somehow hungry for their own fame and glory in regards to this trial is blatantly false. Chris swore he would NOT speak to anyone until the trial was over. While I was surprised when he told me he was doing the Dr. Drew show, I was glad he was. Both Chris and Sky are in AZ now...they rented a house for a month so they could support Travis' family during these last few days of testimony and also to wait with them for a verdict. While Chris was NOT under subpoena, Sky was until just a couple of days ago. It took Wilmott two days to answer Sky's inquiry as to whether or not she could be released from her subpoena.

Chris was the executor of Travis' estate. Everyone knew how important the friendship was between the Hughes and Travis. They only did 48 Hours to talk about their friend.

Chris WAS scared for Travis...he DID try reaching him. He DID reach out to friends in the Phoenix area to do a safety check on Travis. For those on this forum who pretend to know HOW they'd react if they were in the same situation, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what you would actually do!

Chris, Sky and all other players in this nightmare are forever changed. When a few days passed between our communications, imagine my surprise when the local police showed up at my home to perform a welfare check on me! Yes, Chris had contacted them. Since Travis' death, they no longer can "wait" to find out why a person (like myself) may have gone off the grid.

The Hughes are wonderful people. There's nothing insincere or phony about either of them. People ridiculed Sky for "grinning" while she was both on 48 Hours and also on the witness stand. She was nervous! There are people whose mouths are always in an apparent frown....Sky's mouth always has a hint of a smile. It's her facial features, and NOT something sinister or manipulative!

While I understand we are all entitled to our opinions, I cannot stand judgement against people who others have never met, encountered, etc.

As for the Travis Alexander Legacy Fund, this is something very near and dear to NOT ONLY Chris, but also to Travis' family and friends. Having witnessed their most loved Travis being cast as a pedophilic sexual deviant domestic violence perpetrator has served as a motivation to bring Travis' reputation back to that of the honorable, decent, kind, generous, motivated man Travis actually was. Chris has asked me to be on the board...and I can assure all of you that Chris has no intention of taking ANY salary or monies from this fund for personal gain. It's offensive to claim otherwise.

Please be mindful as you trash Chris (and indubiably Sky after tonight's episode of Dr. Drew) that the Hughes have friends on this forum and your statements are highly offensive and hurtful to those of us who know, love and respect them.

Thank you.
I believe this - we're designed by nature to sense danger and evil, we just don't always listen to our feelings.

Knowing myself, if I was that skeeved out by a friend's girlfriend or boyfriend I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. It would be different if I just didn't like the person vs. having a distinct feeling the person was "off".

I know it would be crossing the line, but I would say something out of the best interest of my friend. If they get mad and don't talk to me so be it, so I understand what they did completely. This isn't a normal person we're talking about after all, her evilness has to be palpable.

there's a good reason JA has no girlfriends. women see through her crap. it may take a little bit, but then it's just obvious. that's what sky felt.

i've personally had similar situations with GF's of male friends. in fact, after NOT listening to me about his ex-wife, my best male friend now knows i was right about her all along, and he listens a lot better about the women he dates now. i want him to be happy---but i can spot a wrong number a mile away. he's dated some great women, but he's a magnet for the other kind too.
it can be hard to convince a man that you know something he can't possibly know---but when it comes to knowing about women, they need to LISTEN to us and utilize our expertise!!
What would be JA's motivation to transfer the pics onto TA's camera? What am I missing?

Well of course it's all speculation because no one can get close to Arias' thinking seeing it doesn't act remotely normal are a few theories as to why she might've transposed those photos onto his camera:

1) To do exactly what was accomplished (placing her there as an invited guess) then perhaps someone else (Matt?) was supposed to kill him in a burglary/robbery while she was there? But something obviously went wrong (Matt couldn't make it?) and that plan fell through and she changed her mind.

2) Perhaps she really WAS going to give Travis one more opportunity and when he rejected her.....she was going to make like she was there (put photos on his camera) and set his house on fire (15 gallons of gas) in the garage? Then changed her mind.

3) To frame him with his Bishop? Then, changed her mind.

4) Perhaps Travis himself put it on his camera at an earlier time (April?) and the time-stamps were when they were actually deleted not, taken.

No one has ever explained why some photos contained time/date and others didn't. I don't think the State actually believes the scenario they're putting out there but because the ending was the same, it doesn't really matter.

I do believe there was a LOT of truth in those interrogation tapes. I do believe the Intruders either were factual or they were a plan that didn't transpire for some reason (or Flores himself gave her that idea. I don't know. But Flores even said that to her mother so......)

As much as I am passionate about not believing Travis had sex with her that day and invited her in, I am equally as passionate that Matt and Gus Searcy were MUCH more involved than we know/think. And Darryl was the knowing recipient of stolen merchandise (DVD/remote) and that's why HE'S being loyal to her.

I hope this jury does the right thing!!! Pray!

ETA- Arias knows/knew a lot more about digital cameras than we're giving her credit for. After all, those encrypted messages from her jail cell were in photography magazines. There are ways to manipulate time and date.

Also, what was said in that blog was, that memory card didn't fit Travis' camera. So it might've been Arias'? Here's another thing that sort of ties this in. A lot of attention was given to his 'office' and his computer.
Perhaps she had these photos on a memory stick and was trying to upload to his computer (to email to Mimi?) and his computer didn't cooperate for whatever reason.
His camera was in that room. The screen that was found on the lawn, was to his office window.
She also made sure Flores got the impression she had sex with Travis in that room. Why? Perhaps she wanted to explain why here DNA was recently in there?

I mean......I can go on and on and because I will never believe he had willing sex with her that day, the theories are endless to me.
I wish I could find a photo of her fingers/nails from that day because I also don't believe she had her nails done. Who does that when you are 'broke'? This story the State unfolds doesn't sit well with me. But we all know she killed him and that's the only thing that matters!
For anyone who is on the other side of the pond and / or missed Chris's interview, here it is:


One thing I learnt was that Chris and Sky were already in Cancun on June 04. Chris talks about how worried he was they couldn't get in touch with Travis.

Also, the story re JA snooping at their door made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. For that to happen once in one night is one thing but for it to happen again and for her to be right about it, is another. They were worried about their kids that night and booted JA out the next day. Chris obviously really wanted to explain that email and they cut him off so quickly. I hope they give Sky a chance tomorrow night.

Sure hindsight is a wonderful thing and maybe the Hughes even wish they had asked Travis to come back and talk to them instead of speaking to him that night, but they did what they thought was right at the time.

I have to say I wish the 48 hours documentary had never been made, or at least that both the Hughes or Det Flores had agreed to wait until after the trial but again hindsight is a wonderful thing.

It's also nice to hear of the legacy the Alexanders and Chris are planning for Travis. It will help inner city kids.

Re all the talk about PPL, Mormons etc unfortunately if the Hughes choose to put themselves out there in the public eye so IMO they have to accept there will be talk about things other then their message on screen, so to speak. There's no talk about witnesses in this case ie Deanna because she has kept away from the media and just been a witness. I'm not saying it's right that all the talk comes up but I'm sure it's something the Hughes would have considered would happen as in this day and age, esp with the social media, the 'chatter' will happen and word will spread fast.
I think people are just mostly angry that the Hughes' words have now been taken and used against Travis and are now blaming them for ever saying them. I see that. I still don't blame them though. I have known people, usually kind people, who take everyone's words at face value because they see the goodness in everyone and expect that people wouldn't lie to them just to lie. I don't think we can blame the Hughes for being led to believe those letters were authentic. It's not their fault they were lied to. They were probably devastated to hear such a thing about Travis but figured the DT was being truthful. Look how thoroughly and genuinely pissed Chris looks at that hearing where Nurmi is questioning him. I am sure they feel horrible for ever believing that.

As for the email, we need to see it for ourselves and keep an open mind. People have different definitions of "treating women bad" and for some dating around and flirting is treating people bad. You also have that whole believing what they're told thing and it seems they took Jodi at her word until they got to know her. The Hughes have said it was all taken out of context and I think we should trust them.

Again, they are not on trial here. It's not their fault the DT has used dirty tactics to get a murderer off.

Sky thought that Nurmi could not lie to her, she thought lawyers had to tell the truth and this is why Chris called him a snake, he lied to them. As for the other stuff Travis' family obviously hold nothing against them and they are the ones who hurt the most over this so who am I to hold it against theM?
Yes, because I would of been blunt and said to JODI, not Travis, please leave, you are not welcome here anymore. I don't care what time of day or night it is.

And, let Travis decide if he wants to leave with her or not.

If Travis stayed behind, after kicking Jodi out, then I would of talked to him about how I felt about Jodi and why.

We are all different how we would act in certain situations. Just because I don't agree with the majority, doesn't mean I can't formaulate my opinion.

I just think it could of been handled better.

The fact that Jodi was supposed to be asleep somewhere else in the house when they started the conversation is disrespectful to you?

The Hughes showed way more respect to Jodi than I would have. I would have had the same conversation with Jodi standing right there. The fact that she was lurking outside the door is just creepy crawly.

If I am afraid or worried about the safety or well being of one of my friends, I speak up. I don't care who is there or where we are.
I remained silent as I read pages upon pages of disparraging remarks against Chris and Sky Hughes, but I can no longer keep to myself.

I have developed a relationship with Chris and he is one of the most caring, concerned, helpful and compassionate people I have ever had the fortune of getting to know.

To claim that the Hughes are somehow hungry for their own fame and glory in regards to this trial is blatantly false. Chris swore he would NOT speak to anyone until the trial was over. While I was surprised when he told me he was doing the Dr. Drew show, I was glad he was. Both Chris and Sky are in AZ now...they rented a house for a month so they could support Travis' family during these last few days of testimony and also to wait with them for a verdict. While Chris was NOT under subpoena, Sky was until just a couple of days ago. It took Wilmott two days to answer Sky's inquiry as to whether or not she could be released from her subpoena.

Chris was the executor of Travis' estate. Everyone knew how important the friendship was between the Hughes and Travis. They only did 48 Hours to talk about their friend.

Chris WAS scared for Travis...he DID try reaching him. He DID reach out to friends in the Phoenix area to do a safety check on Travis. For those on this forum who pretend to know HOW they'd react if they were in the same situation, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what you would actually do!

Chris, Sky and all other players in this nightmare are forever changed. When a few days passed between our communications, imagine my surprise when the local police showed up at my home to perform a welfare check on me! Yes, Chris had contacted them. Since Travis' death, they no longer can "wait" to find out why a person (like myself) may have gone off the grid.

The Hughes are wonderful people. There's nothing insincere or phony about either of them. People ridiculed Sky for "grinning" while she was both on 48 Hours and also on the witness stand. She was nervous! There are people whose mouths are always in an apparent frown....Sky's mouth always has a hint of a smile. It's her facial features, and NOT something sinister or manipulative!

While I understand we are all entitled to our opinions, I cannot stand judgement against people who others have never met, encountered, etc.

As for the Travis Alexander Legacy Fund, this is something very near and dear to NOT ONLY Chris, but also to Travis' family and friends. Having witnessed their most loved Travis being cast as a pedophilic sexual deviant domestic violence perpetrator has served as a motivation to bring Travis' reputation back to that of the honorable, decent, kind, generous, motivated man Travis actually was. Chris has asked me to be on the board...and I can assure all of you that Chris has no intention of taking ANY salary or monies from this fund for personal gain. It's offensive to claim otherwise.

Please be mindful as you trash Chris (and indubiably Sky after tonight's episode of Dr. Drew) that the Hughes have friends on this forum and your statements are highly offensive and hurtful to those of us who know, love and respect them.

Thank you.

Thank you for sharing this. There have been multiple convos, multiple times here about what those emails, and what the precursor was to those between the Hughes and TA, and every time the convo lands on speculation that JA had something to do with it. That was confirmed last night, and I'm glad that Chris was able to tell more of his story on Dr. Drew, (wish they would give him the full 8 hours he said it would take!) and look forward to Sky's statements tonight.

Chris got one of the star moments in this trial for justice for TA by saying he would not be happy to testify for the defense because JA 'murdered his friend in cold blood.' It's also more than obvious that the Hughes got hustled by KN, and I am glad Chris got on the stand, he represented TA well despite the desperate efforts of the DT.


it's malware and it will take you a tech or a few hours with a second computer to get rid of it

run a virus check now and don't click on anything like that

signed, the voice of experience

I've read that we shouldn't even click on the red X box on those fake notices to close them -- should go to "Task Manager" and close them that way. Not sure if that's a fact -- maybe someone here knows...?
Thank You Michael James. What you just said needed saying by someone close to the Hughes. Be honored it fell to you. I would be honored to take your place for sure.

The closest I can identify with regarding the feelings of 'EVIL' the Hughes felt about JA is -

Hubby and I were at 'RADIO SHACK' in our local mall (WI). During our shopping experience I experienced a feeling of foreboding, fear, uneasiness - call it what you will. At the check-out we were lucky to get the other (non-fearful) checker. The only way I could describe my feelings to hubby was "That man is one I would never want to meet in an alley, I fear I wouldn't come out the same way I was when I entered".

Of course I could have been way off the mark feeling like I did but I also may NOT have been. I'm guessing that the Hughes feeling about JA were as overwhelming as mine were that day many many years ago. We get these feelings for a reason and should heed them. I'm glad that the Hughes did just that. I also would guess that they are Blessed that they don't have to ask themselves "What If"?
All just my opinion

Always trust your instincts, no matter how foolish or ridiculous you or someone else may think of them.

You are correct - our instincts are there for a reason.

I just have to say I have seen a lot of goodness come from this trial. There is a dialogue now on all forms of abuse, that females can be perpetrators of abuse. We now know what sociopaths look like and the terms used to describe when a person is lying and how to recognize these signs.

The kindness has been the most remarkable. The thoughts, prayers and good wishes to the Alexander Family has been amazing. Additionally, The gifts and financial contributions to the family have made a big difference.

Although we all have our opinions on things and may not all agree on things, we have agreed on one thing. Travis most certainly did not deserve to die as he did.
I've read that we shouldn't even click on the red X box on those fake notices to close them -- should go to "Task Manager" and close them that way. Not sure if that's a fact -- maybe someone here knows...?

That's worked for me after that..i boot up in safe mode and run my virus scan 1st I unplug my internet..sometimes viruses come alive on a internet connection..

run my antivirus software and malware bytes... then boot back up normally

sucks getting one of those viruses tough as hell to get rid of
CH said on Dr. Drew ast night the Sky has a "6th sense" and did not have a good feeling around Jodi. One must wonder if she was forcing herself all over Travis... as she did this regularly apparently.

Who knows what JA bullet points were on Chris and Sky Hughes' list that CH talked about last night. Maybe he will write a book. He said he had 8 hours of material. Probably the only way anyone will find out. He gets interrupted too much on TV. If JA was all over TA and that made the Hughes' uncomfortable I suppose they could have said "Get a room guys!"
Well of course it's all speculation because no one can get close to Arias' thinking seeing it doesn't act remotely normal are a few theories as to why she might've transposed those photos onto his camera:

1) To do exactly what was accomplished (placing her there as an invited guess) then perhaps someone else (Matt?) was supposed to kill him in a burglary/robbery while she was there? But something obviously went wrong (Matt couldn't make it?) and that plan fell through and she changed her mind.

2) Perhaps she really WAS going to give Travis one more opportunity and when he rejected her.....she was going to make like she was there (put photos on his camera) and set his house on fire (15 gallons of gas) in the garage? Then changed her mind.

3) To frame him with his Bishop? Then, changed her mind.

4) Perhaps Travis himself put it on his camera at an earlier time (April?) and the time-stamps were when they were actually deleted not, taken.

No one has ever explained why some photos contained time/date and others didn't. I don't think the State actually believes the scenario they're putting out there but because the ending was the same, it doesn't really matter.

I do believe there was a LOT of truth in those interrogation tapes. I do believe the Intruders either were factual or they were a plan that didn't transpire for some reason (or Flores himself gave her that idea. I don't know. But Flores even said that to her mother so......)

As much as I am passionate about not believing Travis had sex with her that day and invited her in, I am equally as passionate that Matt and Gus Searcy were MUCH more involved than we know/think. And Darryl was the knowing recipient of stolen merchandise (DVD/remote) and that's why HE'S being loyal to her.

I hope this jury does the right thing!!! Pray!

as for the intruder story, she came up with that in one of her first phone interviews with det. flores. he didn't feed her that story. it's the REASON she used 2 weapons----she WANTED it to look like 2 intruders and throw the police off her trail.
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