State rests rebuttal case- thread #166

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I didn't get from the post that he was attempting to grant cyber immunity to the Hughes. My interpretation was a plea to not feed the frenzy of accusations and innuendo (financial misconduct, etc) that are unsubstantiated.

Having us submit a list of questions while refraining from posting about anyone or any topic feels like granting cyber immunity to me IMO :) There are many, many things here that are unsubstantiated. In fact, what we don't know outnumbers what we do know as fact 100:1 :)
If the mods didn't have a problem with our posts, then I think we're good. They are the only ones who run the show. And even they don't tell us what to think or how to feel. JMO
I love the idea of professional jurors ... I would ask they have an above average IQ and come from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities.

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After the atrocity in Florida I COULD NOT AGREE MORE!!!! I thought OJ was bad enough.
They're freaking busybodies! (And that is describing it charitably.)

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I have not heard that term BUSYBODY in quite awhile. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Can you link that please! I think it's the only thing out there I haven't heard yet!

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Your wish and all that ...

That is exactly how I feel FrayedKnot, and I have been hesitant to post about it today. So I thank you for putting it into words for me! The breaking point for me was Skye's willingness to believe Nurmi, that was it, I don't want a friend that would even consider the possibility that I could do something like that. I have seen comments that Nurmi was an authority figure or an officer of the court, that doesn't explain it for me, nope, it doesn't. That officer of the court is DEFENDING the woman that brutally killed my good friend. Nope, never gonna believe a word that guy says, wouldn't even talk to him unless I was ordered too. But I guess that's just me. As for the other emails.... CH said that he went on to say in those emails that saying abuse was being harsh. I can't believe that not once did Juan bring that up? I find that hard to believe too. JMO

All just my opinion, and I apologize if it offends anyone. But this is a forum, to discuss things, and unfortunately for the Hughes', their words were used in this trial an awful lot.
BBM- I think what people are forgetting is Nurmi lied to them and said they had proof in Travis' handwriting, which would alarm anyone, especially a parent. They found out later that the letters were fakes. They never testified to give their side of the story and the defense was allowed to only show portions of that email (through Alyce Laviolette, and out of context) that portrayed Travis in a bad light.
Juan threatened a witness with a perjury charge if he testified at trial -- in those words?! yikes

In the 48 hours interview JA stated that MM would never betray her and he was her ally. On cross examination JM asked her if she told anyone about the alleged abuse by Travis and she said MM. JM then asked if this was the same MM who would never betray her, who was her ally and who told investigators he would never lie for her. As for Jm threatening MM with perjury charges I believe that was rumor based on hope.
Mr. James,
I am Team Travis too. What we do here is express ideas and opinions. We are not trashing Mr. And Mrs. Hughes. I never even saw Chris Hughes on Dr. Drew last night. I just read some comments. I do not doubt their friendship to Travis. Hindsight is always 20/20. I don't know what all led up to the night that they were up in the wee hours talking about Jodi while she was supposed to be sleeping. We are talking about Jodi here, so let's all admit she is all kinds of crazy.

However, I would have felt somewhat strange to be told to go to bed and hear the other three adults in the home talking about me. On the flip side of that, I did hear that Chris said Jodi gave them a very evil, hateful look. At that point, and again we are looking back, I would have told Travis to please get this woman out of my home and away from my children immediately.

Also, when Chris Hughes appeared in court in front of the attorneys and judge (no jury), he stated Nurmi was a liar and a snake, I believe, for calling his wife and telling her that he had letters that Travis wrote to Jodi that proved he was a pedophile. I would call Nurmi a liar and a snake also because the letters were proven to be forged!

But what did Sky do with that information? Did she immediately call the prosecution to find out the real story? Did she just keep quiet until the truth was told? No. She emailed another friend and supposedly told that friend exactly what Nurmi told her and said if she had known that, she would have kept Travis away from her children and something about him being strange. That doesn't sound like a friend to me. JMO.

Now that said, we have not seen the details of the emails. I would like to, so that I know where they do stand. But I have to believe that if she didn't send such an email and if they did not call Travis a player or a womanizer, then Mr. Martinez would have already had them testify. Many of his friends did not testify. We may never know why.

No one is trashing your friends. They may be exactly as you say they are. But there are questions.

I know this was not addressed to me, but it got me to thinking about Sky's reaction to Nurmi's "revelation."

I wonder if Sky wasn't a friend by association originally? You know, Chris was his friend and then he married Sky, kind of thing? That would explain Chris' stronger loyalty to Travis.

It doesn't change the email and gossip. And it does not make her any less a friend to Travis later on.

Maybe Sky is emotional and reactionary in nature. Maybe she just needed someone to reach out to after the ever-over-sexualized Nurmi planted those ideas and images in her head.

I'm not judging or accusing Sky. Just a thought.
Trying to find info about tomorrow on twitter when your eyes are aching is not an easy thing to do. :banghead: Those tweets aren't sentences. :floorlaugh:
IDK if JM said that, someone had said that he said that, could be true or not. :facepalm:

Shanna Hogan has said this. She was in the hearing when it was said. She would not go as far as to say MM was the one who forged the pedo letters but Juan did say this to him.
The defense doesn't have to prove anything. It's the states job.
I just am having a hard time with it... Pay no attention to me... Carry on.

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I believe the burden of proof for self-defense belongs to the defendant if self defense is claimed.
Ok, this is what I found: (ewww, I even went to JAII to get some info)

On JAII on Jan 3 MM posted in the comments. there is a lot of back and forth between him and others and he states he would lie for Jodi. (I know, I don't know if this is the ACTUAL MM but it does sound like he knows Jodi in his comments).

ETA: I removed this link as I was told we can't link to it here, but if you want to look at it you can use the info above to find it. THANK YOU FOR THE HEADS UP TO REMOVE IT!)

On this site someone asks if MM will testify and the question and comments below note when JM asked Jodi about MM and whether or not he would back up her story, clearly inferring that he would lie for her. (forgot to put link but I'm not sure if that link is allowed and I don't want to risk a TO!)

this website talks about the issue of her trying to send him coded messages in the magazine four days before he was to be interviewed by the prosecutor (which also calls his integrity into question):
I feel you, I do. But the truth is this would have been a very different trial were the DP element gone. It's just a stretch for me to believe the whole system needs overhauling over one lying bimbo. Yes, she's insufferable, but let's not let her become something bigger than she actually is.

Yes, she's insufferable, not all-powerful. For the lives she has directly and irrevocably damaged, she's the worst thing that ever happened; but the sensationalism of this case has left reason and proper perspective in its wake. Now, she's THE face of evil, having nudged out, apparently, the serial rapists/spree killers and the world's most infamous, mass torturing and murdering dictators from their top positions. It's as though her badness is never quite bad enough on its own terms, but has to be contiually augmented, fictionalized, even, to satisfy a hunger for it. For all the people who are so spiritually gifted, with their sixth sense for the palpable chill of soullessness, haven't they heard the observation that evil tends to be banal? Why dress it up in a scary costume, when that's not how it presents itself? Seems to be a lot of projecting going on when there's this fear that her badness requires extraordinary, special measures to contain it, prevent it from oozing into every corner of society.
BBM- I think what people are forgetting is Nurmi lied to them and said they had proof in Travis' handwriting, which would alarm anyone, especially a parent. They found out later that the letters were fakes. They never testified to give their side of the story and the defense was allowed to only show portions of that email (through Alyce Laviolette, and out of context) that portrayed Travis in a bad light.

I never completely understood why they let that testimony in. It was like only hearing half of the story.

* I did this post wrong, initially.
Is court set for 930 arizona time? Thanks

Okay, according to Gauntlet, court is scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

Who is it that always asks when 9:30 court starts? That always makes me laugh.
Juan threatened a witness with a perjury charge if he testified at trial -- in those words?! yikes

I've never heard that JM threatened MM. I just read MM's post where he said he would lie for JA and assumed JM heard about it too. I later read another post by MM stating that he had asked JA to leave him out of it because he now has a family & a job to protect. MM stated in that post that JA honored his request.
But did Skye have to repeat this information in an email to yet another friend? Isn't that gossiping? Why was she so quick to believe something so evil about such a close friend? Just sayin...

Here's a little news flash...successful pedophiles are well respected, trusted and have friends with children. They don't wait in alleys with tattered trench coats handing out candy bars. They gain parents trust to gain access to children. They're someone's best friend, brother, father, maybe coach, maybe teacher, pastor or priest. They appear TRUSTWORTHY! They like jobs that give them access to children, sometimes they marry single women with children.

If anyone tells you ....that someone with access to your children is a pedophile. You better listen! I don't care who tells you, talk to your children, get them evaluated, and protect them AWAY from the ALLEDGED offender for a few weeks. Until you know for sure.

Many less children would fall victim.

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Yes! He was going to expose her, so she killed him.

But, somehow, she snaked her way in on Jun4 after he told her not to bother on the phone Jun3 early am hours. imo

IMO I do not think Travis knew she was coming. I am up in the air on the sex pics, they could have been taken at a different time and retaken that day. I think there is a shower pic of Travis that is one of him being startled and that's when he first saw her.
IMO she threatens suicide so often, she could have had the gun to her head and Travis attempted to get it away, that was him lunging at her. I have lots of scenarios from picking her story apart...little bits of truth
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