State rests rebuttal case - thread #167

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Sure, he's all good now but I bet the good doctor cops an attitude with JM.
Abbreviated lunch 1 hr 15 minutes. Why could she not have just said 1 hr.?

Giving the killer an extra 15 minutes to lick the peanut butter from in and around her upper and lower lips behind closed doors..?
I can't tell if this is slit-eyed evilness or if she is falling asleep. Probably both.

Hard to tell if she's staring down the jury or what because one can never be sure which eye is looking where.
I think she can look at the judge and jury at the same time.
:slap::slap: Linda...snap out of it!!! The only walk she is going to be doing is to the electric chair.....:rockon:

If by some crazy miracle Jodi walks... Lots of people better lock their doggy doors, built moats around their property and start raising gators!

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I personally like that the Judge is FINALLY making them take a shorter lunch. She's FINALLY making the defense stay within a time frame. They need to get this case to the jury. They are going to start loosing jurors.
Me either. She isn't done trashing Dr. DeMarte, then she will supposedly use him to trash Dr. Horn. That could go until at least 5. Then JM's cross? Then jury questions, then follow-up? Even if they go late, I just don't see this ending today.


Me either. IMO no way will the jury get the case on Friday, the jury instructions will be loooong

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Very good,thank you.:jail:
Why Jodi doesnt have PTSD:

While everyone experiences PTSD differently, there are three main types of symptoms:
1. Re-experiencing the traumatic event
2. Avoiding reminders of the trauma
3. Increased anxiety and emotional arousal
Symptoms of PTSD: Re-experiencing the traumatic event
• Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event (no)
• Flashbacks (acting or feeling like the event is happening again) (no)
• Nightmares (either of the event or of other frightening things) (Once a week)
• Feelings of intense distress when reminded of the trauma (no)
• Intense physical reactions to reminders of the event (e.g. pounding heart, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, sweating) (no)
Symptoms of PTSD: Avoidance and numbing
• Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma (NO)
• Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma (Only those that hurt her)
• Loss of interest in activities and life in general (No)
• Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb (No)
• Sense of a limited future (you don’t expect to live a normal life span, get married, have a career) (No)
Symptoms of PTSD: Increased anxiety and emotional arousal
• Difficulty falling or staying asleep (No)
• Irritability or outbursts of anger-----------Does have anger.
• Difficulty concentrating (No)
• Hypervigilance (on constant “red alert”) (No)
• Feeling jumpy and easily startled (No)


1. ALERT enough to realize Travis was vulnerable, naked, taking shower.
2. ALERT enough to grab knife.
3. ALERT enough to run all the way around to closet to get a gun.
4. ALERT enough to stab him 29-times and NOT get injured herself except for some cuts on hands.
5. ALERT enough to make a devastating deep cut of near decapitation.
6. ALERT enough to remember gun going off, and Travis chasing her, (An impossibility and OBVIOUS lie because she shot in the head and wound was post-mortem).
7. ALERT enough to say she, “did not feel fear” at the time, and then tried to back- peddle.
8. ALERT enough to “Risk going after a gun she thought was unloaded.”
9. ALERT enough to drag him back to the shower and wash off evidence.
10. ALERT enough to grab some towels and clean some things up.
11. ALERT enough to delete the Pic’s. (Takes 4-clicks per per pick to delete, and 5-actual steps for every pic deletion, and several pic’s were deleted).
12. ALERT enough to change sheets, and put camera and bedding in washer).
13. ALERT enough not to leave any blood downstairs to draw suspicion of his roommates.
14. ALERT enough to take gun and knife with her.
15. ALERT enough to get rid of gun, knife, and floor mats of rental care.
16. ALERT enough to keep plate turned upside down as she left Travis’s.
17. ALERT enough to NOT call the police to help Travis.
18. ALERT enough not to tell anyone in Utah what happened.
19. ALERT enough to give excuses/lies to Mr. Burns on why she would be late.
20. ALERT enough to lie and leaves messages on Travis’s phone to cover up. (Why would she call three-days if she remembered by Hoover Dam she did something bad to Travis).
21. ALERT enough that to realize that she had blood on her hands and something bad happened, but told them in Utah she cut her hands bartending.
22. ALERT enough to put gauze on those cuts.
23. ALERT enough to know that everything favored her and nothing was against her in terms of her memory and this trial.
From AZ Central :

12:01 Chris Williams@chriswnews

#JodiArias pros Juan Martinez has his legal pad in his lap loading it with ammunition for cross. Will he really get to use it today?

:please: I hope so !

IF the Judge let's ANY testimony run into tomorrow I may go totally cray cray!:banghead:
While I am in my fog, waiting for cross, I think I am going to hop on a plane to Aruba and rob a bank. I understand you can get away with murder there...why would they care about a person in a fog stealing a couple bucks.

Honestly, I think cross is going to happen sooner than we think. If they started trial at a normal time we'd be through JW and her gerbil wheel of repetition.
That was meant to be very demeaning towards Demarte. Wonder if he was told to say that. Not very professional from someone who has been named as a hired gun from a previous trial he testified in.

not to mention, LaViolette spent, hmm, HOW many hours with It? And how many hours did Dr. Samuels spend with It? Hmm. vs. Demarte's total hours?

The jury hasn't forgotten that context.
:slap::slap: Linda...snap out of it!!! The only walk she is going to be doing is to the electric chair.....:rockon:

I know!

I said miracle!
I don't even believe in miracles

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You and me both! I have such a strong negative reaction to her, and then to watch her and Jodi whisper disgustingly and incessantly write notes back and forth and hear her shrill, sharp, taunting voice she uses makes me crazy.

I seriously hate her and my poor hubby has had to listen to my rants on occasion! "LOOK AT HER SKIRT!! SHE HAS PANTY LINES!! DOESN'T SHE OWN ANY SPANX?! WHY IS HER SKIRT SO TIGHT?! LOOK AT HER PRANCING AROUND!! WHY IS HER VOICE PIERCING MY EARDRUM????":floorlaugh:

I guess Jenny has gained the trial 15 pounds like some of us!! LOL!!
If by some crazy miracle Jodi walks... Lots of people better lock their doggy doors, built moats around their property and start raising gators!

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Keep your garrotte handy.
If the subject reported her trauma as her being attacked by a tiger or a bear but the facts showed she'd actually killed a deer in the manner of a tiger or a bear, would the doctor admit the PTSD test results might not be valid? If the results aren't valid, then the test result is garbage. If the results are still valid, then so what??? She murdered Travis and gave herself PTSD. Tiger, bear, deer . . . it changes nothing any way you look at it.
Wow! Judge Stephens is really cracking the whip! *sarcasm. Lunch is only reduced by 15 minutes when the jury might have to be there tonight until midnight? Me thinks anyone should be able to shovel food down their gullet in 30 minutes and get their hips back in their seats.
I would love for the tiger/bear juror to submit another question which clarifies his first question. But that might scare me even more, what if it supports his first question, pro-defense? Anyway, I have missed a lot of what this guy has said b/c I'm too busy chatting on this forum!! You all are too distracting!
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