State rests rebuttal case - thread #167

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Square peg, round hole. That's what comes to mind when Jennifer starts trying to twist test results into what they want them to be.
They don't have anything else. :floorlaugh:
IMO, they lost this case after the Walmart and Tesoro witnesses testified.
Amen. The rebuttal case as a whole drove home to the jury that JA lied on the stand--you know, where it really, truly counts.
if we all post "make it stop" will JW end her direct with Dr G?


worth a try
I really think Wilmott is just confusing the jurors with this. I am confused, so I know they must be too. By now we've heard 3 versions of these tests, 4 if you count this mysterious Dr. Carp who we've never even seen before. There are 3 or 4 tests, MILAN, MCMI (1 or 2), TSI (1 or 2), PSD. So that's 16 different combos/versions of tests/analysis if I'm correct!

All Juan really needs to do on cross is stand up and ask, "So you, at no point, spoke to, interviewed, or assessed Jodi Arias, correct?" :drumroll: That question would pretty much sum up how POINTLESS this surrebuttal testimony has been.
Judge said they only have today for this failed attempt at rescuing their case right?

That is what she said. I still think it is wishful thinking. :twocents:

Let's not forget he is supposedly going to refute Dr. Horn as well.
Jodi shows symptoms of PTSD ... it happens when you murder someone and then go to the slammer.

Since she was never tested before she killed someone this whole diagnosis is Rick Springfield MOOT!!.

I totally agree.. I would say anyone new to jail would have similar results. No prior testing to show her standard.. So yes this is all bs imo
PTSD, seemed pretty bold, she was, when giving her infamous hoo haa picture pose.
She does have those traits long term. Dr. DeMarte spoke to Jodi, this guy has no clue. In fact, the defense did a bad job prepping him if he's trying to say she doesn't meet the criteria from way back in her past.
She did multiple things in her life that speak to BPD, but the jury isn't going to get to hear about them. Too prejudicial or some such smack. . . .
Oh boy, not a personality disorder, just anxiety.
LOL, he just threw Samuels under the bus. Samuels alluded to a personality disorder.
I think the folks seated with Travis' family are really bugging her today.:floorlaugh:

yep. I've missed the whole morning, but saw Deanna in the gallery early on and knew JA the obsessive would be especially nuts all day.
When it is time for the victim's family to make statements, I think Deanna should bring in Napoleon and give his statement as to how he now has PTSD being subjected to the trauma and abandonment caused by the murder of his "dad".
And we DID see a consistent history before the "abusive relationship", Dr. D just gave examples from her collateral information.
Wilmott just doesn't know when to quit while she's only a little bit behind does she?

I doubt if anyone is really listening to this witness, it's just not interesting .. we all bounced up during Dr DeMarte, that's because the truth has natural charisma :)

IDK about that. WAT tweets jury taking notes.

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Dr. G is talking about clinical diagnosis of PTSD. Some jurors are taking notes. #JodiArias
she's done this throughout the trial. she'll just toss off some comment, and it's totally inaccurate and she goes on. she's slimy. i actually dislike her MORE than nurmi, and that's saying a LOT.

You're not alone. I also dislike Jennifer more than Nurmi as well. Jennifer is sneaky and has done several things like try and sneak in evidence that the Judge hasn't allowed by previous court order.

Being sneaky is one characteristics that I absolutely HATE in people. In terms of deal breaker characteristics being sneaky is one of them. If your someone in my life and I find out you're sneaky its game over for me.
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