State rests rebuttal case - thread #168

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They should put whilly on a bungee cord fastened to her desk.
This objection stuff is just crazy something like the defendant.
I think she has a watch that tells her every 2 min max to object.
doesn't matter why just object.

Bwah! I wonder how she would score on malingering.
Anybody else find it disconcerting all the defense experts boast almost the same level of experience? (35 years, just in case anyone happened to miss the 1,798 times Dr. Samuels happened to mention it. ;))

I don't think it's boasting... more like coaching due to State's expert only few years of experience.. JMO
ITA. I think he's unaccustomed to having anyone understand his testimony and challenge his opinions. Juan Martinez is a very, very, very smart fellow.

ITA--Juan is always impeccably prepared & he knows exactly what he is asking. Unlike Willmott who doesn't ever seem to have a grasp on her subject matter.

Juan makes sure that he knows all the information and background and anything else he needs before he walks into the court room. He is not going to allow an "expert" to be lazy & try to get by with easy responses. He also is not going to allow the expert to lie or try to mislead him.
I'm sure at this point the judge is wishing her bench was surrounded by a moat. With alligators. And boiling oil.
(drawbridge for Juan of course).....
On an approach, instead of playing static in the courtroom and muting the sound on the live feed, they should just play the sound of crickets chirping.
This witness has proven himself incapable of sitting at the witness stand with a water glass ...

please remove the water glass and carafe from the witness stand.

Thank you!

…or at least bring him a "Sham-Wow"!:floorlaugh:
That's right murderess, take a good look at your friends in the jury box. Soon they'll be waving bah-bye.
I'm a spiller. Drinking my vodka out of a sippy cup right now.

I don't drink alcohol often, but when I do, it's usually a wine cooler, with ice. And now that you mention it, I usually DO drink it out of a sippy cup! It's a tall class with a lid that is sloped and has holes in it (which helps keep the ice cubes from bashing into my teeth, so I suppose that DOES translate to a sippy cup. I'll have to remember that the next time I have one :biggrin:
JW is not giving a reason for her objections anymore.
Now she says, "Objection, may we approach." everytime
you made that leap that she didn't know the TSI summary scales - you don't know

requirement you believe exists . .
i never said required . . . the word required is not used in any manuals - provided any materials she

summary scales . . . aren't they jsut 3 readings?
define what you mean by readings
exhibit #646

count with me - one two three . .
we call them scales
three areas with a summary - summary scales for a reason - summarize box to the left - 10 areas or sites that the test addresses . . .10 readings - 10 scales reported - validity scales

3 scales to the right . . . what they merely do is summarize the scales
leave out merely
they do summarize what is here
full scales
this is sort of a short cut scale
not a good termu

summary means whole thing
compilation of the test

to be honest you don't need summary scalse you had 35 years . . .
you dealt with TSI test
no it was produced 20 years ago

TSI 1 or 2 - 20 years - given this test many times . .. many times look @ all these scales here and know what they mean.

you need the summary to be able to tell you what these scales mean?

regard this trauma symptom inventory #646 - looks @ trauma symptoms . . not personality like MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory

is TSI studied a lot . .. probably nothing as much as the MMPI

looks @ trauma of the person reporting taking the test
symptoms . . anxious arousal, depression, defenseive avoidance, dissociation, sexual concerns, impaired self reference . . .dysfunctial sexual behavior . . in general . . .are they satisfied with number of partners any unpleasant behaviors . . . dysfunctional unprotected sex . .. person take test given number 0 -3

zero means nothing and 3 means for example question number 20 on the TSI
may we approach

I've been watching the trial as often as I can. When I'm not able to watch live, I look for your posts to keep me current. Thanks so much for the summaries you've provided!!
She couldn't even state her objection and the judge let her approach. Ridiculous!

We just have to accept the judge is going to err on the side of caution each time.

I know, she drives me crazy at times, too, but I don't need no stinkin' reversals. :seeya:
I think Juan cutting things off with a curt "thank you" is a tactic to get this done today. The judge is going to have to really move this along if closing arguments are going to lead off tomorrow morning.
Judge must be getting tired of these long sidebars. She should put a stop to it pronto.
This is so far beyond classic. Sadly, I feel we are in the weeds a bit.....
Dis the witness as a shrink....and then really dis the witness as an 'ME'....its
time to close!!!!!

I could listen to Juan cross for hours on end. This trial will be shown to law classes all over the US. This is how you cross examine. Priceless and such a gift Juan has.

I like it when he jumps in the weeds. He is going to get his points across no matter who likes it or not. That is why he is so successful. He is the master of his own ship and he is himself in every trial.

I had to endure Willmott for hours to get to this time. Juan never disappoints. I sit on the edge of my seat with my heart pounding in my chest because he is so real and so passionate. I have never seen a Prosecutor fight so hard for the victim.

I am in awe of Juan and I think he is the best I've ever seen and in over 20 years that is a lot of Prosecutor watching.
I think JA is staring at the jury just to make eye contact with one or 2 of them- trying to just make some sort of human connection since she knows this witness has been a waste of time.
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