State rests rebuttal case - thread #168

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"No apparent injury to the brain" -- all that means is that Horn couldn't see the damage because of decomposition.

"Dura mater membrane was intact" -- could mean that the dura mater was not decomposed

ETA: Willmott should have addressed these issues on cross exam of Horn
Well considering his expertise of course he only saw patients that somehow survived .. it's not like he works in the ER where he would see some who survived and many who did NOT.

If I had a gunshot to the head, I'd probably want Dr. Horn to take a look before I'd ask Dr. Geffern.
I'm pretty sure this is absolute incorrect medical testimony. Everyone knows you can have brain damage from simply being struck on the head.
I don't remember Dr Horn saying the membranes weren't pierced .. anybody?
I'm disgusted that this has been allowed! I want Juan to ask how many autopsies this guy has done with his phd...
I am not going to ever think this guy knows more than the ME who sees this all the time.
She only said it could go past 5...I believe we will be here until its finished. 5....8....midnight.
Call me "pollyanna" but it will be done today.....

...can't imagine a finer group of folks to pull an all nighter with...:floorlaugh:
Dr. Horn's report said that the dura mater was INTACT? I so missed this?????
Is this man a neurologist or medical examiner? Why does he get to critique the report?
Jodi looks up here and there from her coloring while Dr Whatshisface talks about bullets going thru brains - she could careless that she put a bullet thru Travis' brain :(
The judge has to give Juan an opportunity to fully cross examine this witness, whether it's today or tomorrow or whenever.

Thank you minor. So glad you are here with us. :seeya:
I have no idea what this witness is attempting to get across to the jury. JW is wasting time, with no or little point, as usual.

Just holding up the inevitable. "Guilty of 1st Degree Murder"

I disagree. She is making a big point. I really don't like this testimony, esp this late in the game.
I can not believe the judge would allow the defense to go down this path with this witness at this stage in the trial. Can't wait for Katiecoolady to tell us her thoughts and opinions. Sitting there in the courtroom being made to watch and listen to this has to be maddening.
I decided to clean the cat litter boxes and do a few loads of laundry in lieu of listening to any more of the Jenny and Doctor G show. I'm back now and see that Jenny is still nattering on and on and on. Did I miss anything earth shattering besides the doctor's belch? Specific question: is she sticking to the scope of the rebuttal case or are they dragging the kitchen sink and re-trying the entire case again? TIA!
Juan filed a motion requesting to call a neuro doc to refute this. Not sure that the Judge will allow it. Although she has certainly allowed a WIDE WIDE VERY WIDE latitude for the defense. She should also give the State the same opportunity.

We will see if the Judge allows Juan to call a new witness.

According to media yes juans witness will be heard today. I forget her name though--very impressive CV and very attractive as well.
Remember that old song 'a hundred bottles of beer on the wall, a hundred bottles of beer"

I am humming "one hundred hours till verdict time, one hundred hours till verdict time" just to drown out Wilma and keep my spirits up. Will adjust the number as needed.
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