State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

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I just don't get it. What's to agree with? That she didn't plan to go to Mesa, armed to the teeth? That she didn't shut off her phone, fill cans with gas, flip her license plate upside down, call a dead Travis' voicemail, send a dead Travis an email, send his grandma flowers, or write an 18 page letter about ninjas killing Travis to his family?
What am I missing? What is there to hold out for, or onto at this point?:banghead:

Do you remember, way way way long ago, a juror question asking about the possible involvement of TA's roommates in the murder? Yep, there's no objective reason to vote other than 1st degree, but maybe the juror that asked that way out question is still....way out.

It just is never possible to know how a jury is going to go.
I love her. She's solid and there's something quite truthy about her.
:seeya: 2 more : "dyed hair" ...

:waitasec: adding another : "NO receipts in Arizona" ...

:waitasec: adding another : "deleted camera photos" ...

What else ? Please add ...

I have to get back to studying -- but checking in with you peeps for updates !


Upside down license plate. :seeya:
Dr Horn's typo doesn't give Jodi a free pass to murder. At the end of the day you have to look at the big picture. She murdered Travis. No question about it. Not self defense. It was murder. No personality disorder excuses murder and allows the perp to walk free. The only legal 'out' is if the defendant is determined to be legally insane and that is not a factor in THIS case.
I hope all of you are going to be online and posting away during verdict watch. I can't handle this alone. I'll end up in tears all day.
What a lovely woman--she "respectfully disagrees" with previous witness testimony. Not wanting to trash another professional
OH OH. Is this witness helping or hurting? It sounds off, imo.
I am sure that the THs on HLN will have a field day with Dr Horn's typo........
Maybe I'm just tired and frustrated, but couldn't JM find an older (read more experienced) psychologist? JW will prolly try to discredit her due to this alone--as she tried with Dr. D.
Ye, but 1 typo, could cause a whole different outcome, no?

...........AND ALV wanted to have Snow White and the 7 dwarfs to testify!! Also JA said about God.....and JM said they could not get God to Testify either.

Soooooooooo ONE type-o, chitt happens

Well, if I were a juror, and I am a layperson, I would just think, okay. He was busy examining the brain that was like pudding along with the bullet and the entrance wound. Obviously, there was a penetration of the dura matter. To me, this does not negate the fact that TA's brain was traumatized and the victim was incapacitated, especially after hearing the ME's testimony of the substantial damage to the brain.


The ME made a typo because imagine having to find and count all the stab wounds. He would've spent quite a lot of time doing measurement and documentation on Travis' body.
I love Ms. Hayes accent. Is she Texan?

I think she said Louisiana? She went to LSU, but not for sure that's where she was raised? I don't hear it, since I lived in Texas for 8 years and even started using "y'all" in my daily speech. The first time I said it and didn't "think" about adding it, I screamed and the lady I said it to at the bank laughed her butt off at me! LOL!! For a Cali girl, I was excited! :floorlaugh:
I think it was snarky. Everyone needs to calm down. The typo is fine. Not nearly as bad as buying books for murderers or being biased or falsifying test results. If a typo is their AHA moment then excuse me while I YAWN. Calm down and have a little faith in justice.

Yes, and compared to the errors the DT experts made (ALL of them had HUGE snafus), it's really not that big of a deal.
floating profile in the MMPI . . of the 10 clinical scales 8 or almost 8 are in the elevated range above Tscore of 65-70.

regard to that particular profile . .. who coined it came up with it?
a person named Strong in 1958 (strum) . . . person had this type of elevated profile across the board . . also applied to folks with borderline personality disorder

MMPI . . . have you seen this before
I believe so
floating profile . .what is floating?

can you show us these scales circled . . floating about it is they are all elevated . . floating profile borderline personality is that outdated concept - gone by wayside . . not discussed frequently antiquated term but still being used.

if individual said no longer valid applies to borderline personality disorder - with all due respect I would disagree. . . Dr. G works with kids with spinal injuries . . he didn't say floating profile wasn't valid . . but changed name . . call it disability profile because it was the disablity population - still showed borderline personlaity disorder

are you familiare with TSi = yes I am
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