State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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Good morning all! No G-baby yet.....Please, please, please little one...hold off til I hear Juan's closing.....please....

How exciting for you!!! I hope you have lots of fun being a G-mom! We learned on Saturday our oldest G-daughter is with child. Sooo I'm gonna be a Great
G-mom, YAY!!! My daughter and I have already started making a quilt :)
My husband has not followed this trial at all and watched a bit last night with me.

He said "what the hell does her "PTSD" have to do with this? She obviously over killed him and needs the DP'

I've got work today and can hopefully watch some live stream, it went wayyy too late last night on tv with all the pauses.

Go Juan!!

Smart husband!! My Canadiens are playing their first game of the playoffs tonight :rockon: I love me some hockey too!!
I just wish that along with the DP they would cut her hair gives her too much pleasure. I hate how she strokes it in court. Erghhhhhhh.

Is she not allowed to wash it in there? Looks like they limit that like they supposedly limit her food. Or perhaps she's trying to get some pity for her "deplorable conditions": "Look! I can't even wash my hair in here!"
I thought the defense spent way too long for way too little gain from that so called expert. Never met Jodi. Never conducted an autopsy. No thanks.
You are all wonderful, with all your varying opinions, insights and love for each other, even the snarky comments, all of it.....I know you all want justice. I have enjoyed reading here. I have learned so much from all of you. So thanks with all my heart. I hope our disagreements weren't too strong sometimes. The jurors have a lot to consider and IMO, it all favors justice for Travis. I do believe she will be convicted of premeditated murder. No remorse whatsoever. That is the saddest thing to know this person slaughtered a good man and yet she isn't even sorry. She can't even fake a tear. This whole trial breaks my heart. I will be praying for the family and friends of Travis. I wish he was here, happy and living his life.
kaRN....send my Frankie Boullion back please.

I hope it goes like this when they arrive in the Deliberation Room:

"Let's do a quick vote to see where we are. All those in favor of guilty, raise your -- holy crap, look at every hand raised. Let's roll people."

:please::please::please: I hope so ... then it would take what -- 15-20 minutes to fill out the Verdict form !

:seeya: Good Morning Y'All !
How exciting for you!!! I hope you have lots of fun being a G-mom! We learned on Saturday our oldest G-daughter is with child. Sooo I'm gonna be a Great
G-mom, YAY!!! My daughter and I have already started making a quilt :)
Congrats to you too!! I just finished my very first "blue Jean Rag quilt" for my grandbaby.....cannot wait...but really really want to see Juan's closing.....LOL
(made the quilt out of mine and hubby's jeans)
Sorry I'm new to court proceedings and I am trying plan my errands, who goes first today? Jaun or JW?
I had to turn in at 11 PM EST last night. Can anyone tell me if they got finished with last witness and if there were any juror questions and what your thoughts were? Thank you so much! I am looking forward to today. It is closings right?

Yes, they finished with Dr. Hayes, there were no jurors questions for her.

Per Judge Stephens, she will read the jury instructions first, then closing arguments.

Closing will be in this order over today and tomorrow:
Willmott and/or Nurmi
Juan will have the last word, since he has the burden of proof

What time did court finish last night (Arizona Time)?

I took this screenshot at 8:31:02 AZ time

Taken at 8:31:04 AZ time

Another thought. Wonder how long Juan's closing will be held up today while Nurmi requests yet another mistrial in closed chambers and/or sidebars?
I thought the defense spent way too long for way too little gain from that so called expert. Never met Jodi. Never conducted an autopsy. No thanks.

Honestly, I would have tuned him out after he stated he never even read a police report or interviewed Jodi.

His sole job was to critique reports in a vacuum.

It was established, he was lied to and mislead by the defense team!

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Someone mentioned jodi stroking her hair all day. Thats what teens do. Shes imature and unstable.
Congrats to you too!! I just finished my very first "blue Jean Rag quilt" for my grandbaby.....cannot wait...but really really want to see Juan's closing.....LOL
(made the quilt out of mine and hubby's jeans)

I'd love to see pictures of it! It sounds really cool!

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Yes, they finished with Dr. Hayes, there were no jurors questions for her.

Per Judge Stephens, she will read the jury instructions first, then closing arguments.

Closing will be in this order over today and tomorrow:
Willmott and/or Nurmi
Juan will have the last word, since he has the burden of proof

I took this screenshot at 8:31:02 AZ time

Taken at 8:31:04 AZ time

Thanks Tiger Balm! Your posts have been awesome throughout the whole trial. So glad you have been here. :). :seeya:
Morning everyone! not long now before JM delivers his closing -- I can't wait :)

And may I add, I think yesterday was a waste, a huge waste, for the defense!



BBM: Is that you, KC ? :floorlaugh: I couldn't resist ... I need to laugh !

I agree -- it was a HUGE WASTE -- but IMO, it was done by the defense to try to confuse the jury even more!

I thought the defense spent way too long for way too little gain from that so called expert. Never met Jodi. Never conducted an autopsy. No thanks.

D@mn, TexMex those huevos look good. Morning everyone. Feeling good today, Juan's Closing Argument on my bday! :seeya:
I'd love to see pictures of it! It sounds really cool!

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Just jumping off these posts. :). My first great grand baby is due next week!!!
A little boy. I am so excited. I believe we will have justice for Travis by then also.

Dr G was in no way qualified to give the testimony he did. People lose their licenses for roaming so far from their scope of practice and hopefully he'll be held accountable for his words on the stand. He has never been at the scene of a shooting. He isn't a first responder and has never stabilized a patient for transport. He has never and will never be employed in his local ER receiving patients who've just received gun shot wounds to the head. There are no stand-by psychologists in the ER triaging patients and they don't form part of the medical team that decides on the best course of action to save that patients life. At best the Dr.G's of the world enter the scenario months later when the surgeries etc. have been done and physical healing complete, to talk to the patients about their experience. That's assuming the patient wants to discuss their feelings with him.
A wise man would have understood his own limitations and said NO to the DT asking him to critique the autopsy report. Fools jump in and IMO that's exactly what he did.
I believe the jurors are as frustrated as we all are and that question to Dr Horn reflected that. It was sarcasm directed at JW, not at the ME. The jurors understand what a coroner does as opposed to a psychologist or a defense attorney. IMO that was an angry question that screamed 'How stupid do you think we are???' by a juror who knows darn well Dr G was talking out of his butt and that JW really doesn't know what she's talking about at all.
Does Dr H read research studies about the long term survival of persons with head injuries caused by projectiles?? Does JW read these articles?
It's like asking an Obstetrician if they read research papers on prostate cancer as part of their medical practice. They may read them for fun but not to stay current on the latest in their field of specialty.

Knowing what you don't know is a sign of wisdom not a sign of weakness. Dr G can't prescribe so much as a tylenol or stool softener and yet he assumes to understand the least understood organ in the body and offer up his expertise under oath. :floorlaugh:

i'm so happy this is the first post i read this morning, because you are so RIGHT!!! i'm still stunned this judge allowed a psychologist to offer testimony to rebut the MEDICAL EXAMINER, who is a physician and a pathologist. just because this clown has studied the brain doesn't make him qualified to talk about GSW's to the head!! good LORD!

and even worse to me than the judge allowing him to do so is this guy getting up there and actually CLAIMING he knows anything about gunshot wounds. i just can't imagine an ethical, professional psychologist doing such a thing because in NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM was he qualified to do that!!!

this guy may come across well to some people on the stand. but the second he went into that----willingly-----and acting like he had expertise in the subject----i KNEW he was nothing more than another charlatan they found under a rock. probably the same rock alyce lives under.

it's pretty clear the DT couldn't find another ME or ANY physician to testify in rebuttal to dr. horn or we would have heard from them. this was lame, desperate, and this guy should be ashamed of himself and derided for this in FUTURE testimony for the remainder of his career.
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