State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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Mikee Daniels has a new video up! He is a like a sedative for me. His common-sense and logical thinking calms me down, helps clear my mind and refreshes me. There is one question I'd like to ask him but I'm afraid he'll just call it a 'stupid question'. It involves his accent. LOL.

D@mn, TexMex those huevos look good. Morning everyone. Feeling good today, Juan's Closing Argument on my bday! :seeya:

What a way to celebrate! Happy birthday! :rockon:

Thank you so much Sleuth. He was a Toy Fox Terrier and we did have lots of fun and 13 years of memories.

Our Normie was a chow-shepherd mix who lived to be 17. Boycie boy here was the only cure for that grief. It still makes me tear up just to think about it, and I just wanted you to know that I understand.
Just jumping off these posts. :). My first great grand baby is due next week!!!
A little boy. I am so excited. I believe we will have justice for Travis by then also.

Congratulations!... And I hope so too. His family has waited too long

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Someone mentioned jodi stroking her hair all day. Thats what teens do. Shes imature and unstable.

I noticed that. Between furious erasing, hair sweeps and swirling her chair to eye the audience at her 'party' she makes a good case. That's why I think the jury will hold on to Dr D's assessment of BPD. People, jurors included aren't blind. They can see that something is very wrong even if they can't label it. Dr D explained in words that rang true, what they were seeing. None of the others described JA in the least.
More evidence of her inability to form normal attachments. Her first response to anything that makes her uncomfortable is sex.

Juan said something like, "You stated your relationship with Mr. Alexander was stressful" to which she immediately responded, "The sex wasn't stressful."

Juan: "So you enjoyed sex with Mr. Alexander."

Stone Cold Killer: "At times I did."

Everything out of her mouth is sexual or contradictory and in this case, both. Urgh.

EDITED to add that I should be horrified that I remember almost all of the dialogue ... but I'm not. lol

I was shocked when she said 'some of the sex wasn't' and she said it with a smirk! This woman cannot act normal/decent even if her life depended on it and it does!
Congrats to you too!! I just finished my very first "blue Jean Rag quilt" for my grandbaby.....cannot wait...but really really want to see Juan's closing.....LOL
(made the quilt out of mine and hubby's jeans)

you get the old t-shirts that your children and you no longer wear[ vintage] and make a soft memento quilt that has some nice memories on it.. love to the Grand-kids gals .And bless you all..
and like you, this case has been very long, and justice will be here soon..
Our Normie was a chow-shepherd mix who lived to be 17. Boycie boy here was the only cure for that grief. It still makes me tear up just to think about it, and I just wanted you to know that I understand.

we went to a shelter, they had a Corgi, but some nice elderly woman wanted the dog first i missed out. But someday..I am getting a Corgi...:seeya:
Up and at 'em this morning! Wow! What a LATE NIGHT LAST NIGHT HUH??? Making me a good Hoosier Breakfast this morning to garner my strength for the Closing Arguments, even though I am only going to listen to Mr. Martinez's Closing. The Defense Closing is all based on lies so it really doesn't matter.

I hope JA is feeling the WRATH of Justice impending upon her! This is what we the supporters of this beautiful Alexander Family have been hoping for for years. Although I have never had the honor of meeting Travis, I feel like he is my son, or my younger brother that I never had and I feel like I could have protected him if I would have known him. If ONLY Travis would have had a Mother figure in his life at that time to warn him and to guide him in the matter of dating and woman. I feel like the Alexander Family our our neighbors and friends that need all of our hope, love and positive energy sent their way in the coming days. I have poured my heart & soul out over this case and I can't imagine what this poor family has had to deal with for the last 5-6 years. It literally breaks my heart into pieces. So, friends, lets think NOTHING but POSITIVE THOUGHTS and lift this family into the light of truth, courage and hope. Thank you all for listening to my rants! JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS ~ JUSTICE FOR THE ALEXANDER FAMILY!!!
I am extremely concerned about that typo in DH's report. It's kind of a huge deal, especially since he admitted to reviewing the notes. Unfortunately, I think JW made some big points there. My chest is so tight I can barely breath today and my hands are shaking--I'm that anxious. It's the end of the trial and this came out in sur sur rebuttal and I feel like it looks bad, really bad.

It was a mistake. No denying that. However if that typo plays any part in a lesser charge/hung jury verdict then this jury didn't believe the state's case in the first place. We'll see how much importance JM gives that typo. He might bring it up in closing today.

The worst thing that could happen if the jurors took that type into account is that they decide to use their own common sense/autopsy photos to figure out what happened. Not a bad idea!

Anyway you look at it it's first degree murder. JM will hammer down this point today.

Don't worry, trust Juan! ;)
you get the old t-shirts that your children and you no longer wear[ vintage] and make a soft memento quilt that has some nice memories on it.. love to the Grand-kids gals .And bless you all..
and like you, this case has been very long, and justice will be here soon..

I made*first dress * quilts for my girls. You know,first Easter dress, first Christmas dress,etc* My poor boy got nothing,lol. Well he did just not a first dress quilt.
AAARGH! My DH has some nerve! :maddening: The PITA wants me to pick him up from the airport this afternoon. Sheesh, he has two legs, why can't he just walk home? :giggle:
I am extremely concerned about that typo in DH's report. It's kind of a huge deal, especially since he admitted to reviewing the notes. Unfortunately, I think JW made some big points there. My chest is so tight I can barely breath today and my hands are shaking--I'm that anxious. It's the end of the trial and this came out in sur sur rebuttal and I feel like it looks bad, really bad.

Ireally dont think its anything to worry about. His reason was plausible.
I am extremely concerned about that typo in DH's report. It's kind of a huge deal, especially since he admitted to reviewing the notes. Unfortunately, I think JW made some big points there. My chest is so tight I can barely breath today and my hands are shaking--I'm that anxious. It's the end of the trial and this came out in sur sur rebuttal and I feel like it looks bad, really bad.

i'm not that worried about it. we know it's an error because you can't get shot in the head like TA did without the bullet traversing the brain, and to do that, it has to penetrate the dura mater. he just missed that when he dictated it. it happens.

just remember this one thing. there was virtually NO blood in his cranial cavity. if he'd been conscious and running around threatening her after being shot in the head, there would have been a LOT of blood because he was alive with a pumping heart. but that's not what happened. he was shot AFTER he lost pretty much his entire blood volume, primarily from his throat being cut. no blood left in his skull---which is very near the neck. he'd bled out by the time he was shot.

so the typo doesn't matter. it doesn't change that FACT.
AAARGH! My DH has some nerve! :maddening: The PITA wants me to pick him up from the airport this afternoon. Sheesh, he has two legs, why can't he just walk home? :giggle:

I know! The nerve! My daughter thinks I should pick her up from cheer practice too! Come on people. We only live 22 miles from the school! It will do you good. She so did not buy any of my arguments.
Going back to bed for awhile....cannot stop yawning and want to be "ready" for JMs closing. Be back, save my seat :seeya:
D@mn, TexMex those huevos look good. Morning everyone. Feeling good today, Juan's Closing Argument on my bday! :seeya:

Happy Birthday!! Juan will help make it a great one!! Hope your day is awesome!!
i'm not that worried about it. we know it's an error because you can't get shot in the head like TA did without the bullet traversing the brain, and to do that, it has to penetrate the dura mater. he just missed that when he dictated it. it happens.

just remember this one thing. there was virtually NO blood in his cranial cavity. if he'd been conscious and running around threatening her after being shot in the head, there would have been a LOT of blood because he was alive with a pumping heart. but that's not what happened. he was shot AFTER he lost pretty much his entire blood volume, primarily from his throat being cut. no blood left in his skull---which is very near the neck. he'd bled out by the time he was shot.

so the typo doesn't matter. it doesn't change that FACT.

And to me, that fact ,without question, takes any doubt out of my mind. Not that I had any, but it really clinches how cold blooded this act was.
So I stayed up and watched the whole thing.


Defense should just let the personality stuff in and stop trying to label it PTSD which I am pretty sure no one believes. But the personality stuff could have worked in their favor as a DEFECT. And maybe found grace with a juror or two.

Juan was masterful last night. He just knows exactly what to zero in on. I love that he does not let up on his own witnesses if they don't answer correctly. He is fair across the board.

Dr Geffner came off to me as an honest guy who is just a social nerd. He was more entertaining than informative.
I think of all the defense witnesses he came off the best.. On the defense scale that gives him a C-D.

I think that defense was smart to put Jodi on first and not last. If the jury was left with that performance that I rewatched, she gets murder 1, with DP, NO DOUBT. I think they tried to give it time to buffer and give the jury time to forget.

I think that last night, Juan redeemed the M.E. Yes he made a mistake, Yes he did not catch it but there is no way the barrier was not crossed because the bone was shattered And the best part, Most likely because he was already dead. It was the last shot not the first attack.

I am dreading.. dreading Nurmi's closing. I also expect objections because I think that Nurmi is going to cross the line many times trying to get things into the closing to plant seeds that were not addressed in trial.

I can not wait to see the wrap up. I hope this jury takes a good long time to look through everything but I expect that they have a verdict no later than monday.
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