State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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A big OT.

What is huevos rancheros? I see pancakes and bacon but what is that other thing? I think I need to move to Texas.

Basically you fry some eggs in salsa...I cook some bacon and warm some corn tortillas, some refried beans, hash browns etc...whatever you want with it.

Fresh fish later, caught enough for supper wade fishing yesterday

D@mn, TexMex those huevos look good. Morning everyone. Feeling good today, Juan's Closing Argument on my bday! :seeya:

For you:

We share a birthday! Looking forward to Juan's closing, not so anxious to hear DT's.
I am extremely concerned about that typo in DH's report. It's kind of a huge deal, especially since he admitted to reviewing the notes. Unfortunately, I think JW made some big points there. My chest is so tight I can barely breath today and my hands are shaking--I'm that anxious. It's the end of the trial and this came out in sur sur rebuttal and I feel like it looks bad, really bad.

Yeah there's totally going to be an acquittal based on that typo. Forget premeditation and lying, that typo is going to be the defining moment.

Oh wait no. The typo is not the huge mistake some of you are making it. In the grand scheme of things a typo won't matter compared to gas cans, a gun shot, stab wounds, slitting of the throat, etc etc etc.
Its a choice between sex, sex, sex or screeching and babbling. Think I can sit through Nurmi better than JW.
One day closer to Justice for Travis. Go get 'em Juan Martinez.
I am extremely concerned about that typo in DH's report. It's kind of a huge deal, especially since he admitted to reviewing the notes. Unfortunately, I think JW made some big points there. My chest is so tight I can barely breath today and my hands are shaking--I'm that anxious. It's the end of the trial and this came out in sur sur rebuttal and I feel like it looks bad, really bad.

I'm not concerned just think it could be as simple as instead of was intact he meant to put wasn't small oversight. I do worry that we could end up with another CA verdict.
Ireally dont think its anything to worry about. His reason was plausible.

It was, but the DT is going to hammer away at it. I just don't like them FINALLY having something against a state's witness. And DH is about as important as they come. Also with the issue if he told DF the shot was first, might snowball.
And to me, that fact ,without question, takes any doubt out of my mind. Not that I had any, but it really clinches how cold blooded this act was.

i started out in the 'shot first' camp and was there for awhile. but you just can't get around this fact. even with a decomposed brain, there should have been a lot of hemorrhage and there wasn't. that's the end of the story for me.
I am extremely concerned about that typo in DH's report. It's kind of a huge deal, especially since he admitted to reviewing the notes. Unfortunately, I think JW made some big points there. My chest is so tight I can barely breath today and my hands are shaking--I'm that anxious. It's the end of the trial and this came out in sur sur rebuttal and I feel like it looks bad, really bad.

Dr's are people too and they make mistakes. Unlike the lesser Dr's who took the stand, he admitted to his.
Documented perforation of the Dura or not, TA was murdered by JW's client and in cold blood.
I have to admit I've read his report several times and never caught that error. I assumed he was referring to the overall condition of the dura and not the small area perforated by a bullet he documented in detail. I doubt any of his colleagues would have caught that typo either or if they did would have understood he was referring to the absence of disease etc. and not the entry point of a single bullet.
A typo didn't kill Travis, Jodi did and unless the jury is looking for a reason to let a murdering psychopath walk free, they won't give that detail more than a fleeting thought. They're probably just happy they don't have to wake up and deal with and see what Dr H has to see and deal with every single day of his working life. :twocents:
Why did JW keep pushing this? Didn't Dr. Samuels say on the stand that he should have re-administered the test? She's now had the original expert say he needed to redo the test and two more experts backing him up like the Surpremes.

This is one thing that wigs me out about Wilmot. I've notied MANY times with various defense witnesses that she asks a question that the witness answers in such a way to contradict a previous defense witness... particularly ones that contradict the defendant's testimony. I finally figured out that she doesn't even realize all the contradictory answers given by defense witnesses that destroy the credibility of a previous defense witness.

For example, I just could not believe that she had ALV testify about her opinion concerning the email that Lisa wrote to Travis that Lisa herself had already testified to on the stand that did nothing but show that ALV had no idea what she was talking about trying to interpret that email which just went to show that she was not only totally wrong in her opinion of that email but that this also went to her credibility concerning her opinion regarding every single other email, text, IM, etc. Even a boarderline competent attorney would never have asked ALV's opinion about that email since her answer was going to totally contradict the testimony of the person who actually wrote it. And with alllllllllllllllllll the other messages that ALV had to slog through and give her opinion on there's no reason on earth that Wilmot couldn't have skipped that one, and she should have KNOWN she should have since she KNEW what the writer of the email already testified to about it and KNEW ALV was going to totally misinterpret it.

Wilmot did this constantly, and I can only see that she was so intent on asking every single question imaginable to waste time and/or to be extra-special thorough that she never noticed how often she did this. I lost count of all the times she asked questions of one defense witness whose answer sabotaged the testimony of a previous defense witness and that Wilmot KNEW was going to do just that. I've never once seen any attorney so bad as to do something this senseless and painful to their own case. It's an enormous blunder to just do it once, but she did it constantly.
For you:

We share a birthday! Looking forward to Juan's closing, not so anxious to hear DT's.

Happy bday back at ya. Hopefully I'll be having some wine well before DT gets their shot. :cupcake:
I understand you guys concerns and I'm probably sounding like a broken record right now but nothing the DT said can take away the evidence (gun stolen a week before, car, gas cans, phone off in AZ) that points to premeditation. For the life of me, I can't see how anyone on that jury can think this wasn't premeditated. Her version of events doesn't make sense. A man wants to hurt you, bodyslams you but somehow lets you run past him to go grab a gun (and you don't disturb anything) and then this man (who seemed like he had a lot to live for) willingly jumps into a gun? And then somehow you find the knife and stab him more than twenty times all in 62 seconds. No way, Jodi.

If this woman is not found guilty, I will be in SHOCK!
(And I'll probably vomit. Came close to it when CA got acquitted)
AAARGH! My DH has some nerve! :maddening: The PITA wants me to pick him up from the airport this afternoon. Sheesh, he has two legs, why can't he just walk home? :giggle:

taxi! (j/k... well sort of) :giggle:
Yeah there's totally going to be an acquittal based on that typo. Forget premeditation and lying, that typo is going to be the defining moment.

Oh wait no. The typo is not the huge mistake some of you are making it. In the grand scheme of things a typo won't matter compared to gas cans, a gun shot, stab wounds, slitting of the throat, etc etc etc.

there's another way to look at it too. let's say she DID shoot him in the head and he was coming at her. she goes and gets a SECOND weapon. at that point, it's TA who's defending HIS life, not the reverse. she came out of this with a cut finger, for god's sake!

i knew too much would be made of the typo.
Dr's are people too and they make mistakes. Unlike the lesser Dr's who took the stand, he admitted to his.
Documented perforation of the Dura or not, TA was murdered by JW's client and in cold blood.
I have to admit I've read his report several times and never caught that error. I assumed he was referring to the overall condition of the dura and not the small area perforated by a bullet he documented in detail. I doubt any of his colleagues would have caught that typo either or if they did would have understood he was referring to the absence of disease etc. and not the entry point of a single bullet.
A typo didn't kill Travis, Jodi did and unless the jury is looking for a reason to let a murdering psychopath walk free, they won't give that detail more than a fleeting thought. They're probably just happy they don't have to wake up and deal with and see what Dr H has to see and deal with every single day of his working life. :twocents:

I actually did notice it which is why I was worried about the Flores issue. I mean, it's only ammunition for the defense but if that pro defense juror has an arena to argue that Jodi can be believed because the ME even wrote dura mater was intact, I'm concerned it'll be a hung jury.
I am extremely concerned about that typo in DH's report. It's kind of a huge deal, especially since he admitted to reviewing the notes. Unfortunately, I think JW made some big points there. My chest is so tight I can barely breath today and my hands are shaking--I'm that anxious. It's the end of the trial and this came out in sur sur rebuttal and I feel like it looks bad, really bad.

Go back and see how many mis-statements, corrections, edits, typos, etc. presented by the DT's star witnesses...that should get rid of your concern.

People tend to focus on what they are hearing in the here and now. Out of sight, out of mind mentality...human nature.
Ok, huh?

Juror question: "Would you agree that 100% of the people you have seen with frontal lobe trauma are deceased at the time of your examination?"

What is this juror's point??? He is a medical examiner.

I think that juror meant to ask something else and just worded it really badly and embarrassingly.
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