State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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Good morning folks! I am going to try with all of my might to avoid the live stream today...I honestly don't think I can handle the prosecution's closing because I'm anxious or the DT's because I don't have the patience. I feel utterly ridiculous for my I know how my husband feels when I tease him about the antacids that he needs before his team's playoff games. I may not watch again until the verdict comes down.....but I will be following you all's very thoughtful posts!

If I were a juror, this would be my argument to others who couldn't get over the gunshot last theory:

It doesn't matter if the GSW was first or second. What exactly are you hung up on? The fact that she shot, stabbed and slashed his throat, or that she stabbed, slashed, and then shot him?

To me, the fact that she's saying he was lucid/concious during the second phase of her attack makes it look even worse, he suffered immensely.

If someone believes the gunshot first theory, it does not mean that Arias is automatically telling the truth, it just means that the order of the murder was not clear.

To me, the fact that she murdered him is NOT the question. What she used is NOT the question, the fact that she may or may not have BPD or PTSD is NOT the question, the fact that she has anxiety or derpression is NOT the question.

Gas Cans
Cell Phone Turned off
Rental Car
Pre-meditated alibi (that actually backfired)
Telling DB she was going to Mesa
Granpa's gun

Given the above premeditation outlined above, all of this other stuff is just about being "right" and not really about what matters.

I think DT wants to "smoke and mirror" everything to try and get some humanity for their defendant, and Martinez can't (and shouldn't) let it go. It was time (a long time ago) to reign in the DT, but in a Murder1, JSS is being cautious.

The cost for this defense is outrageous, and it seems like they have a blank check to do anything and everything that they want to do - irregardless of the quality of the experts or the value added to the defense. Where are the checks and balances here? Who authorized all of these wasteful tactics? In all of that, there wasn't a single ME to speak on her behalf.

I would be livid if I lived in Arizona. Murder1 or not, you should have to show prudence and responsible spending for your defense. Just think of the money they could have saved with ALV alone. Dr. Geffner..... $14,000 - and he was called last week????

Great post! I really hope the jury understands that premeditation can be formed in an instant - and whether the gunshot came first or the stab to the heart came first doesnt matter one bit. Everyone agrees that Travis was not dead when he was standing at the sink asperating blood into the sink with his back turned to Jodi. At that very instant she had the choice of fleeing OR premeditation by stabbing him in the back forward to him being at the very least on all fours by the entrance to the bedroom - she again had the choice of fleeing or premeditation murder and she chose to slit his throat. At those 2 instances she was not being threatened and had the ability to leave, therefore self defense IMO cannot be claimed but premeditation can be.

Couple that with ALL the other premediated facts in the case, if I was on the jury this would be a slam dunk!
AAARGH! My DH has some nerve! :maddening: The PITA wants me to pick him up from the airport this afternoon. Sheesh, he has two legs, why can't he just walk home? :giggle:

I know! The nerve! My daughter thinks I should pick her up from cheer practice too! Come on people. We only live 22 miles from the school! It will do you good. She so did not buy any of my arguments.

Tell them that back in the "old days," you had to walk 50 miles round-trip to school, in the snow, BAREFOOT. Ingrates! lol

Good morning, Websleuth peeps!
Bring on our JUAN and ONLY!

mr. dood is under orders: You wanna eat? Go get us some Chinese takeout!
(P.S. Very drizzly, gray day here in the Sunshine State. But no worries...Juan will brighten things up!)
Yeah there's totally going to be an acquittal based on that typo. Forget premeditation and lying, that typo is going to be the defining moment.

Oh wait no. The typo is not the huge mistake some of you are making it. In the grand scheme of things a typo won't matter compared to gas cans, a gun shot, stab wounds, slitting of the throat, etc etc etc.

The typo, the gun came first, the stabbing come first. Jodi's PTSD. It all is just not important to me.

Gotta quote the Court' ruling on this:
The court’s findings in August 2009 support that court’s determination the victim suffered both physically and mentally regardless of when the wounds were inflicted, and that the defendant knew or should have known that the victim would suffer.

I just want JM to repeat how everything happened. Point out how Jodi's version does not make any sense. Highlight the fact that even on the stand, she looked the jury in their EYES and lied to their faces, so I wouldn't doubt if she had lied to her so called experts. Expose her lies about the gas cans and highlight how she brutally killed a man. He should show the photos again, so the jury remembers what this is really about! No PTSD, no typos, no brain, no borderline disorder, just a jealous woman deciding that since she couldn't have this man, no one else would.
For you:

We share a birthday! Looking forward to Juan's closing, not so anxious to hear DT's.

Very good Karma that we have so much to celebrate today!!!:thewave:
I have such conflicting emotions as this trial comes to a close. I'm happy to not have to hear the DT witnesses go on and on. I'm sad because this has been my daily entertainment for 4 months and it will be over. I'm hoping like hell that TA gets his justice and JA gets death. I'm scared to death, despite a solid case, jurors might temporarily lose their minds and acquit her. I can't deal with another psychopath being free. I don't want her to ever walk out of jail. The Pinellas 12 has ruined my faith in the justice system.

I'm excited, scared, happy, sad and all this BEFORE the verdict comes out.
I think that juror meant to ask something else and just worded it really badly and embarrassingly.

Really? I thought the juror implied that the M.E. conducts autopsies and therefore doesn't deal with those who have not been significantly injured by gun shot wounds.
I made*first dress * quilts for my girls. You know,first Easter dress, first Christmas dress,etc* My poor boy got nothing,lol. Well he did just not a first dress quilt.

pillows work for anybody...:seeya:
If the jury fails to reach a verdict tomorrow, has it been decided that they will be sequestered over the weekend? Of course, I'm hoping that the GUILTY verdict comes before the end of the court day tomorrow :please:
It was, but the DT is going to hammer away at it. I just don't like them FINALLY having something against a state's witness. And DH is about as important as they come. Also with the issue if he told DF the shot was first, might snowball.

I don't worry. This jury seems smart enough to understand that a typo on a report doesn't change the outcome. Travis' brain was destroyed...of course the dura mater was damaged. His body was destroyed. The order in which it happened doesn't really matter. I hardly think any jurors were swayed by the error. It does not change anything.
since when is an exageration not a lie. In my world it has always been a lie because exageration by its nature contains a measure of untruth.

Maybe that is why the mental health world is such a disaster. ex husband would agree with that reasoning....:floorlaugh:
If Jodi's wants to go the "He was concious after I shot him" route, it actually makes the crime even MORE cruel to me. Because he was concious when you stabbed him. He was concious when you slashed his throat!

Ugh, I need to go watch Andy Griffith on YT, I'm getting worked up.
I noticed that. Between furious erasing, hair sweeps and swirling her chair to eye the audience at her 'party' she makes a good case. That's why I think the jury will hold on to Dr D's assessment of BPD. People, jurors included aren't blind. They can see that something is very wrong even if they can't label it. Dr D explained in words that rang true, what they were seeing. None of the others described JA in the least.


The characterization of the trial as a "party" is spot on. On HLN's "After Dark," they asked the question of a jury: "Does Jodi love being on trial?" or something like that.

Imo, she sees it as only fitting that the world focuses solely and exclusively on her. She doesn't care, because of her personality disorders, that it's for a negative reason. She just knows they're talking about her and looking at her, and she thinks "Yay!"

As far as the BPD, Little Missy clearly meets the criteria for not only that, but also for histrionic, narcissistic, and raving psychopath personality disorders. The DT shot themselves in the foot with that "rebuttal," and the jury is, imo, in no way fooled by Dr. G's misguided misdiagnosis. :twocents:
He's responsible for his own lack of critical thinking though. He knew he was working in a vacumm but didn't care until his ego got bruised in public.

I nearly lost it when JW stormed up the aisle to Dr H asking if he knew how important this capital case was. Take a look in the mirror sister. :banghead:

Right. on. sistah.

You can drink next to me anytime.
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