State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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If I were a juror, don't think I'd give much thought to the brain part. Going back to Travis's injuries versus JA's non injury's. End of story.

Yep. And no matter the path, he had a bullet GO THROUGH HIS HEAD. Hi, that's a pretty severe injury, which is obvious.
Did the jurors get fed at all yesterday evening? I would be so pizzzzed if I had to sit in court for 12 hours of brain muddling boring testimony AND had to work until 8pm. If they didn't get food for their troubles.... oh mang....

what i want to know is how mizz thang managed to sit in a chair and hold her head up since court went well past her absolute 'drop dead' cutoff time of 4:30 pm. how?

....whatever you do don't drink a Red Bull......:floorlaugh:

I have a 5-Hour Energy in my purse and I considered drinking it but I suddenly got a huuuge rush of adrenaline. I am not a morning person so I'm not used to this energy!
The jurors do ask silly questions sometimes. Even if the ME sees dead bodies only, he has gone to medical school and I'd assume he knew what he was talking about.

When the question regarding the ME only seeing dead persons was read my immediate reaction was HA HA great snarky question (good for prosecution), a nano second later, I thought NO terrible question (good for the defense). My thought was that someone on that jury was buying into the defense. This juror was really asking DH, how would you know what the immediate reaction of this gunshot to the brain would be since you only deal with dead persons. Later when JW asked DH if he had done research in frontal lobe injuries and DH replied thaat he has not, really made me nervous.
...Atlantic time zone...ended at midnight....stayed awake replaying everything in my mind...hippocampus overload...:floorlaugh:

But Josie1986 takes the cake I think it was 4 am in Scotalnd and she went almost til the end-the dear trooper....

Trooper indeed. I tried to watch HLN but due to it being so far behind I think I made it til around 11 ish EST. I had golfed earlier and it was 80 degrees so I was whacked. I wont miss JW's snarky voice :banghead:
well we all know jodi is going to fake cry, take her glasses on and off and feel up her *advertiser censored* all day.

wonder what she'll wear today? little bo peep? pig tails?
Beware the green shirt!
Did you all notice she didn't even attempt to fake cry yesterday when more autopsy pictures of Travis were shown?? Must have been too tired to act.
i think just about everybody in that courtroom is tired. Even the Judge was sounding worn out.
Morning, everyone! Today's the day!

I don't care about the typo and I wouldn't care even if I were a juror. I find it hard to believe anyone could be shot in the head and then proceed to yell to the person who shot you: "I'm going to *advertiser censored***** kill you", then proceed to chase them and get into hand-to-hand combat with them, so much that I could grab the knife enough to have horrendous defensive wounds on my hands. It's not reasonable. No reasonable doubt for me. Personally, I think the DT wasn't happy with the juror question. Remember, JW asked Dr. Horn if there were any errors in his report, he said no. This was her last question to him in her cross, before jury questions, I believe. I think they were going to shout that at the top of their lungs in closing.... that there was a mistake. Now, it's been corrected and explained.

(Respectfully snipped by me) One of my sons was shot in the thigh in a holdup at a pizza joint where he was working in his twenties. The pain was so intense, he immediately began screaming nonstop and nobody could shut him up. He vomited, he writhed, he swore, had a huge adrenalin jolt after which he went right into shock.

In the movies and in video games, people are shot and then just ignore it because they're so "tough" and they keep going with their reflexes and attention functioning the same as before they were shot.

In real life, you vomit, you pee, you can't hear anything, things seem like they are in slow motion, or you faint from fear. AND THAT WAS JUST A SHOT IN THE LEG from a small caliber bullet.

Incidentally, he has a small scar like a pencil from the entry wound and the exit wound scar out the other side of his leg is huge, like the size of an orange.

Most of us have never been shot, but those who have will verify that it is not a "you just keep going" experience.

She was sneaking a few peeks too, must be that morbid curiosity again. :stormingmad:

she is totally turned on by what she did...her fantasies at night never live up to the actual pictures,

she covets those photos, wants them.
I **LOVE LOVE LOVE** (did I say love?) that the jury gets instruction before closing arguments. It will leave the facts in their minds right before they go to deliberate. (it will go state, defense, STATE).

iirc in the CA trial and also the Jason Young trial the jury was given instruction after closing arguments.. I am anxiously awaiting the last word from Juan Martinez before the jury is let loose. Can you imagine how they must all be chomping at the bit to talk about all they have seen and heard?????

And this means that we will know if the judge will put manslaughter on the table. The DT has presented zero evidence that could support that charge, but case law seems to suggest that the judge has wide latitude. I truly hope she doesn't allow it, but I won't be surprised if she does.
Hi Grammies,
What are you hoping for, boy or girl? As long as she/he is healthy, that is what's important. Congratulations! Babies are so awesome. I should feel really old, having a great grand baby coming, but I don't. I am just excited for this time of my life. :)

Thanks! I know how you feel, I don't feel old either :) I'm just so excited to have a baby again in the family. When I first heard we were having a baby I was thinking girl, but after seeing those pictures I just fell in love, I'll be happy with either, I just want to hold him LOL or her. There are some good ideas here for quilts, I'm interested in the "first" dress quilt, I wonder how that's done, and what a great idea for the T-shirt pillowcases, I might give that a try. I like the idea of the rag quilt too, especially knowing where the jeans came from! That's definitely a quilt that will get passed on down :)
what i want to know is how mizz thang managed to sit in a chair and hold her head up since court went well past her absolute 'drop dead' cutoff time of 4:30 pm. how?


She didn't seem to handle it very well. I really thought she might break down at some point. Or just pass right out.
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