State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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If I were a juror, don't think I'd give much thought to the brain part. Going back to Travis's injuries versus JA's non injury's. End of story.

....I agree- I liked how lovely Dr. Hayes kept referring to "well, if there were corroborating claw and bite marks" about the tiger/bear/gopher question....

Jodi didn't have any "claw" all....
she is totally turned on by what she did...her fantasies at night never live up to the actual pictures,

she covets those photos, wants them.

Yep. And I think she relives that murder over and over and over, with glee.
If Nurmi is going to close for the DT, I anticipate that his argument will be riddled with sex, sex, and more sex. :puke: Not to mention how boring it will be :rolleyes:
After all that testimony yesterday...seems to me that now anyone who watched this trial will be able to lie on those psych tests since it was spelled out in excruciating detail how to do it and get away with it. I kept waiting for JM or someone to say that JA could have spent a lot of time studying up in advance of the tests how to act and talk.
....I agree- I liked how lovely Dr. Hayes kept referring to "we'll, if there were corroborating claw and bite marks" about the tiger/bear/gopher question....

Jodi didn't have any "claw" all....

THAT was great. For me, that was big, something that will stick in the jurors' minds.
I was very impressed that one juror, as did ws members, caught the dura mater discrepancy in the ME's report. Apparently, neither the ME nor the PT and DT caught this prior to the juror's question.

I was thinking about this Durmater (sp?) thing last night. If you recall, Wilmott was the one who first brought it up with Dr. G. When she was talking about it, I remember thinking that this sounded very "important" and like a "big deal," so I was thinking why didn't she ask Dr. Horn about it since she got multiple chances (at least 2) to ask him? This was before I knew Dr. Horn would be testifying a 3rd time. I was thinking to say that the membrane was left intact was a pretty big deal. Well, after Dr. Horn got off the seemed so strange that Wilmott NEVER ASKED HIM ABOUT IT. She had asked Geffner about something in Dr. Horn's report, but she didn't ask Dr. Horn even though it was his own report! I thought this was very strange, and made me suspicious.
During all this, Juan never said anything about what Wilmott had said. the very last juror question we got that DuraMater question...Dr. Horn looked at his report and said, oh sorry that was a typo. BINGO. Then I figured out why Wilmott had never asked Dr. Horn about it - 'cause she KNEW it was just a typo, but if she had asked it Dr. Horn would have confirmed it to the jury that it was a typo...and she wanted the jury to think that it was the truth and that the DuraMater was intact. She did not ever lead on during Dr. Geffner's questioning that she knew it was just a mistake, she lead on like it was accurate.
UGH, this just made me so mad...if I was the juror who asked that question I would seriously feel like Wilmott lied to me. I wonder if any other jurors felt this way, or thought about the reason why she never asked Dr. Horn directly when she had multiple chances to do so. To be fair, Martinez didn't clarify what she claimed, 'cause he probably didn't want to admit Dr. Horn made a mistake, so you could go either way...but the way Wilmott pushed it and pushed it with Geffner, and then turns around and essentially admits that she knew it was a typo/mistake...that was just low. She even asked Dr. Horn at the end "your report is accurate, right?", so the jurors would think that the DuraMater thing was accurate in it.
Again to be fair, Martinez has probably done some of the same things we just haven't caught it, but this one by Wilmott was actually caught by at least one juror.
what i want to know is how mizz thang managed to sit in a chair and hold her head up since court went well past her absolute 'drop dead' cutoff time of 4:30 pm. how?


I just know if I answer this one, I'll get a time out. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
what i want to know is how mizz thang managed to sit in a chair and hold her head up since court went well past her absolute 'drop dead' cutoff time of 4:30 pm. how?


I wonder as well. Given the fact she would not be interested in the Testimony.
When the question regarding the ME only seeing dead persons was read my immediate reaction was HA HA great snarky question (good for prosecution), a nano second later, I thought NO terrible question (good for the defense). My thought was that someone on that jury was buying into the defense. This juror was really asking DH, how would you know what the immediate reaction of this gunshot to the brain would be since you only deal with dead persons. Later when JW asked DH if he had done research in frontal lobe injuries and DH replied thaat he has not, really made me nervous.

dr.horn does autopsies all day long. it's not required of him to do 'research.' that was a misleading, false line of questioning by the DT. there's not an ME out there who would disagree with me either. his EXPERIENCE is what makes him valuable----he's seen 1000's of gunshot wounds to the head. dr. geffner (who's a PhD, NOT an MD) has seen

When Diane asked her if she was there that night she answered no followed by a gulp. Not evidence of guilt but a little strange. I'll look at those links during the weekend. Thank you!

Anyone know if the recent Amanda Knox interview is online?

Also, just noticed last night, does Jodi have a nose job? Sure looks different even from her first photos with Travis.
question....once jury instructions are given and then closing this when they actually pick the jurors to deliberate? when do they do this??
No, he did not. He said "it had to have been (pierced)", not that he remembered that it was. It would have been better if he said it with certainty of memory, although after 3000 autopsies, who would remember?

Still, in a high profile, capital case, that's a very glaring error, enough to possibly trip up a juror or two. Very sloppy. Yeah, I know when you edit your work, you can miss obvious things. This one is a big stinky error. I wonder if they were very aware of this contradiction, but were hoping no one would notice.

The defense team ain't on my Christmas card list, but honestly, they made a few points yesterday, and this was a big one.

I think what will be obvious to the jury is that Dr. G did not question it. When Dr. Horn said "it had to have gone through the dura mater..." that would have been something Dr. G should have mentioned when he saw those autopsy photos. I would be thinking why would Dr. G not mention this if he were such an expert???????
If Nurmi is going to close for the DT, I anticipate that his argument will be riddled with sex, sex, and more sex. :puke: Not to mention how boring it will be :rolleyes:

:seeya: You got that right ... and it will take forevvvvvvvvvver !

no more JA

thank God!

I know.

But this morning I woke up sad thinking about this. It's a given that I feel sadness for Travis and his family, but I feel sad for her too. She wasted her whole life in a fit of rage, a horrible horrible tantrum.

I don't see any victory here.

Hope this doesn't blow out the margins!
My tribute to our Juan and Only :blushing:
I want to say this also. I think that the defense has done a good job. With all they had to work with and all the overcome. I think they did as well as they could. I think their whole goal is just to save her life, not to let her walk.
I think the defense did the best they could to try to save her life but I think they sold their souls in the process. I think they're unwillingness to acknowledge Travis as the true victim will haunt their careers.

If Jodi is convicted and sentenced to death I believe we will have the defense to thank for no overturn on appeal. They have left no stone unturned even as they found their client throwing dirt at every opportunity.

Anyone know if the recent Amanda Knox interview is online?

Also, just noticed last night, does Jodi have a nose job? Sure looks different even from her first photos with Travis.

Eh, no. We call that "the Pinnocchio effect" :liar:
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