State rests rebuttal case - thread #170

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ITA. Worst case scenario, all it means is that they leave open the possibility that the shot came first. Okay, so what? In order to side with the enemy, that would mean they'd be on board with her convenient fog at the time of the knife attack. 29 stab wounds, near decapitation and no memory of it. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even if the gun first scenario is correct, with a bullet in his head, he doesn't have any tangible reaction to it. He doesn't say- "Holy ****, I've been shot?!" Doesn't try to compose himself, assess the gravity of the wound, nothing. He doesn't miss a beat, speaks perfect English via his threat on her life and keeps on charging. With a bullet in his head. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

In addition, he has NINE cluster wounds to the back, which indicate he was moving away from her. He has defensive wounds as well. If that weren't enough, she cut his throat while he was still alive AFTER the shot and AFTER the 29 stab wounds.

If a juror is legitimately willing to hang on this unicorn in the forest, totally implausible nonsense....they weren't on board with the State in the first place and nothing short of a video of the murder in real time would have satisfied them. I choose to believe they are all smarter than that.

The ME’s statement in the autopsy report that the “dura mater” was in tact is understandable but technically in error. After cutting the skull and exposing the brain the pathologist's first view is the brain enclosed by the dura mater. At that stage of the autopsy the dura is indeed in tact. At this juncture the ME could comment about the presence or absence of a hemispheric subdural or epidural hematoma.

It is only after lifting the brain out of the calvarial vault can one see the injury to the under-surface of the right frontal lobe. Horn was correct in stating a bullet wound to the right forehead will of necessity cause dural injury at the point of bullet entry.
This technicality is a source of embarrassment but not fatal.
Conversely if the dura were totally categorically in tact the gunshot into TA head would have been miraculous. This means that the gunshot fragment would have entered the right frontal fossa, then glanced off of the right frontal dura, then passed parallel along the right frontal bone inner table, then curved around the right frontal lobe, then dived out of the skull near midline at the cribiform plate.

Finally I have argued since this case began in January that the ONLY valid medical expert testimony that goes to the question of the clinical effect of a gunshot wound to the forehead would be a trauma neurosurgeon. Pathologists do NOT treat or manage gunshot wounds to the head EVER. A pathologist really is in NO position to opine about the clinical effects of a gunshot wound to the brain since he does NOT treat or manage gunshot wounds to the head. Horn expressed the common knowledge that bullet fragments tend to tumble as they traverse brain substance and cause concussive shock waves that ripple out and away from the bullet track. It is the neurosurgeon who deals with all sorts of gunshot wounds to the head that wind up being nonfatal.
That dura matter was a dinger, for sure. If one understood what it was, it's easy to positively know for sure it was not intact. I've seen clerks make mistakes often.

Leaving the word "Not" out is common. It's even done when they mail results of a medical test to can scare the beejeesies out of you.

The State knew that had to be a typo since you can't pierce the brain w/o puncturing the skin like membrane, dura mater that covers it. The DT played it to their advantage and knew when they put the psych on the stand that it was for the purpose of twisting the jury's minds about the typo. I hope the jury believed Dr. Horn and understood what the dura mater is and that it was obviously a typo.

I have seen multiple results come back to people, leaving the word "Not" out. It's a darn shame too, especially when you are getting the results of an important medical procedure.
Good morning everyone!

It's great to be here.

I hope everyone is not too tired. It is going to be a Jaunderful Day.
I think the defense did the best they could to try to save her life but I think they sold their souls in the process. I think they're unwillingness to acknowledge Travis as the true victim will haunt their careers.

If Jodi is convicted and sentenced to death I believe we will have the defense to thank for no overturn on appeal. They have left no stone unturned even as they found their client throwing dirt at every opportunity.


They may have, But I think they were willing to do whatever they had to to save her life. Can you imagine how many great experts were lining up to help them win??? Right.. that is why they had to use Samuels and ALV. This last guy was the best guy they had.

I think this defense has been grasping at straws because it was all they had and it is not their fault by their clients. This was a losing case when they got it.

I think this judge has done a great job making sure they had every opportunity to plead their case and so that there will not be an appeal.
I have been meaning to ask, is the stun belt standard equipment for defendants or just for trouble makers?

This is a terrible confession, but I will make it. I have spent the last few months seriously hoping I would get to see exactly how effective Jodi's stun belt is...:floorlaugh:
Have to say I liked Geffner in that he wasn't an obvious braggart snot like ALV was and he seemed to have agreed or conceded to things JM said. His dorkiness was kind of charming in a Mr.Mcgoo sort of way.
dr.horn does autopsies all day long. it's not required of him to do 'research.' that was a misleading, false line of questioning by the DT. there's not an ME out there who would disagree with me either. his EXPERIENCE is what makes him valuable----he's seen 1000's of gunshot wounds to the head. dr. geffner (who's a PhD, NOT an MD) has seen


Riiiight! I was stunned that he was actually comparing a learning disability or concussion to a gun shot wound! :doh:
Did you notice how nervous JA got when the milk moustache doctor mentioned that people could look up a lot of the tests on the Internet? There is no way she answered truthfully...i am sure she was concentrating on attempting to skew the results from the get go......

I sure did....her eyes were like big saucers at that moment too.
Was amazed that somehow JA didn't get a migraine or collapse from hunger yesterday. How did that happen?

She has amazing stamina. We know what she is capable of in a 24 hr period. Stays up all hrs. plotting and scheming too. Demonic?
Anyone know if the recent Amanda Knox interview is online?

Also, just noticed last night, does Jodi have a nose job? Sure looks different even from her first photos with Travis.
Her entire face has changed since her mug shot (features are much sharper now) and her pre-arrrest photos. She was much fuller in the face compared to how she looks today. I'd attribute the change to weight loss, not cosmetic surgery.
Anyone know if they're doing a late night again tonight or stopping at 4:30 per usual?
I'm curious as to what you all think Jodi's reaction will be when they read the verdict. I remember Scott Peterson just sitting there stone faced. Very telling. If I were wrongly convicted of 1st degree murder I'd be hysterical.

I'm kind of expecting Jodi to have the same reaction - she won't want to give the jury the satisfaction of breaking down in front of them. Or will she?

I'm leaning toward her sitting there with no expression on her face, then glaring at the jury as they leave.
dr.horn does autopsies all day long. it's not required of him to do 'research.' that was a misleading, false line of questioning by the DT. there's not an ME out there who would disagree with me either. his EXPERIENCE is what makes him valuable----he's seen 1000's of gunshot wounds to the head. dr. geffner (who's a PhD, NOT an MD) has seen


I agree with you but I was referring to the question asked by the juror. I just thought that one of those jurors could be buying the DT's theory that TA was not incapacitated and was questioning DH on how he would know what TA condition was since his job is autopsies.
question....once jury instructions are given and then closing this when they actually pick the jurors to deliberate? when do they do this??

Hi cam :seeya:
I was just getting ready to ask the same question ! Also, how do they go about choosing who will be juror's and who will be alternates? Do they put their names in a hat...or a gas can :giggle: and draw them out?
Surely the jury has enough confidence in Dr Horn to believe he knows the bullet would penetrate the brain based on the bullet entry and his experience.
Who knows the anatomy and placement of the head and brain better than a medical examiner? Not Dr G

I agree. The ME saw the hole in Travis' skull, he measured the depth of it and the circumference. He knows that the tip of the bullet pierced the frontal lobe based on those measurements. It's very unfortunate that the report had typographical errors. I read the report again last night and noted that there were spelling mistakes as well. Not very professional and if an admin prepared it, then that person probably needs to be retrained or fired.
I know.

But this morning I woke up sad thinking about this. It's a given that I feel sadness for Travis and his family, but I feel sad for her too. She wasted her whole life in a fit of rage, a horrible horrible tantrum.

I don't see any victory here.

JA wasted her entire life prior to murdering Travis.

She was nothing, had nothing, strived for nothing. She used men as stepping stones. Her life was wasted long before a fake 'fit of rage'. She planned the murder 'tantrum'. She floated around like a virus waiting to find a new host that she could mooch off of.

She chose not to seek mental help (even though she had those low-cost mental health brochures for Travis) She chose to never better herself. She spent $300 on fake bewbs when she could've taken a college course. GED classes are free. She is and will always be a nothing. She contributed nothing positive to this world.

Her entire face has changed since her mug shot (features are sharper). She was much fuller in the face compared to how she looks today. I'd attribute the change to weight loss.

Someone (forgot who) about 34,000 threads ago, had a really good, long post on this. Her looks have transformed. Deformed, I should say. Like her mask came off and the evil is now apparent to the naked eye.
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