State v. Bradley Cooper 3-29-11

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I think he did a very good job on direct, but this hurts his credibility because I don't find it believable. They start with the inner circle and move outward--that doesn't make him a bad cop.
Didn't he testify that he was present when Brad was discussing marital issues? He interviewed other witnesses to this, yes? Am I remembering incorrectly? How can he now say he had absolutely no suspicion of Brad? Brad had police surveillance from the get go... Are they kidding?

I agree. How can he say he didn't know about marital issues when not only did BC tell him this, but I'm sure her friends did as well. Plus he had the call from JA (mentioning they were going through divorce).
Det Young is referring to his notes, just as he did during the prosecution questioning. He has a huge binder in which he recorded everything from the beginning of this case, on 7/12/08.

If he's going to be questioned about what he knew or learned on a certain date or by a certain date, shouldn't he answer accurately? Well, he has the notes that show what he knew and when and what was discussed.

I would look up things too and not only rely on my memory. That's why one keeps voluminous notes/documents/time logs in a case, etc!
If he says that the defense proves their point of only focusing on BC.

I understand that - but it's proven policy practice to look at the spouse so who is kidding whom here? Admit it and then the state uses their time to show how thorough the police were (again). It just makes JY lose his credibility if he keeps straying from this.
Was CPD only focused on Brad Cooper on 7/12/08?


On 7/13/08?


On 7/14/08 before the body was found? They were seeing red flags, yes.

On 7/14/08 after the body was found? Yep.

On 7/15/08 when Nancy's body was identified?

YES, he was the main suspect for sure, as he should have been.

Let's remember that only TWO days elapsed from the time Nancy was reported missing and her body being found. In that time Brad had already made some statements that detectives noted. They saw red marks on his neck (and we know they didn't photograph them, but that doesn't mean they weren't there).
I swear detective McDreamy seemed so confident of himself during the prosecution case. I was actually very impressed and he seemed very truthful. However, he now sees very unsure and like he is trying his hardest not to damage the prosecution case with any of his answers. His job is to answer the questions, not protect the prosecution cae.

Damn, the buffering has begun again. :( A thought I had listening to all this. This is within the first couple days of Nancy *missing*. Could it be possible that one of the reasons this detective is assigned to *guard* might be for the safety of the two minor Cooper children? They don't really know these people, Brad & Nancy at all. Without knowing these people, what if god forbid, something happened to the children. Wouldn't it then be said 'why weren't you, CPD, *watching/protecting* them?
I don't really find the significance of Brad entering the HT parking lot from one way or the other. What am I missing? Is it just the state's timeline about the phone calls and when he entered HT and left, etc?

I don't understand the cross on this either. I never even understood why it was brought up in direct unless the travel timeline was involved to a very important extent.
Det Young is referring to his notes, just as he did during the prosecution questioning. He has a huge binder in which he recorded everything from the beginning of this case, on 7/12/08.

If he's going to be questioned about what he knew or learned on a certain date or by a certain date, shouldn't he answer accurately? Well, he has the notes that show what he knew and when and what was discussed.

I would look up things too and not only rely on my memory. That's why one keeps voluminous notes/documents/time logs in a case, etc!

I don't mind him looking at his notes, but his answers sound like a robot. He didn't sound like that during direct.
I think this is very telling. and i think the jury is now awake. no one else was ever looked at, but brad cooper. jmo
Shoot i might be wrong, but i took it as he could of dumped body on way to HT. :waitasec:

Could have. I believe he did it between prior to sunrise (6:08AM) on 7/12/2008.
The defense is trying to get him to say things to impeach other witnesses...basically try to get Young to agree to things that were not true. He is being cautious in answering because the defense is playing defense games and he knows this is how these things go.
I don't mind him looking at his notes, but his answers sound like a robot. He didn't sound like that during direct.

He's very defensive, but could also just be the adversarial relationship between cops and defense attorneys.
Darn I've missed most this stuff today because my dogs are driving me nuts; everytime someone walks by the house they shoot out the dog door like maniacs causing a scene (fenced in back yard), and I run and get them back to quiet them to calm my nerves:maddening: Sorry, off topic.....

I hope I am not the one that's irritated and apologise if I am.

Would someone please look at yesterdays part 2, around 9:02 or so, and see what is on the shelf to the left when they zoom in on the bag with the drop cloth in it . It'd driving me nuts, doesn't take much. I obsess, which drives my husband nuts:) So, I'm obsessing:crazy: I just wonder if there were several drop cloths of the same type.

You guys were talking about the friends, specifically JA. I personally am kind of a loner to a point. I have a few friends I like. I have never liked to be around many people that talk about others, not that she, JA, does, but whenever Im around "friends" that talk of others, I always think what are they saying about me to the next. I'm funny about that and it seems almost as if some of the friends that BC and NC were choosing did things I would not approve of, such as cheating amongst themselves, or talking about wanting to bed one another. Im not into that type of talk, and so I think you pick your friends. I don't mind talking about the group involved in this as I think they are already in it.

Also, for a group that was such good friends to NC, wheres the food? Maybe it was there but from what I could tell it didn't seem anyone was bringing meals over for them to eat, stuff to put in the fridge for the kids. They probably were and I just missed it, but it just seems that they would have been lined up with fruit, casseroles, things to make it easy, even if they were going to someone elses house; they still need to eat.

Sorry so long again, just ignore me if I'm a bother. Ive been watching this forum all along but just started to post and get kind of long winded.

Young was also not the lead detective--as such, he was taking orders from Daniels and others above him. His 'beliefs' about Brad are irrelevant, as far as I'm concerned. He carried out the duties he was given, documented everything as he went, maintained chain-of-custody per the policies of the dept., took notes during interviews. I don't see this witness as someone hellbent on bringing down Brad Cooper. If there hadn't been evidence found AFTER items were seized, packaged, stored, and later examined by experts, Brad would not be on trial today.
The problem with the answers during cross is that whether he is trying to be evasive or not they are coming across as being evasive.

When answering prosecution questions he offered lots of detail, lots of theory, now when answering defense questions, he was simply carrying out very simple tasks with no recollection of anything relating to the case outside of his very small scope of assignment.
The reason Young sounds evasive on defense cross is because of the way Kurtz is asking questions (or rather, making declarative statements). Kurtz is using a classic offensive style, which is designed to put out ideas the defense wants to float in the case, and try to pin it on this witness and try to get him to either agree (win) or disagree but sound like he's being defensive (also a win).

The bottomline is this:

- Did Young perform his duties in this case as assigned?
- Did he properly document items?
- Did he make sure all items seized were properly collected, transported and secured at the CPD?
- Did he follow the policies & procedures of the CPD?
- Did he document the interviews he conducted?
- Did he keep accurate notes?
- Did he complete search warrants properly?
- Did he execute search warrants properly?
- Did he do anything illegal, fabricate evidence, tamper with evidence? (no he didn't).

The state is using Young for foundation purposes. Young shows how the items were collected and transported and processed by CPD. FOUNDATION.
We're gonna have to lay in supplies, folks -- go get your toilet paper and bread NOW -- it's gonna be a lo-o-o-o-o-ong stretch. Ques-Obj-Ruling is the star of the day -- and rightly so. But both Kurtz & young Young are doing fine, as is everyone else -- a relief.
We're gonna have to lay in supplies, folks -- go get your toilet paper and bread NOW -- it's gonna be a lo-o-o-o-o-ong stretch. Ques-Obj-Ruling is the star of the day -- and rightly so. But both Kurtz & young Young are doing fine, as is everyone else -- a relief.

I'm wondering if now is a good time to take a 2 hour cleaning break?
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