State v Bradley Cooper 4/14/11

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Thank you for this explanation. It really helps! So can I ask, how different would his version really be? Would it be similiar enough? Would it contain the same information but not enough detail? Just wondering.

Also, I don't know enough to even think this could be valid, but did he save the zoomed in images so he could use the computer later to view them updated and see the site without having to go there? There were aerial searches, weren't there? Would this be easier to cover and destroy than multiple knew searches on the map?

The issue as I see it is that Kurtz wants to try to demonstrate that the information is incorrect. His experts can not recreate a scenario in which the information is incorrect because they don't have the means. They can only rely on the information as presented by the agent. MOO
good morning trial-watching friends!

quick question - are Nancy's kiddos with her sister now? I sure hope so. just finished watching her testimony. what a strong and lovely sister she is. :)
Reading the output of an MFT extraction is not going to lead to reverse engineering of NTFS.

I wouldn't see how it would either, Sleuth. Now I am a technical guy but not so much in the computer world so I rely on computer techies to answer that question. Again, I am not saying the information gleamed is wrong, just very curious from a legal standpoint. It did generate some lively discussion though.
Good Morning!

I am just now getting caught up here this morning. Remember when the trial first started and the two young women were sitting at the defense table with Kurtz and Trenkle? Judge Gessner made them move to the front row behind them. I am not sure where I heard it, but one of the young women was supposedly from the Innocence Project, and Kurtz said the other one was assisting him with looking up information. The judge made them move anyway.

I could certainly be wrong, but I think Kurtz is behind some kind of blogging campaign. I don't know why he would be, though. Kurtz had wanted his own person to film the trial in tandem with the videographer from WRAL. Maybe it was to watch later and critique his performance. IDK, but the judge denied that request as well.

There is something going on with this trial that I haven't seen in other trials. I am not even sure what it is, but I feel Kurtz has a hand in it. He wants to win at all costs, IMO.

Does anyone else have a really bad feeling that something is going on that we do not know about where the defense is concerned?


Yes, I am with you on this. Again, the appeals portion of this case will be interesting to say the least. Something is happening that we will see when it is all said and done.

Reading the output of an MFT extraction is not going to lead to reverse engineering of NTFS.

Considering that MFT and its construction contain algorithms to minimise disk fragmentation which are not at all understood by the open source community that has reverse engineered drivers for NTFS/MFT I don't know if I could make that statement for certain.
Good Morning!

I am just now getting caught up here this morning. Remember when the trial first started and the two young women were sitting at the defense table with Kurtz and Trenkle? Judge Gessner made them move to the front row behind them. I am not sure where I heard it, but one of the young women was supposedly from the Innocence Project, and Kurtz said the other one was assisting him with looking up information. The judge made them move anyway.

I could certainly be wrong, but I think Kurtz is behind some kind of blogging campaign. I don't know why he would be, though. Kurtz had wanted his own person to film the trial in tandem with the videographer from WRAL. Maybe it was to watch later and critique his performance. IDK, but the judge denied that request as well.

There is something going on with this trial that I haven't seen in other trials. I am not even sure what it is, but I feel Kurtz has a hand in it. He wants to win at all costs, IMO.

Does anyone else have a really bad feeling that something is going on that we do not know about where the defense is concerned?


Could it be that he is possibly seeing this computer data/info issue going all the way to the Supreme Court? Wants to have his own record of just what exactly went down?
I would liken this info to the gov't chasing plutonium. In a terrorist trial, the gov't can say, due to our intelligence we know that plutonium was purchased from point A and ended up at point B, our suspect. We can't disclose our sources, as it would endanger our program. The end result is that our suspect was caught with plutonium in their posession.

MOO and stuff.
Excellent counterpoint.

In this situation, it should be disallowed by both sides, and the folks at Google should be compelled to provide data that they glean FROM the MFT creation from their servers, coupled with the Cisco computers to verify.
in a perfect world there would be message boards for guilty and not guilty posters..Call it wrong but I go into every trial believing the defendant is guilty..most trials either have a grand jury or preliminary hearing...

For that reason (and this is not a personal attack), I would hope you were never on a jury. That puts the burden on the defense to prove their client innocent instead of the prosecution to prove the defendant guilty.
Good Morning!

I am just now getting caught up here this morning. Remember when the trial first started and the two young women were sitting at the defense table with Kurtz and Trenkle? Judge Gessner made them move to the front row behind them. I am not sure where I heard it, but one of the young women was supposedly from the Innocence Project, and Kurtz said the other one was assisting him with looking up information. The judge made them move anyway.

I could certainly be wrong, but I think Kurtz is behind some kind of blogging campaign. I don't know why he would be, though. Kurtz had wanted his own person to film the trial in tandem with the videographer from WRAL. Maybe it was to watch later and critique his performance. IDK, but the judge denied that request as well.

There is something going on with this trial that I haven't seen in other trials. I am not even sure what it is, but I feel Kurtz has a hand in it. He wants to win at all costs, IMO.

Does anyone else have a really bad feeling that something is going on that we do not know about where the defense is concerned?


Kurtz reminds me a bit of David Rudolph was it, working so hard to try and keep the dying womans last words out of the trial. 'my baby daddy, Rae Carruth, did this to me'. :maddening:
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Just got notes from #CooperTrial. Detective Chris Chappell is back on the stand, being cross-examined by defense attorney Howard Kurtz.
Reading the output of an MFT extraction is not going to lead to reverse engineering of NTFS.

Just to be clear, I don't wholly disagree with your point but I've also no idea if the report that any MS-blessed tools generate might also be considered under non-disclosure as well. *shrug*
Good Morning!

I am just now getting caught up here this morning. Remember when the trial first started and the two young women were sitting at the defense table with Kurtz and Trenkle? Judge Gessner made them move to the front row behind them. I am not sure where I heard it, but one of the young women was supposedly from the Innocence Project, and Kurtz said the other one was assisting him with looking up information. The judge made them move anyway.

I could certainly be wrong, but I think Kurtz is behind some kind of blogging campaign. I don't know why he would be, though. Kurtz had wanted his own person to film the trial in tandem with the videographer from WRAL. Maybe it was to watch later and critique his performance. IDK, but the judge denied that request as well.

There is something going on with this trial that I haven't seen in other trials. I am not even sure what it is, but I feel Kurtz has a hand in it. He wants to win at all costs, IMO.

Does anyone else have a really bad feeling that something is going on that we do not know about where the defense is concerned?


Interesting observation. All I know is despite the smoking gun yesterday, I don't think we've seen the last 'wow' moment of this trial yet.
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Defense asks Det. Chappell to replicate search Brad Cooper supposedly did that showed Fielding Drive images online. #coopertrial
Considering that MFT and its construction contain algorithms to minimise disk fragmentation which are not at all understood by the open source community that has reverse engineered drivers for NTFS/MFT I don't know if I could make that statement for certain.

Considering it has already been ported to Linux with full support in the open source community since 1.2 and other companies have NTFS versions for Mac users I really don't see reverse engineering as any sort of issue.
I just watched as much of the motion to strike the Thinkpad evidence as I could before my ears started bleeding from listening to the high pitched whining from the defense.

So, I will boil it down for the non-technical folks among us....

"Your honor, no fair, the state has better experts than we do..."

Kurtz argues that, in essence, there is one version of the Master File Table (MFT) for the prosecution, and one for the defense. This is not true on the face of it. If the defense was given a disk image of the computer, they have the same MFT. They might lack the exact tools used by the FBI to extract and interpret that information, but they do have it.

Different tools might give different outputs, I know, shocker right? A hammer gives different results than a screwdriver, but that is to be expected. In essence, Kurtz is asking the prosecution to help with the defense case by spelling out the extracted data, in the same format, and explaining what it means, so he can take potshots at it.

That is how our legal system is set up, it is a check and balance.
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Det. Chappell says he'd be happy to replicate it, but you can't compare the search Brad did in 2008 with a search now. #coopertrial
Considering it has already been ported to Linux with full support in the open source community since 1.2 and other companies have NTFS versions for Mac users I really don't see reverse engineering as any sort of issue.

Mac uses the same open source NTFS driver as Linux... neither of which deal with fragmentation in the same exact way MS does. But you're exactly right, all the cluster pointers *should* behave the same way.
in a perfect world there would be message boards for guilty and not guilty posters..Call it wrong but I go into every trial believing the defendant is guilty..most trials either have a grand jury or preliminary hearing...

Couple of comments on North Carolina grand jury procedures. NC is one of only two remaining states that don't record (in any form) grand jury procedures. The prosecution gets to choose who testifies and the defendant has no rights. There is no doubt in my mind that PD lied to the grand jury in the Duke Lacrosse case. But, it's secret and not recorded so there is little (but not none) proof. One of the police officers slipped up and testified at Nifong's Bar hearing what he told the GJ and there is proof that what he said is a lie. ANYWAY... there are very good reasons that they say in North Carolina that a Grand Jury could convict a ham sandwich of murdering a pig... (or something like that). I give no weight to the fact that someone is indicted by a grand jury...
Could it be that he is possibly seeing this computer data/info issue going all the way to the Supreme Court? Wants to have his own record of just what exactly went down?

I agree. Possibly the def is working on the belief that without this evidence there would be doubt, enough to cause a not guilty verdict. Without both sides having the 'tool' to do their own type of research the computer evidence is not valid in the case.

I would agree with the Defense on that in the end. This is, so far, for me, the most concrete evidence.

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